A Russian Su-35 fighter jet has been accused of executing an “unsafe” manoeuvre near a US F-16 aircraft during an interception mission over the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), according to the US military.

Footage from inside the cockpit of the US F-16 shows the Russian aircraft flying at an uncomfortably close distance during the incident on 23 September 2024.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) criticised the Su-35 pilot’s actions, describing them as unprofessional and a danger to those involved.

General Gregory M. Guillot, head of US Northern Command and NORAD, addressed the situation, saying: “On 23 September 2024, NORAD aircraft flew a safe and disciplined intercept of Russian military aircraft in the Alaska ADIZ. The conduct of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional, and endangered all – not what you’d see in a professional air force.”

The Russian aircraft remained in international airspace during the incident and did not breach the sovereign airspace of either the United States or Canada. The interception took place after US jets were scrambled to respond to the presence of four Russian military aircraft operating within the ADIZ.

The Alaska ADIZ is a section of international airspace that surrounds both the US and Canada, where the identification and tracking of all aircraft are required for national security. It serves as a buffer zone beyond national borders to provide early warnings of potential threats.

While these intercepts are not uncommon and are not typically viewed as a direct threat, NORAD made clear that the Su-35 pilot’s behaviour on this occasion was an exception.

NORAD regularly monitors and responds to Russian military activity in the region, as such flights are considered routine and within their rights in international airspace. However, the “unprofessional” nature of the manoeuvre by the Russian Su-35 has raised concerns about safety and escalation risks during such encounters.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Spyinthesky (@guest_859498)
9 hours ago

Love the put down, that will really wind them up.

HamishUK (@guest_859511)
9 hours ago

The Russian military and professional simply don’t go together. Poorly trained and made up of unintelligent drones and corrupt thugs. Only made up by the sheer volume of manpower… Had the RAF Rivet Joint been shot down and article 5 been used then Russia’s military would have been reduced to little more than paper aeroplanes.

GlynH (@guest_859534)
7 hours ago

Pity one of those AIM-9Ms didn’t “accidently” launch.

Cognitio68 (@guest_859548)
6 hours ago

Nice of him to give us such a close up of such a rare aircraft. The Ukrainians have already destroyed 6.

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers (@guest_859555)
6 hours ago

I didn’t realise the USAF scare so easily. Everyone cheered when Maverick flipped that guy the bird.

Spyinthesky (@guest_859556)
6 hours ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers

I think he was just trying to stop photographs of that archaic 50s bomber getting out.

PGS (@guest_859571)
5 hours ago

The US pilot seems pretty surprised by what just happened which is worrisome re his overall situational awareness. Trying to be kind I am guessing he was aware of the Russian but did not expect such a close fly by. Hopefully a lesson learned there for all concerned on the US side of things re future ‘interactions’ going forward.

SailorBoy (@guest_859582)
5 hours ago
Reply to  PGS

I doubt he had much time to react.
If he was focussing on station keeping next to the bomber and then the Russian turned quickly to cross his nose, there’s no way that he would have had time to react before the point of closest approach, as we saw.
This sort of thing doesn’t usually happen during intercepts, so I think he can be excused for not turning in time. To be honest the main problem might be the pilots getting bored during a long escort and being unprepared for the target bomber maneuvering.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_859640)
2 hours ago

Is this an ANG F16? I though the USAF NORAD assets in Alaska would be F22s?

klonkie (@guest_859659)
1 hour ago

Hi DM.

Happy Friday Mate! I believe the 354th wing at Eielson AB Alaska is F16 equipped. This is not an ANG unit though.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_859663)
1 hour ago
Reply to  klonkie

Evening mate!
Woah, it’s still Thursday here. 😆
Thanks, I’m not well read on my USAF Wings.

klonkie (@guest_859672)
26 seconds ago

oops! 😉