HMS Protector was on iceberg lookout on passage to the South Orkney Islands.

The ship tweeted the following.

“Radar picks up large ones, but spotting “growlers” and “bergy bits” in 40kts of wind relies on sailors, binoculars and lots of concentration.”

HMS Protector travels to various locations in and around the Antarctic Peninsula on missions including:

  • Undertaking hydrographic surveys of the area to improve the safety of navigation.
  • Providing support to UK and foreign research stations.
  • Assisting the British Antarctic Survey.

As well providing practical support, the Royal Navy say that “Protector is a symbol of the Royal Navy’s global reach and operational flexibility. She shows that we’re ready and able to act whenever and wherever needed”.

Tom has spent the last 13 years working in the defence industry, specifically military and commercial shipbuilding. His work has taken him around Europe and the Far East, he is currently based in Scotland.
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Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_789342)
5 months ago

Protector is a symbol of the Royal Navy’s global reach and operational flexibility. She shows that we’re ready and able to act whenever and wherever needed”.

Pity then that the APS no longer has a helicopter flight. Would have helped with “operational flexibility” no end, surely?

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_789435)
5 months ago

I’d missed that cut/gapping/nKing way for cutting edge……

Shroedinger’s warship
Shroedinger’s helicopter

Honestly they are just lying to themselves.

The thing is that the main costs is always in #1, the training establishment, basing, support etc…..the cost of running each added fighting unit proportionally decreases.

There is the strange belief that it is all linear maths (accountancy)… isn’t.

It is almost like a simplistic management consultant 101 view of the world?

FormerUSAF (@guest_789465)
5 months ago

😂😁👍 Presume Schroedinger’s helicopter/warship is the RN’s extension of Schroedinger’s cat paradox? May have to seek copyright permission to utilize that comment!

Frank62 (@guest_789464)
5 months ago

I loved it in 1982 when HMS Endurance announced they had Matra rocket pods to go onto their Wasp after the Falklands invasion. Definately a “force multiplier” & a threat probably unknown to the Argies at the time. But now Protector is FFBNW onboard helicoptor?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_789528)
5 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

I think Lusty mentioned they have a couple of model aeroplane UAV once.

Lusty (@guest_789628)
5 months ago

Hah, I might have had a tongue in cheek if I called them that! Yes, they do have UAVs deployed. Sadly, the days of having (I think) 4 Lynx dedicated to the ice patrol role are long gone.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_789661)
5 months ago
Reply to  Lusty

No mate, that I admit is my terminology. I use it to distinguish between the truly useful UAV we never seem to buy ( some thing that is armed, a true force multiplier, that kills people ) from a tiny model aeroplane type that MoD might release news stories about as if it’s the next best thing since sliced bread, but is limited and doesn’t hide the capability going to the wall from those who see them for what they are.
And yes, of course we have Reaper. That is on a bigger scale.

Frank (@guest_789481)
5 months ago

Ha… the usual “World class, cutting edge, state of the art” …. strangely missing !

Michel martin
Michel martin (@guest_789374)
5 months ago

This is great for helping the planet

Ian M
Ian M (@guest_789508)
5 months ago

Cap’n, are you sure I’m cut out to be a polar lookout?
Why’s that sailor?
Cos, I’m f***in’ freezing!

Ian M
Ian M (@guest_789509)
5 months ago
Reply to  Ian M

Apologies to the “polar bear joke”.

Ian M
Ian M (@guest_790183)
5 months ago
Reply to  Ian M
