Yesterday we published an article regarding the movement of weapons onboard British C-17s from the UK to Ukraine.

That happened, so what’s the problem you ask?

I am guilty of an error in judgement. I included my opinion that Germany appeared to be denying British cargo aircraft permission to fly through German airspace. That was wrong.

Regardless of the reason for British cargo aircraft avoiding German airspace (the official reason, by the way, is that the UK did not ask for permission and as such, Germany did not refuse), it was wrong to include speculation regarding this in a news article. We may never know the reason permission wasn’t sought from Germany to allow these flights but it’s not acceptable for me to offer my own personal opinion in the context of a news article.

On top of placing speculation into a news article, I published the speculative sentence before hearing confirmation. That was also wrong.

I was wrong to do these things and I am sorry to all of you, this falls far below the standards I aim for. I hope some of you give us a second chance.

Thanks for reading,


George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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John Clark
John Clark
3 years ago

Nothing to apologise for George, don’t worry about it👍

3 years ago

Thank you for the correction.

3 years ago

As an avid reader, thank you for the clarification, the comments the article brought out were very illuminating and not least, they examined the malaise that is European Policy or lack thereof!

3 years ago

Yeah, Germany is a questionable ally and an EU Military is a delusional pipe dream and has everyone forgotten that appeasement doesn’t work with dictators, how did that go near a century ago with Hitler?

Last edited 3 years ago by Knight7572
3 years ago
Reply to  Knight7572

What the heck, why would you say Germany is a questionable ally and constantly bringing up Hitler and the war is just ridiculous. A totally incorrect statement about Germany was made, quite insulting to them, an apology was made which should of been, and all of a sudden it’s Germany is a bad ally and let’s not forget about Hitler. For goodness sakes isn’t it time to move on and let’s all try and get on with each other.

Andrew Robinson
Andrew Robinson
3 years ago

George, a very human error, for which you have apologised. Keep up the good work…

3 years ago

Hi George

Everyone and every organisation makes mistakes, but it’s how you deal with it.

You have shown remarkable integrity in highlighting this error and have done so rapidly and without fuss.

This just reinforces the fact that you hold yourself and your site to the highest of standards, if only those you report on did the same.

Have a beer or two and put it behind you, tomorrow is another day.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pacman27


I’d like to second Pacman27’s well put comment.

If the UK press generally behaved with the same level of integrity as you have today public life in this country would be far better to the benefit of us all.

Thank you to you and your team for an excellent and authoritive website.


Ben Greenwood
Ben Greenwood
3 years ago
Reply to  ChariotRider

Hear hear

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker
3 years ago

Well done. If only all the media used your high standards

3 years ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker


3 years ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker

Likewise, ….dont know how you manage George
(My personal opinions would be creeping in everywhere!)
Totally professional as always.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
3 years ago

George, mate. Behave!

2nd chance my foot. I doubt many have any issue with it. If it was speculation, so what.
Based on Germany’s historical attitude it was reasonable.

No reason whatsoever to apologise for writing an article.

3 years ago

Yes. But its important to seperate facts from opinion. Thats why newspapers have Opinion sections clearly labelled.
George has done the right thing here…

It’s up to us to provide the speculation…I suspect we didn’t ask for permission to avoid putting the German’s in a difficult position..

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
3 years ago
Reply to  Rudeboy1

He has. It’s when he asked for a second chance I thought, come on, will people seriously pull him up for that??

UKDJ. Best UK Defence site out there.

3 years ago

It’s not like the BBC dont speculate now and again lol…

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
3 years ago
Reply to  AV

That thought had occurred to me. They put their opinion on everything.

3 years ago

Yes sadly more now than in the past me thinks.
Fortunately for us George is way more professional than most at Auntie.

Mark B
Mark B
3 years ago

I think it is worse that that. The BBC don’t appear to utilise subject matter experts if they can possibly avoid it so we get glaring errors, and guesses to add to the opinions of journalists. The BBC should be informing everyone but end up misleading people too much of the time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mark B

I’ve recently seen an example of the BBC intentionally misleading, being called out immediately by the company they misrepresented, and then waiting weeks before quietly correcting the article.

Mark B
Mark B
3 years ago
Reply to  Tomartyr

That is bad. The BBC works for the license payers and should present facts fully checked with context and alternative arguments which viewers can absorb and reach their own conclusions. There are some now who are beginning to feel that the narrative coming from the BBC is getting misleading and dangerous. Odd times we live in.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark B

And I’m one of them. I won’t watch the BBC news. I’m not interested in Brussels opinion.

Their narrative seems constantly left leaning, woke, anti Tory, pro EU, pro anyone else but Britain.

Nick C
Nick C
3 years ago

The BBC is, in its own words, a well respected impartial news organisation. The fact that you disagree with its stance makes you, in Hilary Clinton’s words, a “deplorable “ since you are obviously incapable of thinking what Auntie wants you to think. No doubt when the Orwellian thought police really get going you will be top of the list for “reeducation “ Along with quite a lot of the rest of us!
PS. Well done George, no apology needed.

David Steeper
David Steeper
3 years ago
Reply to  Nick C

The BBC is the Guardian. But we don’t have to buy the Guardian or go to jail.

David Steeper
David Steeper
3 years ago

It was a reasonable assumption that most of us agreed with. I just wish every outlet would put their hands up when they’re knowingly wrong never mind inadvertently.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke
3 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

Well Germany have made a statement that their position is unaltered.

So we can safely assume that includes a sabotaging other NATO members attempts to help Ukraine with arms.

My Opinion based on Germany’s clearly stated fact and past behaviour.

David Steeper
David Steeper
3 years ago

Spot on. If they’re upset about everyone else thinking they’re up Putins rear end they should behaving like they are.

John Williams
John Williams
3 years ago

George you are a super star, nothing for you to loose sleep about

Mark Hughes
Mark Hughes
3 years ago

Thanks for the correction and honesty. It’s a shame more companies don’t hold themselves to such high standards.

3 years ago

We all are wrong every day, and sometimes we are right. No worries. In fact it was highly plausible so I never questioned it.

3 years ago

Well if you fell short so did Newsnight last night for inferring the exact same thing. One presumes there is a reason why they flew over Denmark and Poland (who one presumes they asked) rather than Germany so if they didn’t ask them there was surely a reason worth speculating upon, even though rightly not presenting it as fact unless/until proven as such. But sometimes you don’t ask because you don’t want to get or risk getting a no which would have played into Russias gleeful hands, though let’s be honest I’m sure they see the same message and speculation… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Spyinthesky
Joe Dowdell
Joe Dowdell
3 years ago

If there was only more honesty and responsibility acceptance such as this in society. Well done George, a nice example of ‘Britishness’. 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿❤️

3 years ago

We live in a democracy – opinions matter

Daniel J Wimberley
Daniel J Wimberley
3 years ago
Reply to  Scott

“We live in a democracy – and it matters very much that facts are (real) facts and opinion is opinion. It is extremely dangerous to confuse the two – in fact if you do then no one can have soundly based opinions.

3 years ago

VAR… red card

Simon m
Simon m
3 years ago

Thank you for all you do & articles you publish – things happen you made a slight error. Something that many well funded news outlets have done in the past without apology. Do not beat yourself up about it. let this be the end of it water 7nder the bridge

Keep up the great work

Mr Bell
Mr Bell
3 years ago

Foegiven George. Ive been reading articles and following UKDJ for years and there is nothing to apologise for. We are all human.

3 years ago

Germany has gone all Tony stark saying they want to resolve the Ukrainian crisis peacefully and to stop the export of weapons to other countries. Good luck with that when Putin does what he wants and re-establishes the Soviet empire and gobbles up half of Europe and the iron curtain descends again.

David Steeper
David Steeper
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I guess they calculate they won’t be in that half of europe. So they couldn’t care less.

3 years ago

Hi George. Bravo for owning up, not many people today have the balls to do so!

Will you be releasing a piece on the USNs latest release of information on their future DDG(X)?

Quentin Drury
Quentin Drury
3 years ago
Reply to  Daveyb

Hi DaveyB, is this a personal request for some new info here? Love it! Can I copy you… and I’d like to ask for any update on the carrier defensive armament upgrades.. Lol

3 years ago
Reply to  Quentin Drury

Yes basically. I think it’s relevant to the UK Defence Journal, because of the forthcoming T83 program, as it will be introduced into service in a similar time scale. The main announcement made with DDG(X), is that it is planned to have three laser weapons systems. See link below:   Navy Unveils Next-Generation DDG(X) Warship Concept with Hypersonic Missiles, Lasers – USNI News With a single 150kW laser forward and two 600kW lasers on the hangar roof. This means that they will have a combined power output of some 1350kW (1.35MW). A laser is not power efficient and generally uses… Read more »

3 years ago

Fair enough George.

3 years ago

It’s good to hold yourself to those standards.

In this case the speculation (which I am assuming was started with your piece / tweet) has appeared in a number of places that I have seen elsewhere – especially in political circles with a certain amount of Germany bashing.

So thank-you for a clear and quick correction / apology, rather than an excuse or sloping of soldiers.

Good job. Such maintains rather undermines authority.

Last edited 3 years ago by Matt
Joe Jarvie
Joe Jarvie
3 years ago

You made a mistake. You’ve apologised. No harm done. Keep writing and keeping us up to date.

andy Wilson
andy Wilson
3 years ago

IF only the MSM was as decent!! fair play for putting ya hand up

3 years ago

I’m a long time reader of this site. This is the first time I’ve commented, because I wanted to say: well done, George. I work in the media and I wish there were more who held themselves to such standards of integrity. Thank you for all your good work and I hope you find the time to keep it up.

Ron Stateside
Ron Stateside
3 years ago

That is a great example to set George. Look how easy it is to apologize. Incredibly easy when one is motivated to get better and humble enough to do it. There is no shame in that is there? Contrast that with people who are complacent and would get defensive for example, not admit to anything, and not learn from the event. The choice is clear and it should be much easier for people to follow your example than it is.

Quentin Drury
Quentin Drury
3 years ago

All good from me too George. I thoroughly enjoy reading this website daily and everyone’s posts.
Also being an Englishman we probably tend to say sorry more and offer our apologies more than most and we can get ribbed for this. Love the decency, integrity and standards here.

Quentin D63
Quentin D63
3 years ago
Reply to  Quentin Drury

… but, “sorry”, the English cricket team… was rubbish this time around… 😆

Mr Mark Franks
Mr Mark Franks
3 years ago

There is no point in asking for diplomatic clearance if you know the country you are asking to over fly will not give it.

3 years ago

Don’t worry about it. It was and still is very reasonable speculation to make. Germany are naïve like that.

But yes, it is best not to make such speculation in the future. Leave that to us here in the comments.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tams
Something Different
Something Different
3 years ago

This was a very professional response (to what was a minor error), thank you

3 years ago

Thanks for your honesty

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins
3 years ago

I spoke with a good friend of mine Juregen in Hamburg yesterday, he couldn’t understand why his gas had been turned off 😂

3 years ago
Quentin D63
Quentin D63
3 years ago
Reply to  Farouk

Do you reckon the Ruski’s will watch this? Why was this special delivery publicised? Every thing and movement seems to be on video these days.

3 years ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

People. And attention seeking.

The Kiwi photos from their assessment flight over Tonga were also leaked.

3 years ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Yes they will watch it.

David Steeper
David Steeper
3 years ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

A shot across the bows ?

Colin Miles
Colin Miles
3 years ago

It’s OK. It’s just a mistake… One with much truth in it.

Iain MacDonald
Iain MacDonald
3 years ago

My own ‘speculation’ is that the UK did not ask Germany for permission because they anticipated that it would be refused. Classic diplomatic tactic to avoid an argument that would only make a bad situation worse.

3 years ago

Morning George. Thanks for setting the record straight and I am sure we all agree-no need to apologise! UKDJ remains the number one source for defence news-even more so with corrections like this

Cheers from Durban

Ivan the Non-Russian
Ivan the Non-Russian
3 years ago
Reply to  geoff

Howzit Geoff,
My regards to Durb’s, we left 25 years ago… folks still up in Mooi River.

3 years ago

Howsit Ivan! Are you folks on a farm or in town? MR is a cold spot in Winter😁 We are still hanging in and hoping down here. I am a DHS Old boy btw-class of 1966 and still meet with survivors for a lunch and dop every 3 months.
Don’t want to abuse Georges hospitality!!
Cheers my friend

3 years ago
Reply to  geoff

..your folks

David Barry
David Barry
3 years ago

I can think of a certain former journalist and someone very much in the public spotlight at the moment who could use just an ounce of your ethical behaviour.

Great site George, thanks for your hard work.

3 years ago

Well done for being transparent and correcting the error. Keep up the good work.

Mark Forsyth
Mark Forsyth
3 years ago

George, its understandable, you thought that with all the flights going on, it was a “works function” and so didn’t really check. You have realised that it wasn’t, so have apologised. I don’t think any of us will call for you to step down !!!!😀😃.

Puffing Billy
Puffing Billy
3 years ago

It still begs a question. In view of the imminent invasion Is Germany likewise supplying arms to the Ukraine and if not why not?

David Steeper
David Steeper
3 years ago
Reply to  Puffing Billy

No they’re not. Why not ? That’s the million dollar question !

Daniel J Wimberley
Daniel J Wimberley
3 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

oh dear. No conspiracy theories or snide comments required.

The reason is the same as the reason that they stay clear of any armed interventions in foreign countries. For them, defence is defence. No one, from the political class to the citizens is going to break that consensus any time soon -n would have been the view a week ago.

But I reckon the situation is so grave that they have changed their mind on a fundamental principle. And that too has been done in a way that my guess would be that it has high level of popular support.

3 years ago

The occasional mistake set against otherwise an excellent website and spot on journalism. If anything this one mistake is a reminder of how good you are – particularly when you fez up and apologise. Keep doing what you’re doing. MSM – this site/individual is an excellent example to follow!

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke
3 years ago


Thank you for you hard work and your integrity.

As others have said you put BBC, Telegraph and Times to shame in many respects on defence matters.

3 years ago

No problem, I visit here regularly and will continue to do so.

Ian M
Ian M
3 years ago

To err is human………………
It’s how you deal with it that matters George. Well done from me, so keep up the stirling work.

3 years ago

As a valued place for defence information, correcting errors are important and by doing so you become a more reliable source.

3 years ago

Ukraine has confirmed they were supplied with NLAW from the UK stocks. I wonder if they will be replaced.

3 years ago

Hi George, apology noted and accepted. As Daniele Mandelli (another great contributor here) says, your website is the best UK journal out there so, for God sake, keep these news feeds coming. This website is a daily go-to for me. When I read the original article I also took into account the Twitter snapshot you’d included which stated the UK hadn’t asked Germany for permission to over-fly and, therefore, didn’t interpret your article as suggesting over-flights had been denied anyway …. so there wasn’t an issue between UK and Germany. It’s good you’ve acknowledged any implication with your article but… Read more »

Mark Forsyth
Mark Forsyth
3 years ago

Seems the “Sun” must have read your initial article !

3 years ago

No worries George. Bigger losses at sea as my grandmother used to say. Keep up the good work. Its appreciated.

3 years ago

Keep your reports coming, George! As far as I’m concerned UKDJ is my daily, reliable, fix on defence matters. It’s amusing, if sad, to read what other ‘news’ media say about the same subject. Total lack of standards. UKDJ reigns!

3 years ago

Hi folks hope all is well.
Everyone makes mistakes, it’s human to do so.
The difference is how one comes to the front and say they’ve made a mistake which appears rare these days.
Good for you George, nothing to worry about whatsoever, keep up the good work mate!
George Amery

3 years ago

If only main stream media were as honest and open with their mistakes people would have more faith in them.