This statement was issued by the North Atlantic Council, Brussels, 1st of February 2019 on Russia and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

“Following nearly six years of U.S. and Allied engagement with Russia, on 4 December 2018, NATO Allies declared that Russia has developed and fielded a missile system, the 9M729, which violates the INF Treaty, and poses significant risks to Euro-Atlantic security.  Allies strongly supported the finding of the United States that Russia is in material breach of its obligations under the INF Treaty and called upon Russia to urgently return to full and verifiable compliance.

Since that announcement, the United States and other Allies have remained open to dialogue, and have engaged Russia on its violation, including at a NATO-Russia Council meeting on 25 January 2019. Allies regret that Russia, as part of its broader pattern of behaviour, continues to deny its INF Treaty violation, refuses to provide any credible response, and has taken no demonstrable steps toward returning to full and verifiable compliance.

As a result, the United States is suspending its obligations under the INF Treaty in response to Russia’s material breach, and is providing the requisite six-month written notice to Treaty Parties of its withdrawal under Article XV of the INF Treaty. The United States is taking this action in response to the significant risks to Euro-Atlantic security posed by Russia’s covert testing, production, and fielding of 9M729 ground-launched cruise missile systems. Allies fully support this action.

Unless Russia honours its INF Treaty obligations through the verifiable destruction of all of its 9M729 systems, thereby returning to full and verifiable compliance before the U.S. withdrawal takes effect in six months, Russia will bear sole responsibility for the end of the Treaty.

NATO continues to closely review the security implications of Russian intermediate-range missiles and will continue to take steps necessary to ensure the credibility and effectiveness of the Alliance’s overall deterrence and defence posture. We will continue to consult each other regularly with a view to ensuring our collective security.

Allies are firmly committed to the preservation of effective international arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation. Therefore, we will continue to uphold, support, and further strengthen arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation, as a key element of Euro-Atlantic security, taking into account the prevailing security environment.

We continue to aspire to a constructive relationship with Russia, when Russia’s actions make that possible.

We urge Russia to use the remaining six months to return to full and verifiable compliance to preserve the INF Treaty.”

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago

It fails to comply with Euro 5 Emissions

I think that’s It..

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago

Other possible replies include,
They have something We don’t.
It’s all part of the plan.
They are developing Hypersonic weapons and Nuclear powered and tipped Torpedo’s.
It gives us ammo to introduce Sanctions.
It puts pressure on Mr Putin.

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago

In Times of trouble mate, You’d probably be wise to rely on me. Think Bear Grills, Ray Mears, Doc Holliday, H from Steps and the bloke from Master Chef with the silly accent. and you’d not go far wrong in the event of War.

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago

Steps are a British Pop Group, H is my Hero. Doc Holiday was one of the Characters In one of my Favorite Films. He was Fast as Fook on the Draw and a fellow “Lunger”.

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago

Lunger, not just Lung cancer mate.

6 years ago

They cannot be detected quick enough, thus giving Russia a first strike capability in the European theatre

6 years ago
Reply to  Topboy

Yes. If the chain of command fails and the sub can’t raise it, and believe the UK has been attacked he and his XO open the ‘letter of last resort’ from the PM and make a decision on the recommendations in that.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
6 years ago
Reply to  HF

Don’t they listen out for Radio 4 too? Or something like that.

6 years ago

yep – other normal indicators as well. The USN has similar procedures, though their comms are much more resilient.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
6 years ago

Didn’t it used to be called the 4 minute warning?

I’m sure our procedures are quite resilient myself. Especially our comms.

It’s not all backbone towers now.

6 years ago

‘Didn’t it used to be called the 4 minute warning?’

Yes, but it was actually nearer 3 minutes. As for RN comms do we have an equivalent to the US TACAMO system ?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
6 years ago

No airborne “Looking Glass” planes that I’m aware of. Anthorn, Skelton and Inskip are all involved in communicating with the submarine fleet, using VLF transmitters. Anthorn being a NATO site I believe. Rugby and Criggion long gone. Comms elsewhere in the country are fibre Optic and run in secure ducts, so harder to intercept and survivable if they are routed away from main population centres. Many MoD sites still have the Boxer towers, but most of the microwave communication dishes on them have gone, as have most of the associated Uniter Bunkers. Orders for our subs could come from 2… Read more »

6 years ago

‘Failing all that the letter of last resort, with nothing in it if Corbyn gets his mitts on it’ Good point but as there is no PAL system there’s nothing to stop them doing what they think is right – which would probably mean US command or Australia. Jim Callaghan’s letter ordered retaliation but Denis Healey (as Defence Secretary) was appointed a ‘nuclear deputy’ in case the PM was incapacitated and said he wouldn’t have ordered retailiation as there would have been no point, as deterrence had failed – which is understandable as long as you don’t tell anyone that’s… Read more »

andy reeves
6 years ago
Reply to  Topboy

yes it must have, they put them everywhere else

6 years ago

One ominous development that concerns me, is the mindset of contemplating the use of low yelled nuke warheads fitted to such advanced systems. Tactical nuke deployment is nothing new, remember ‘Honest John.’ but that was primarily a battlefield weapon. These new missiles and the like, could be targeted against industrial targets, which broadly means civilians. The use of such a weapon would not qualify for an all-out thermal nuclear exchange, which now appears to be an outdated scenario. If low yelled nukes are used, I believe reluctant acceptance after much protest, would be the most likely outcome as with chemical… Read more »

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago
Reply to  maurice10

(Yield). sos.!!!

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago

It’s the Translator in me !!!!

6 years ago

I’m glad you spotted that P Wash, I was wondering who would spot my deliberate mistake? Quote; Captain Mainwaring.

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago
Reply to  maurice10

I only was able to spot it after the Second Deliberate mistake !!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  maurice10

Well, talking of Dad’s Army…..we’re doomed…doomed I say!

6 years ago
Reply to  maurice10

“When will the United Nations have the tools to stop such idiocy?” – Never and I would sooner drop one of those tactical nukes on their headquarters before I ever considered it a good idea to give that batch of hyenas any power.

6 years ago
Reply to  Elliott

What did NY do to deserve that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Elliott

Collateral damage.

6 years ago
Reply to  Elliott

Harsh very harsh

6 years ago

This new weapons race may work for us as Russia cant really afford it, This could be putins first major mistake strats wise.

Rob T
Rob T
6 years ago
Reply to  dave12

Other chickens are coming home to roost as well. Aside from the disastrous sinking of their only large dry dock, they have also made a complete pigs ear of the Su-57 project.

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago
Reply to  Rob T

I heard they sank the dock whilst trying to land the SU-57 on the Deck. Apparently, despite Trials in the Eastern Med, They failed to land a single aircraft successfully.

Might be wrong though.
]There was rumour that Thick Black Belching Smoke was partially to blame.

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago
Reply to  Rob T

Nope, but they do Roast pretty well !

Nathan Dale
6 years ago

Does this give the US an advantage in handling China now which the treaty previously limited?

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago
Reply to  Nathan Dale

YES, IT DOES. ( sorry for shouting btw. )

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
6 years ago
Reply to  Nathan Dale

That’s the whole point of withdrawal.

They are concerned with Chinese missiles.

6 years ago

Exactly. The Pentagon really doesn’t give a damn about Putin’s missile. This was just a excuse to build longer range tactical cruise missiles for the Pacific.

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago
Reply to  Elliott

Finally, We got to the real reason.

6 years ago

Rear Gunner,
The US claims this missile exceeds the 500km limit for a ground based missile

captain P Wash.
captain P Wash.
6 years ago

If Anyone Is still reading this thread, go to YouTube and search “The Last Broadcast”. It’s pure fiction but kind of Worrying too.