Russia’s Su-57 jet has performed 16 test flights with a new engine.

Rostec Aviation Cluster Industrial Director Anatoly Serdyukov told local media:

“Currently, the engineering bench tests of the advanced engine continue and the item is being tested on a flying laboratory. In October, another flight was performed to check the item’s characteristics in various flight modes, specifically, the operation of the vectoring jet nozzle and the oil system at negative overloads. Overall, 16 flights on a flying laboratory were performed,” Serdyukov reported.

Pre-production and initial production batches of the Su-57 will use interim engines, a pair of NPO Saturn izdeliye 117 engines. Closely related to the Saturn 117S engine used by the Su-35S but underpowered for the new aircraft.

Back in December 2017, the second Su-57 prototype, fitted with the Izdeliye 30 engine, first took off from the Gromov Flight Research Institute. The Izdeliye 30 features a new nozzle with serrated flaps compared to conventional ones on the Izdeliye 117 nozzle.

On 8 February 2018, Russian Deputy Minister of Defence Yury Borisov said that the new engine’s performance was “…difficult to judge, because all we have had is this one flight. Everything seems normal, but… many flights are to be performed. As a rule, such trials take 2-3 years”.

As of this month, Rostec has conducted 16 flights of the Izdeliye 30 engine to check its characteristics in various flight modes, specifically, the operation of the vectoring jet nozzle and the oil system at negative overloads

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. So which one is the new engine ? The one that appears to be operating normally, or the one that’s on fire 🙂

    • The picture above does not show the new engine. The aircraft above is fitted with a pair of the earlier engines. The below YouTube clip shows the new engine.

      The exhaust petals are distinctively deferent from the earlier version and closely follow the same shape as the F35s.

      The above picture shows the flame you get when throttling up through the gate to max power when stationary. This is where the engines ecu dumps fuel into the exhaust pipe. You get an initial flash explosion, then a sustained flame complete with pulse diamonds. The camera must have been set to a very fast exposure to get the flash followed by the sustained flame as shown in the picture.

    • Got to say I read it twice and was still not really clear what was what let slob alone why, it’s simply sent my brain revolving with confusion. DaveyB below actually gives a better if fundamentally more limited insight. Now to look at the link.

  2. I’m curious to know how an engagement between one of these and one of our Typhoons would go. Would these be a serious threat to our Typhoons in the event of a conflict?

    • Eurofighter has better aerodinamic more powerfull engines that dont blow up is faster can fly at plus altitude has better radar and infrared sensor ah meteor is a superior weapon compared to r 77 just ask indian pilots .
      Ah and lets not forget that su 57 fuselage quality in medíocre at best .
      Its rcs is 1 mts so yeah not a chalange . Ah and russian pilots quality training is also not so good today.

    • After your comment I had a mental image of the SU57 actually being a stealth glider; pulled along by a pair of MiG 29s and then released to glide towards the target – the Russians saved a ton of money by not bothering with any pesky, high-maintenance engines!

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