In a written question posed by David Reed (Conservative – Exmouth and Exeter East), the Ministry of Defence (MOD) was asked to clarify its policy on reporting Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and whether any new material on the subject had been classified since the UK’s previous declassification programme.

Luke Pollard, Armed Forces Minister, provided a detailed response, stating:

“Whilst we are aware of the differing approaches currently being undertaken by other countries and allies in the investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) position on UAP remains unchanged, which is, that in over 50 years, no sighting reported to the Department has indicated the existence of any military threat to the United Kingdom.”

Pollard further highlighted that the MOD ceased to investigate reports of UAP in 2009. He explained the reasoning behind this decision:

“It has been deemed more valuable to prioritise MOD staff towards other Defence-related activities.”

Pollard also confirmed that no new material has been classified on the subject since the cessation of investigations, stating:

“The MOD ceased to investigate reports of UFO or UAP in 2009 and has not classified any new material on the subject since.”

For those interested in historical reports, Pollard noted:

“All MOD files relating to UFOs that were created up until 2009 have been released to The National Archives (TNA).”

While acknowledging the “differing approaches” taken by allies and other nations, the MOD made it clear that there are no plans to form a dedicated team to investigate alleged sightings, emphasising the lack of evidence for a military threat. Despite public curiosity and the evolving international landscape, the UK has chosen to prioritise other defence-related activities over investigations into UAP.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Chris Webb
Chris Webb
2 months ago

So basically “go away and stop being silly”.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
2 months ago

Cobblers. The Bentwaters Woodbridge incident of 1980 contradicts that. Either objects were present over nuclear weapons storage ateas at Bentwaters that could not be identified nor prevented. Or, Colonel Halt, the commander, was a liar and a lunatic, as were all the witnesses. That he was promoted to command a nuclear missile wing after he escalated the incident to the MoD by reporting it shows it did not affect his career one bit. Whichever the case, it is of extreme defence significance and just one example, that such occurred. There have been several in the UK alone since 1980. Dedicated… Read more »

2 months ago

Can you give a single example of British military preparedness or capability being significantly affected by a UFO? You call an incident over forty years ago “of extreme defence significance” and you aren’t even talking about the Falklands. I’d call World War 2 of extreme defence significance and pretty lights in the sky as not consequential at all. Ignoring conspiracy chit-chat, why are you right and I wrong? What were the real world consequences?

2 months ago

Yes nothing to see there at all..the fact the objects were logged traveling at hypersonic speed, seen on a number of sensors and by a large number of people…. with one of the objects actually deciding to dog fight, dominate and then chased around the fighters sent to intercept it, for 10 minutes before sauntering off with a big FU and actually terrifying the poor pilot who could not shake it….

Classed as one of the many..” what the hell was that events” let’s just ignore it and don’t mention the A word 😂🤣😂🤣😬😬👽👽👽👽

2 months ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Good Sirs,

Surely you are aware that the little green men, as well as their flying saucers, are stored in various a/c hangars at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, for continuing study by USAF scientists of the AF Research Laboratory? 😉 Occasionally, there is a public open house, would you care for tickets? 😁 Originally thought to be Martians, but more recently determined to be ex-pats from Sirius (no known relationship to Syria)…🤣😂😁👽

David Lloyd
David Lloyd
2 months ago

Hi Daniele The real UFO/UAV issue from the MoD – and particularly the RAF – point of view is that clearly, they cannot secure the airspace over the UK and so, despite the endless denials, UFO/UAV most definately are of defence significance. Even more interesting are the underwater UFO’s and again, despite the denials, many SSN and SSBN crew can attest to close encounters with these things. I was once told that it did not do one’s RN career any good to submit reports of UFO’s etc and so self censorship is the reason why fewer reports have come to… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
2 months ago
Reply to  David Lloyd

Exactly so.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Lloyd

Yes the tic tac ufos and the spherical ones are for me the ones of most interest. There are significant drone and fighter footage of these phenomena that even my cynical mind finds difficult to dismiss, having laughed for decades about sightings like the Hill and Adamsski claims or the Roswell stuff. Interestingly I read about one explanation for the spheres/Tic Tacs going under water as there is a propulsive theoretical system that would exploit large areas of water to ‘recharge’. Quite complex and though it theoretically works it’s well beyond our technology or understanding to know if it were… Read more »

Tammy Alingham
Tammy Alingham
2 months ago
Reply to  David Lloyd

agree. Just saw4 beings in a capsule under water and Lake Bikal little men on Blaze

2 months ago

Yes nothing to see there at all..the fact the objects were logged traveling at hypersonic speed, seen on a number of sensors and by a large number of people…. with one of the objects actually deciding to dog fight, dominate and then chased around the fighters sent to intercept it, for 10 minutes before sauntering off with a big FU and actually terrifying the poor pilot who could not shake it…. Classed as one of the many..” what the hell was that events” let’s just ignore it and don’t mention the A word 😂🤣😂🤣😬😬👽👽👽👽 Although in truth there are logical… Read more »

2 months ago

By the way, a 1991 study suggested that nearly 4 million Americans believed themselves to have been abducted by aliens, 10% believe they have seen a UFO and over 40% believe in alien visitations. That the incident in Rendlesham Forest occured between two USAF bases speaks volumes.

2 months ago
Reply to  Jon

Well I started out here as a total cynic, for me the distance between stars makes visitations highly unlikely for good or bad. However as I studied the situation and listened to many pretty Impressive and some rather less impressive sources I have become more open minded. The idea of silicon intelligence very possibly becoming more common than its organic forbears opens up a whole new prospect of long term space travel and the idea of slow but extensive stepping stone spread over thousands of years. And remember our galaxy and star are only at most mid age compared to… Read more »

2 months ago
Reply to  Jon

Those estimates correspond roughly to the 3-sigma, 2-sigma and1-sigma values in a normal population distribution curve. Probably the same proportional beliefs exist worldwide. Civilization/Society muddles through. 🤔😳😉👽

2 months ago

Well old Nick Pope has certainly made a great career out of it, saw him yet again the other night on a UFO programme (I was waiting for his appearance and it didn’t take long) . Sadly he is probably the least impressive ‘spook’ you could find to give one any convincing evidence or objective view one way or the other on the subject. If he was typical of the quality of minds investigating reports then it seems entirely pointless asking the responsible Minister anything or expecting enlightenment in response. You are right we have never taken it seriously or… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
2 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Good post. Thank you.
Nick Pope ran AS2A, Air Staff 2A, with one other person. They took calls from the public.
Pilot and other military related sightings never crossed his desk and went elsewhere. He’s admitted as such, I was told as such by someone who worked in main building.
The ministers statement at best is evasive.
I’m very amused, pleased, and even surprised that George put an article up, I enjoy the reactions.

2 months ago

I though this was another Pre-Christmas story from the headline. That we have ufology questions being asked by a former member of the Royal Marines makes me wonder what it will take to hold the government to account on real military matters.

Chris Webb
Chris Webb
2 months ago
Reply to  Jon

To be fair it’s not clear from this article exactly what his angle on the matter is. He might have simply wanted check that the MOD wasn’t wasting time on frivolous reports from the public.

2 months ago
Reply to  Chris Webb

True that.

2 months ago
Reply to  Jon

Well I must admit it made me think from the Inisters dismissive response that in realty we really don’t have much of anything sophisticated enough or certainly enough of it, to record the sort of unexplained imagery that the Americans have recorded in recent years.

Tammy Alingham
Tammy Alingham
2 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Very true. We are far behind the Americans scientifically.

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach
2 months ago

May the farce be with us.

Gunner Raine
Gunner Raine
2 months ago

The truth is out there…….good luck finding it!

1 month ago

So no chance then of investigating Chinese spy balloons or drones operated by hostile states or terrorists? Of course unidentified objects in UK airspace should be investigated!