Her Majesty the Queen visited HMS Queen Elizabeth today – which she commissioned in 2017 – before the aircraft carrier sets sail from Portsmouth on a massive global deployment.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson was also among those to visit HMS Queen Elizabeth ahead of her departure, joined on Friday by Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, First Sea Lord, Admiral Tony Radakin and Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston on the flight deck.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said:

“The UK’s Carrier Strike Group today sets sail to write Britain’s name in the next chapter of history – a truly global Britain that steps forward to tackle the challenges of tomorrow, working hand-in-hand with our friends to defend our shared values and uphold the rules-based international order.

This deployment shows that we are strong on our own, but we are stronger with our allies. I want to join the nation in wishing the crews across the Carrier Strike Group every success as they depart on this truly historic endeavour.”

The Carrier Strike Group.

In addition to the above, an Astute class submarine has also been confirmed to be joining the group.

Is HMS Queen Elizabeth named after the current Queen Elizabeth?

No. The name HMS Queen Elizabeth is a continuation of an historic Royal Navy name dating back over a century and the vessel herself is not named after the current monarch, despite a popular misconception to the contrary.

While this is not a surprise to anyone, it’s been well publicised, we believe it important to clear up any doubt on this matter.

You can read more about the name of the vessel and its origins by visiting the link below.

Royal Navy confirm which monarch HMS Queen Elizabeth is named for

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. It must have been immensely sad to visit QEC without Prince Philip at her side.

    He stood for RN values.

    I suspect Prince Philip would have been very pleased to see QEC loaded out and ready for her first tour.

    • This merited a 20 second clip on the BBC News Channel at 1pm today. Absolutely nothing shown on BBC TV news about Ex Strike Warrior over the past two weeks. Billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money on display (QEC and the 45’s) and nothing at all about it on the main news channels. BBC showing its left-wing bias again? Comments please!

      • Unfair. In case you haven’t noticed there is a pandemic going on and we spend more tax payers money on schools or debt service and that doesn’t get on the news either.

        • C’mon Rob – there’s a non-stop narrative almost every day on the news about the pandemic, public spending, debt service, etc, and rightly so. It was great to see our Queen out and about (and smiling) again but it made me think – why shouldn’t the public see where their money is going? And get a quick review of our resurgent Royal Navy? A five-minute piece on Strike Warrior would not have been out of place.

      • I’m inclined to agree.

        As with teaching unions being anti military in the ‘80s the BBC has had very poor defence coverage since the 90’s and nothing consistent to show what the forces are doing on a daily basis to protect and save lives.

        The only thing you consistently get is negative coverage of “woosh bang” events.

        • Thanks SB. I think people tend to forget that the first responsibility of any government is the safety and security of its people. As an island and maritime nation we should (gently) remind people of this, from time to time; and also to recognise the dedication and professionalism of the men and women of the armed forces, who operate round the clock to defend us, often in very difficult circumstances. The BBC should recognise this, from time to time.

          I’d like to think my 24 years service was appreciated! I certainly felt I was making a contribution.


      • Boris in the hanger deck was on BBC news on Friday, wouldn’t show it twice. I’m sure it’ll appear on the news in the coming months.

      • Not sure it’s down to bias, although that said I could imagine this sort of thing being sneered at by those BBC London folk as far too jingoistic and hence minimal reporting. I would hate for them to go the other way and have too much military stuff, but a bit more now and again would be nice. Maybe it’s not reported on as much as part of a government hush up? Less people know the better etc. Who knows.

        I’d genuinely love to know what the queen said though and what she thinks about it all, having seen British military through the ages id love to know her thoughts on it all.

        • Also, just to add, although not really in the news, there has been a lot of naval based fly on the wall programs on, I appreciate this is probably government sponsored to improve recruitment, but it’s still nice to see the RN getting a bit of positive exposure.

        • The BBC must have been listening! They just ran a reasonable piece on the news channel just now.

      • It’s interesting how the right complains about the left feeling hard done by indulging in the politics of resentment yet the narrative from the former seems a tad ‘vocal’ lately. I doubt even Fox News talks about every military deployment or exercise. Did strike warrior or the Queen’s visit feature on talk radio, GMB or LBC?

      • true i watched the clip and all it was an extended metaphor which was really a question. and it wasn’t a a valid question either! BBC wants to make me say stuff that i am not allowed to on this website!

      • Agree 100% bbc and all MSM total pile O shite, they are anti British and only seek to promote their own globalist narrative.

      • The next chance to get rid of the BBC licence fee is 2027. It should not be renewed under any circumstance.

        • Its seem’s like theres a lot of comments on this website willing hate on the bbc I dont know what you are comparing the bbc to but it is one of the best impartial news service around , it seems there is a lot of nit picking and a lack of perspective on criticizing it ,i’d rather get my news from the bbc then some conspiracy theorist on you tube thats for sure.

          • George I’m a bit shocked you censored my comment which was only replying to the criticism of the bbc by some posters and with not one swear word I hope my rewritten comment along the same lines will not be censored too, this is a quality news forum not RT lol.

          • Hello. George doesn’t deal with comment moderation, I do. Your comment was flagged by a significant number of posters due to your reference to ‘yanks’, which some deem to be offensive.

          • Thanks for replying but it does make me wonder who the hell found the word yanks offensive makes me think the flagging system is being manipulated by people who disagree ,as los pollos uses the word shite! is that not offensive lol.

          • Davey boy c’mon man yes I use the word shite a lot but it is the most linguistically suited word for what it is im on about.

            I said this would happen when you allow a flagging system it just gets abused by the soy latte drinking beta boy club from London who seem to thrive on negativity and dislike for the U.K. Flagged for using word “yank” ??? Total horse poop

            remember offence is taken not given and the guardian reading champagne sippers in here would do well to remember that!

            I strongly disagree with your assessment of the bbc but you have the right to say it and I personally don’t flag anyone on here despite the poop they talk .

            couldnae gi a poop about the haters who dislike my positivity and wholehearted support for the U.K. armed forces and U.K. in general anyways so let the wee dafties flag away.

            SO from now on everything will be a pile O poop hopefully that’ll stop the need for numerous new untwisted panties in here 👍🏻


          • Sorry maybe using word shite in your comment as a example for my point was unfair ,but being flagged for the word yank baffles me,cheers

          • This is the problem of the flagging system! Multiple flagging by those of a particular political persuasion will lead to minority views being censored. I would guess that many of the contributors to this website are right of centre….some of them significantly so. If the majority view point prevails then this will suffocate the life out of the diversity of opinions expressed. It will end as a right-wing nodding dog!
            I must have missed something in terms of the flagging option….can you leave a reason for flagging a post? If not, how does Lisa know that your posts were flagged because of the word yanks? When it comes to censorship an element of good judgement is needed and I take your point about the common use of inflammatory language elsewhere in posts. This is not removed presumably because no one has flagged it. The flagging system strikes me as both arbitrary and lacking equity!

          • Hello. You can’t provide reasons for flagging on the site, however when making a comment it does state to e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns relating to comments. When moderating comments, particularly those that have been flagged multiple times, I take into account the comment moderation policy and also any e-mails sent relating to said comment. If at any point you’d like to discuss anything further, please e-mail me at [email protected] – thanks!

          • Thank you Lisa, I assume then that you received emails protesting the use of the word yanks. However, my criticisms of the flagging system remain!

          • What’s funny about that…you are the one that is suffering from it you half-wit!

          • If you want to watch the BBC, go ahead, but those of us who hate its overpaid, overmanned, champagne socialist, woke, treasonous luvvie management, should not be forced to pay for them.

      • Two top spots to defence on the Daily Telegraph

        Russian sub activity – and some revealing comments about thinking regarding T45.

        Queen relishes return to….about QEC

  2. I guess this visit to Portsmouth wasn’t so unplanned as was maybe made out. The Prime Minster yesterday, the Queen today. Fantastic experience though, especially for the Americans on-board. But a lot of hard work goes into these visits. I was privileged to meet the Queen alongside in Stockholm back in 2001. Always creates a buzz around the vessel.

      • HMS Invincible mate. Can’t remember the exact reason she was there, but it was pretty special. I’ve also just remembered it wasn’t alongside in Stockholm, it was Oslo Norway 🤦. but we did visit Stockholm a couple of weeks later. 😃👍

    • She even had time for a quick joke when signing the visitors’ log, asking, “Now, what is the date today? I don’t even know!”

      • Well we both at least have that in common.

        In fact my wife met the queen when she opened a wing at our hospital. They shared a lift with her and had a little chat. Amazing really… in fact i suspect we would be surprised how many ‘ordinary’ people she has met in all these years.

        God bless her. I hope the Americans appreciated it.

  3. It isn’t said enough, we have a wonderful Queen. She’s seen this country through nearly 50 years of wonderful service.

    God save the Queen.

    • Actually mate Her Majesty has been on the throne for nearly 70 years! Feb 6 1952 when she became Queen so it will be 70 years in 9 months time if me arithmetic is right.

      Cheers CR

  4. The most shocking reveal of this trip for me was Boris Johnson had a Royal Navy bomber jacket/flightsuit? with ‘Prime Minister’ written on it.

    • The most hilarious segments are

      – Boris waddling along the flight deck
      – DS almost getting blown over on the ski jump
      – Boris saying, in the bridge of QEC, “is that a type 32” and being corrected to T23

      There is Comedy Gold in there with some editing.

      • I thought he said “Is that aType 26?”

        Do you have a link to the Def Sec being blown over? I need a laugh!

        Nevermind: found it!

        Also, he had a similar(ish) jacked for his visit to Faslane, only it didn’t have the posh badge!

      • Yes it seemed a little too ‘American’ for my liking. It’s interesting that the right complain about the need to preserving ‘British’ culture but seems happy to appropriate what ever nuggets suit their ends.

        • I think it reflects the obvious embarrassment felt at the Camp David summit where Blair appeared in a sweater and W sported a bomber jacket with the POTUS badge on it! Very smart! I find the emulation of all things American rather sad and lacking in confidence. Hope this is not viewed as too political by the moderator! Or should I just red flag it myself?

          • Hello George, are you out there? Two of my posts that were well within the boundaries of the rules were red flagged by the twit above. They were removed by someone who clearly had not understood the context….only the fact that they were red flagged. The moderation system needs credibility if it is to be taken seriously. Thank you!

      • Can you imagine the vast amount of subjects he has to deal with on a daily basis. He can’t be an expert in them all. Imagine the daily NHS jargon.

        • Yes, I can quite easily.

          In all fairness he mistook one frigate type for another frigate type: it could have been worse!

          But it was a strange thing to do on camera ‘bluff your way through ship spotting’….it isn’t like the UK has more than two types with a big gun on the front in service!

      • Maybe RN gave him that jacket in the mould of “President”…..

        I’m no Boris fan but sometimes others have a hand.

        At least he was there.

        Would the Maybot have been able to distinguish a T23 from a Tide? Doubtful!

        Would Cameron have know a ship from a boat. No.

        Would G Brown have been able to see anything. No, unless it had votes taped to it.

        Would T Blair have been able to do anything that didn’t increase his presidential standing? You know what, that jacket idea came from the Camp David videos of TB with George W Bush – I’ll lay money on it.

        Poodle: but aping Winnie’s boiler suit.

        BUT he is talking up and spending up forces and about time too.

        My evening vignette.

        • Spot on. They’re all the same sadly but he was there and no worse than the previous.

    • Strangely all the captioning said “flight deck” – looked like an elevator to me?

    • I don’t see why that would be a problem. Apart from a tiny grey marking, they are identical to the British F35’s.

  5. Great to see the queen smile again ,last time she was on such a large RN vessel of this size ,carrier ARK Royal or Battleship Vanguard even.🇬🇧

  6. I am glad to see they are taking it really out and about. Really puts the push on the Chinese to show if they can pull it off or not.

  7. Saw her in Durban in 1995 with Prince Philip and Douglas Hurd in tow. (Kwazulu)Natal was always known as the Last Outpost of the British Empire with its large population of Anglos. Even today the Royal Natal Yacht Club fly the Blue Ensign and her portrait remains in several clubs and military establishments in the Province.I worry that although she is in good health and amazingly still working at 95 she should be accompanied by an aide close by in case of a fall.
    Google Wikipedia Durban Light Infantry and look at photos bottom of the page particularly the front of the Regimental HQ

      • Morning Daniele. Lovely facade and beautiful old buildings. The ANC have recently changed the names of many of the old SA Regiments to eliminate traces of colonial heritage including references to e.g. Highlanders! Look at the cap badge and Regimental shield of the DLI. When the country became a Republic in 1961 the former RDLI had to drop the ‘Royal’ Title and were told to ditch the crown. The Officers of the Regiment redesigned the emblem placing the Crown lower on the badge, describing it as an Heraldic device!(a Rose by any other name) 😉 For years thereafter the Officers still toasted the Queen on her Birthday.
        A chilly 14 degrees inearly morning Durban but warming to 23 towards midday
        Cheers my friend.

  8. I was unaware of this fact and appreciate knowing the history behind the tradition (if that’s the correct word). A very proud moment, doubtless tinged with sadness for Her Majesty.

    I agree with Crabfat and Supportive Bloke and others below who mention the lack of coverage on the Nation’s military news by the BBC. It is shameful!

    Would just add a huge Thank You to all who serve and those who have served.

    • With more enroute in due course I understand! Will be an interesting weekend for a cruise weatherwise!! 🤣🤣

    • I wonder how many Posters have viewed this pic and not seen “Her”…… ? and anyone know what the little old ship is to the left ?

          • No Probs mate, I’m all over the South Coast at the moment, got my Son and a close family friend’s Daughter on this little Cruise so, I’m taking lots of pics from many different positions …… No-one in my family ever took pics when I was in….. but there are a few online and a pretty good one at RNAS Yeovilton ….. well the Fleet Air Arm Museum to be more exact ! (Wish I was as Slim and good looking now though !!!!)😁

        • Ex-RFA Sir Tristram. She’s still used by the SBS for training.

          Edit: I see you found out. 😛

  9. Hello Admin, Any Idea why my picture of the Sir Tristram in Portland Harbour is now awaiting Approval ? Has it been Flagged ? if so why ?

    • Is that the SBS training ship? I remember seeing the SBS practising on something a bit older looking (for some reason they managed to get onto the deck from a helicopter a lot faster than we did during boarding party ops!)

      • Flippin heck mate that’s rough, I’m massively grateful to our special forces, rubbish to hear he passed away like that, I fancy a couple of ales tonight so will crack a tinny in his honour! (was supposed to be sundowners but it’s raining again!)

        That ship must have been getting old, just checked wiki, completely forgot it was damaged and then repaired after Falklands.

      • Forget it’s name, wasn’t it in Portsmouth Harbour?
        Good use of Sir Tristram.

    • Hello. If a significant number of users flag a post, it’s automatically set to pending for review. I’ve approved your post now. If you have any future questions or queries about comments, please e-mail [email protected] and I can look into it for you. I hope this helps!

      • Hello Lisa and Thankyou for your reply, Quite why anyone would have Flagged it, let alone a “Significant number” is beyond me to be honest, looks like some sort of determined Trolling again. Anyway Thanks once again. 👌

        • Oh and, I like the “Comment Search” Feature too, It’s very interesting to see what the resident Forum Troll has to say about the way you run this Excellent site. 😀

          • Oh, well He’s the one who hurls insults at virtually every other poster on here and has done for Years….. in fact, He’s still doing it now, despite all the warnings and rules you lovely people are giving this site. Personally I’d prefer to not have to be on the receiving end of his insults and see all his racist and Sexist posts …. maybe you could introduce a Blocking Feature here ? It would be appreciated by the vast majority of us genuine contributors ……….. I for one and the 3 other posters in my Office would love to contribute more on here and would do if the HERODOTUS TROLL was able to be blocked from his continuous abuse. Hope this is not seen as aggressive Lisa, It’s just that this “Member” doesn’t really have anything Valuable to add to this site other than abusive language….. Most of us come here to comment on your Defence related Articles … not to engage in silly Childish Arguments with this “Member” who likes to call people “Insidious”, “Twits”, and incite others to call people ” Daft Kents” …… We all know what that actually means ! 😧 Sorry but that’s how I see it.

          • Thank you for your feedback. I’ve relayed this information to George who’ll look into it.

  10. Hello George Mate…… Can I ask why my post’s here are being Flagged so many times now ?

Comments are closed.