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Northern Ireland Police Leak – 3 Potential Consequences

The personal details of Northern Ireland’s main police force have been leaked – three reasons why that’s incredibly dangerous.

Ukraine war – Drones are changing the conflict

As Kyiv’s counteroffensive to liberate Russian-occupied territories slowly advances in Ukraine’s east, the drone war continues to escalate.

Putin’s many paradoxes

Putin's decision to leave the UN-brokered grain export arrangement is another indicator of the value that the Kremlin places on human life.

The on-going erosion of Russian statehood

"Putin’s leadership continues to erode Russia’s economic and military security. His actions do nothing to enhance the welfare of Russian citizens. Under Putin, Russia is best described as an increasingly disorganised irrational fiefdom."

Crimean Tatar fighters increasing role in resistance to Russia

A resistance group of Crimean Tatars, an ethnic group native to the Russian-occupied peninsula, is now a prominent player in the Ukraine war.

Counter-offensive gathers pace while Wagner takes new role

Reports from the front lines of the various conflict zones reveal daily just how difficult Ukraine is finding its summer counter-offensive.

Where have the Challengers Gone?

Challenger tanks have been in Ukraine for some months now.

A brief look at the British Defence Budget in the 1990s

In the early 1990s, the end of the Cold War allegedly led to the 'Peace Dividend' in Britain and elsewhere. The British Government adopted large and significant cuts to the defence budget.

China restricts key semiconductor metals

The move has the potential to harm a range of Western tech manufacturers that use these elements to make their products.

NATO’s Vilnius summit tackles Ukraine, membership issues

Vilnius summit will reflect fresh sense of purpose over Ukraine war – but hard questions remain over membership issues.



Other News

BAE awarded £7m contract for lifejackets and buoyancy aids

The Ministry of Defence has awarded a contract worth up to £7m to BAE Systems Surface Ships for the supply and support of personal flotation devices, including lifejackets, buoyancy aids, and flotation devices for civilian use across maritime and amphibious platforms.