George Allison
Has Canada decided to go for F-18 over F-35?
Reports in the Canadian press suggest that the Canada has already made an unofficial decision to buy the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.
UK planning four front-line F-35 squadrons
Now that the UK has committed to a fleet of 138 aircraft, details on the structure of the F-35 force have been revealed.
Type 26 delay could mean more work for the Clyde
It has been suggested at a meeting of the Defence Select Committee that a potential delay in the Type 26 Frigate could see more vessels built on the Clyde.
WATCH: HMS Ocean departs for BALTOPS 2016
Fleet Flagship HMS Ocean makes her way out of Devonport to take part in a huge multinational NATO exercise in the Baltic Sea.
Typhoon uses cannon in combat
Figures released by the UK government show that, for the first time, Typhoon has used its cannon in anger.
Bomb squad remove anti-aircraft device from Glasgow park
It has been reported that a member of the public has found an unexploded wartime munition at Kelvingrove Park in Glasgow.
UK plans to strengthen measures against migrants arriving by sea
The Border Force and Royal Navy are expected jointly to patrol the channel amid fears more migrants will try and use the route to enter Britain.
Update: British air strikes against Islamic State
British aircraft have continued to conduct air operations against Islamic State.
Argentine warship damaged in collision
An Argentine patrol ship has been damaged after colliding with a tanker in strong winds near Puerto Belgrano Naval Base in Argentina.
HMS Ocean deploys for NATO exercise in Baltic Sea
Fleet Flagship HMS Ocean has deployed to take part in a huge multinational NATO exercise in the Baltic Sea.