In a recent update to the House of Commons, the Ministry of Defence disclosed information on the number of UK Armed Forces personnel referred to the government’s counter-terrorism programme, Prevent.

This disclosure came in response to an inquiry by Andrew Gwynne, Shadow Minister for Social Care, who posed the following question:

“To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many personnel of the (a) Army, (b) Royal Navy, (c) RAF and (d) Royal Marines were referred to Prevent in each year since 2015.”

James Heappey, Minister for the Armed Forces, responded:

“Information held by the Ministry of Defence is set out below, detailing the number of referrals to Prevent from a military referrer by calendar year, noting that figures prior to 2018 are not held. A breakdown of the information by Service is not currently available. These figures exclude members of the military who are referred to Prevent by an organisation other than the military, for example the Home Office Police or NHS.”

Referrals to Prevent Programme from the UK Armed Forces (2018-2023)

YearNumber of Referrals

This table indicates a notable increase in the number of referrals, with a significant jump observed in 2023.

Prevent, as part of the UK’s broader counter-terrorism strategy, seeks to deter individuals from engaging in or supporting terrorism. The aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

The objectives of Prevent are to:

  • tackle the ideological causes of terrorism
  • intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation
  • enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate

Read more on Prevent here.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Ian M
Ian M
1 year ago

OK, so a bit of investigative journalism is needed here to find out why? Is there a correlation between intake nationality and the rise in referrals to “Prevent”? What groups are these people being dissuaded from joining? More questions than answers here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ian M

I think that may be making assumptions here: What if that increase in numbers is for white British Nationalists making the grade for terrorists? There’s been a rise in right wing terrorists across Europe and the US, and I don’t think we should assume that we’re immune to it here.
And I’m not talking about people with a (legitimate) concern about immigration policy, or the success or otherwise of integration into British society. I mean full blown racial or nationalist ideology leading towards planning terrorist activities.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe16

Elephant in the room is the fact that having any issue with mass immigration can very easily be constructed as far right, racist etc and are suitable to grounds to be recommended for the prevent scheme. Even harder is having any sense of racial or national based identity if you are white british or expressing this without being flagged up for prevent. Having pride in your nation, skin colour, being aware of different racial issues and the insanity of mass immigration should not put you under suspicion of the government as being a potential terrorist, but the sad fact of… Read more Ā»

1 year ago
Reply to  JohnG

A very well thought through argument, well presented. I agree 100%. If a member of the armed forces or just a white person, objects to poppies being burned, returning troops being spat at or the Union Jack insulted. They will be reported by some as radical. I’d have hoped that people on this forum would understand.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke
1 year ago


So if you increase recruitment from a few of the problematic strata of society the numbers of problems increases.

Nobody would ever have expected thisā€¦ā€¦ever I tell youā€¦..

Doesnā€™t say much for the screening process but that is CRAPITA so I donā€™t expect much.

1 year ago

Many years ago I learnt that the most dangerous word in the English Language is ā€œAssumeā€ as it has a nasty habit of making ā€œAn Ass of U and Meā€.

There is nothing in this statement to indicate if the personnel referred were displaying a lean towards Left Wing, Pro or Anti something or other, Religious or Far Right Wing Nationalist extremist views that ā€œcouldā€ lead to possible Terrorist activity.

It really needs more detail šŸ¤”

1 year ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Yes, considering how hated the tories are, it could be either side. But, it hasn’t stopped people in the comment section jumping to a conclusion with little evidence.

Last edited 1 year ago by Coll
1 year ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

Have said it better than me above. Thanks for this. Recommending people to prevent can be done for things which the gov and the msm clas as “far right” which anyone with half a brain understands is essentially any form of opposition to mass immigration, or having any sort of pride in having white skin. To flag these people up as potential terrorists is harrowing and reminds one of communism and enemies of the state.

1 year ago
Reply to  JohnG

It’s a tactic that was used by the STASI in old Est Germany. Marxism 101. The use of informants and activists. Our often discussed Col Putin is an expert in the field. Incidentally, it was a strategy copied by the Gestapo too. So all totalitarian regimes are fond of it. Even ours!!!

1 year ago

The numbers involved are too small to make statistical inferences, and the bar for ‘Prevent’ referrals seems to get ever lower- essentially voicing an opinion that isn’t deemed sufficiently PC is enough to get the attention of the thought police. I doubt that these figures really mean anything.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ian

Ian.Your assessment seems to be rooted in media “knee-jerk” responses to the Prevent programme and is not helpful in any context. “Thought Police” suggests a similar viewpoint. Unless you can give examples and define your terms all you are doing is letting off steam.nothing wrong with that but I personally come to this forum for informed commentary. I have worked in Prevent and I don’t recognise your statements. Perhaps the letters page of the Daily mail would be more appropriate?

1 year ago
Reply to  Russ

Russ, people who are susceptible to the lures of the fringes, including terrorism, are hardly likely to respond to well meaning programs to persuade them to quit. The reality is that the world has many bad human beings in the broad sense of the word and we just have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

1 year ago
Reply to  geoff

I can’t disagree with you on that Geoff. But I still feel we have to try!

1 year ago
Reply to  Russ

Fair comment Russ but sometimes one despairs..

1 year ago
Reply to  Russ

I’ve found his comment helpful but yours to be simply belittling which is not really what this site is about. You fail to see yourself doing exactly what you accuse him of. He is correct in his point that the numbers are too low to be statistically significant. And he is also correct in highlighting the broad range of conditions which get people flagged to the prevent scheme, a lot of which do comprise of what can be summarised as un pc view points, I’m surprised you arent aware of this with such a good working knowledge of prevent you… Read more Ā»

1 year ago
Reply to  Ian

100% agree Ian. 22 out of a total of approximately 150 000 is statistically meaningless!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Ian

Fair point, it’s probably also worth noting that 23 referrals from a force of almost 200,000 is a tiny number- 0.01% of a slice of society have been reported for a more detailed check. Either we have a very well-rounded military or the reporting isn’t working great. I’d personally choose the former.
This could easily be presented as a good news story- not sure why it has to be negative

1 year ago

There is also generally a growing awareness of the dangers of right wing extremism, which is more of a home grown threat

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers
1 year ago
Reply to  IKnowNothing

Every time I go to the cash machine at night, Iā€™m always looking nervously around thinking ā€œthe far right extremists could be hereā€. I sometimes have to walk back and check my car doors locked properly too. You never know when a neo-Nazi might pounce to steal my bridge toll change and stereo.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
1 year ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers


1 year ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers


Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne
1 year ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers

Iā€™m always worried about those far right extremists wanting spray caustic soda or acid in my faceā€¦.oh hold on a secondā€¦.tongue firmly in cheekā€¦

11 months ago
Reply to  Andrew Thorne

A bloody shame all it took was a pardon from a pastor by ‘converting’ and suddenly the risk is averted and then the crime happened.

And I think you’ll find the term ‘Paki-Bashing’ exists for a reason and is no doubt going to have a resurrgence, except it won’t be just the Pakistani’s or anyone mildly brown facing the ire of the typical Reformer.

1 year ago
Reply to  IKnowNothing

No, not at all. What has changed is the definition of right wing extremism. It now includes admiring Sir Winston Churchill, for example. I recall a candidate being arrested a while ago, for reading one of his speeches as part of his election campaign. Need I say more.
Nothing indeed!

1 year ago
Reply to  George

I would be very interested in the source of that information George.

You claim ‘admiring Sir Winston Churchill, for example. I recall a candidate being arrested a while ago, for reading one of his speeches as part of his election campaign’.

Who and when please? I ask because I have recently become aware that we have several extreme right wing posters who like to make things up on this site.

1 year ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

Google the following: – British politician arrested after speech quoting Churchillā€™s take on Islam
It is quite a while ago. My memory letting me down again.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Thank you. A valid cite where I happen to agree with Churchill. He was definitely the greatest Liberal PM the Conservative party ever had.

1 year ago

Lots of assumptions are being made here in the absence of details. The leave vote was a real wake up call for the extreme right which means they have crawled out into the open more since then. They probably see ex military as good potential recruits. This may tie in to the seven open calls for a military coup I have seen on this site over the last four months. I am sure they do lots of other recruiting too. Again since the leave vote NI has heated up. Given the peace agreement assumed EU membership on both sides of… Read more Ā»

1 year ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

šŸ’Æ I agree.
I think this is very unlikely to stem entirely from one group, probably an increase across the board.

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers
1 year ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

A lot of assumptions there. The one about the Good Friday agreement assuming continued EU membership is the funniest.

1 year ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers

No assumption on my part there. The Agreement took membership of the EU on both sides of the border for granted. That is why it has been such a thorny subject since then.

1 year ago
Reply to  Luke Rogers

The lad has problems and/or ill intentions. Is likely a card carrying Morning Star sales volunteer.

1 year ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

I agree, its just as likely to be far right extremists as any other group. This is the armed forces after all, people in the armed forces do tend to be nationalistic…

1 year ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

No right minded person would openly do what you suggest. Announcing such intentions in public makes no sense, Unless it was taken out of context by some left wing activist with paranoid tendencies. A proper mischievous little devil.

1 year ago
Reply to  George

Yet it has happened seven times in just under five months. Three times with one person, twice with another, then two more people once each.

For the person who has called for it three times there are mental competency issues; Judging him by other posts I suspect he is senile.

The ‘two’ and one other are both openly linked to Reform so probably just taking Putin’s money to finish off what they started with Leave and destroy Britain.

1 year ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

Never mind comrade I’m sure the political ghost of antisemite Trots Corbyn will rise up from the grave very soon. Calling all would be STASI recruits to Marxist paradise in Beijing. You will not be missed.

1 year ago

I hate it when people moan about the next generation but the Forces ain’t what it used to be. I watched an episode of the BBC MCTC documentary last night. A soldier was in front of the Commandant (Lt-Col) and it was more like a social worker interview and Tom finishing it with an airy ‘Cheers Sir’. In my day if you were up in front of the CO you’d be practicing your drill all day and getting terrorised by the RSM. Saying Cheers to a CO would practically be viewed as mutiny!!

1 year ago
Reply to  BigH1979

I have never heard the words ā€œcheers Sirā€ at MCTC. Nor could I imagine any CO would accept being spoken to in that manner when up in front of him. But, as itā€™s been seen on a BBC TV, it happened. When I did a stint at MCTC as a young Lieutenant, the CO definitely wouldnā€™t have accepted it. As the ā€œchā€ was forming, I can see one particular Sergeant, (all 5ā€™9ā€ of him) about to roll his fists into a ball and start removing teeth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ex-Marine

My service was limited to the TA where things were relatively informal but still, just no way would we ever have said that.

Is it a sign of change or that these things are staged?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ex-Marine

What you didn’t see when the cameras were turned off. Probably set the lad straight. No bruises being visible above his jumper. I know they need to pay lip service to the woke political overlords but surely things haven’t degenerated to that level in the RM. If they have … .. .

1 year ago

I like many on here, were in the intake during Op Banner. I remember that because I had an Irish Gt Grandmother (who died before I was born) I was subject to enhanced vetting. Same for two uncles who joined the Army (poor them) before me. I also served during the start of targeted recruitment of certain groups, with the corps bending over backwards to get their images in the press and on TV. I know one of them ended up in Belmarsh on terrorism charges. When his pre-RM time became known, it caused a ripple through the corps. There… Read more Ā»

1 year ago

So what? You do not stop absorbing socially dominant themes or societal trends because you are in uniform. Young, impressionable and want to “fit in” is normal. Boomer alert, “in my day” it was deemed to be extremist if you wore a pair of DM’s and wide legged jeans when in civvies. God help you if you had a skinhead haircut too. And 22 referred? FFS that is 22 out of over 120 thousand serving. Where is the breakdown of “type”, gender and branch of service? Sorry UKDJ, bit Daily Mail this.

English Brigadier
English Brigadier
1 year ago

Were most of these referrals within the SAS?

1 year ago

ļ»æšŸ˜ļ»æ I am sure there would have been a few in the Black and Tans if they had operated a Century later as well!

1 year ago

Who would have thought the government doing a crappy job not protecting citizens, and treating the armed forces like second class compared to others would result in somes sort of counter. I’m shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.

1 year ago

While the ideological mod dismantles the armed forces from the inside and gets away scot-free.

Last edited 1 year ago by Coll