BAE Systems has been awarded $20m to provide logistics engineering and integration support of the US Ohio class and UK Vanguard class submarines.
The firm claims the contract includes ‘support of future concepts’.
According to a release:
“Work will be performed in Saint Mary’s, Georgia (47.8 %); Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania (30.9 %); Rockville, Maryland (11.7 %); Silverdale, Washington (3.2 %);Portsmouth, Virginia (1.07 %); Mount Dora, Florida (1.07 %); NewMarket, Maryland (1.07 %); Carlisle, Pennsylvania (1.07%); Mooresboro, North Carolina (1.06 %); and Mesa, Arizona (1.06 %), with an expected completion date of Sept. 30, 2020.”
The contract notice also adds:
“United Kingdom funds in the amount of $3,652,728, are being obligated on this award. Subject to the availability of funding, fiscal 2020 operation and maintenance (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $16,214,375 will be obligated.
No funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was a sole source acquisition pursuant to 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(1)(4). Strategic Systems Programs, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting Activity.”
I have three degrees including a Doctorate. I find those contract statements almost indecipherable!
THE Three Degrees?
Nah – not nearly that good 🙂
Almost or Totally.
I only have an HND , but I can see that the approx $20M, will be spent with “a company” in each location listed. split by the % shown in brackets. It is important to note that in American politics, it is important for members of the Senate and Congress to “bring home the bacon”. Getting Govt dollars spent in your constituency goes a long way to getting re-elected.
As for the 2nd part, the UK has committed $3.6M, and the US Navy will fund the rest, if they can find the money.
The reason that the statement “subject to funding” is included is that the US Congress has not passed the 2020 US Defense Appropriations Bill and the Pentagon cannot legally obligate funds that have not been appropriated by Congress. It’s a legal technicality and has little to do with the availability of funds which undoubtedly are included in the 2020 DOD Appropriations Bill. Once that appropriations bill or a CR is passed the funds can be legally obligated.
So the UK government supplies 15% of the monies but no work is carried out in the UK?
Possibly I am wrong but when I look at where I see the work being carried out I do not see a UK work base.
But it is BAE, a UK listed company. In the same way that Boeing and LM have operations in the UK (not so substantial, yet), BAE have substantial operations in the US. Indeed, it is why they are as big and global as they are and probably the reason why the DoD spends so much money with them.
Yeah BAE is a true giant these days, America helped make it so, but I hate how BAE merged with lots of UK company’s and then they stop producing what those company’s did! We have lost so many great british company’s this way and now we have one giant company! We should start making armoured vehicles again for a start, Alvis Vickers produced so many different kinds and they should still be building them!!
julian1, I understand that BAE is a UK listed company but lets look at this in a diffrent way. Trump has said that the Uk must look after it own interests when it came to the situation in the Gulf. The UK has said that no warship construction is to be undertaken in a foreign country. Both of these points I understand and agree with. Yet the Vanguard class our most top secret subs are to have upgrades done in the US, why? Is the technical expertese in the UK so bad, I don’t think so otherwise companies such as BAE would not win overseas contracts, our our subs and new surface vessels would not win contracts.
I really do wish that UK companies would support UK industry rather than creaming them off.
I’m guessing they base the work there for economies of scale. The US subs would never go to Barrow/Faslane and it makes no sense to duplicate capability. at the end of the day, BAE need to complete the work as efficiently as possible, so it makes sense to locate the work in the location of greatest critical mass. I assume these are mutual/shared components within differing sub designs. If we didn’t make decisions like this, the cost of the V-fleet would be greater than it is. I would prefer to focus developing T26, Typhoon, F35B business
I’d guess you’ve got the right of it with the ‘scale’ aspect, not to mention that the V boats are on the way out, not sure if the Dreadnoughts will be part of the same programme or not but it will be The States that its aimed at. Nothing wrong with a wee trip to Kings Bay for a few weeks, its hardly LA or Nu Yoik but its a run ashore.
Unfortunatly yes the techincal expertise in the UK is so bad.
Years of laying staff of at Barrow & not building any significant subs meant that when it came to building the 1st raft of Astute, BAE needed to call on Electric Boat’s knowledge to dig them out of a huge hole.
The other issue here & it’s always a favourtie of the US will be ITAR, I suspect the services being procured here most likely relate to the boats missles & launch tubes etc, most of that is American proprietary & whilst they lend it to us, they do rather like to keep most of this stuff close to home where possible.
I agree with Ron. The UK is benefitting from EOS joining with the US reducing the over all cost. But if we are still contributing 15% of the budget we should be getting some of that back through work on the UK. The US prob bent us over a barrel and said it was a strategic national industry so all of the work had to be in America knowing we could not deliver it ourselves without spending double the money.
Small beer in terms of spending. Presumably it’s to help fund some future facilites at Groton.