C-RAM firing in response to a rocket attack launched by insurgents in Basra in 2009.
C-RAM is a land version of the Phalanx CIWS radar-controlled rapid-fire gun for close in protection of vessels from missiles. C-RAM is an initiative taken in response to an operational needs statement made by the Multinational Force Iraq (MNF-I). The directive arose in response to the increasing number of casualties caused by attacks using rockets, artillery, and mortars in Iraq. The land-based Phalanx B was subsequently deployed in Iraq in the summer of 2004.
It protected the Green Zone and Camp Victory in Baghdad, Joint Base Balad near Balad, Iraq, and was also deployed by the British Army in southern Iraq.
Well that’s pretty awesome
Awesome bit of kit!
Joe Gilpin
Anybody that heard that will never forget it!
Never has a more honest statement brought back so many memories mate!
And the blasted wailing sirens and outgoing 155’s. Basra – 2007
Life saving bit of kit.
Unfortunately not always : (
I have been pretty close to it when it goes off and there are loads of clips on YouTube.
Eneas Mccurdy
Haven’t they all been converted to the Naval version for the RN?
Nice hardware
Wasn’t it just taken straight off a warship and returned after the war?
If it was that useful, they would have tried to buy one or more to be used perm for land based use, instead of crippling the ships
That sound…
The c ram has been upgraded for fitting to the new carriers
I wish they had this when I was stationed with them in Basrah and the base was pummeled as the most rocketed/mortared base in Iraq.
Mikey Wartooth so sick
Wouldn’t want to go anywhere near the business end of this 🙂
An awesome piece of kit no doubt saving many lives
It would be good to know some stats on how effective these things are.
How many targets did it acquire vs how many did it not
How many hits vs misses
Ok the land based threats are considerably smaller than the targets that these things were designed to take on, but on the flip side they are also moving considerably slower.
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