Tag: queen elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carrier: A Guide
The Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers are the largest surface warships ever constructed for the Royal Navy.
HMS Queen Elizabeth powers up RADAR for first time
HMS Queen Elizabeth's S1850M radar has been switched on for the first time, marking a significant step on the vessels readiness for service. The S1850M...
Ministry of Defence clarify Queen Elizabeth class carrier F-35 plans
The Ministry of Defence have clarified the details surrounding the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers and their complement of F-35B strike aircraft. The following...
Floating a Supercarrier
In July we saw the naming of HMS Queen Elizabeth. The largest warship ever built for the Royal Navy and one of the most powerful...
F-35B may be present at HMS Queen Elizabeth naming ceremony
According to multiple defence news websites, a British F-35B is to perform a fly past at the naming ceremony of the HMS Queen Elizabeth. We...