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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford
Stuart Crawford was a regular officer in the Royal Tank Regiment for twenty years, retiring in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 1999. Crawford attended both the British and US staff colleges and undertook a Defence Fellowship at Glasgow University. He now works as a political, defence and security consultant and is a regular commentator on military and defence topics in print, broadcast and online media.

Goodbye to the Royal Scots Borderers

The demise of the The Royal Scots Borderers, known as 1 SCOTS, has been given relatively little publicity.

Memories of BATUS

The news that the bulk of the British Army is leaving BATUS has brought a wave of nostalgia to a certain generation of BAOR warriors.

The British Army is in big trouble

News that Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace has summonsed the Army Board for a "dressing down" hit the media this week. 

The Military and the Media

Former Royal Tank Regiment officer Stuart Crawford argues that it is time to stop seeing the media as the enemy and regard them more as friendly forces.

The British Army doesn’t make much sense anymore

Whatever has happened to "defeat the enemy"?

The MoD was offered Leopard 2 tanks on lease

With Challenger 3, Stuart Crawford argues that the UK has relegated its self to the role of an off-the-shelf customer.

The future UK Main Battle Tank fleet

There is good news and bad news for the British Main Battle Tank fleet.

Buy Or Lease? Future Defence Equipment Procurement

There are clearly some procurement projects which don’t lend themselves to the leasing idea. For many others, though, it just might be appropriate argues Stuart Crawford in this submission to the UK Defence Journal.

The Faslane Conundrum

Trident is essentially a political weapon, not a military weapon argues Stuart Crawford in this submission to the UK Defence Journal.

Why is the British Army’s equipment procurement so shambolic?

In this submission to the UK Defence Journal, Stuart Crawford looks at the factors that he believes help explain the disaster that has been British defence procurement over the past 20 years.