Jacob Graham, 20, from Norris Green in Liverpool appeared at Manchester Crown Court earlier (22 February 2024) where he was convicted of the following offences:
• Preparation of terrorist acts, contrary to section 5(1)(b) of the Terrorism Act 2006
• Two counts of dissemination of terrorist publications, contrary to Section 2 of the Terrorism Act 2006
• Four counts of possession of material likely to be useful to a terrorist, contrary to Section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000

Jacob Graham
Jacob Graham was arrested on Friday 26 May 2023 under section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000 by officers from Merseyside Police and Counter Terrorism Policing North West.
The warrant which was carried out at his address on Outer Forum in Merseyside was executed as part of an investigation into purchases of chemicals that could have been used to make explosives.
As the investigation into Graham’s activities progressed, officers reviewed his media devices and identified that he had collected a huge number of manuals, instructions and publications, which focused on providing instructions for the manufacture of firearms, ammunition and explosives; some of which were printed out and stored in a folder in his home.
Graham was found to have constructed a document entitled ‘Freedom Encyclopaedia’ and shared it with contacts over the internet.

Forensics examining a package buried by Graham
This was a manual filled with instructions on how to build weapons, including shotguns, nail bombs, explosives, including Black Powder (also known as gunpowder) and plastic explosive; ignition devices and instructions on how the perpetrators might evade the police.
This document contained an opening paragraph that described the book being written for ‘misfits, social nobodies, Anarchists and Terrorists’ and the prosecution argued he intended this to assist others in committing their own acts of terrorism and that Graham was motivated both by hatred of the government and ecological concerns.
The court also heard how Graham had sent instructional documents on construction of explosives and a home-made submachine gun to online contacts and in doing so was reckless as to whether they would provide assistance in the commission of acts of terrorism.
Graham was found to be not guilty on one additional charge on the indictment, that he had himself engaged in conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism.
The jury heard evidence that Graham had written a document setting out his plan to commit a bombing campaign with the aim of killing 50 or more people, and that he had then gone on to acquire chemicals and experiment with construction of explosives.
Graham has been remanded into custody until Monday 18 March for sentencing.
Andy Meeks, Counter Terrorism Policing North West Superintendent, said:
“I hope this investigation offers some reassurance to the public as it highlights the great proactive work our officers do to identify extremist activity.
“Online extremism is a growing threat and this case sadly is a prime example; where a young man from Merseyside has become radicalised online, without ever having left his bedroom.
“He shared extreme content online recklessly and without any regard for who received his instructions or for what purpose.
“He even went so far as to say he intended this material to be instructional to other terrorists. In communications with unknown users online, Graham was found to have been encouraging and inciting terrorist activity, he also shared information, downloaded bomb making instructions and encouraged others to take part in acts of violence.

Jacob Graham’s bedroom
“This online activity is dangerous and can rightly carry a heavy prison sentence to ensure our communities are kept safe. If you are engaging in similar behaviour online, know this is not a victimless crime and you could face arrest and many years in prison.
“I also want to encourage the public to report any possible extremist activity as soon as possible. I understand how difficult this decision might be but if you have suspicions, you must report them sooner rather than later. Reporting won’t ruin lives but it could save them.”
Was the motivation eco-terrorism?
It made reference to that. Sad that youngsters like this are being pushed so far they adopt that mentality.
What do you mean when you say “being pushed so far” in what and by whom are you alluding to?
General radicalisation. Usually a psychological response to a dissatisfaction with the status quo. I can understand it in say a Provo or Isil type with a perceived history of being wronged. These guys are something recent though, maybe that’s why Andrew Tate has such appeal? Nothing like a teenage mind for sowing ideas is there?
I doubt someone with ecological concerns is going to listen to Tate.
Eco was just one small bit, he hated the world and blamed our society for his ills, the rich, scrounger immigrants, his college..he had a wide range of hates…just a very sad boy who was feed an internet full of hate….
The other day a load of “protestors”, did gain access to the council chamber in Liverpool shouting angry protestors screamed “councillors are going to hang” in an outburst at Liverpool Town Hall.’ according to the Echo. I wonder how close this is related to them.
I think people take their anger too far these days, civil discourse, reason, patience, and many other social skills and nuances are lost on them.
If they continue the act like thugs then the only thing they will get from any government are draconian laws.
“the book being written for ‘misfits, social nobodies, Anarchists and Terrorists’”
Ah yes, the types of people who vote for George Galloway.
Thats democracy in all its glory 😂
I still cannot understand how that man was voted in
he was a supporter of Saddam Hussein, even visiting in 1994 and saying what a wonderful leader he was…infact he was suspended from parliament as on probabilities it was found:
“we agree with the Commissioner that there is strong circumstantial evidence that the Oil for Food Programme was used by the Iraqi government, with Mr Galloway’s connivance, to fund the campaigning activities of the Mariam Appeal”
He is a supporter of Russia and blames the west for the invasion of Ukraine, an antisemitism individual to his heart.
Ahhh, of course. I’d forgotten the Saddam Visit, I’m old enough to remember that, should have recalled that one.
Yes I’m a believer in freedom of speech but he really should not be an MP to be honest….in a different age he would have been branded something unpleasant for his activities.
A neurotic teenage amateur: the real ones are not so obliging as to announce their presence by going on to the intertubes. You only find out about the real ones, when something goes pop.
Does he have Aspergers and special needs? He looks it.
Jesus Christ dude..
I’m sorry? Many of these introverted types that have gone on to get involved in this sort of thing have that.
And he looks very much like others I know who have that condition.
That is why I mentioned it and I was not meaning to cause offence, sorry.
i thought he looked like “Eddie the Eegle” personally….. Maybe it was just the Glasses though…..
My wife works in that field so I’ve seen many with that condition, and he reminded me of those I’d met.
Also as 20 year old, and with a Teddy Bear on the bed caught my eye.
I clearly offended T which wasn’t the intent.
It looks like he was a vulnerable sad little boy who hated the world and blamed everyone for his unhappiness…basically a bit of an incel type really. Hated scrounges, immigrants, his college, the government, society, everyone causing environmental Damage, rich people, middle class people..etc
sadly a toxic mix of a society leaving him behind and an internet full of hate that he absorbed and then he screamed his own despairing voice into.
and now he will be imprisoned as a terrorist and has destroyed his life, cases like this make me profoundly sad for our society. As he’s really done nothing to anyone ( yet) I feel sorry for him in a way, I’m not a get lover of punishment for crimes that people might to..just what they have done…people like him should be placed in a supportive environment and helped…not destroyed…after all when he comes out of prison what will he then be.
As always, a sobering, thought provoking post from you J.
You’re right of course, prison should also be about rehabilitation and so often it’s not and people re offend.
Do I feel sorry for him? If he is indeed special needs like I perhaps mistakenly suggested, then yes. Otherwise, not really, he must know what is good and right and that most certainly isn’t.
If anything, he was also naive. If one peruses stuff like that online it will be picked up.
Bit of background detail regards that. The NTAC, National Technical Assistance Centre, assists the CTP, NCA, and the SS in tracking this sort of stuff online.
Also, way way back in my teens when I first started studying the military, intelligence stuff, I was a member of the “Military Book Society” which I’d use to purchase reading material.
One month, one of their offerings listed was “The Anarchists Cook Book” I kid you not!
Needless to say I didn’t go there. I’d imagine the dark web is the home for that stuff now but back in the mid 80s it was freely available from a reputable book company.
The Anarchists cook book…a book designed for middle America to rise up and combat…well everyone really.
interesting fact it was written by an angry young man after he was drafted into Vietnam war..as a less angry slightly more mature man he became religious and travelled the world trying to support peace and for Atonement for writing the book set up a number of charities to support special needs…from 1976 to his death in 2016 he continuously campaigned to get the book band and removed…but he had sold the rights to a publisher who just kept publishing..it has sold 2 million copies but the author received very little as he stopped getting royalties after 1976…
second interesting fact..owning a copy of the book in the UK will get you prosecuted under the 2020 Terorism act..unless you have a valid reason for owning it….but it’s legal everywhere else.
Fascinating, didn’t know any of that. A well known publication.
Good job i didn’t purchase in the 80s then!
Can you imaging getting done on the terrorism act..because you had a random book on your book self you had purchased 40 years ago…that would be really unfortunate…I wonder how many copies are on shelves or in second hand bookshops…and people have no idea.
Loads. As my mate and I were laughing at the title so much could easily have bought it just for that.
Looks like a mental issue to me.