The US State Department has cleared Spain to purchase 11 assault amphibious vehicles, built by BAE systems, in a deal that could be worth $107 million.

The Government of Spain has requested to buy eight Assault Amphibious Vehicles (AAVP-7A1); two Assault Amphibious Vehicles (Command) (AAVC-7A1) and one Assault Amphibious Vehicle (Recovery).

The principal contractor will be BAE Systems, York, Pennsylvania, and Anniston, Alabama.

Also included are Enhanced Armor Applique Kits (EAAK), spare and repair parts, tools and test equipment, technical data and publications, training and training material, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support.

According to the contract notification, found here, the proposed addition of these eleven vehicles to Spain’s fleet will afford more flexibility and maintain Spain’s expeditionary capability to counter regional threats and continue to enhance stability in the region.

“Spain currently operates 19 Assault Amphibious Vehicles (AAVs) and is proficient at using them to their fullest capability. Spain will have no difficulty absorbing these additional vehicles.”

The total estimated program cost is $107 million.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. I knew some one would mention Gib!

    I don’t see the point using them at Gib or where they could land when they can just drive across the border!

    That price. For 11 vehicles?

    Why have the RM never operated vehicles of this type? Excluding the current Hippo vehicles and Vikings which are not used in this fashion.

      • They are now, most North Korean beaches and waters are heavily mined to stop them being flanked, ironically the weak point in their defences is their border with China which is quite porous.

    • Because the Royal Marines are light infantry where the USMC and services based upon are more ‘mechanised infantry’.

      Back in the good old days of the Cold War the AAV would have been a good vehicle for the RCT to operate in a logistics role…..

  2. These amphibians are pretty soft skinned. Falklands war invasion one of these was stopped dead in its tracks on the road from airport into Stanley. No Arggies got out.
    That was with LAW and Carl Gustav anti tank rounds. Not sure how these vehicles was do against modern anti tank weapons. Me thinks not very well at all.
    They are really just taxis for ship to shore (in calm sea states) and around a beachhead and provide small arms and fragmentation protection only.


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