Sweden has announced its most substantial military support package for Ukraine to date, valued at SEK 13.3 billion ($1.3 billion USD), aimed at bolstering Ukraine’s air defence capabilities and addressing other critical needs, according to a press release.

The highlight of the package is the donation of Airborne Surveillance and Control (ASC 890) aircraft, also known as the Saab 340 AEW&C.

These advanced platforms will provide Ukraine with the capability to identify and engage aerial and maritime threats at extended ranges.

The package includes comprehensive support, such as training for Ukrainian personnel, technical equipment, and logistical aid for establishing air surveillance and command & control systems.

Sweden acknowledges a potential temporary reduction in its own air defence capacity due to this donation. To mitigate this, Sweden plans to procure additional GlobalEye airborne early warning aircraft and expedite the delivery of an existing order of two GlobalEyes. To further enhance Ukraine’s air defence network, the package includes Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs) adapted for ground-based and aircraft deployment. Sweden will also acquire new missiles to replace those donated.

The package also addresses a critical Ukrainian need for artillery ammunition. A significant quantity of 155mm artillery shells will be provided to counter Russian forces and alleviate ammunition shortages faced by Ukrainian field units. Similarly, Sweden acknowledges a temporary decrease in its own ammunition stocks and plans to replenish them through procurement.

In support of forming new Ukrainian brigades, Sweden will donate its entire inventory of PBV 302 armoured personnel carriers. This includes spare parts, maintenance equipment, and ammunition. While this donation will temporarily reduce Sweden’s own armoured vehicle capabilities, they intend to address the gap through further acquisitions.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Deep32 (@guest_824534)
3 months ago

Some much needed capability for the UKR AF, especially as they should also be receiving some much needed F16s later this year.
Together with the recent announcements as to what can be targeted with HIMARs etc, will certainly pose some major headaches for Putin and his followers as recent events have shown.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_824544)
3 months ago
Reply to  Deep32

The stupidity of allowing Putin to gain momentum rather than piling in when he was on the back foot is unbelievable. It only takes a tiny understanding of matters military to make clear you finish you opponent and don’t allow them to regroup by hammering them so hard they don’t know what gas hit them. The Russian now unfortunately understand how some of the older NATO systems work and can mitigate (a bit) whereas initially they would have been defenceless. I know the F16’s will make a difference but if they had been provided with tanks when it was manoeuvre… Read more »

AlbertStarburst (@guest_824555)
3 months ago

Spot on.

Jonathan (@guest_824575)
3 months ago

Indeed, this is especially true when that enemy has amost 4 times the population to throw at the problem as well 10 times the GDP and wealth. Not supporting Ukraine to go to for the throat, will cost. Hopefully it will not cost the war… There are some green shoots..Gazprom announced annual losses of 6.9billion dollars in 2023..and that has been a Russian cash cow….essentially Russia has used it’s central bank, money reserves and oil very cleverly..which has allowed it to survive the massive hit that western sanctions have been..but it will falter its just a matter of when.. As… Read more »

Joe16 (@guest_824676)
3 months ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Another factor in on the economic side are the Ukrainian strikes on oil infrastructure; Russia has apparently had to double their subsidies to oil producers to keep prices to the population down. That means they’ve less money to spend on the war, but also that the rate of depletion of that wealth fund is going to be increasing, rather than steady and just due to sanctions.

Frank62 (@guest_824704)
3 months ago

Absolutely. A failure of leadership across NATO nations. How many UKR & Russian lives could’ve been saved if we’d sent a clear message that Russia couldn’t win this from the start.

DB (@guest_825866)
3 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

Should you have lived among Russians you might not be so keen on saving them… just saying.

Steve (@guest_824573)
3 months ago
Reply to  Deep32

The introduction of the F16s into the conflict will be interesting to see what they can do. It has been clear HIMARs have had a massive impact but the western tanks have not. Both were massively hyped up ahead of their introduction.

Russian air defences have been clearly ropey against drones and glide bombs, but will they be any better against jets, a target they were specifically designed to counter.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_824581)
3 months ago
Reply to  Steve

It depends on which generation of DAS the Ukrainians get for the F16’s it won’t be the full fat latest generation version. But it probably doesn’t need to be.

Jacko (@guest_824538)
3 months ago

Game changers indeed👍 let’s hope that the Ukrainians can keep them safe because talk about missile magnets!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_824542)
3 months ago

Sweden stepping up already now in NATO.
And most welcome, brothers and Sisters.

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_824545)
3 months ago

Indeed – organised educated people who are natural allies.

Ben Lane
Ben Lane (@guest_824550)
3 months ago

Sweden has a lot of skin in the game and it is no surprise that it is supporting Ukraine.

Remember Sweden has been countering all aspects of Russian aggression short of war for years.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_824576)
3 months ago

Great news for the Ukrainians, gives them EX well needed capability. Just going have try and keep them out of harm’s way which won’t be easy has these will be a priority on Russians target list .

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_824587)
3 months ago

Perhaps slightly off topic, but this aircraft does look like it could be useful for carrier based AEW.

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_824615)
3 months ago

Like you thinking PC. A “Hawkeye lite”. Maybe we can rustle up a trial or two off the carriers? And the Grippen’s too! 😆

harryb (@guest_824619)
3 months ago

Way to big for the QE and i doubt it has the built-in strength to deal with CAT and TRAP.

Yes (@guest_824635)
3 months ago

I guess these ones will burn similar to hundreds of warplanes already downed.
Unless it’d fly in the territories of “neutral” Nato countries.

Fen Tiger
Fen Tiger (@guest_824683)
3 months ago
Reply to  Yes


Paul T
Paul T (@guest_824738)
3 months ago
Reply to  Yes

Now that is the Million $ question 🤒

Frank62 (@guest_824702)
3 months ago

Great job Sweden.

DaveyB (@guest_824725)
3 months ago

This is a very important development for Ukraine. From other sources I’ve read Sweden will be giving at least two of their Saab 340 based Erieyes to Ukraine. However, I do see a small issue and that is with training, For these aircraft to make a dramatic difference to Ukraine’s war effort. The aircraft/crew really need months of training with their current Su27 and Mig-29s. But perhaps more importantly is with the donated F16s. The European F16’s radar isn’t all that much. But these F16s can carry the later AMRAAM AIM-120C-7. Which means the missile has a better range over… Read more »

DB (@guest_825871)
3 months ago

UKR AEWs flying over NATO airspace from Finland to Bulgaria coupled to F16s ready to strike and Russia has some serious issues to face, fire a missile into NATO territory – We just know the Poles will let the UKRs fly over their territory and some countries are just looking for a strike so they can assist UKR, doubt the Latvians will deny the UKRs as well, so, this is really upping the ante. It will also alleviate some of the pressure on both Brit and NATO assets flying similar missions where there is a downside is the ability of… Read more »