The UK government has confirmed that a strategy is in place to upgrade infrastructure to accommodate the Royal Navy’s new Dreadnought-class nuclear submarines, but details remain classified for security reasons.
In response to multiple parliamentary questions from Graeme Downie MP, Defence Minister Maria Eagle stated that the Ministry of Defence (MOD) is upgrading existing naval bases and dockyards to support the repairs and maintenance of the four planned Dreadnought-class ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs). However, further details cannot be disclosed due to operational security concerns.
Eagle stated:
“For operational security reasons, further details cannot be released as to do so could be used to undermine the security and capability of our Armed Forces.”
Despite concerns over rising defence costs, the government reaffirmed its commitment to delivering the four Dreadnought-class submarines within the original £41 billion budget, which includes a £10 billion contingency fund. The first of class, HMS Dreadnought, remains scheduled to enter service in the early 2030s.
Royal Navy on path to resolve submarine maintenance capacity
According to Eagle:
“The programme remains on track to manufacture four Dreadnought-class submarines within the original cost estimate of £41 billion, consisting of £31 billion and a contingency of £10 billion.”
The Dreadnought-class submarines will replace the ageing Vanguard-class SSBNs, ensuring the continuity of the UK’s Continuous At-Sea Deterrence (CASD) well into the 2060s.
While the government has acknowledged ongoing upgrades to UK dockyards, it has not specified how many docks will be required by 2035 or which bases will host Dreadnought-class maintenance operations. However, it is widely expected that HMNB Clyde (Faslane) and Devonport will play key roles in maintaining the next-generation deterrent submarines.
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Someone needs to deal with these bots.
Anyway back to the article. Would it make more sense to expand the docks to be able to host more than the 4 new submarines? Heck you never know the government may think “Oh blimey! We need more submarines!”. Even if they’re not the Dreadnought class it wouldn’t hurt.
Yes, personally I think there is a case to order a 5th Dreadnaught and also build the new AUKUS class in greater numbers than the Astute’s. I guess it all comes down to priorities and money though.
Agreed. SSN SSBN are aces in our pack.
I consider the SSN more important than a surface escort.
We need both. But if I had to choose, then the SSN gets my vote.
Another Dreadnaught and another Le Triomphant would be affordable if the rest of Europe pitched in.
Having seen the Trump stance, it makes sense for Europe to Contribute and help with it’s defence now.
EUAUKUS…. or if just France…. FUKUS !
Agreed on the 5th Dreadnaught, if global peace suddenly does break out again we can always use it as an SSGN but with everything going on it seems like a very sensible idea.
A 5th Dreadnaught gives us an almost 100% boost to CASD at any one time plus at least one more at shortish notice. Now that the Tube numbers have been reduced, it makes absolute sense to do this given the current and likely future situation. 3% GDP can give us this and Europe should contribute if it wants this umbrella.
I don’t see a problem with this given the political will power.
Which I can understand they want to save money but sadly the world is not peaceful. IF they did order a few more subs than whats already on order, they could just keep them in reserve. Same with more frigates.
Its frustrating the government are seriously considering expanding the Navy when a huge part of our economy relies on sea trade routes.
Not really much of a story then.
I’d rather here that a 5th boat will be ordered.
Hear !
In the event of a nuclear war you may launch your US supplied Tridents……..peovided you have been given the codes by the President…….The French ,well they are ok they have built their own missiles,they are a bit more savvy than the British.
In the event of a Nuclear War, It won’t matter.
Even with a fifth hull we would still need to lease the missiles from the US.
Only the launch Vehicles though…. We have a stock of them here.
Utter waste of money, no one least of all Mad Vlad believes a liberal intellectual like Starmer would ever unleash any ICBMs on anyone
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