The  Ministry of Defence has confirmed its ongoing support for Ukraine in response to allegations of Russia’s use of chemical weapons in the conflict.

In a written question from Mark Francois, Conservative MP for Rayleigh and Wickford, concerns were raised about the implications of these reports for UK defence policies.

Luke Pollard, Armed Forces Minister, stated: “The Ministry of Defence continues to assess and monitor the evolving threat picture in Ukraine, including illegal Russian use of chemicals as a method of warfare.”

Pollard highlighted Russia’s public admission of employing Riot Control Agents (RCAs) on the battlefield, alongside multiple reports of the toxic choking agent chloropicrin being used.

He further noted: “In December last year, a Technical Report confirming the use of Riot Control Agents in Ukraine was published by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).”

The UK has played a big role in enhancing Ukraine’s defence against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats. Pollard detailed the UK’s actions: “The UK has been at the forefront of international support and assistance to Ukraine and has previously provided respirators and decontamination kits to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.”

In December 2024, following a direct request from Ukraine, the UK announced an additional assistance package. This included funding for respirators and other protective equipment, procured jointly with international partners through the G7-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

The UK remains committed to countering CBRN threats in Ukraine, working closely with international partners in bilateral and multilateral forums. Pollard reaffirmed: “Our commitment to Ukraine is unwavering, and we continue to work closely with our international partners to coordinate counter-CBRN support and assistance.”

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. It was only recently (when General Kirillov was assassinated in Moscow) that I heard about the very many CW attacks by Russia on Ukraine. Is this all true? Why has the MSM not picked up on it or our wonderful politicians ‘called it out’?

    • It is quite weird.

      Last few months the grey zone warfare has started to be officially confirmed.

      Why on earth the BC stuff wasn’t talked about more I do t know. It isn’t like it isn’t proven.

      TBH it is essential this is all talked about as it might wake the population up to why they need credible defences against people who laugh at rules and think we are useful idiots for observing them.

  2. So the headline says these weapons have been used whereas in the body of the text there is the word allegation.

    Are you tabloid UKDJ?

    P*ss poor.

    • Not sure what’s piss poor about it.

      It depends on the definition of Chemical Weapons, if you can be bothered to check the reports from the OPCW them as of the 1st March 2024 there has been 1060 incidents involving some form of Chemical Weapon, depending on your point of view, CS gas or Tear gas, whatever you wish to call it is classed as a Chemical weapon. There have been 72 confirmed cases of the use of the K-51 Russia CS grenade being dropped by a UAS into trench systems.
      Personally, I don’t see these as major incidents, to me, the more dangerous aspect is the deliberative targeting of Chemical production facilities that contain vast amounts of what we would call Chemical Warfare Agents, like Phosgene, Chorine etc. Seemingly if they are in direct delivery systems they are classed as convening the CWC of 1993, but if they are released from static tanks in Industrial facilities then they are just classed as Toxic Industrial Chemicals or Materials and would not get reported to such an extent. Even if they could easily kill large amounts of unprotected personnel.

    • Not so, it clearly states a non-governmental organization (NGO) called the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), stated that riot control agents were used by Russia against Ukraine.

  3. Bio labs everywhere allegedly ffs.
    No one gives a schiesse until they’re used on them.
    Make peace you imbeciles 🫶✌️
    P.S. Vlad the mad too.


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