The UK’s three new Fleet Solid Support (FSS) ships are expected to enter service by 2032, according to a government response to a parliamentary question from James Cartlidge MP.

Maria Eagle, Minister of State for Defence, provided an update on several major Royal Navy shipbuilding programmes, stating that “each of the Ships Programmes are progressing” and confirming expected timelines:

  • Type 26 frigates are set to enter service between 2028 and 2035.
  • Five Type 31 frigates are planned to be operational by the early 2030s.
  • Three Fleet Solid Support ships will be delivered by 2032.

The Fleet Solid Support (FSS) ships will be critical to sustaining Royal Navy carrier strike and amphibious operations, replenishing the fleet with fuel, ammunition, and supplies while deployed at sea. The vessels are being built by Team Resolute, a consortium led by Navantia UK, Harland & Wolff, and BMT, with construction taking place at shipyards in Belfast and Spain.

Alongside updates on the FSS ships, Eagle confirmed that the Multi-Role Support Ship (MRSS) programme—designed to replace Albion-class amphibious assault ships and Bay-class landing ships—is still in the concept phase. She stated:

“The Multi-Role Strike Ship programme continues to progress through the Concept Phase. The Outline Business Case is due for submission mid-2025 which will detail the schedule for future contract award milestones.”

The MRSS vessels are expected to provide amphibious warfare, littoral strike, and humanitarian assistance capabilities.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. When will the first enter service? That’s what actually matters. RFA Fort Victoria is not going to last much longer.

    • We’re pretending otherwise but solid stores has effectively been gapped since 2021. Even if Fort Vic could be brought back into service short of all out war the RFA’s very limited manpower will be utilised keeping as many Tide’s and Bay’s going.

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  2. All we know so far about MRSS is that it will be a large non complex warship. But with escort numbers not recovering to 19 until the 2030s and an ominous silence about type 32, MRSS will need to be capable of self defence. Adding effective sensors and missile systems would add complexity and cost. But it would deliver a real multi role capability.
    If the future purpose of RM is to conduct smaller raiding operations, how large does MRSS need to be? The Damen MPSS 9000 seems to offer sufficient lift for such operations with the ability to insert forces by sea or air. But with a core crew of only 48, it lacks advanced self defence systems.
    I must confess to being rather confused about what the MOD is aiming for. Perhaps they are too.

    • Everyone seems to be of the opinion that the RN won’t contemplate any kind of through-deck design. If that’s correct, perhaps they should take a look at the Danish Absalon design and see if that can be adapted to their requirements for MRSS. It is based on a similar hull design as the Type 31 frigate, which Babcock (hopefully) has enough experience with by now. Give it the same weapons and sensor fit as the T31 plus a stern ramp for deploying landing craft.

      • Had thought about A salon but they’re more transports than amphibious ships, so the design would need some revision. Also, troop provision is just 200, surely we’d at least want enough for 2 companies plus support?

        • Who knows? Everything I’ve read suggests the marines are only going to be used for raiding parties now, rather than a full-on beach assault.

      • I had a chat with someone who should know a couple of years back and he looked at me like I was a moron when I mentioned through-deck. Nevertheless times change.

  3. How is it that they are going to take so long to make and bring into service……..I thought we were in the middle of an acknowledged need to increase our defence capabilities? This seems like the builders and client are asleep at the helm.

  4. MRSS seemed to be being given as the answer to everything it’s an assault ships and a fleet solid stores ship now….

  5. Far too late and far too few . Funny how we can spend £24 billion on cars for scroungers every year ..maybe they should be delivered in 2032 😡

  6. If it were me, and they were “critical”, I would ensure it took a lot less than 7 years to get them in service.

  7. I can see trouble ahead. With three FSS ships to be built, (I wish they would get on with it) and up to six MRSS ships each up to 20,000 tons also to be completed by the early 2030s the question is where and how. BAE Glasgow can’t do it as they have the T26s then possibly or more than likely the T83s. Rosyth could do it but it is possible that they will have hopefully the T32s and the drydock is needed for the carriers. Belfast will be busy with the FSS. So where could we build six 20,000 ton ships. First it will be a production line possibly with only one year between the start of each build. That could mean three ships under construction at the same time. However, if the MRSS is also to take on some role as an aux supply ship (replacement of the Wave and Fort Rosalie classes) then they will need to be a bit bigger say 250m and 27,000 tons with two RAS postions. Not only that but we need to think about replacing the Points soonish.

    Also if I am honest I think we are making a mistake due to cost cutting. For example the FSS 39,000 tons 19 knots. OK they are big enough but they cannot keep up with a carrier group as such they will need an escort frigate in times of war. This is the issue, it the tanker or solid supply ship needs to break off to replenish how will they catch up with the carrier group if the group is doing 25knots. How many extra escorts would be needed for the supply ships to break away to replenish. To be honest the tanker and solid supply ships escorting a carrier group should have at least the same speed as the carrier. Although that make each ship more expensive in the long run it would be cheaper as they would not need an escorting frigate. All ships and their operations should be carried out as if they are preparing for war as they cannot just go to base to pick up the kit, base might be 10,000 miles away. The way I think that they should operate is that a FSS and a Tide should be with the carrier group and we should have around the world pre postioned solid store and tanker auxillery ships to top up the fleet tankers and solid store ships. Also we need to start thinking about the future. For example in about ten years if not sooner we are going to start transporting by sea the after section of SSNs with a nuclear reactor to Aus. You cannot transport that in a civillian ship, or by air, so we will need a ship that can take bulky cargo with a large loading ramp and a frigate escort. So possibly a government civilian fleet of tankers and solid store ships say six of each that can in times of peace operate as civillian ships but in times of need are called up. They should be built in the UK possibly by using government loans with a cost of inflation+1% intrest but capped at 4%. If government needs to call up the ship for say one year the government pays the cost of the loan and everything else for that time period.


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