The UK Government has announced a major structural change within the British Army, with the amalgamation of three key healthcare corps into the newly established Royal Army Medical Service (RAMS).
The change, part of the ongoing Future Soldier modernisation programme, was revealed in a written statement by Luke Pollard, Minister for the Armed Forces, on October 15, 2024.
“The Government are committed to ensuring a combat credible Army that is structured to meet its purpose—protecting the nation and helping it prosper by fighting, winning battles from land,” Pollard stated, while announcing the decision to merge the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), the Royal Army Dental Corps (RADC), and Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC) into one unified body.
This consolidation will “ensure the next generation of the Army will continue to be supported by a modern corps capable of delivering expeditionary healthcare,” according to Pollard.
He also highlighted that the amalgamation will not affect the workforce numbers within the healthcare services, nor will it impact the core ethos of the founding corps. Rather, it is claimed that it will enable healthcare professionals to work across all areas of the Royal Army Medical Service, optimising their talents and enhancing the Army’s operational power.
The reform also aims to streamline administrative processes, improve the culture within the corps, and provide greater flexibility for its members. Pollard described the new Royal Army Medical Service as a “unified, inclusive, and representative corps” that eliminates “corps-specific limitations” and promotes institutional efficiency.
Meanwhile, the Royal Army Veterinary Corps (RAVC) will remain independent due to its distinct legal and operational combatant status, differing from the protected status of the medical corps.
Pollard concluded his statement with a tribute to the professionalism and dedication of those in the new corps, adding, “The amalgamation will deliver improvements for those serving, reduce administrative inefficiencies, promote the world-class work of those who serve in the Royal Army Medical Service.”
This move does not add to either the efficiency or effectiveness of the med and dent support that the army gets – an organisation called ‘Army Medical Services’ was already coordinating the activities of RAMC, RADC, QARANC and RAVC from their HQ in the old Staff College.
It is window-dressing. I am sure the members of those corps will feel the loss of esprit de corps.
Was this mentioned in FS, when published in early 2021?
[Just for interest:
RAMC – founded in 1898
RADC – founded in 1921
QARANC – founded in 1949]
No, Project Victoria is completely seperate. Honestly I don’t think there’s a lot of epsrit de corps lost, a load of day-to-day stuff was already handled at AMS level (for example almost all sports), and movement between QARANC and RAMC was already common (HCA’s retrading to CMTs, CMT’s retrading to Nurses all common). Medical Regiments and Field Hospitals regularly have all three corps representing in them. What the amalgamation will do is make trade swapping easier as people progress their careers easier, general career management more streamlined, and save on duplication at Cops HQ levels. Really it should have been… Read more »
OK. On loss of esprit de corps, most officers and soldiers are attached to their Corps (or Regiment) and capbadge.
I recall years ago there was a crazy plan to merge REME and the RLC – I would have been rather miffed about the loss of my REME capbadge if it had happened.
Do the REME and RLC have an organising body above their corps that unites them, and do you have joint sports teams? And is it common for Mechanics to retrain as blanket stackers?
Do RLC officers command REME companies? Do REME officers command RLC squadrons?
No, no and no – as we know. But I do recall the formation of the RLC from soldiers from 4 different capbadges – RCT, RAOC, ACC, RE (Postal & Courier). Many thought it odd to have a new Corps that combined the very different roles of drivers, blanket stackers, chefs, posties, ATOs (IEDD) etc…and I don’t recall anyone retraining to a new and very different trade within that new Corps. But what is the point of merging RAMC, QAs and RADC? Does it mean that there will be more CMTs, Medical Officers, anaesthetists, nursing officers or dentists…or that they… Read more »
At the risk of repeating myself: 1) Three Corps with very similar functions now are one, meaning no need for 3 corps colonels, 3 sergeant majors, the army no longer has to provide 3 separate uniform streams. 2) Allowing easier transfers from job role to job role within the AMS. It’ll be easier for CMT JNCO’s to re-trade to Nursing, and HCA’s re-trade to CMT’s for example, something that already is fairly common but requires a lot of paperwork as it means changing cap badges. 3) Brings us more in line with other NATO members. It’s something that many within… Read more »
OK, thanks. I can now understand the major improvements that will follow from the creation of this new Corps or Service.
I guess the RHA and the RA will merge next?
1. No. there was only 1 corps col for all three corps. Each corps had a chef dental/nursing/vet officer, but they were not corps cols. And they were governed by the 1 corps col AMS.
2. No. It won’t make it any easier than it currently is. The bar is on professional qualifications and registration. Not cap badge.
3. Yes.
Hello mate.
Almost, but CMTs couldn’t simply retrade as nurses. They never could. They would need to leave and get a professional qualification.
Hey Pongo,
No you’re wrong. You had to recabadge to QA (hence the seperate corps being an issue) and then you could gain the qualification without leaving, aka retrading (the same way HCA’s retrade to CMT’s). First hand experience here, please don’t make a fool of yourself.
Because “corp” is too miltary sounding? 😷
No, because calling it the Royal Army Medical Corps would have miffed off the RADC and QARANC who’d effectively be folded into the RAMC, rather than all three corps being united into a new one.
As said, the AMS already exists beneath DMS.
Mentions RAVC remaining independent, the merge into the RE that I’d heard of incorrect?
What linkage is there between the RAVC and the RE, or did I miss the joke?
No, not intended as a joke.
The only link I can make is that 1 MWD Regiment’s Squadrons are admin 8 Force Engineer Brigade, and are involved in C-IED alongside the RE’s EOD Regiments.
OT. Have you heard of a Project Wavell? I read some interesting stuff today re Warrior, ARES, and IFVs.
Not a joke, this was seriously considered. The RAVC primary role became search, especially during herrick. Also as guards/security they don’t sit comfortably under the non combatant role. Therefore a natural home would be RE given their search expertise
Just got notification of this, sorry for late acknowledgement.
Has this actually happened? It is not clear from what MoD and the army have put out.
I had no idea that those dog units were admin’d by an Engr bde. How strange that they were not admin’d by their own RHQ/HQ Sqn.
I heard of Project Wavell over a year ago, and heard nothing since. Where did you find the article?
I have read some very interesting things on Twitter on UKAFC feed, OKA Gabriele’s Blog. According to his information, the Army is looking very seriously at making the ARES variant our IFV and putting a Turret on it. One type being looked at is non hull penetrating. He suggests there could be room for 7 dismounts as well as 3 crew. Would that mean Infantry Sections reorged? Aren’t they bigger currently? NATO have told all nations they want to see at least a 30mm on fighting vehicles. The Boxers on order would then be more of a “support” vehicle, presumably… Read more »
re infantry sections, they are and are not bigger. A full Armoured Infantry Section is 10 men. But that’s 3x crew and 7x dismounts.
I’ll believe the Ares thing if I see it tbh, it sounds like something we’d think we can do on the cheap and then turns out not to be so cheap.
Okay I’ve read Gabriele’s blog. All he does is list his own fantasy orbat, and wish list, I saw nothing about RRF converting in 2025? Am I missing something?
I’d seen nothing on RRF either.
I took what he was saying in good faith, and still do. He seems well informed.
Mate, the details were on his Twitter feed a few days ago, not his blog.
Apologies if I misled when I mentioned his blog.
Interesting. I find the ARES conversion to IFV a bit puzzling. Certainly it would have to have an external cannon which is do-able. But we don’t have enough ARES on order (currently Qty 62?) for 5 AI Bns. So we would have to order more ARES, a lot more. Expensive and where is the budget? Then there needs to be a replacement vehicle for the former ARES role of moving small (up to 4-man) specialist teams under armour. What about the other roles – would we keep wheeled Boxer ambulance and mortar carrier etc to work with new tracked ARES… Read more »
Yes I raised my eyebrow. Having looked at the twitter feed Daniele is talking about, it seems some in the army are arguing for making a new variant of (lets for the sake of argument call it Artemis, just because it makes it easier.). Ares already has seats for 3 crew members (a driver, commander and gunner up front) and 4 dismounts in the back. Artemis would gut the back and stick three more seats in there, while someone else would rip the RWS off the roof and replace it with, ideally, a non-penetrating turret with a CTA 40mm on… Read more »
Well explained, thanks.
Interesting idea converting ARES into an IFV. Warrior has a 10-man section – 3 crew and 7 dismounts – the sect comdr (aka veh comdr) is of course one of the crew and also dismounts so you end up with an 8-man section on the ground (two fire teams) and 2 crew remain in the vehicle (driver and gunner). You cannot change the size of this section (ie reduce it) without very severely reducing its capability. This ARES conversion would have to take 10 men – assuming non-penetrating turret ie RWS, then you have a driver in the front and… Read more »
All my posts are being moderated too mate. I’m sure this one will to. It’s Saturday night, you might read this next week!
Hi Daniele, it’s a temporary technical issue on our end meaning I have to approve everyone’s myself. We get around 1,000 per day, so it’s difficult to keep on top of them and still get writing done, my apologies.
Hi George. Thank you. I’ll put up with anything as I love the site, the community, ( mostly! ) and our collective interest.
As long as people know why.
“were admin’d by an Engr bde. How strange that they were not admin’d by their own RHQ/HQ Sqn.”
They might still be, it may be they are OpCom by 8 Bde and I was wrong on the admin.
Project Wavell is the next iteration of Future Soldier, it’s been cooking for about 2-3 years now, but never seems to report.
Yes, it’s got the sub unit changes we are waiting for all this time I believe.
SHORAD to triple.
MRAD to double.
Those legends!
I was attempting a little levity in this age of acronyms but it’s obviously not my day.😚
Fair, it’s hard to recognise that, and sometimes, even if it’s levity I think it’s good to still give an answer since it might answer someone who actually is wondering it.
No argument with that. Keep it coming…
Which I was. Lots to learn reading the comments.
Army Medical Service HQ / Directorate are at RMA Sandhurst, in the old Staff College building. This organisation already oversees the 3 separate Corps and their RHQs, which are also on the same site.
The Defence Medical Services at Whittington are the wider Defence umbrella organisation for all three services medical units.
So “Service” is not an issue here.
Thanks for the info. but I wasn’t really being terribly serious.😏
Sorry mate. You came up against two very serious posters who like facts.
Facts…away with them I say. Politicians first and fore with facts…😱
And happen to be obsessed with ORBATs.
DaveyB and Gunbuster are serious, but they don’t go around picking people up on misacronyming random regiments.
(Now go and make that a hate crime)
😆 Is that even a word?
Yes, I take my knowledge of who is who, where, why, what, and where they link too seriously. 😳
A combined arms medical service is the future. To work with different units there will be adqauls but generally they will be deployable to any theatre. It happens already with army medics on ships and navy medics supporting the army. A combined arms medical service will be another efficiency. The French military already operate this way.