The Ministry of Defence has said the woman’s story is ‘completely untrue’, understandable given the fact Britain doesn’t operate any anti-submarine helicopters in the South Atlantic, that is, no helicopters actually capable of tracking a submarine.

Jesica Medina, the sister of submariner Roberto Daniel Medina, said the WhatsApp message she had received from her brother said that they had been close to the Falkland Islands.

“It was a strange message in which he told us a British helicopter and a Chilean ship had been chasing them” said Medina. She told local media that other family members received similar messages. She claimed to not have told authorities about the message earlier because she “didn’t feel she was able to.”

An MoD spokeswoman told us on the phone: ‘This story is completely untrue’.

Not only would this appear to suggest access to WhatsApp while at sea, it reveals the discussion of operational details to family members.

The Argentine government recently suspended two officers — Rear Admiral Luis Enrique Lopez Mazzeo, and Navy Training and Enlistment Commander, captain Claudio Villamide — for alleged irregularities in the submarine search operation.

Recently, Sputnik claimed that the sinking of Argentine submarine ARA San Juan was caused by a British deep-sea mine deployed during the Falklands War. The problem? Britain didn’t lay any mines. Sputnik News is a successor to Russian state-owned RIA Novosti’s international branch which became defunct in 2013. The agency is wholly owned and operated by the Russian Government.

The article suggests that the explosive event registered in the area of ​​operations of the Argentine submarine ARA San Juan was caused by a deep-sea mine “installed at the time of the Falklands War in 1982.”

Quoting Russian naval captain Vasili Dandikin on the fate of the ARA San Juan:

“In 1982, the British submarines could have placed maritime mines near the Argentine coasts, the mine could remain in the bottom for 35 years, and once a storm disconnected it from the rope, it could have hit the San Juan.”

The thing is, the UK didn’t use any naval mines during the Falklands War either.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. LOL.

    Three possibilities.

    One. They were snooping around in Falklands waters. We’d actually have every right to follow them. Does not mean that we then sank them! Especially as that was way further north beyond range.

    Two. They have seen a Bristow contracted SAR helicopter or even a Chinook and been clueless
    between a helicopter flying past and actually being hunted.

    Three. It’s bullshit.

    • I would tend toward your number three option Daniele. Possibly another attempt to deflect attention away from the Argentine Navy. Your options one and two are entirely feasible, bearing in mind the UK has zero interest in the own goal of ‘hunting’ an Argentine sub.

      Thank goodness the Kirchner government is out of power: A whole load of conspiracy theories blaming the UK would be promoted.

  2. I think you’ve got to take option 3, Bullshit.

    Be interesting to see the explanation as to how ordinary sailors are able to WhatsApp from a submerged sub hundreds of miles off the coast.
    Didn’t have mobile phones when I was in, we just had the sat phone but even then there had to be a bloody good reason for using it.

  3. It’s just a way to pass the blame for putting a badly-maintained submarine to sea onto the UK. I feel sorry for the crew and families but if they believe this then they will believe anything.

  4. To use What’s App, you need access to a data network i.e. either the internet or a mobile phone network. Let’s be logical about this.

    1. To use the mobile phone network means you must be in line of sight of 3G/4G relay masts and therefore within line of sight, as the frequencies these use are upper UHF. There are now mobile networks in the Falklands. So either they must have been close to the Argentine or Falklands coastline. If they were close to the Falkands then there would have been three “known” options, as I’m pretty sure our subs don’t patrol there any more. As was said earlier, they spotted a Chinook or one of the Bristow aircraft. The other option is depending on what the FI guard ship was at the time might have had either a Merlin/Lynx on board. There are also a number of private helicopters operated by the FI Company. Further unless the sub has a 3G/4G repeater fitted, I’m not sure you can get mobile phone reception when operating in a big metal can!

    2. To use the internet from a submarine whilst out of sight of land will mean using satcoms. The bandwidth that is available from an operational submarine will be limited (time on line costs an exorbitant amount of money over satcom!)

    Personally, I think that the sub was snooping around the FI and was scared off by a “helicopter”, got to the Argentine coast made the calls, then due to poor maintenance practices had a battery fire whilst submerged. A very sad episode, but also highlights how crucial it is to maintain training and sea time. But also to ensure maintenance is not postponed and pushed to the right due lack of funds!

  5. I can remember a quote from Tom Paine that I think is appropriate here. Pardon me if I don’t get it word for word. ‘When you have to decide between something that’s impossible happening or a man lied always go with a man lied’

  6. Agreed, tragic that people make up such stories, I don’t blame the families for believing it, the poor souls are deep in grief and anger and desperate for someone to blame…

    I am sure upper echelons of the Argentine Navy are only to happy the anger is getting miss directed elsewhere!

    This false news generated by the Russians is getting really tired, they are just making themselves look more and more like the third world tin pot dictatorship they seem determined to turn into…. Very sad.

  7. I really hope this isn’t true.

    There is a chance that a British helicopter could be in a area, and there is also a chance that using sat internet the message could have been sent (operational details shouldn’t be sent, but welcome to the real world).

    However even if true, it seems insanely unlikely that the helicopter would have used offensive weapons, even if the sub was in British waters (ask the spanish) and so either way it’s a non story.

    Horific news for the families, even without this type of thing interfering with there grief. No one deserves this way to die.

  8. Problems indicated from maintenance records indicate there was a problem with the boats main battery, explosion probably from gasses emitting from a faulty battery…Until the sub is actually found, everything else is pure speculation, as a former British submariner I have sympathy for the family of the boats all submariners will..

  9. The true fact of the matter is:
    1, Britain and Argentina are still at war over the Falklands ,in words more than action
    2,Conspirators,make up stories based on stories not on facts
    3,A submariner is operating on board a vessel which is covert and all communication
    Unless authoritised by the commander
    Of the vessel is not allowed,if a British
    Submariner did what this lady claims then
    The person would be removed from duty
    Arrested and put in the brig,until they got back to base and court marshaled,
    Dismissed from Naval service and the service record would show that the person could not be trusted.
    4,Britain today has no ASW helicopters
    That duty fell on the duty of aircraft like the
    Nimrod Which used to fly out of Scotland
    Yes America has ASW,so it’s possible that if a ASW was in the area then maybe it was a American aircraft on manovers
    British Navy Seakings have been retired from active service,Air sea rescue helicopters only have limited operations
    Flight time.
    6 If The Submarine was in British territory waters and had been seen by a ASR
    Or a troop load carrying helow and the helicopter was shadowing it
    Then we have every right to do it
    And the submarine should not have been inside our territory
    7,The RN had no time during the Falklands conflict to lay mines.
    It doesn’t need to do so as we have our own submarines which yes patrol the territory water yet unless feel terratoned by the other submarine then they will load the tubes
    Uploaded a firing solution and have the doors open ready for action,yet unless given the command to fire, the other submarine would register this and hopefully leave the area as fast as possible with the RN Submarine shadowing them.
    8,Final comment
    This is a tragic accident and a loss of
    Souls and as much as I personally understand that the families of the sailors lost are very upset,unfortunately accidents happen,throwing blame around doesn’t help it causes more harm than good and it’s
    Insulting in the memory of the loss souls

    • Has mentido punto por punto y ya esta demostrado por documentacion oficial. una verguenza, como buen britanico colonialista.

  10. Everybody here is assuming the impossibility of a fact without actually checking the fact.
    Here is the actual messege: “El lunes nos buscaba un helicóptero inglés y ayer los chilenos. Hay mucho movimiento allá”
    Which can be translated as this: “Last monday a british (lit. English) helicopter was following us and yesterday the chileans. There was a lot of movement out there”
    He doesn’t say “chasing”, just followig, and, most important: he never talks about an alleged “antisubmarine helicopter” he just says “helicopter”
    The guy, suboficial segundo Daniel Medina, is talking to his family, telling them about past events (“last monday” “yesterday”) and the messege is sent 9 days before the sinking, that is, prior to the last mission.
    So, forget about the quackery of accessing whatsap from the deep sea, and creating reverse conspiracy theories. You can’t get any conclusions from counterfactual events.
    A couple of unnecessary addition to the words and a couple of missing details about the facts are the basis of all what is written here. Who is creating “fake news” then?
    You should pay more attention to your own media; there aren’t good guys and bad guys , RT are the evil liars and UKDJ are the pure revealed truth, the world is not that simple!!


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