A new 5-year strategy has been launched, aiming to “enhance maritime technology, innovation and security and reduce environmental damage”.

According to a statement, “The UK’s position as a world-leading maritime nation is secured by a new strategy that will enhance capabilities in technology, innovation and cyber security”.

Tom Dunlop
Tom has spent the last 13 years working in the defence industry, specifically military and commercial shipbuilding. His work has taken him around Europe and the Far East, he is currently based in Scotland.
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James H
James H
2 years ago

But we retired HMS Echo so we could keep HMS Scott.
I know she was used more for patrol recently but wouldn’t she have been useful for this strategy before unmanned technology is eventually used to replace her and Enterprise.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
2 years ago
Reply to  James H

A defence cut, like all the rest. I’m amazed they’ve not found reason to privatise the Hydrographic Office yet, despite what it gives to this country and its leading role in maps and charts.

And where is the MROSS?

2 years ago

MROSS became MROS. No longer a ship, it’s now a capability, which means nobody knows what it’s going to be. Much easier to be all things to all politicians that way. I’ve heard it’ll breed fully trained sea serpents automatically.

2 years ago
Reply to  James H

Hydrographic survey is increasingly available from commercial providers and with off the shelf solutions. Can we really justify a squadron of 3 survey vessels anymore? A lot of the data needed for claiming extended EEZ has nothing to do with the MOD.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
2 years ago
Reply to  Martin

Scott especially supports SSN SSBN operations.

2 years ago

True but what exactly is she doing for them? Very accurate hydro graphic work for sure and I’m guessing also water testing looking at salinity and thermoclines. Those are all areas that have come on leaps and bounds in the commercial space recently in much the same way as commercial space imagery. When your down to a navy of 10 or 11 submarines can you truly justify a squadron of three hydrographic ships.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
2 years ago
Reply to  Martin

I think yes, given they’re billion pound assets each and the importance of our ASW/ Deterrent operations in the GIUK Gap. But that’s another subject! For example, I myself see the value of the NFS. But scrap that and put the money towards the Hydrographic flotilla. In a similar vein, but different domain, defence also has Defence Geospatial and Geographical assets at Wyton, as it aligns closely with intelligence and is actually “Fused”, one of defences buzzwords at the moment. It is an important area we’d be wise not to neglect, given how much capability we’ve lost privatising over the… Read more »

John Hartley
John Hartley
2 years ago

More hot air. Where is the Ramsgate-Ostend ferry so we can bypass the French? Where are the extra ships/aircraft to patrol pollution & illegal fishing? Where is the Canada/UK joint slowpoke reactor using lightly enriched fuel, for nuclear assisted (not nuclear powered) hybrid ships that cut fossil fuel emissions?

2 years ago
Reply to  John Hartley

“Where is the Ramsgate-Ostend ferry so we can bypass the French?” Funny as someone living on the southeast coast we’ve been saying that for years.

George Parker
George Parker
2 years ago
Reply to  John Hartley

Well spotted. Attaching hot air powered turbines to HM Gov would solve the nations energy crisis. Of course if the same HM Gov did their job of defending British interests first. There would be no crisis.

2 years ago
Reply to  George Parker

The hot air generated on this site could run a few turbines

George Parker
George Parker
2 years ago
Reply to  DMJ

Steady on old chap. After all, we are British and moaning is our birth right. The time to worry is when we stop.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Hartley

If Tory spin could propel ships and submarines we would still be a super power. 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Martin

That’s a good one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Martin

We could have tried harnessing Labour spin 1997 to 2010

George Parker
George Parker
2 years ago
Reply to  DMJ

Their plan to power the state with immigrants failed miserably. The only sector to experience a boom would be the Blairs legal profession. All that legal aid spent defending rape gangs and terrorists.
Was it worth sacrificing the daughters of the working class, to rub the Tory nose in diversity. Not that the Tories have been any better at stopping the flow of the uneducated unwanted.

2 years ago
Reply to  George Parker

You should get yourself a hat printed MEGA 😀

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
2 years ago
Reply to  DMJ

Bravo. There is always two sides.

George Parker
George Parker
2 years ago
Reply to  Martin

It’s a problem with all politicians regardless of the flavour. The fact that the electorate are incapable of holding them to account is the real problem.
The number one duty of any/all governments is defence. Over the last 60 years, we the people of the military community. Have let them cut and slash to the point where we can no longer maintain border security. Never mind defend ourselves against a close peer attack.

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker
2 years ago
Reply to  George Parker

The worst assumption people make is to assume the rest of the worlds population is on the same page as themselves. it’s like trying to tell a Victorian industrialist how great gay marriage is or that paid maternity leave will improve the workforce. They just don’t believe you and think your an idiot for suggesting such. Or we can all get along no need for conflict etc.
Or my favourite you don’t need nuclear weapons, the are awful. But you have them? Yes but that’s different. We are more responsible and better than you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Martin

It’s Mr Shapps; they would be hairyplanes.


Though the strategy might be signed under a false name.

Unlikely to be as batant as the Riviera Gigolo, however.


Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
2 years ago
Reply to  John Hartley

Dover Zeebrugge, surely ? 🙂

John Hartley
John Hartley
2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

When I was a boy, I flew with my parents Lydd-Ostend with our car in the Carvair or Bristol freighter. Dover is too often blocked with parked trucks when the French play up.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Hartley

Where are the ferries to the Hebrides? They were good once upon a time.

James Campbell
James Campbell
2 years ago

Why the Sec State for Transport though!?

Armchair Admiral
Armchair Admiral
2 years ago

It all becomes clear! the new strategy is….the RN have said they are going to stop ferrying migrants across the channel! (as they are hard pressed with other duties).
More coastguard cutters, anyone??

2 years ago

Still can’t stop rubber dinghy’s crossing the channel though ,can they