Naval Striking Forces NATO will execute a Transfer of Authority, assuming command of more than 5,000 U.S. Sailors and Marines assigned to the USS Bataan Amphibious Readiness Group (ARG) plus British and allied units.

The TOA – which takes place in parallel to NATO’s exercise Steadfast Defender 2024 – brings joint vigilance and Deterrence and Defense (DDA) activities from USS Bataan ARG’s assets, alongside elements of NATO Maritime Command Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNGM 2), and the Turkish Navy.

Individual participating units consist of USS Bataan (LHD 5), USS Carter Hall (LSD 50), USS Mesa Verde (LPD 19), USS Arleigh Burke (DDG 51), and RFA Argus (A153).

Turkish Naval Forces, operating under national colors, will provide TCG Gemlik (F492) and TCG Gelibolu (DD-484) as a vital part of this joint engagement.

According to a U.S. Navy statement:

“Concerted, collaborative efforts such as the seamless transition of national assets to NATO reinforce the interchangeability of Allied Forces and the agility of Allied command and control structures. This transfer of authority constitutes a tangible, transparent display of advanced capabilities in the maritime domain and the defensive commitment of the NATO Alliance across Supreme Allied Commander Europe’s (SACEUR) Area of Responsibility. Emphasising DDA as NATO’s foundational pillars, these interactions serve as the perfect stage to display formidable capabilities via agile military forces, all the while testing the ability to conduct a short-notice transfer of authority. Transferring Allied units to NATO’s control has become a regular function for STRIKFORNATO, a fact that speaks to the organisation’s role within the DDA family of plans.

It is important to clarify that these vigilance activities are distinct from Steadfast Defender 2024, NATO’s most significant exercise in decades. STRIKFORNATO, headquartered in Oeiras, Portugal, is Supreme Allied Commander Europe’s premier, rapidly deployable and flexible, maritime power projection Headquarters, capable of planning and executing full spectrum joint maritime operations. For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S. Naval Forces Africa (NAVEUR-NAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with allies and partners, leveraging a foundation of shared values to preserve security and stability.”

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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ABCRodney (@guest_798332)
4 months ago

They actually announced this on the 26th not today. And the Bataan ARG is supposed to be going back to the US next month as they have been deployed since July. Wonder why now ?

SailorBoy (@guest_798339)
4 months ago

For George and the rest of the UKDJ team: Why are articles more grouped together recently? There were several articles today, none yesterday and more the day before, which makes it difficult to “keep up” and find the time to read all of the news the day it comes out. Some of the news also appears to be, from dates in the articles, from a few days before so it would be easy to spread them out. I would understand if it’s due to your work cycle or part-timing but I would like to know why. Thanks in advance if… Read more »

Frank62 (@guest_798347)
4 months ago

I hope George is well as he’s been absent a couple of days. Hopefully just taking a few days rest, well earned.
We must retain UK amphibious capabilities & build a larger escort fleet so we can support NATO better. Supporting NATO supports UK defence. If we’ve cut so far that we have a tiny contribution, then I think we’re failing in our own defence, NATO support & as a permanent member of the UN security council.

FieldLander (@guest_798370)
4 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

‘Build a larger escort fleet’, the most unlikely thing I have read today.

Frank62 (@guest_798379)
4 months ago
Reply to  FieldLander

Current RN orders already underway will grow our tiny escort fleet from 13 later this year to 24 once all the T26, T31(takes it back to 19) & if the T32 is built, to 24. So that is restoring foolishly cut numbers already.

What is clear to even our useless, trecherous HMG is that the fleet has been run down too far. The world is far more dangerous now than since 1991. So it’s quite resonable to suggest the need for greater strength in the RN in the face of aggressive Russia & particularly China.

Last edited 4 months ago by Frank62
klonkie (@guest_798400)
4 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

Hello Frank. I cant see an incoming Labour government committing to 24 ships. My best guess is they’ll cancel the Type 32 and settle on 19. That being said, I would be happy to be proven wrong!

FieldLander (@guest_798424)
4 months ago
Reply to  klonkie

There is no Type 32 to cancel, it is currently unfunded as are other future platforms. Hard to believe but suspect effective fleet could shrink further.

Jim (@guest_798493)
4 months ago
Reply to  FieldLander

Hard for the fleet to shrink further when we have already paid for 13 frigates and the destroyers have years left on them.

Frank (@guest_798500)
4 months ago
Reply to  Jim

It will shrink even further until the first T26’s and T31’s are commissioned…. and then it will take some time to get to the 19. Who knows what will become of the T32 ?

Josh Peckham
Josh Peckham (@guest_798449)
4 months ago
Reply to  klonkie

Well maybe not but the Tories aren’t exactly the party of Defence any more either. It’s not much of a political football and has been neglected under both governments.

klonkie (@guest_798461)
4 months ago
Reply to  Josh Peckham

quite correct Josh – completely agree.

Jim (@guest_798495)
4 months ago
Reply to  Josh Peckham

I honestly can’t point to a single space in history when the Tory’s could be argued to be strong on defence.

1935 to 1937 being the prime example.

Jim (@guest_798492)
4 months ago
Reply to  FieldLander

Except plans are already in motion to build a larger escort fleet.

Frank (@guest_798501)
4 months ago
Reply to  Jim

Not really Larger at all with the 13 T26’s and T31’s only replacing the depleted T23 numbers… T32 is not a thing at this time.

maurice10 (@guest_798351)
4 months ago

Just a thought, is there a get-out clause if any national participant disagrees with central NATO command during these deployments….I’m thinking about when Trumpy is back in power?

ABCRodney (@guest_798369)
4 months ago
Reply to  maurice10

Just ask the French ?

Jim (@guest_798496)
4 months ago
Reply to  maurice10

Yes and the US almost never puts naval assets in to NATO command.

Arnold (@guest_798428)
4 months ago

It’s colours….. not colors.

George Allison
George Allison (@george-allison)
4 months ago
Reply to  Arnold

Is it?

Arnold (@guest_798887)
4 months ago
Reply to  George Allison

Yes. It’s the UKdefence journal? Isn’t it?

George Amery
George Amery (@guest_798465)
4 months ago

Hi Folks hope all is well.
Just seen an article and various media saying about the potential sell off of HMS Prince of Wales to an allied nation. The government and Navy say this is not correct. The reasons are a short full of Navy budget and the sell is an option?
I couldn’t believe this given the situation we are facing, hopefully it’s just speculative conjecture and a guess

Jim (@guest_798497)
4 months ago
Reply to  George Amery

It’s just made up bullshit to get the rubes to click on the daily fail website.

Who would even buy a 65,000t STOVL carrier.

Frank (@guest_798489)
4 months ago

What is the RN’s % ? 😄