Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2), led by flagship HMCS Charlottetown, has successfully concluded joint exercises with the U.S. Wasp Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) in the Eastern Mediterranean, according to a press release.

The Canadian warship escorted the Wasp ARG, which includes the USS Wasp, USS New York, USS Oak Hill, and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, through a series of operations aimed at enhancing readiness and cooperation among NATO allies.

These activities were designed to strengthen maritime security and situational awareness, as detailed in the press release.

Lieutenant Brady Gaudet, HMCS Charlottetown’s operations officer, highlighted the significance of these operations. “Our joint operations underscore the importance of fostering strong, cooperative relationships between our navies,” Gaudet stated in the press release.

Throughout their time together, personnel from both the Canadian and U.S. vessels engaged in cross-deck operations, which included exchanging knowledge about medical capabilities.

Major Dave Gosselin, SNMG2 Medical Advisor, described his experience aboard the USS Wasp. “I had the opportunity to learn about the medical and surgical capabilities currently employed by USS Wasp,” Gosselin said, according to the press release.

He noted the potential for adopting some of the new medical equipment used by the U.S. Navy for the Royal Canadian Navy. The press release outlined that SNMG2 is equipped to handle a variety of tasks assigned by NATO, including the escort of high-value units like the Wasp ARG.

These exercises are part of NATO’s broader strategy to demonstrate commitment to its allies and maintain a strong presence in the region.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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Enobob (@guest_842423)
16 days ago

“NATO warships work with US assault ship…..?”

What a ridiculous headline! The US IS NATO, so this should read ‘NATO warships work together….”

Gunbuster (@guest_842426)
16 days ago
Reply to  Enobob

The ARG is not a NATO asset allocated for NATO use.
It is an independent USN group.
So the headline is correct…Technically…

Jim (@guest_842495)
16 days ago
Reply to  Gunbuster

Yes true the US rarely puts ships under NATO command and almost never carriers or LHD’s, I think I can remember one carrier in the past half decade being under NATO command and I think that was a first.

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_842481)
16 days ago

the wasp is a impressive vessel

Jim (@guest_842500)
16 days ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Poor man’s Queen Elizabeth class 😀

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_842514)
16 days ago
Reply to  Jim

but wasp doesn’t spend most of its life as an ornament in its home port like the QE and POW do I’ve ever been or will be convinced that Britain having aircraft less supercarjers was a good udea. i like the USS America design, I’m sure we’d love been better served by having three of our own similar designs .

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_842515)
16 days ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

especially as America can operate with f 35 embarked.

Hugo (@guest_842719)
15 days ago
Reply to  Andy reeves

Those aren’t carriers they’re weird LPHs that they had to cram the Well dock back into.

Jim (@guest_842498)
16 days ago

Where are the bots and whingers to get the headline out “US warship needs Canadian support due to budget cuts”

If that was a Queen Elizabeth class with three Royal Navy escorts and one Canadian that would be the headline.

There would be hours of news shows and articles with admiral west rolled out to tell us how we not a proper navy any more because we don’t have 50 frigates designed to catch bullets with their hulls like the good old days.