At the UK Defence Journal, our mission is clear: to deliver accurate, insightful, and timely coverage of the most important defence and security issues shaping our world. From breaking news on military operations to deep dives into defence policy and geopolitical developments, our team is committed to keeping you informed.

We’ve recently responded to valuable feedback from our readers by lowering the number of adverts on our site. While this decision enhances your reading experience, it also means we rely more on direct support from our community to continue our work.

Unlike many publications, we do not accept funding from industry or government, ensuring that our reporting remains independent, unbiased, and free from external influence. This allows us to publish content without fear or favour, guided solely by a commitment to the truth and to you, our readers.

This independence, however, comes at a cost. Your support is vital to sustaining our operations, enabling us to cover the stories that truly matter. Thanks to contributions from our readers, we’ve recently been able to report live from Sweden, aboard a warship in the Baltic Sea, bringing you first-hand insights into NATO operations. This is the kind of on-the-ground reporting we are passionate about, and it’s made possible by you.

With your continued support, we can invest in high-quality journalism, travel to where the news is happening, and ensure that the UK Defence Journal remains a trusted, go-to resource for accurate defence news.

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George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. I don’t drink Coffee but worked it out as 3 Pints of Swedish Beer. Enjoy 🙂

    Oh and any chance of putting edit ability back on for comments ? To many Typos that I’d like to alter.

  2. Coffee sorted. Would like to second Old Tony’s and ABCRodney’s comments above. But also include not limiting the number of replies a comment can have.

  3. I shall happily contribute. And I’d add to ABC and Davey’s wish list, the old ability to review a posters previous comments and history. Too many Trolls appearing on here, and others pretending to be bonafide posters with good intent. Not always so.
    Email notifications too.

    • I’d like to second those requests. The current posting system does not really allow for considered responses because the articles are not easy find once they drop off the front page.

      I believe that many posters on hear add a great detail of knowledgeable content but that is perhaps being eroded by the new system.

      Nevertheless, UKDJ is still an important online resource.

      Thanks CR

  4. I’ll pile in as well then, the old comments system was just so much more convenient than what we have at the moment.
    We’re losing the discussion and extended conversations that made UKDJ so useful for me, and it’s turning into your average online news comments with nobody listening to anyone else.

    • I replied to you the other day mate, no doubt missed by yourself with this set up.
      You OK? Still at School or moved on?

      • Yeah, still going strong.
        L6th is ramping up a bit with summer exams coming, but I’m trying to get some research work going at a Uni or company for the holidays (lots of emails sent, not so many replies).
        Still stuck at school for the next year and 4 months, unfortunately 👎
        Which article was the reply under? I remember asking you something, but not where.


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