The £1m contract tender details a 4-year framework agreement for the supply of camouflage face paint.

According to the contract tender notice:

Babcock Land Defence Ltd – acting as agent to the UK Ministry of Defence (“the Authority”) – has under consideration a 4 year Framework Agreement for the Supply of Camouflage Face Paint. Please see the complete list on the Supporting Documents tab of the Pre Qualification Questionnaire.

The item within the scope of requirement is codified to a NATO Stock Number (NSN) 6850998862850, Specification Number: UK/SC/5772 Issue 6. Babcock Land Defence Ltd reserve the right to add further items of a similar nature to the contract post award. Expressions of interest to participate in this requirement are to be submitted on Defence Sourcing Portal (DSP) by completing the PQQ. The PQQ shall be assessed on DSP using the selection criteria given within the PQQ and within each question.

It is the intention of the authority to down-select between 5 and 10 economic operators who will be invited to tender. Only those suppliers who provide all mandatory information and are not subject to a mandatory exclusion will be invited to tender. In accordance with the Government’s transparency agenda, the Authority shall publish the Tender and Contract documents online. Prospective contractors are required to hold Quality Management System certification to ISO 9001 or suitable alternative, with the appropriate scope to deliver contract requirements, issued by a Nationally Accredited Certification Body.

You will be required to provide a copy of the certificate(s) as directed by any Dynamic Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (DPQQ) or Invitation to Tender (ITT) associated with this Notice, and in any event, the winning supplier will be required to provide it for review prior to contract award.

Further guidance shall be provided with the ITT. No business whatsoever is guaranteed under any resulting framework agreement or contract indeed there is no guarantee that any framework agreement or contract will be put in place in relation to this notice. No compensation etc. will be paid if a tender or resulting framework agreement is withdrawn for any reason. Bidders should take part in this process only on the basis that they fully understand and accept this position”

Bidding closes on the 22nd of May this year.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. i do not see the point of wasting money on cam cream, the army issued stuff was and has always been rubbish, covered your face in spots and blackeheads, it was always best to buy your own.

    • Always did.myself, but the stuff they issue now is exactly the same that used to be bought by squaddies .Small plastic case 4 colours and a Mirror in the lid., the single colour crap (Black) which also stunk awful has long gone.

      • Seriously, there is no point in buying your own camcream, it’s ridiculous, and blokes shouldn’t have to reach into their own pockets to supply basic kit that they’re expected to use on ranges and ex.

        • Agreed, yet still the army fail to provide us with the basics, such as boot polish or razors, which are basic items that we must use daily.

          • Camcream is essential to the job and potentially dangerous if not used (in an actual conflict).

            Boot polish I can see an argument for, as the armed forces treat it as a requirement, but it’s not necessarily essential.

            You can buy your own razors like everybody else!

  2. I never used MOD issue as it was shite, and I’m going back to 1979 and the early mid 80’s. Plenty of the lads used to buy their own, as it was cheap enough, and you could/can get it from just about anywhere.

    You can still pick it up on ebay for £5 or so. (with postage) A million pound contract, so they are going to buy 200,000 lots are they? and do what with them… probably flog them off to surplus stores in a few years time.

    Now if it were Boots, or Max Factor who got the contract, those using it might even get some better ‘jollop’ to put on their faces, without getting zits and whatever else.

    Yet another back hander to ‘friends of’. Frankly I think its yet another outrageous waste of taxpayers money.

  3. There’s a large dairy farm down the road with over a hundred cows. Plenty of cow muck, dirt, grass etc. and with the addition of different colours of cheap boot polish, I think I’ll put a bid in for the contract!

  4. If the contract went to a Scottish based firm would the deal be called the “Mac’s Factor”…? 🙂

    Sorry everyone. I’ll get my coat…

    • Tartan cam cream could be a catchy little number But not Mel Gibson please Sorry I’ll join yer

  5. Face paint? Just yoink a couple of Russian lorries and you’ll get some for free! They have massive stockpiles of face paint dating back to WW2 as they need to keep the clowns supplied.

  6. Only £1-2 per year per head.

    They’ll be disappointed.

    Does it come with pre-inserted stripes, like toothpaste?

  7. Why use Babcock as a middle man agent? Why not just do a repeat order of the current cam cream instead of doing all the bureacratic new contract stuff. We use the current issue item in the ACF and its fine – and our teenagers are very prone to zits but its not a problem.

    • Good point Graham zitty little Jnrs in Cam cream they’re be Ambulance chasing Lawyers claiming facial deformity writs against the MOD for Non application of Clearisol

  8. THe Buyers at the Mod are just lazy , the Apaches would supply gallons of face paint FOC in exchange for a a few blankets GS1.s and coloured beads
    So wake up \mod and get active

  9. Listen to all of you, you made a personal choice because it made you skin itch ,

    while the bullets flew passed,

    and you wonder whats wrong.

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