Home Air WATCH: Simulated F-35 landings on HMS Queen ElizabethFILE PHOTO: An F-35B.AirSeaWATCH: Simulated F-35 landings on HMS Queen ElizabethBy George Allison - November 9, 20150ShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppEmail Rolling landings will enable the F-35B to land on the carriers with an increased weapon and fuel load. RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR SeaType 26 Frigate choice dominates Norwegian public poll SeaGovernment outlines efforts to boost maritime surveillance AirWhat is the role of the RAF Regiment? AirU.S. B-52s in multiple simulated strike missions in Europe SeaRoyal Navy leads NATO submarine rescue exercise in Glasgow AirRoyal Navy Wildcat helicopter shoots down drone AirU.S. bombers work with UK surveillance aircraft over Baltic SeaCarrier in Scotland to load up on ammo ahead of deployment SeaACUA Ocean celebrates naming of USV Pioneer AirAmerican bombers launch ‘simulated missile strike’ in EuropeLEAVE A REPLY Cancel replyPlease enter your comment! Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address!Please enter your email address here Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.