The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has issued a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to initiate pre-market engagement for the competitive procurement of 40mm grenades valued at approximately £150 million.

This procurement effort aims to gather crucial information to shape a future market engagement strategy and service requirements for Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S).

The process, which is expected to commence in the second quarter of 2024, will explore market capabilities for providing a comprehensive suite of 40mm grenades, including both high-velocity and low-velocity variants.

The estimated contract value ranges between £134 million and £165 million.

The MOD’s Defence General Munitions (DGM) team is considering options for the provision of the 40mm suite of grenades from June 2025 onwards.

According to the notice, the procurement will include:

40 x 53mm HV Grenades:

    • High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP)
    • Practice Impact
    • Inert

40 x 46mm LV Grenades:

    • High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP)
    • Illumination (both visual and IR)
    • Smoke Screening
    • Practice Impact
    • Inert

The MOD is actively seeking feedback from potential suppliers on the proposed contract strategy. This includes interest in a five or seven-year hybrid framework, with the first three years being fixed. Subsequent years would be based on a flexible framework approach, using a base price and index to assess the price at the start of each fiscal year.

“This PIN is being issued to understand market research and the potential suppliers’ feedback to our proposed strategy,” the notice states. DE&S welcomes interest from individual suppliers or prime contractors capable of managing the total requirement.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


    • A lot! I think approx retail price per grenade can’t be more than £600-700 each at the max.
      Useful as Russian armoured vehicles tend to cook up when hit by anything moderately impactful. So a under the barrel grenade launcher suddenly becomes very useful.
      Might also be useful against drones as there are shotgun and flechette types of 40mm grenades available.

  1. They could try ‘Big Daddy Ordnance’. Apparently they sell 40mm grenades and the launchers too. Only through their Facebook page though. You gotta love America.🤣

  2. There is a company in South Africa that manufactures low-velocity extended range 40mm grenades that can be fired from any grenade launcher, including the under barrel the BA has in use and are effective to 750m, unlike the current LV which only flies 350m!

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