Myths surrounding the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers

No aircraft, no escorts, no kettles. How much truth can be found in the many myths surrounding HMS Queen Elizabeth and her sister HMS Prince of Wales?

MoD to ‘mitigate impact’ of Covid-19 on Type 31 Frigate project

Work is being undertaken to mitigate any potential impact from COVID-19 on the Type 31 programme.

The Type 26 Frigate could be the most capable British warship in decades

The key factor that will determine the true capability of these ships is really quite simple, the level of funding put in place to fit them out appropriately.

British frigate tested with ‘drone assaults and torpedo attacks’

Type 23 Frigate HMS Kent is one of two Royal Navy warships joining more than two dozen allies vessels for Exercise BALTOPS in the Baltic Sea.

Feathered wing flying begins onboard HMS Queen Elizabeth

Feathered wings have touched down on the deck of aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

Leonardo signs agreement for Danish Navy defence systems

Leonardo has signed a framework agreement for the maintenance of defence systems in-service with the Danish Navy.

NATO navies and air forces exercise in the Baltic Sea

Around 3,000 personnel from 19 NATO Allies and partners are taking part in the annual BALTOPS naval exercise that kicked off in the Baltic Sea, say NATO.

HMS Penzance and HMS Chiddingfold sail for three year deployment

The crews of minehunters HMS Penzance and Chiddingfold have sailed for the Middle East.

Fire aboard French nuclear attack submarine

A fire has broken out onboard French nuclear submarine Perle at Toulon naval base, reports local media.

BAE to produce more Vertical Launching System Canisters for US Navy

The U.S. Navy has awarded BAE Systems a contract to produce multiple types of Vertical Launching System (VLS) canisters with a total lifetime maximum value of $955 million.



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