Britain has so far sent more than 6,900 new anti-tank missiles, additional consignments of Javelin anti-tank missiles, air defence systems including Starstreak anti-air missiles, 1,360 anti-structure munitions and 4.5 tonnes of plastic explosives.

The information was provided by Leo Docherty, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (jointly with the Ministry of Defence), you can read the information below.

“The United Kingdom strongly condemns the appalling, unprovoked attack President Putin has launched on the people of Ukraine. We continue to stand with Ukraine and continue to support its right to be a sovereign, independent and democratic nation. The United Kingdom and our allies and partners are responding decisively to provide military and humanitarian assistance. This includes weapons that help Ukraine’s heroic efforts to defend itself.

We have sent more than 6,900 new anti-tank missiles, known as NLAWs—next-generation light anti-tank weapons—a further consignment of Javelin anti-tank missiles, eight air defence systems, including Starstreak anti-air missiles, 1,360 anti-structure munitions and 4.5 tonnes of plastic explosives.

As Ukraine steadies itself for the next attack, the UK is stepping up efforts to help its defence. As we announced on 26 April, we will be sending 300 more missiles, anti-tank systems, innovative loitering munitions, armoured fighting vehicles and anti-ship systems to stop shelling from Russian ships.

The United Kingdom has confirmed £1.3 billion of new funding for military operations and aid to Ukraine. This includes the £300 million the Prime Minister announced on 3 May for electronic warfare equipment, a counter-battery radar system, GPS jamming equipment and thousands of night-vision devices.

The Ministry of Defence retains the humanitarian assistance taskforce at readiness; its headquarters are at 48-hours readiness, and the remainder of the force can move with five days’ notice, should its assistance be requested. The UK has pledged £220 million of humanitarian aid for Ukraine, which includes granting in kind to the Ukraine armed forces more than 64,000 items of medical equipment from the MOD’s own supplies. We are ensuring that the UK and our security interests are secured and supporting our many allies and partners, especially Ukraine.”

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Enthusiastic amateur
Enthusiastic amateur (@guest_642437)
2 years ago

what would the anti shipping missiles be I wonder?

DMJ (@guest_642440)
2 years ago


J.T. (@guest_642441)
2 years ago

Most internet commentaries suggest either land launched Harpoon or an antiship version of Brimstone (aka Sea Spear). Another intriguing possibility from in service weapons is whether the MBDA Sea Venom might be in play, either launched from Ukrainian helicopters or possibly surface launched?

J.T. (@guest_642442)
2 years ago
Reply to  J.T.

Here’s the wiki page on Sea Venom. Significantly bigger warhead (30 kg) than Brimstone, and a much bigger weapon (110 vs 50 kg) overall.

andy a
andy a (@guest_642925)
2 years ago
Reply to  J.T.

its truck launched brimestone

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642444)
2 years ago

It’s brimstone. They are not sending harpooons. Ukraine already has Neptune larger anti ship missiles. Brimstone is already in ukraine. Now the exact type of variant I don’t know. Some maybe the sea spear development but to hazard a guess I think most will be standard brimstones. Even your normal brimstone warhead will still cause issues for anything trying to get close to shore. There is a video on the drive/war zone website of 3 brimstone missiles being launched off the back of a flatbed van. I wondered what the anti structure munitions are? The article also says 4.5tons of… Read more »

ChariotRider (@guest_642448)
2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker

Just checked out that article on The Drive. Nice to see that British improvisation is still alive and kicking.

I’m guessing targetting is farely simple “manual” input to send the smart missile on its way. Ukrainian drones might well play an important role in the process.

Cheers CR

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_642459)
2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker

From information seen, it appears to be early build Brimstone, probably already withdrawn from front line use and just used for weapons qualification courses etc.

We certainly aren’t going to be dropping the latest version into Ivan’s lap to reverse engineer!

Last edited 2 years ago by John Clark
John Clark
John Clark (@guest_642462)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

The Russians are being rolled back guys, I really hope the Ukrainians are planning an attack to cut off the the Crimea again and dive to the SE coast in a few areas, that would really upset the Russian applecart and throw a spanner in the works….

JohninMK (@guest_642483)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

I see nowhere south of the Kharkov area that the Russians are being significantly rolled back. Quite the opposite, most days the Ukrainians themselves are releasing maps showing the loss of territory. They have virtually no defence against rolling Russian artillery, whilst their artillery is proving to be really skilled, they do not have the shear weight of shells that the Russians are firing at them. Many of you here are ex military so you will know that war is all about the maths. You can have the bravest soldiers using the best gear but if the enemy’s numbers in… Read more »

Sean (@guest_642489)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

They Russian advance on Odessa was pushed back weeks ago and continues towards the Dnieper.

If the Russian artillery is ‘really skilled’ then they’re deliberately commiting war crimes by targeting civilians. Surprised to hear you admit that 😏

Otherwise the Russian military appear to be an undisciplined, untrained, badly commanded rabble that loot, rape and murder when the opportunity arises, abandon broken equipment, and kill their own commanders after taking heavy casualties.

My money is on the only patriots involved in this war, that’s the Ukrainian.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sean
Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_642512)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

The power of our media to colour perception in. Action with this comment. What’s playing out is a full blown peer conflict between Russia and the West (via its Ukrainian proxy), both sides are guilty of occasional brutality against civilians and POWs and of hitting civilian targets – with the Ukrainians using towns and cities as bastions to hold up the Russian advance (deliberately embedding themselves in the civilian areas) they are as complicit as the Russians in what is happening. to say the Russian advance to Odessa was pushed back weeks ago is over egging the pudding, the Russians… Read more »

Chris (@guest_642515)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Apparently, this is doing the rounds in Russia.
A Russian wife turned to her husband and asked, “What’s this special military operation our glorious leader keeps talking about?”
Her husband replied, “It’s a proxy war between Russia and NATO.”
“Oh, right. How’s it going?”
“Well,” he replied, “so far we’ve lost 24,000 soldiers, 2,000 tanks, 200 aircraft, numerous helicopters, and loads of armoured vehicles and artillery pieces. and our flag ship along with other naval pieces”
“Wow! What about NATO?”
“They haven’t turned up yet.”

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_642517)
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Doubt that’s a Russian joke

Chris (@guest_642523)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

We can all troll.

Sean (@guest_642544)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Yes you’re right, Russians would be too frightened to tell it in case the FSB overheard them. Hitler’s Germany had the Gestapo, Putin’s Russia has the FSB, no difference.

JohninMK (@guest_642575)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

And Ukraine have the SBU.

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642814)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Yes Ukraine does have secret services. they came from the same teachings as the russians(soviet times) and practiced these ways of operating it has taken them sometime to come up with new ways of working. I’m not sure the point your trying to make, have they done something as bad as Russia?. 2014 was really the wake up call for Ukraine. It tried to get its military to learn as much as possible from the western help that was offered. This also happened to a lesser extent in its intelligence services. They have learned and adapted to operate very effectively.… Read more »

Martin (@guest_642660)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Yes but the FSB and GRU are useless. Not a patch on the KGB.

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_642774)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Because they, poor s*ds, have nothing to laugh about?

Jon (@guest_642572)
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I was going to respond, but you did it so much better.

ExcalibursTemplar (@guest_642577)
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris


Martin (@guest_642659)
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris


DMJ (@guest_642526)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Because you clearly are a Russian troll!! It’s so obvious!

Ianbuk (@guest_642529)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

“Spanking at Snake Island?” You’re not talking about 7th May raid, when a pair of Ukrainian SU 27’s taking out the SA-13 Strela-10 infrared SAMs last week? The link to both raids are here; Or are you talking of the Ukrainian Bayraktar taking out two Russian Navy Raptor-class assault boatsnear Snake Island 10 days ago? Here’s the footage; Or the “Spanking” of the Ukrainians on the 7th May, when another Bayraktar destroyed 11770 Serna class boat at the docks on Snake Island? Here’s the footage; Or, this “spanking” by Ukrainian forces on the 8th May, when… Read more »

Sean (@guest_642542)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

The greatest power of our media is that it is free and independent of government control, unlike Russia where every tv channel is state controlled and calling the invasion of Ukraine “a war” will see you imprisoned. We don’t have a full blown peer conflict between the West and Russia, because there are still some Russians alive in Ukraine, and the Black Sea Fleet and Russian Air Force still exist. The West would have destroyed all of these in the first week. Russian war crimes is systematic and the evidence has emerged of senior commanders being responsible for encouraging it… Read more »

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_642560)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Excellently put Sean. 👍

DMJ (@guest_642566)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Spot on Sean

Jonno (@guest_642653)
2 years ago
Reply to  DMJ

Second that.

Airborne (@guest_642731)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Top post, saves me the time mate cheers.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_642830)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Bravo Sean. Bravo.

Rob Young
Rob Young (@guest_642559)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

The trouble with towns and cities is that they tend to be communications hubs. If you don’t defend them – you’ve already. Likewise, by definition towns and cities are pretty much ALL civilian areas. So troops have to be embedded there.

The simple fact you don’t seem to realise – Russia attacked Ukraine, Russia attacked the towns and cities, Russia is the one who can stop the war by simply going home!

Jonny (@guest_642574)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

It’s not hard to keep up with visually confirmed Russian losses and see that Russia has severely overestimated itself. Yes, I wonder why people are calling you a troll…

Airborne (@guest_642648)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Yaaaaaaaawn boring.

Jonno (@guest_642651)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

You must realise you will likely be prosecuted when this is over dont you? Supporting a war of aggression of Putin’s choosing wont go unpunished.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_642748)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

When you defend your city and its people, you position yourself in it. Why make that sound to be a bad thing?

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_642773)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Russia attacked Ukraine. Got it?

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642813)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Can you explain how Ukraine got a spanking at snake island this week?
From what I’ve seen it was Ukraine that sunk a landing ship, bombed it with 2 SU-27.
I disagree with most of what you say but I’m always interested in facts.

Douglas newell
Douglas newell (@guest_642843)
2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker

Russians knew of attack and pulled troops off the island, Ukrainians attacked and fell into trap. Their Spectacular attack on island was filmed beautifully by drone in HD night vision for propaganda purposes but it all went to hell for them. Their Aircraft bombed island as planned, helicopters and landing craft arrived to land commandos, and were promptly destroyed by the Russians. Ukrainians even released footage of their own chopper being destroyed saying it was Russian. (I’m on my phone so from memory) Russians claim they shot down 3 fighters including an Su24 and Su27 involved in the initial attack… Read more »

Gary (@guest_643460)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Russia started it ukraine will finish it

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643619)
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

How do you forsee them “finishing it” ?

a) Ukraine signing the articles of surrender

b) Fighting their way to Moscow and forcing Russia to sign the articles of surrender? (They’ll need more than the 200 ancient tanks Poland gave them to do this.)

I know what I think is most likely.

JohninMK (@guest_642573)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Perhaps it could have been clearer but I said the Ukrainians artillery was really skilled.

Jonno (@guest_642654)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Yes the Russian artillery is what it is. Stuck in a time warp and being slowly destroyed and what about the airforce? Refusing to fly?

eclipse (@guest_642578)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Sean, I’m afraid I must partly agree with John. By the way, I believe he called the Ukrainian artillery really skilled, not the Russians. However, it is absolutely true that the Russian army is using rocket artillery and MRLs; things the Ukrainians don’t have. UA did a large push a few weeks ago which pushed russia back a few dozen miles, but russia has been clawing back territory on this small front the entire time. Unless the West is prepared to give Ukraine larger numbers of artillery or unless russia attempts to widen the front, this trend will likely continue.… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by eclipse
OkamsRazor (@guest_642591)
2 years ago
Reply to  eclipse

What’s funny is that the Russians are struggling and Ukraine hasn’t even brought most of their big guns and new weapons to bear yet!

JohninMK (@guest_642623)
2 years ago
Reply to  OkamsRazor

Like what?

JohninMK (@guest_642622)
2 years ago
Reply to  eclipse

Both sides have very similar weapons systems. The Ukrainian Artillery have Grad, Smerch and Tochka tube artillery, all they don’t have is an equivalent to the Iskander, Russia’s long range missile. As well as skilled artillery, thanks, the Ukrainians are also much better at using drones for targeting. The two armies are facing different challenges, the Ukrainians are in the main in the east well dug in, using custom emplacements they have built over the past 7 years or the most hardened buildings in towns like schools, council buildings and hospitals, all of which were built strong. Whilst the Russians… Read more »

John (@guest_642637)
2 years ago
Reply to  eclipse

Bending but not breaking is a strategy…

You said it yourself, they’re taking unsustainable losses in return for a few hundred yards.

I suppose if they had another million trained soldiers you’d be right, in that it’s a winning strategy for the Russians, but they do not, and at this rate they’ll be out of men long sooner than needed.

Withdrawing is not a sign of defeat. Thinking it’s such is a very simplistic view of war.

Airborne (@guest_642499)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

And there you go, it’s never about numbers as your incompetent rapists have shown. Its about skill, knowledge, dedication, experience and combined arms ability. The russkie rapists have none of those requirements and therefore they are losing both the physical and the moral battle. Regardless of the chuff you are having to say to ensure your controllers are content. Anyway, if your not being controlled then you will have no problem condemning Putins illegal invasion of Ukraine, will you.

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_642520)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Everyone’s wars are illegal bar ours, eh?

DMJ (@guest_642527)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

“Ours” in your case being the ones Russia started. Again proving you a troll

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_642537)
2 years ago
Reply to  DMJ

Eh… how did you get to that mad conclusion. I’m as British as most of the people on this forum.

I’m also saddened that so many consider those with differing viewpoints Trolls.

DMJ (@guest_642565)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Because you are clearly pursuing a “Putin” narrative in your posts , so if your not Russian the n you are clearly posting just to be provocative. You “differing viewpoint” reads as pure Russian propaganda

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_642568)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

You’re British in much the same way that William Joyce was. Filled with self loathing and in absolute thrall to your nazi overlords.

Douglas newell
Douglas newell (@guest_642847)
2 years ago

LOL. The comparison to Haw Haw is fatuous and proves the paucity of your argument. All you have is name calling.

And how does my having a different interpretation of what is happening on the battlefield put me in “thrall to my nazi overlords” ??

Look up the Azov battalion and Right Sector, they are literally Nazis. Also google the Ukrainian National Hero Stephan Bandera to see what a real actual Nazis is? That’s the nick of the people our governments are supporting.

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_642865)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas newell

But you see, you don’t really have a differing interpretation of what is happening on the battlefield, all you do is repeat the baseless propaganda of the Kremlin, just like Lord Haw Haw repeated the hate filled ideology of Hitlers Reich. Your sneering hatred of the West is palpable in your posts, so no, my argument is not poor, but yours is with its cheap baseless lies about nazis. I don’t need to Google anything, all countries have their extremist elements, the UK included. Would you suggest Russia attacks the UK because of the utterances of Stephen Yaxley or his… Read more »

Danny Asselin
Danny Asselin (@guest_642627)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

I have spent far too much time online since this war started and don’t trust anything I see or hear without doing some homework for corresponding sources. The closest thing i have come to what I believe is the real truth came to me today in 2 articles. One which seeks to really lay out the stake of the U army and the second of which shows why they will never, can never, give up. Between the 2 it might take 10 minutes to read both but I think it will be time well spent. And finally something… Read more »

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643029)
2 years ago
Reply to  Danny Asselin

Both articles kind of prove my point about looking at what is really happening before making your mind up. Both are written from an entirely western point of view, ignore the historical and ethnic contexts at work in the area, completely ignore that that crisis in 2013 and 2014 which led to the rebellion and the creation of the DPR and LPR was initiated by the EU and US meddling and organising a coup d’etat against the democratically elected elected Government to force in a Pro US/EU Nationalist government. (I remember watching the whole sorry process on TV news at… Read more »

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643042)
2 years ago
Reply to  Danny Asselin

With regards to the Reddit page: You forget that the DPR and LPR are separate, self managed states who get support from Russia. They don’t have the resources of the Russian Federation, or the Ukraine and are armed with a hotch potch of equipment bequeathed by the Russians and stolen from the Ukrainians. Secondly, not sure I get your point? The DPR fight on the main front of the war (the Donbass Front) and are still advancing against the Ukrainian Army and have done since the start of the War – despite their lack of modern equipment. Says something about… Read more »

Danny Asselin
Danny Asselin (@guest_643058)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

I’m sorry for my lack of insight here Douglas. I originally thought that I could engage you in thoughtful conversation regarding my attempts to get past the western propaganda and see what is really going on. I failed to grasp that your orientation was Pro-Russian only and that you were not looking for thoughtful conversation but to attempt to prove what you believe is right. I’ve done enough research to know that the U side of this debacle is far from clean. However nothing you have said to me, in any way, can get past the fact that we know… Read more »

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643152)
2 years ago
Reply to  Danny Asselin

You wanted to teach me and bring me into your echo chamber.

farouk (@guest_642530)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

I had a butchers at your previous posts, really loved this one:

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_642535)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

A classic!

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_642543)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

It’s a good comment, of it’s time of course … I’m still surprised at how poorly Russian aviation has done and I’m of the opinion had they performed better this would be over by now. The Russians have solved the problem of the flying commando problems attacking extended supply lines. But the inability of the Ru AF to gain air superiority and the lack of PGMs to take out the Ukrainian artillery and really hammer the Ukrainian supply lines has really hampered them. Leading to them having to engage in WW1 like battles with well armed opponents who aren’t scared… Read more »

Farouk (@guest_642640)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

DN wrote:
It’s a good comment, of it’s time of course … I’m still surprised at how poorly Russian aviation has done and I’m of the opinion had they performed better this would be over by now.”

But they didn’t, and after almost 3 months they still haven’t.

Douglas newell
Douglas newell (@guest_642855)
2 years ago
Reply to  Farouk

No they haven’t, but they have adjusted to new realities and are taking the Donbas from Ukraine. Slower than they intended but they’re still doing it. This past weekend the Russians have been hammering the core of the Ukrainian army yet our media ignore it as it’s not the narrative.

The only thing that will stop their creation of a new Novorussia in will be NATO joining the war … and that will start WW3 and neither Biden or Boris are that stupid I hope.

Jacko (@guest_642641)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Win what exactly? It’s been three months now and with the amount of casualties and losses of material you have suffered it really look like you are going to win naff all!
Just think of the losses you will incur trying to take the rest of Ukraine not even mother Russia can sustain this attrition.

Douglas newell
Douglas newell (@guest_642856)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jacko

Eh, I haven’t suffered any casualties, like you I’m not part of the war. Just an interested observer.

As for your predictions, time will tell.

Airborne (@guest_642649)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

You are very repetitive and boring, with the same old chuff. No matte how this war plays out, the Russians have shown themselves to be shite and conformed we have a rew appeasers and RT swallowing saddos in this country eh.

Douglas newell
Douglas newell (@guest_642859)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

It’s shown us that some people just swallow what their lords and masters tell them like sheep rather than take the time to look and see what is happening.

I don’t think the Russians are doing shite. They are attacking well motivated well armed troops who are in heavily fortified positions

I think the Ukrainians have shown themselves to be be very capable.

Nazi germany was very capable too … but they still lost .

Airborne (@guest_642875)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas newell


Jonno (@guest_642664)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

James Joyce went on with support for Hitler to the end. Delavera the same.

Douglas newell
Douglas newell (@guest_642863)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonno

And theeennn….

Jonno (@guest_642866)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas newell

Both British haters and also on the wrong side of history. No need to be there. See what I mean. Putin is on the wrong side of history. He had his chance.

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643168)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonno

I’m arguing over the perception of how the war is going in Ukraine, because i believe our politicians and media are hiding what is happening from us. Lazy comments from many of the posters here, such as: the Russians are shit, or calling them Orcs and Rapists; or the discussions of the Ukrainian twitter victories as they do “offensives” in the north where the Russians have withdrawn in good order, as they said they would do months ago when they realised their Kiev gambit had failed. Meanwhile the REAL WAR of the past month has been in the Donbass where… Read more »

David John Bevan
David John Bevan (@guest_642536)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Of course….

Sean (@guest_642548)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Glad to see you’re not wasting breath denying that the invasion of Ukraine isn’t illegal…

So you’re justifying one illegal war because there are other illegal wars?

No Iraq was illegal too, and it’s an outrage Blair hasn’t stood trial. But I can say that in the U.K. If I said the same in Russia about Putin I’d be dragged off to a gulag.

Douglas newell
Douglas newell (@guest_642862)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Surely then the ongoing Ukrainian assault on the DPR and the LPR since 2014 killing thousands was also illegal.

If you said that in the Ukraine the SBU would hang you from a tree.

Sean (@guest_642881)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas newell

If you mean the ongoing Ukrainian defence against the Russian mercenaries in Donetsk and Luhansk then obviously that isn’t illegal. It’s simply Ukraine defending itself from an earlier Russian attack. There’s no such thing as the DPR and LPR.

Wasp snorter
Wasp snorter (@guest_642549)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

We’ve not had wars to take territory and enlarge Britain have we Douggie, the nearest I can think of is the Falklands where we kicked out another autocrat aggressor, or are you going back many generations ago to Empire, if so that’s a desperate comparison. We are in the 21st century, what kind of idiot invades a massive country of over 40million people, Putin and Russia are now up there with the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini etc, a pantheon of evil. A stain for future Russians generation to bear including the humiliation and shame of what their foot soldiers… Read more »

Airborne (@guest_642611)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Where did I say that? Stick with the question instead of childlike deflection!

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_642777)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

It’s illegal then?

farouk (@guest_642503)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

JIMK wrote: I see nowhere south of the Kharkov area that the Russians are being significantly rolled back. Please find as below a 2 picture gif I have quickly knocked up. The first picture shows a situation map of the Ukraine as of the 2th of April 2022 and the second shows the situation as of 13th May 2022 (almost 6 weeks later) 1) Moscow has been pushed out of the North 2) Moscow is getting pushed out around Kharkiv (Note everybody across Europe uses the Ukraine name for the city including each and every British media outlet, you… Read more »

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_642547)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Yes the uk media use the Ukrainian spelling and pronunciation of Kharkov, but funnily enough most of the population are Russian speaking and use the Russian spelling and pronunciations.

Of course that is part of the problem, the Ukrainian nationalists forcing their language, their culture and their support for Naziism on the Russian speaking population.

farouk (@guest_642556)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

DN wrote:

Yes the uk media use the Ukrainian spelling and pronunciation of Kharkov, but funnily enough most of the population are Russian speaking and use the Russian spelling and pronunciations.

This is the map for the country as of 2001 regards languages spoken:

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643051)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

I obviously don’t know how to post image links!

Airborne (@guest_643068)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

One of many things you seem to have trouble with!

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643151)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

The AZOV Nazi supported opines.

Airborne (@guest_643373)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

More trouble with reality I see, come on son make more of an effort, your getting rather boring now! Go back to your Putin calendar and your George Galloway fan club!

farouk (@guest_642558)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

DN wrote:

Of course that is part of the problem, the Ukrainian nationalists forcing their language, their culture and their support for Naziism on the Russian speaking population.

What you mean as written into law across most of the world and funny enough pushed forward by the Russian Duma as of 2 months ago:

DMJ (@guest_642567)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

“Support for Naziism” Putin narrative again

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643044)
2 years ago
Reply to  DMJ

I particularly enjoy hours the effort you put into the narrative of your posts.

Airborne (@guest_643069)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

What? Please have another go in English, thanks.

Chris (@guest_642844)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

By that ridiculous so called logic we should expect an attack from the Welch any day.
Ukraine is a sovereign nation who speak their own language with various regional dialects same as us, none of which is a justification for rape and butchery.

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643047)
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Do you think that the 8 year Ukrainian bombardment of the Donbass killing around 3500 civilians was justified?

As for the last comment about “rape and butchery”. There are rapists and butchers in every army in every major war that was ever fought. There are plenty of documented incidents on both sides.

Lets hope everyone who is guilty of war crimes is found and punished.

Have a read of this, its funny how the Western Media don’t cover stories like this: french army: Former French Army man accuses Ukraine of war crimes against Russian forces – The Economic Times (

Airborne (@guest_643067)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Most interesting as the same narrative was pushed by JohninMK, kayaker and a saddo called Andy (all trolls, same account)! Do stop trying to justify an illegal invasion, and stop being a Poop Tin sheep (although you do seem one of those very useful sheep)!

Chris (@guest_643110)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne an interesting site at the moment.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chris
Chris (@guest_643091)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Then tell the Russians to leave Ukraine or does that go against your agenda?

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643143)
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

The people of the DPR and LPR that were being attacked by the Ukrainian army for 8 years, are not Russians, they live there. They were Ukrainians being attacked and killed by other Ukrainians for – in their opinion – defying the take over of their country by the US and EU.

Next year they will be Novorussians.

Chris (@guest_643092)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Where is your source for the 3500 killed?

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643144)
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Its a common number than can be found very easily by searching on the internet.

If you want to have a go at my comment, at least do your research yourself.

Denying the 8 year bombardment of the DPR and LPR is denying reality – plenty of BBC articles still in their archive about individual incidents for you to read.

Chris (@guest_643241)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

You mean the Russian state backed and equipped separatists, yet again you spew nothing more than Russian propaganda with no evidence whatsoever and expect people to believe them as facts,if you are going to have a go at any comment on here stop being a pathetic little troll.

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643322)
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

The only ones trolling are petty little name-callers like you. Grow up and stop acting like a petulant little child when someone disagrees with you.

Chris (@guest_643339)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

How pathetic yet again you can criticise others and not accept what everyone can already observe about your previous posts and your own petty name calling when faced with any criticism or questions that doesn’t suit your narrative.

Airborne (@guest_643376)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

You don’t disagree with others, you push an RT Nazi supporting narrative which makes you either a troll, a sad loner with no mates or a nasty piece of work who openly supports rape, torture and an illegal invasion, you choose which cap fits!

JohninMK (@guest_642580)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

I will. As I was answering John Clark I never intended my comment to cover the last month or so as clearly it would be wrong. I should have put ‘currently’ or ‘in the last few days’ or similar to tie it into his comment. I still use Kiev as well. I also use Munich, Cologne and Rome plus, like you Odessa. Can’t see why Russia would attack Odessa from the sea, it would be suicide. The attacks there seem to be on weapons warehouses, fuel and ammo dumps, airfields and further south the railway bridge. I’m not sure if… Read more »

Airborne (@guest_642614)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Yaaaaaaaaaawn, sorry rapists appeaser did you try to say something?

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643048)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Another incisive reply I see. Keep up the good work!

Airborne (@guest_643060)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

Another load of Putin appeasement, keep up the Nazi supporting work!

Douglas Newell
Douglas Newell (@guest_643150)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

So says the supporter of the side that actually has Nazis in their army and in their Government. Look up Stephan Bandera, he’s the Ukrainian National hero and fought and murdered with the SS for the Third Reich. The fact you are happy to support a government that deifies such a man says a lot about you. Look up the Azov Battalion and what it has been doing for the past 8 years. Its the SS of the Ukrainians. US lawmakers have recognised Azov as Nazis for years: Congress bans arms to Ukraine militia linked to neo-Nazis | The Hill… Read more »

Airborne (@guest_643371)
2 years ago
Reply to  Douglas Newell

You support a Nazi state, pure and simple and no amount of misdirection will change that my little Nazi lover! Change the RT record and grow up!

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_642645)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

That’s not true, you’re wrong again. But you seem to have no trouble in supporting a Russian gangster mafia state that has seized virtually all assets and distributed them amongst a select few individuals, murders and imprisons dissidents, denies freedom of speech and expression, denies human rights to its population, conducts chemical and radiological attacks on other countries, starts expansionist wars of aggression against its neighbours and the Kremlin’s ideology is no different to that of nazi Germany.

You’re wrong every time Comical Johnski.

Gunbuster (@guest_642665)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Not forgetting to mention that the russian forces are reliant on the rail links to the east of Kharkiv and north of Izium. They are now being interdicted by UKr Artillery as are the bridges in the Donbas used by rail and road logistics. Russian logistics will now have to come up from the south to supply the north. ivans logistics are going to once again struggle The attempted encirclement of the UKr forces in the Donbas Salient has been abandoned…they simply do not have the forces to achieve it. In the next few weeks expect the Ukr forces to… Read more »

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642816)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Map says it all really. All the deaths and destruction for not very much. One thing should be learnt from recent conflicts. When the population are given freedoms and hope and their lives also improve at the same time they are extremely unlikely to be willing to give these up and return to a previous way of living.

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_642510)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

I know they are probably threatening to tow your Lada away if you don’t continue the rhetoric John, but really….. Russia has been absolutely humiliated in the eyes of the world, the slow castrating of the Russian Armed forces by Ukraine has shown the once feared Superpower to be a paper tiger, utterly incompetent and a laughing stock quite frankly. The mix of war crimes and cruelty shown has Russia covered in the blood of the innocent… Russia has been pushed out of the North, it’s being pushed east of Odessa, so it won’t be long before the Ukrainians are… Read more »

JohninMK (@guest_642585)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

Compare today’s maps with those the day before it started. When judged against Moscow’s objectives I don’t see Ukraine castrating the Russians, it might be taking longer than they may have hoped but the Russians are grinding remorselessly forward, certainly not a laughing stock. I can’t see how it could be judged any other way.

The Russian Ruble is now stronger than it has been for two years whilst most of the World hasn’t signed up to the sanctions. Not really laughing stock.

Not sure which border I’m going to be rolled back over, Welsh or Scottish?

Airborne (@guest_642615)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Yaaaaaaaawn, how’s the raping and looting going?

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_642639)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

You might get to keep the Lada afterall John, yep the glorious Russian Army will push on to …. Obscurity perhaps?

Seriously, months in and your losses are huge, your objectives narrowed by the day, yep, laughing stock sums it up, you invaded a country far smaller than you and they are putting you through the meat grinder…

Nothing more than Russia deserves!

Astonishing that a country that suffered so much under the Nazi jackboot, should try them on for size and become the next incarnation of an insane pint sized dictator….

Putin is quite mad you know John…

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_642532)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Ah !! Comical Johnski is back from under his rock with yet more absurd FSB supplied bullshit.

Any answers to the few questions I posed to you in my last reply to your rubbish? Or do your FSB handlers forbid it ??

BTW, better get your black armband dusted off, I hear Vlad the Mad , CIC of the rapist regiment of Russia isn’t in the best of health.

Jonno (@guest_642669)
2 years ago

Pretty sure he’ll be gone soon.

Jonathan (@guest_642552)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Russia is bleeding money and men. The simple truth is that if the west continues to bankroll and supply Ukraine with weapons, russian is likely to be the first to collapse economically and at the end of the day when you are talking two nations engaged in total war the loser is always the one that suffers ecconomic collapse or a collapse of the will to fight. The only way around this is total domination of all domains ( air,sea,land, cyber) and Russia just does not that that so it’s a grind to economic collapse….and the west is just better… Read more »

JohninMK (@guest_642592)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Russia has very little debt. What it owes abroad it has in reserves in Moscow. As I said above its currency is getting stronger. Its sales of energy and other exports are very high. It has large reserves of weapons. We in the West are seriously in debt and have big problems unless we print more money, just delaying the issues. We are only competitive if energy is cheap and that stopped last year. If Russia supplies its ‘friends’ at last year’s prices we are in deep trouble. You are correct that the west is good at winning what you… Read more »

Airborne (@guest_642616)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

FFS change the record yaaaaaaaawn how’s the rape statistics going with your uniformed rape specialist military? Pathetic!

Jonathan (@guest_642638)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

John John, the reality is the Russian GDP is not great, it does not have a high tec base needed For complex weapons or industries and most of its strategic reserves of currency have been suspended. The value of the ruble has recovered to its normal rate after a catastrophic dip, which means that its in a buying spike after the catastrophic dump, it will slump as sanctions increase and we go into a world slowdown. The simple truth is Europe’s can ween itself of Russian gas and oil, it’s not that hard. But Russia will loss its major market… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Jonathan
Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_642650)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Well explained.

JohninMK (@guest_642803)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Russia has a high enough tech base to develop the Zircon.

Airborne (@guest_642810)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Ha ha ha Haha Zircon? Load of Russkie hopes and dreams and failure! Zircon sounds more like a kitchen cleaner you sad rapist supporting troll.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_642834)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Hmmm. Zircon was going to be a GCHQ SIGINT bird. It was exposed by the left wing journalist Duncan Campbell in the 80s.
It proved too costly so GCHQ decided to drop it and pay 1 billion to NSA for the use of their satellites for British targets 1 third of the time.
I have no idea what the Russian Zircon is that JMK referrs to.

Airborne (@guest_643066)
2 years ago

I think he refers to the Zircon supposed missile? Not sure but neither is he!

Jonathan (@guest_642841)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Yes but Russia does not make most of the key components that go into that missile and almost all other high tec items. Just one example is superconductors, needed in high tec manufacture not made in Russia main manufacturing is in Japan and US. Lot of other things russia does not have the tec base to make.

Sean (@guest_642884)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

One of Putin’s ‘revenge weapons’?
Where have we heard that narrative before ….

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_642644)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

The Russian military is being exhausted. It doesn’t have the reserves required to replenish lost equipment and soldiers, at best it can only mobilise conscripts and obsolete equipment. It has been defeated in the North and North East, and will be eventually defeated everywhere. Because of sanctions, Russia isn’t able to access the vital materials and components to support its military equipment manufacturers, while Ukraine is being supplied with advanced weaponry in greater numbers. The large reserves of weapons you talk about Russia having are likely to be rusting junk. The best Russia can hope for after this is to… Read more »

AV (@guest_642561)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

I’ll keep it simple and sweet…your Maths is wrong.

OkamsRazor (@guest_642589)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

JMK you seem to have a kindergarten appreciation of artillery fire. Any professional would explain to you that 90% of Russian artillery fire at present seems to be wasted on non-military targets (schools and flats etc) whereas 95% of Ukraine artillery fire seems to be aimed at military targets. So one side is actioning a professional campaign and the other an amateurish campaign, I’ll leave you to figure out who the losers are.

Martin (@guest_642658)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Funny comrade, that Russian artillery seems to be getting wiped out by counter battery fire all the time. Ukraine artillery is now much longer range, more accurate and with counter battery radar they know exactly where Russian artillery is. Better you guys just go home before you all get killed. If you give up now they might let you keep Crimea. Tell your boss he is not looking well also. Maybe he needs to rest.

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_642771)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Even by your low standards a miserable effort. The Russians are being thrashed. They expected – you expected, I expected – them to be running Ukraine by early March having deported to ‘camps’ all the leading Ukrainians they could squeeze into cattle trucks. Instead they have been thrashed. Were it not for the needless deaths on both sides yours would be about as amusing as dear Brian London believing he could have had Muhammed Ali in the tenth.

Sean (@guest_642488)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

Need to bring down the bridge over the Kersch Straits to really cut off Crimea.

JohninMK (@guest_642596)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Too late, they have an overland road all the way now.

Sean (@guest_642605)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Not once the Ukrainians have pushed the Russians into the Black Sea

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_642619)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Hopefully it’s on a “to be hit” list. They’ll have to do a good “ neat” job on it as as to not block the sea lanes.

David (@guest_642579)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

Putin believes Crimea is Russian territory, treacherously given away by nikita krushchev..
I think Ukraine troops pushing into Crimea could tip him into a nuclear response. Even a detonation at sea would probably force a ceasefire. He won’t concede crimea . It’s political end game for him.

Last edited 2 years ago by David
dan (@guest_642583)
2 years ago
Reply to  David

Ukraine has said they would love to destroy the bridge to Crimea. NATO should help them with that.

JohninMK (@guest_642597)
2 years ago
Reply to  David

Its no game. NATO in Crimea is beyond a red line and it very nearly happened as in 2013 the USN was paying for upgrading facilities there. If it hadn’t been for the coup in 2014 they may have been there now.

Sean (@guest_642606)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

There was no coup in 2014 🤷🏻‍♂️

JohninMK (@guest_642625)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

What do you call the overthrow of the Yanukovych Government then?

Sean (@guest_642632)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

There was no overthrow of the government. The rigged election that he won was appealed to the countries highest court, which invalidated it and in the fresh election he lost. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jonathan (@guest_642695)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

I’m afraid that was called a Democratic check and balance working to remove a future dictator…Actual Democracies do have that sort of thing to make sure People like Putin don’t subvert the democratic process from within.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jonathan
Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_642878)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

There was no coup in 2014. Sean is correct. Yanukovych was little more than a Russian stooge, similar to yourself who governed Ukraine according to Moscow’s wishes. It was a popular uprising by the Ukrainian people, backed by its parliament that saw him resign from power and flee to that well known bastion of freedom and democracy – Russia. That fact alone confirms that he was Russia’s little bitch. Before he was forced from office though, his security forces fired on unarmed protesters, killing many. The Ukrainian people wanted closer ties with the West and the EU. Yanukovych, as Russia’s… Read more »

Airborne (@guest_642617)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Your getting flustered son, your now forgetting your pretend impartiality!

Jonathan (@guest_642694)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

I actually don’t disagree with you on Much on Crimea, that’s a far more complex ethnic situation than the rest of Ukraine and is probably the only area that can be used in a negotiated peace. Where I don’t agree with you is I don’t believe the US would have moved into Ukriane, russia had a navel base there, the US foreign policy is sometimes clumsy and random but not that level of stupid. Also in reality I don’t think Putin really cared that much About Crimea, what he saw was an easy isolated target that would allow him to… Read more »

dan (@guest_642582)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

The West should help the Ukrainians destroy the bridges to Crimea. That would really put Putin’s panties in a twist.

JohninMK (@guest_642600)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

And what would he do in return? Destroy the Denmark/Sweden bridge or the Channel Tunnel?

Sean (@guest_642629)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

He sulk and pout a bit, and do nothing.
Just like he’s ignored NATO arming Ukraine, NATO repairing damaged Ukrainian vehicles, and Turkey closing the Bosporus to Russian vessels. Just like he’ll blister about Sweden and Finland joining NATO, he bluster and fluster and do nothing 😆

He knows in a confrontation with NATO, he loses.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sean
Jacko (@guest_642662)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

So now your saying that Pootin should attack NATO territory! Isn’t that going to cause the WW you are supposed to be trying to avoid.

Spyinthesky (@guest_642464)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

Yes the one shown having been fired had a code that suggested it was manufactured in 2000 so very old end of service model. Interestingly it is stated it only actually entered service in 2005. That said maybe very early models are being used up for training purposes and/or being used initially and they will progress up the timescale as time passes and experience increases.

Gunbuster (@guest_642667)
2 years ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Apparently that was a UKr photo from the training depot.. A russian telegram poster got the picture, removed the watermarks and posted a “look what we found” “isnt Brimestone carp” post.

Martin (@guest_642656)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

Yes it’s the original radar guided variants which are perfectly useful when dealing with armoured targets or any form of fast moving craft. Later versions came with EO guidance in addition to milimetric radar but it’s not that useful against an armoured column and not needed for ripple firing.

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_642678)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Clark

They are using Brimstone as seen at the start of this video.

“Discover Ukraine development Brimstone truck-mounted anti-tank missile to counter Russia tanks”

Watcherzero (@guest_642518)
2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker

The Anti-Structure munitions are NLAW/Javelin with a high explosive rather than anti-tank warhead, for use against pillboxes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Watcherzero
BobA (@guest_642553)
2 years ago
Reply to  Watcherzero

No, it’s a separate weapon system. Looks like a slightly fatter 66. Initially it was a UOR for HERRICK because we didn’t have anything that could bring down a wall (ie an RPG type weapon) because LAWs blow a very small hole in a wall then detonate.

Chris (@guest_642621)
2 years ago
Reply to  BobA

Don’t the ATG4’s and Carl gustav have the ability or are they a bit too light?

BobA (@guest_642642)
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Carl Gustav can – the Danes we’re using that but not in British Service. Not sure about AT4.
ASM uses ‘enhanced blast’ to Punch a big hole and drop the building. It was really useful if you were being engaged from a hardened firing point. However, under more restrictive rules of engagement it was more difficult to use because you had to ensure that no one else was in the compound. In a conventional fight it’s an awesome weapon.

Chris (@guest_642688)
2 years ago
Reply to  BobA

Thank you for the info

Daveyb (@guest_642744)
2 years ago
Reply to  BobA

In our mission, we used Carl Gustavs in Afghan, they were loaned to us by the Canadians, who we were embedded with. We used only two types of round for them, a standard HE round and an anti-structure round. We used the anti-structure one for blowing holes in mud brick walls, if the situation was too hot to place a breeching charge.

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642818)
2 years ago
Reply to  BobA

Ok first question what’s a fatter 66? Does the anti structure weapon have a name. I’m not military and a don’t own a services dictionary. Got there own language in there

Jonathan (@guest_642697)
2 years ago
Reply to  Watcherzero

would that suggest a slight change in the focus of request from Ukraine as the anti tank munition is really focused on the prevention of aggressive operations, were as the anti structure munitions would be needed against Russian forces that have stopped offensive operations and have moved to trying to hold gains.

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642817)
2 years ago
Reply to  Watcherzero

Thanks for the reply. Got lost in the madness comments😂😂😂
Every days a school day. Didn’t know they came with different warhead flavours.

andy a
andy a (@guest_642924)
2 years ago

brimestone videos already online

Something Different
Something Different (@guest_642447)
2 years ago

What capacity does Britain have to replace the equipment sent to Ukraine either through domestic manufacture or foreign imports? I am just concerned that there will come a point that it will be unsustainable to take this matériel from stocks and that to permit the current rate of supply to Ukraine to continue other sources need to be found.

Sean the real Sean
Sean the real Sean (@guest_642449)
2 years ago

Lockheed has just gleefully told shareholders the Production of Javelin Missiles will be doubled this year though I only saw Australian and the US Flag on consigned orders along with Australia ordering another 13 UH60R to take their total to 36 .

Sean the real Sean
Sean the real Sean (@guest_642452)
2 years ago

And thats one thing Australia sneakily does , it says it will buy so much but the keeps ordering with scarce regard for the international consequences . Indonesia seeing already 14 Poseidon ordered will surely object with another two being negotiated .

OldSchool (@guest_642473)
2 years ago

So when was the last time Australia invaded or attacked Indonesia? Australia is arming itself vs China – simple.

DanielMorgan (@guest_642456)
2 years ago

Everyone will have to stand in line behind the US for Javelin missiles. The US has sent 5,000 Javelin missiles to Ukraine, 1/3rd of the US stockpile. That will get replenished first.

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_642468)
2 years ago
Reply to  DanielMorgan

The US army must have more than 15,000 Javelins prior to donating 5000 to Ukraine?. Especially when considering the UK was reportedly in stock of 20,000 NLAWs prior to donations to Ukraine. Now much less in stock. Not a problem as manufactured in Belfast so hopefully replenishment has already begun.

Kjell (@guest_642551)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

FMV, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, has agree that the UK can use Swedish agreement with Saab.

<a href=”–press/aktuella-handelser/fmv-tecknar-avtal-med-storbritannien-om-pansarvarnsrobot-nlaw/”>FMV signs agreement with the United Kingdom on anti-tank robot NLAW</a>

<i>”FMV has signed an agreement with the United Kingdom, which makes it possible for them to use Sweden’s existing agreement with Saab for the manufacture of the anti-tank robot NLAW. The robot, which in Sweden is called Robot 57, is used to fight modern combat vehicles and it is one of the UK’s military contributions to Ukraine.”</i>

JohninMK (@guest_642463)
2 years ago

Taiciet, the CEO, said that current Javelin production was 2100 and that they were planning to double that to 4000 which might take a few months up to two years. The big problem he said was the supply chain and with 250 semiconductors/microprocessors in the product current world shortages have an impact. He went on to say that they really need a Congress Bill passing that would increase US production of components. My comment is that with a 26 year old missile, even with continuous upgrading, there is a risk that there are really old components, generally the simpler ones,… Read more »

Airborne (@guest_642500)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Meanwhile, in the real world Russkie rapists talkies continue to be toast, regardless how old the missile components are.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_642538)
2 years ago
Reply to  Airborne

Who cares how old the bits are: they work fine for the job in hand.

The problem is more iteration of design to keep current production possible.

Previously I have posted, to a bit of derision on here, that the discontinuation of manufacture of non military discreet components that were often available bulk mail order was a significant issue in maintaining and manufacturing items.

Ho hum.

Apparently LM and Boeing now have the same thoughts?

JohninMK (@guest_642602)
2 years ago

My company had the same issues, obsolescent parts were an ongoing risk, we had to buy in bulk before they were gone.

Airborne (@guest_642735)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Your compared the same issues? Really, raping and looting civvies, wow.

Watcherzero (@guest_642511)
2 years ago

Lockheed actually said it would take them two years to achieve a doubling of the production rate.

Rick (@guest_642450)
2 years ago

I’m also wondering how quickly Russia will capture some technology then copy them with China.

farouk (@guest_642453)
2 years ago

Meanwhile in London:

Sean (@guest_642490)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

David Lamy… is he still claiming hundreds died at Grenfell and that the Emergency Services have covered this up? All mouth, no thoughts.

farouk (@guest_642521)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Lammy the Richard Edward who played the race card after the BBC aired a story about how the world is watching the Vatican regards the picking of the new Pontiff by the use of either black or white smoke.

Last edited 2 years ago by farouk
Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_642652)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

A poor effort from Lammy. Because the British army is a few thousand above the 73,000 already and well short of the 82.000. So he is talking of stopping a small cut, NOT enlarging to the 82,000 headcount the army should be. 12 Escorts. ( 3 T23, 4 T22, 5 T42 ) several SSN, and 11 fast jet squadrons, and an endless list of other cuts, how about reversing those LABOUR Cuts Mr Lammy? And would you be going against your membership and Young Labour scrapping AUKUS and going against NATO when you get in? People forget what happened to… Read more »

ChariotRider (@guest_642454)
2 years ago

Putin has really stirred things up in exactly the wrong way for Russia. Bully boy tactics have alarmed so many otherwise foolishly uninformed western politicians that defence is now a real issue, even in the UK (all be it rather less so than in Finland or Sweden…). It has been highlighted by posters on here that the factory in NI that makes the NLAW is recruiting extra staff to meet demand and I expect that MBDA may well need to follow suit if they haven’t already. As for UK stockpiles, yes they’ll be getting run down until production can be… Read more »

JohninMK (@guest_642465)
2 years ago
Reply to  ChariotRider

Not just UK stockpiles but NATO and beyond appear to be using Ukraine as an opportunity to flush out the oldest gear, from tanks to helmets, from their stocks. As much of it was destined for the costs of scraping, this has made sense from both a military and economic perspective. If it then turns out that the US is going to pay for replacements or the logistical costs then so much the better, even if they don’t its potentially more local employment. The UK was definitely ahead of the curve on this.

Jacko (@guest_642494)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Why don’t you just give it a rest and bugger off back to your utopia dreamland

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_642586)
2 years ago
Reply to  Jacko

Russia is banned from the Eurovision song contest, so JMK has nothing else to do this evening.

JohninMK (@guest_642603)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Hartley

Spain was pretty raunchy.

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_642657)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

How will your dear leader take the massive Europe wide popular vote that took Ukraine from fourth to first? For the first time in 20 years, a British act/song came first in the jury vote, but the ordinary people of Europe gave the bulk of their votes to Ukraine. This included the ordinary people of Britain who gave their top 12 votes to Ukraine, even though it meant helping knock Britain from first to second. If the UK had to come second to anyone, I am glad it was Ukraine. Rule Britannia & Glory to Ukraine!

JohninMK (@guest_642705)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Hartley

I suspect he couldn’t care less. He knows that in serious Government decisions the public has little say. Remember Iraq?

Airborne (@guest_642737)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Ah remember Iraq? Hilarious, proof you have absolutely no reasoned answer to any reply to your rapists supportin vomit.

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_642822)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

In time, the public mood can sink even the highest leader. Is Blair still PM? No. Even Putin will not lead Russia forever. You might want to plan your escape route now.

Airborne (@guest_642501)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

And Putin is using Ukraine to flush out all their platforms, kit and people, from their stocks.

farouk (@guest_642519)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

JIMK wrote:

Not just UK stockpiles but NATO and beyond appear to be using Ukraine as an opportunity to flush out the oldest gear, from tanks to helmets, from their stocks.

Funny you should mention that I came across this video of Russian reinforcements (LNR and DNR troops) to the Avdivka front, sporting either the SSh-40 or SSh-60 steel helmets with the latter in use in 1960 and carrying the Mosin–Nagant Model 1938 Carbine. 

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_642539)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Cutting edge stuff……

Maybe they are using them so NATO can’t hack their helmets?

Do they have tin foil liners?

Honestly, this would be funny if so many lives were not being lost.

JohninMK (@guest_642604)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Indeed they are but it would be wrong to regard either the DNR or LDR militias as part of the Russian Army as they are not. No attempt seems to have been made to equip them to RuA standards and they get all the captured ex Ukrainian stuff, including NATO donations. In many ways they are worse equipped than the main Ukrainian units.

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_642643)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

“….RuA standards…”

Ha ha !! Russian army standards (and navy and Air force), are being shown daily to be non existent. Poorly trained, badly led, unable to manoeuvre, junk equipment that’s isn’t maintained, operated by conscripts and amateurs. That’s before we even examine the Russian nazi militias. The NATO equipment and standards are so far advanced from the Russian junk it must be such a morale breaker for the Russians.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day , you are consistently wrong with your information every time you post. It’s pathetic .

Ianbuk (@guest_642531)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

A US Senitor (Rand Paul) has just managed to stop Bidens $40bn aid package to Ukraine. That will have a bearing on the replacement deal I am sure. Unless Biden passes an Executive Order, he won’t get more of those much-needed arms to the Ukrainians.

Strange how US politics works.

DanielMorgan (@guest_642550)
2 years ago
Reply to  Ianbuk

Biden has no Constitutional authority to issue an executive order to issue an aid package. Only Congress can authorize the funds and the shipment of materials purchased with those funds.
Rand Paul did not stop the aid package, he merely delayed it until next week. He refused to agree to a unanimous consent agreement which means regular Senate procedure applies and the bill will be passed next week.
Strange how Brits have no idea how the US Congress works but issue declarative statements about it anyway.

Jacko (@guest_642562)
2 years ago
Reply to  DanielMorgan

Bit like yanks with the Good Friday agreement really isn’t it!

DMJ (@guest_642569)
2 years ago
Reply to  DanielMorgan

And how many Americans have any idea how any government outside the US world either

DMJ (@guest_642570)
2 years ago
Reply to  DMJ

World not world

DMJ (@guest_642571)
2 years ago
Reply to  DMJ

Damn predictive text ” works”

Grizzler (@guest_642626)
2 years ago
Reply to  DMJ

We meant what you knew ….

dan (@guest_642588)
2 years ago
Reply to  DMJ

Like the American government they are all corrupt. Simple.

dan (@guest_642587)
2 years ago
Reply to  Ianbuk

Biden is crazy. $40 billion is more money than 99% of countries spend on defense in a year. He’s just wasting more American taxpayer dollars. He doesn’t have the guts to tell Germany to start paying up like Trump did.

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642849)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

That $40 billion is for lots of different stuff not just equipment and will be equipment costs at USA prices.
Trump could shout all he wanted but the Germans didn’t act because he threw his toys out of the pram.
If it comes to how politics work trump was clueless as shown by his actions and the lack of impact his statements had on any foreign country changing direction because he said so.
Deflection at its best. Trump had major putin love, god knows what would of happened if he was still in power

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_642661)
2 years ago
Reply to  Ianbuk

Paul had/has a point that any large sums of cash given to Ukraine without good, solid oversight, might vanish into the offshore accounts of the “usual suspects”. Any weapons, ammo, food, fuel, medicine given to Ukraine will be given to those Ukrainians that need it, but cash risks leaking to the wrong hands.

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642850)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Hartley

I don’t think the Americans are sending over a C-17 with cash in it. The figure is just costings

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_642966)
2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker

I think we all know that US cash handed over in Iraq & Afghanistan often went astray. Better to send useful things, rather than cash.

Mr Mark Franks
Mr Mark Franks (@guest_642460)
2 years ago

Defence officials have been in talks with industry. Looks like an announcement soon on ramping up production.

Spyinthesky (@guest_642475)
2 years ago

Interesting question. At a guess in terms of the missiles: NLAW apparently already being ordered as an article mentioned Switzerland ( where Saab/Bofors make the warhead) insisting on assurances new ones won’t go to Ukraine. Think we had 15000 so I guess still scope to send more as and when new ones are manufactured to replace them. Martlet: very current so assume they can be fast tracked. ( whatever that means in Britain eh) Starstreak: The version sent one presumes can’t be replaced. However isn’t the HVM that is now being talked of (and indeed Starstreak referred to as this… Read more »

Watcherzero (@guest_642514)
2 years ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

I think they are manufacturing Brimstone 3A and reconditioning some Brimstone 2 into 3A at the moment, this has physical updates including removing the last US built component so no-longer beholden to US export restrictions and forms a new production standard. They have also commissioned and are awaiting delivery of a software update that will take it to 3B.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_642541)
2 years ago
Reply to  Watcherzero

I wouldn’t underestimate, how much, the US Brimstone manoeuvre influence the thought process of sovereign tech.

It might explain the total lack of US tech on the T31?

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_642634)
2 years ago

Never thought about that. Good point.

dan (@guest_642584)
2 years ago

Britain will have to get in line behind the USArmy and Marines with regards to getting more Javelins.

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642854)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

Britain hasn’t sent loads of javelin to Ukraine probably because it doesn’t have as many as it does of NLAW and it is a main weapon that the forces require.
If the deliveries are going to take as long as stated I doubt the U.K. will send any that they can’t spare.

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_642969)
2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker

Looking at the photos of Brimstone being fired off the back of a truck in Ukraine, I would like to see a Boxer variant firing Brimstone for UK Army.

farouk (@guest_642451)
2 years ago

Meanwhile across the water:

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_642461)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Idiot Micron.

He makes Doris look like a genius….

OldSchool (@guest_642474)
2 years ago

Like I said about a week back…..France is there to raise the White Flag for you……cheese anyone?

dan (@guest_642590)
2 years ago

Micron “we surrender.”

Jonno (@guest_642672)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

His holiday options are disappearing fast. He wont show his face anywhere in the Baltic States, Scandinavia or many other places including the UK.

Klonkie (@guest_642877)
2 years ago
Reply to  dan

Micron’s defence policy

  1. appeasement
  2. surrender
  3. collaboration

It’s a French thing !

Grizzler (@guest_642466)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

TBF there were many commentators on here who suggested that option in the first weeks of the he’s not the only one to suggest that…Albeit maybe his rationale is somewhat different as others may have suggested it as a solution to save Ukraine from destruction whereas his now looks like the appeasement it always was. strange how time has an effect of clouding people’s memories.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_642481)
2 years ago
Reply to  Grizzler

In the early days of the war I did suggest that Putin was given a graceful comedown route. That was when things were not going well for Putin but when he wasn’t being routed. Now the calculus changes. How desperate is Putin to save his neck? How crazy might Putin’s last gasp be? He is still the crazy with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons….oh and 10’s of thousands of people ARE being killed……so peace is not an academic exercise. Much as I would love Ukraine to recapture all of the 2014 areas, I’m not sure how that would play in… Read more »

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_642635)
2 years ago

Ukraine are all in on this war and we’ve told them we will back them to the end. Maybe the Russians will be allowed Sevastopol as a sort of Gibraltar but that will be it.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_642846)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Steeper

They got Sevastopol in 2014 – it is in Crimea.

RobW (@guest_642545)
2 years ago
Reply to  Grizzler

I was one who said we needed to give Putin a way out. As the war as gone on and their atrocities uncovered I am not of the same view, although I’m not quite as optimistic as some as to Ukraine’s ability to take back lost territory in the Donbas and Crimea. It may still end up with a negotiated settlement along the lines of territory held prior to this invasion.

Danny Asselin
Danny Asselin (@guest_642628)
2 years ago
Reply to  RobW

Plus Ukraine puts off possible NATO application and gives up any claims to the areas stolen in 2014. It’s is not going to be pretty but I agree with you overall.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_642655)
2 years ago
Reply to  RobW

I agree. And I also think an off ramp is necessary.

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_642673)
2 years ago

DM, at the start of this, I agreed with you, that Putin needed an off ramp, but three months later, & all the death & destruction, I think he has spurned any attempts at a reasonable deal. It is now down to him to make the first move & it had better be generous to Ukraine.

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_642469)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

He is an appeaser. Running scared of Putin and believes in the Rusdian nuclear blackmail threats. Even thoigh France is a nuclear power and has a viable continuous at sea nuclear deterrent.
Why should Ukraine enable any face saving of Putin after he and his shoddy armed forces have committed mass atrocities and a war of rape, looting and murder against the civillian population.
The answer is they shouldnt and nor should little Napolean Macron even be suggesting they should.

OldSchool (@guest_642477)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

As an article stated on Politico EU recently ….’the US and UK are saving Ukraine, the EU is saving themselves’ sums it up nicely.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_642485)
2 years ago
Reply to  OldSchool

Very much on point.

The head of VW couldn’t have made the message clearer.

If Putin had got away with #1 (2014), #2 (2022), where next as he tried to re erect the Iron Curtain? Poland? East Germany anyone?

Ianbuk (@guest_642533)
2 years ago

Totally agree SB, as bad as the deaths and destruction in Ukrainian are, we must support Ukraine in giving Ivan (shows when I first joined the RM) a bloody nose. It really is a “stitch in time”, to save the rest of Eastern Europe, and Taiwan for that matter. The Russian & Chinese doctrine of a large motorised fist needs to be shown to be one that will get mauled by Western manpads.

AV (@guest_642668)
2 years ago
Reply to  OldSchool


Frank62 (@guest_642618)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

Indeed we’ve been giving Putin too much respect. Pandering to mad, aging, unhinged dictators is a recipe for disaster & a foolish precedent. Nor should we who have our own nuclear weapons back down to nuclear blackmail threats. Quite modest military intervention could’ve rolled most Russian forces back to the border, but we pussy foot around allowing Ukraine to be absolutely devestated & the war to drag on.

Jonno (@guest_642674)
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr Bell

France should pay the price. You read it here.

Stc (@guest_642470)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Yes, we’ll the French have form they and the Germans waved the white flag on behalf of Ukraine in the infamous Minsk agreement. Essentially the EU telling Ukraine what to do, welcome to the UKs world Ukraine ! France and Germany doing to Ukraine what Russia is doing but without the bombs etc.

Max Jones
Max Jones (@guest_642509)
2 years ago
Reply to  Stc

Yes. Poor Britain under the oppression of the much more powerful France and Germany. We are just one of the little guys in that situation.

Spyinthesky (@guest_642479)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Yeah easy to ask others to surrender territory so that you can get your perfume exports back on track in Russia, wonder how he would feel if we asked for Normandy to settle old scores. That said realistically I fear in effect something of this nature is likely the result sadly as Finland had to do back in the 40s. Can’t see how the Crimea will be returned the humiliation would be just too great for a Russia still standing but one presumes some sort of semi autonomous Donbas around the Minsk accords could however be tolerated by both sides… Read more »

Sean (@guest_642491)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Maybe Macron would like to surrender some French territory to give Putin a face-saving off-ramp?
I’d suggest The Élysée Palace…

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_642601)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Perhaps Macron will give Britain the Calais pale back?

Sean (@guest_642630)
2 years ago
Reply to  John Hartley

I think we should demand the whole of Normandy back 🤷🏻‍♂️

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_642663)
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean

The premier cru vineyards of Bordeaux?

Jon (@guest_642495)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

I agree with Macron. Just for the sake of peace, Zelensky should give up all claims to the areas around Moscow and Novosibirsk if Putin agrees to get out of Donbas and the Crimea.

Was he on a visit to Vichy when he said it?

More seriously, I think there are things that Zelensky can offer, such as restoration of the legal protections for minority language use. He’s a native Russian speaker, so he might well want to do that anyway.

Richard (@guest_642534)
2 years ago
Reply to  farouk

Maybe Ukraine could promise to stay away from Moscow.

Sean (@guest_642631)
2 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Maybe Ukraine could promise to stop trashing the Russian military 😆

David Steeper
David Steeper (@guest_642636)
2 years ago
Reply to  Richard


Paul.P (@guest_642457)
2 years ago

What has the UK given Ukraine? In a word, professionalism. And tools to do the job of course. The Ukrainian belief is their own.
As far as the Russian forces are concerned, as the saying goes, give them the job and they will finish the tools.

Spyinthesky (@guest_642480)
2 years ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Yes you can see classic British elite tactics small groups lightening strikes beyond strong defensive positions, being used by the Ukrainians that’s no coincidence it’s been obvious since 2014 when training began that it’s the only way they could win out.

JohninMK (@guest_642467)
2 years ago

I put some posts in the OSINT Bunker this morning, one of which is a bit of a warning, the M777. The US, aware of the risk of shipping classified products, deleted the digital fire control system from the guns before shipping. Presciently as it turned out, as one gun is already in Russian hands. Given that large numbers of supplied man carried weapons are already also in Russian hands, we need to be careful that in the enthusiasm of helping out we inadvertently expose aspects of products that should remain secret. Not us but the US with its Switchblade… Read more »

Airborne (@guest_642502)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

And if the Russkies tried to reverse engineer any kit they get their hands on the I’m sure they will firstly fuck it up, and secondly it would be flogged off along with their tyres, optics, ammo, vehicles, spare parts, tracks and everything else your fav rapist army flogged on the black market. Yet again thanks to Putin, who hopefully will die soon, the west have seen how shite your Russian bear is, and as I’ve said before, the Russian bear? More like a piss stained, cancer ridden ginger alley cat which regularly gets run over. Russia, current laughing stock… Read more »

Jacko (@guest_642522)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Now how on Earth would you know that a gun is already in pootins hands?
perhaps you can share your sources so we can all have a laugh.

Jacko (@guest_642525)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

And of course to have captured a gun the rapists would actually have had to advance quite a way to get it as i can’t see the Ukrainians leaving it just laying about!

AV (@guest_642564)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

I’m pretty sure the West are well aware of what’s being sent …and don’t require a warning from you!?..are you that deluded!

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642857)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Can you post a source for this. I’ve asked before about sources. It’s a standard thing to do when making claims on forums.

David Lloyd
David Lloyd (@guest_642471)
2 years ago

Well, you never know with propaganda these days. But the Jerusalem Post has a report (which has not been denied at 1500 hrs) that Estonia has permission to send Ukraine Blue Spear 5G SSM

Blue Spear is a large, ultramodern sea-skimming antiship missile that flies at high subsonic speed, with a land attack capability. The warhead size, range and stealth capabillities all appear to be classified

David Lloyd
David Lloyd (@guest_642478)
2 years ago

According to updated figures for 10 May, Ukraine has captured 233 Russian tanks. This is more than our entire fleet of 227 and makes Russia Ukraine’s No1 supplier of heavy armour

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_642486)
2 years ago
Reply to  David Lloyd

Good point…..

Is that now a part of their tractor regiment?

David Lloyd
David Lloyd (@guest_642497)
2 years ago


Sean (@guest_642492)
2 years ago

The U.K. has probably given more to the Ukraine than any other nation after the USA. But that’s not important now, what important is that we continue to do so, and indeed ratchet up the offensive nature of what we give. Putin’s only hope is that the West gets bored, distracted, or starts being miserly about given equipment/munitions – especially those they weren’t planning on scrapping anyway. There has to be a continuous flow of weapons into Ukraine. We also need to plan for a multi-year war. Let’s start training Ukrainians on Typhoon Tranche 1 aircraft, both flying and ground… Read more »

steve (@guest_642554)
2 years ago

Can someone enlighten me as to what we mean by anti-structure munitions? In my ignorance it could be anything that could be used to damage a building or bridge etc. anything from an NLAW to a nuke…?

Christopher Allen
Christopher Allen (@guest_642557)
2 years ago
Reply to  steve
steve (@guest_642563)
2 years ago

Thanks, that makes sense.

JohninMK (@guest_642608)
2 years ago
Reply to  steve

‘Plastic’ explosive?

Airborne (@guest_642739)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

FFS you russkie loving clown it’s not PE. You know so much about Russian kit but fuck all about ours! Another schoolboy error as a sad nonce supporting troll.

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642858)
2 years ago
Reply to  JohninMK

Yes c4 etc. It’s like playdo/putty but goes bang

Christopher Allen
Christopher Allen (@guest_642555)
2 years ago

Weren’t we planning on sending some AS-90s?

Chris (@guest_642624)
2 years ago
Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_642853)
2 years ago

Apparently not. Most of the barrels are shot out – not sure why they cannot replace the barrels though, unless someone forgot to order them up.

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_642926)
2 years ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

I would of liked to see a costing of a strip down and rebuild as new AS-90 with new longer gun and modern systems versus new build Korean system. I had thought the German gun may have made more sense to buy but I’m no expert. Whatever the British army do I just hope they hurry up. I would add a small order for a truck based system as well as the tracked for flexibility etc. If uses the same gun, systems etc as the tracked then hopefully that would mitigate the problems of having different systems.

dan (@guest_642581)
2 years ago

All of these “small” weapons will just drag the conflict on indefinitely. Need to give them some really hard hitting systems so they can push the Orcs back to where they came from. But that won’t happen since crazy old Joe doesn’t want to start WW3. lol

Frank62 (@guest_642598)
2 years ago

How about some AShMs for our own ships too?

John Hartley
John Hartley (@guest_642676)
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank62

Exactly, almost not bothered which, just as long as they get something.

Mr Bell
Mr Bell (@guest_642823)
2 years ago

Drones are really developing rapidly. Look out for Flowcopter a heavy lift UAV with payload of 90-150kg over 500kms range.
Get some of those loaded up with ammo. Food. Drink. Medical supplies and fly them into Avostal steel works. Defenders seem to be willing to continue the fight if resupplied.