NATO Deputy Secretary General Radmila Shekerinska has welcomed renewed European commitments to defence investment and closer cooperation with NATO, during an address to the European Parliament’s Security and Defence Committee (SEDE) on 20 March, according to a press release.
Shekerinska commended European nations for stepping up defence spending, enhancing capabilities, and improving readiness, while reaffirming that the transatlantic relationship remains the cornerstone of European security. Addressing Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), she stressed the importance of a strong European pillar within NATO.
During her speech, Shekerinska mentioned that NATO and the European Union are “natural and indispensable partners”, urging further cooperation on defence production, innovation, and military mobility. She highlighted the EU’s economic leverage as a key tool for boosting defence production in alignment with NATO’s military plans and standards.
She also stressed the importance of including non-EU NATO Allies in European defence initiatives, ensuring broader coordination within the Alliance. Shekerinska welcomed the ReArm Europe plan, which aims to strengthen European defence production, as well as ongoing European support for Ukraine.
In a context of increasing security threats, Shekerinska underlined the critical role of NATO and the EU in maintaining stability. “Keeping our people safe is our most sacred duty,” she told MEPs, highlighting the need for continued investments in deterrence, defence spending, and the defence industry.
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I remember NATO criticising everyone in the early 2000’s under lord Robertson for having too much ASW capability, combat air and tanks and not having enough expeditionary capability to back America up in its colonial ventures in the Middle East.
Now the criticism is the other way around. NATO is full of shit and at this point little more than a US stooge with no real idea of what its master wants.
Time for a new NATO that is 100% focused on European and North Atlantic defence and only has members 100% committed to that goal.
NATO without the US (or a much-reduced role) must retain a ‘one for all policy’ or the whole edifice will fall like a house of playing cards.
Yes I agree, it should have joint assets but allow for these to be deployed on a majority vote basis rather than NATO unanimous vote requirement.
I have some sympathy with the US position, although not with some of the antics that have got us here.
Why should they pay for Europe’s defence while running up a 2 trillion dollar annual deficit. They need to cut their defence bill, while focusing on what they believe threatens them more closely, i.e. China.
Europe has failed to act, only now doing so because of overt threats from The White House. We only have ourselves to blame. If we had done more then maybe the US wouldn’t be threatening the end of NATO. I don’t think that will happen, as long as Europe steps up and does its’ bit. We do however need to be ready in case they do.
The regrettable thing about all this is that Ukraine will likely pay a high price, not only because of Trump’s eagerness to make a deal, but because Europe is not capable of stepping up. We need to learn lessons and rebuild, not only our own defence industries, but Europe’s too. We need to be capable of defending our continent and not blindly expect tax payers from over the pond to do it for us.
NATO can and should survive, but on a more equal footing between the US and Europe.
The US has never really “paid for European defence” though. During the Cold War the US was investing in a Market that it used to sell it’s goods, and as soon as the European economies recovered in the 50’s and 60’s it was Europe, not the US that provided the majority of NATO forces in Europe.
After the Cold War European defense spending did drop, but that was directly due to there being no threat to European security. From 1991 to 2020 the only thing European powers where using their militaries for was to back up American overseas adventures, if anything, Europeans where underwriting American security in blood, rather than the US paying for European security. Even then, European defence spending largely ended up in the coffers of US defence corporations.
Trump’s actions have gotten Europe to spend more on it’s defence industrial base, but it’s going to cost the US MIC dearly, and the US is going to be financially worse off since, and this surprises most who buy into Trumps anti-NATO rhetoric: US defence spending in the 21st century has little to do with European Security, and everything to do with the US wanting to fight expeditionary wars in South America, the Middle East and Asia.
Europe has more soldiers that America and China combined. I still never understand this Americas paying for anyone’s defence. No one else has ever enacted article 5.
It’s Republican propaganda, it’s also worth remembering that 1/3rd of Americas apparent defence spending goes on health insurance and veteran benefits which don’t count as defence spending in the UK
Hello Jim, I’m not going to argue with your perceived numbers but I do think you might have got that statement slightly wrong…… Were you actually referring to actual Men in Arms or the potential numbers ? I think you will find that China has a fairly overwhelming number of soldiers at the moment. I know you stated that China’s population will fall from 1.4,000.000 over the next 75 years to just 700,000,000 but even then, they would have a larger reserve than our current levels.
It’s not more than America and China combined, but the EU, if it combined all it’s member state armies into one, would still have about 2 million active duty personnel, which is more than the US and at least comparable to the active duty force China has.
The Yanks can only be wholly in or wholly out of NATO and the sooner that inevitable decision is made the better. Europe and UK are talking big and spending little hoping it will all go away when or if Trump goes but I fear the Yanks have shown their true colours as they slide into an oligarch based “democracy” exactly like Russia.
I strongly believe that France, UK and Italy should form the backbone of defence in Europe, I’d Like to see AUKUS, CANUKUS and FUKIT work together to provide the World with a powerful answer to the Chinese, Russian, Aggressive Pact (CRAP).
Ha 🤣
Sofa, why do you not consider that Poland and Germany should also be part of this backbone?
Probably the best we can hope for.
I think it’s somewhere in Thailand.