Eleven projects that showcase the best of UK space expertise on the international stage have secured a funding boost from the UK Space Agency, say UK Space.

The UK Space Agency’s International Bilateral Fund is focused on supporting the UK space sector to work directly with international partners on exciting and innovative projects.

It is funding, amongst others, the University of Strathclyde to work with organisations including MIT and the Alan Turing Institute to use Artificial Intelligence to improve space operations, safety and sustainability.

“Vertical Future is developing a robotic ‘space farm’ facility to grow plants in space, and Rolls-Royce is working with US company BWXT on space nuclear power.

From developing new technology for high-resolution photos of the Moon and Mars, to X-ray imaging that will help scientists study the Earth’s Aurora in unprecedented detail, the 11 projects showcase valuable missions and capabilities, and highlight the breadth of expertise found across the UK’s vibrant space sector which employs around 49,000 people.”

The £13 million funding boost was announced on the opening day of the 39th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs (Monday 8 April).

Space Minister at DSIT, Andrew Griffith MP, said:

“The UK is home to some of the brightest minds in space science, aerospace engineering and an entrepreneurial commercial space sector. It’s no wonder the world wants to collaborate with Britain when it comes to space. I am delighted that today we have been able to support new space collaborations with private organisations from countries like the US, Australia, Canada, India and Singapore.”

This is the second phase of investment awarded through the UK Space Agency’s £20 million International Bilateral Fund, following the first phase in August 2023. Phase 1 funded 32 projects up to £75,000 each, all of whom entered into a highly competitive process for further funding from Phase 2, you can read more on this here.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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FormerUSAF (@guest_810784)
3 months ago

Eventually, someone associated w/ AUKUS will have the brilliant idea to create a space initiative w/in Pillar 2. Hmmm…this might take a while…🤔🙄

Jim (@guest_810802)
3 months ago
Reply to  FormerUSAF

At the moment pillar II is focused on buzz words like Hypersonic’s and AI, space seems like far to sensible an initiative 😀 At the moment the Aussie Government are busy selling everyone that AUKUS is a job creation program not a military alliance and they can still be besties with China and sell them tonnes of coal. Australia space sector is quite small so not sure it will fit in to the hype in the same way ship building in Adelaide will. I certainly agree though much more needs to be done in space and I would really like… Read more »

FormerUSAF (@guest_810882)
3 months ago
Reply to  Jim

General public simply does not comprehend the dimensions of, not only the currently defined initiatives w/in Pillar 2, but additional programs such as space operations, which will naturally develop over the next 15-25 years. Pillar 1 will eventually be dwarfed by Pillar 2 in size and scope. This prediction, of course, is predicated upon avoidance of WW III, in the interim. 🤔

Jim (@guest_810944)
3 months ago
Reply to  FormerUSAF

Yes fingers crossed must will also depend on ITAR exemption under AUKUS I think.

The Aussies already don’t seem happy about the restrictions the US wants.

Spyinthesky (@guest_810874)
3 months ago

Good to see investments being made the UK Soa e Agency is generally doing a fine job on a too limited budget. We have a great opportunity here to build on what is already happening in the private sector but the Govt has been historically far to reticent to back UK industry efforts in this increasingly important sector. Fact is with little help historically, private enterprise has clawed its way into being an effective player in various aspects of the industry and as it’s an industry that looks set to advance enormously over the next decade and exponentially beyond that,… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Spyinthesky