Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, and Slovenia jointly opened the Multinational Special Aviation Programme at a ceremony in Zadar, Croatia on Wednesday.

NATO say in a release that the training centre is dedicated to training air crews responsible for transporting Special Operations Forces.

“The Multinational Special Aviation Programme epitomizes what NATO stands for – Allies achieving more together than they ever could individually,” said Assistant Secretary General Grand.

“By committing to training the next generation of Special Operations Forces aviation crews in one place, you – the participants – are laying the foundations for ever more seamless joint operations.”

The location in Zadar offers training opportunities for helicopter crews in various geographic settings – including in the mountains, at sea and on islands.

“The Multinational Special Aviation Programme is supported by the NATO Special Operations Headquarters, and benefits from informal ties with the Special Operations aviation communities of selected Allies. This cooperation of Special Operations Forces is unique in NATO.

By applying NATO standards, it will increase interoperability amongst the participants, throughout the Alliance and with NATO partners. As such, additional Allies and partner nations may decide to join MSAP in the future, which could lead to a further expansion of the centre’s scope.”

NATO say that the training centre will start work in 2020 with academic training, before flight training begins in 2021.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. Tip for the day:
    When abseiling out of a helo, ensure that you position yourself to the front of the queue and not the rear.

      • Daniele,
        Good afternoon, and Merry Christmas.

        In answer to your question, as people leave a hovering chopper, it gets lighter and starts to rise, if the pilot isn’t switched on, the last few men can face a much higher drop. I’ve seen squaddies drop at least 16 feet onto the ground.

          • If you are at the front you can get off the rope quickly without someones size tens hitting you on your head. Swarming on a rapid rope thats 120ft long can end up in a big pile of people on the floor if you get it wrong.

            Watch the video of the “Elite”IRG swarming when they boarded the UK tanker … they got it wrong and had a pile up on the deck.


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