Journalist threatened with arrest at protest in Scotland

Xander Elliards, a reporter for The National newspaper, was covering a protest in Glasgow was threatened with arrest.

Three men charged with assisting Hong Kong intelligence

Three individuals have been charged with serious offences under the National Security Act.

MOD faces £60,000 cleanup bill after protest graffiti

The current estimated cost of carrying out the work needed to restore the Ministry of Defence Main Building is £60,000.

British Army show off Ares armoured vehicle

The Royal Armoured Corps recently highlighted the Ares, an armoured reconnaissance and troop-carrying vehicle.

Watch as British tank shows off firepower in Germany

The British Army's new Challenger 3 main battle tank showcased its firepower for the first time during live-firing trials in Germany.

Surge of ChatGPT-powered Twitter bots target Defence

An alarming trend has emerged on Twitter: bot accounts using ChatGPT to blend in with the defence sector.

Britain accelerating artillery programme

"We will continue to explore opportunities to accelerate delivery of RCH155 to the Army."

British armour rolls in to Poland

British troops and armoured vehicles have begun training in Poland as part of NATO’s largest exercise in a generation.

British Paratroopers display formidable firepower

Troops were inserted by Chinook helicopters under the cover of darkness and began their assault at dawn, facing a simulated enemy that used drones for surveillance.

Ministry of Defence confirms disposal of all FV107 Scimitars

The FV107 Scimitar, part of the CVR(T) series, was retired from active service in 2023 and is being replaced by newer Ajax vehicles.



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