The UK and Kenya have signed a new Defence Cooperation Agreement to tackle the shared threat from Al-Shabaab.
Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Defence Dr Monica Juma signed the deal, according to the Ministry of Defence here.
“The UK is stepping up its counter-terrorism and military support to Kenya as the two countries signed a new five-year Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA). Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Defence Dr Monica Juma signed the accord during her visit to London yesterday. The agreement will enable the two countries to enhance coordination in their joint efforts to improve regional security in East Africa, including the fight against Islamist terrorist group Al-Shabaab.
The UK and Kenya already regularly work together to counter the threat from Al-Shabaab, not only through training as strengthened in the DCA, but also by sharing information and identifying new ways to target the group financially with sanctions, and starve them of new recruits by addressing the root causes of violent extremism. Building on the existing agreement, the new DCA will provide a basis for the exchange of military personnel for defence activity, allowing for enhanced training opportunities and increased collaboration in peace support work.”
Defence Secretary Ben Wallace was quoted as saying:
“It was great to meet Dr Monica Juma again today. We held very fruitful discussions and agreed a range of measures to keep both of our countries safer. Kenya has long been our defence partner of choice in East Africa and, in a more uncertain world, we will continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder as we tackle the threats of tomorrow.”
British troops currently help to train over 1,100 Kenyan soldiers every year before they deploy to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to fight Al-Shabaab and the British Army and Kenya Defence Force (KDF) conduct around five joint training exercises every year, involving around 750 Kenyan and 5,000 British troops.
Putting the Defence Review into action. 😉
Chapter 3.7 I think.
“ Engaged internationally. It is only through persistent and proactive engagement that we will increase our understanding, pre-empt threats and build the partnerships and capability we will need to stay safe. Through a more engaged posture we will increase our influence, promote our values and create the unity which our adversaries fear.”
Keeping close ties with Kenya is also important given the efforts of China to gain a foothold in East Afric. If successful they could have access basing in the west of the Indian Ocean along with apparent growing influence in Sri Lanka.
Cheers CR
Reported today China is getting ready for meetings with the Taliban. All the good guys together then.
I wouldn’t worry, that is destined to end in tears
Your probably right .
I can’t see how that would work considering China’s treatment of it’s muslims.
Hitler organised a pact with Stalin when it suited him.
Very true , I don’t think Russian kids are told that aspect of their history at school lol.
Sorry but Turkey is forging close ties with China and refuses to criticise them even as it chastises the West and is increasingly belligerent towards Israel. And they are hardly the only ones in that region. Got to love the stench of hypocrisy in the morning. In the end self interest conquers all and an economically struggling Country and leadership will bend their rhetoric and morality to suit. China knows that full well too on its way to World domination.
I hope your wrong but tragically I don’t think you are. Nothing that happens in that part of the world ever seems to be for the good of the people. China,which could be a peaceful and useful contributory to global affairs just can’t help itself. Doctrine says they must dominate.
On the subject of China there is a very good on line briefing paper from the China Research Group if any body is interested.
Got a link?
Just google China Research Group and subscribe.
That’ll upset Barry Obama
Care to elaborate?
We should build base in
Kenya few typhoons keep
eye on things
No mention of a Ranger Battalion being based there. Are the press wrong ? I know that’s normally a no-brainer but this time who knows.
For East Africa read Kenya?
Yep. Thanks for that.
The old SIGs were meant to be structured so that each battalion was responsible for a geographical region. This was to enable language training and understand of the countries they would work in. I wonder if the Rangers will have a similar structure eg a battalion each for 1) west Africa; 2) east Africa; 3) Mid East and 4) Far East. (There were 5 SIGs though, so some region would miss out/merge).
I’ll have to go back and look at the command paper and the press in the days after but I think they were talking about 1 in Germany to cover NATO area and 1 in Cyprus for Mid East and the others to be decided so quick arithmetic you could well be spot on.
One being based in Cyprus is interesting. I wonder if this battalion will replace one of the two full-sized battalions currently based there, which would free up a battalion for the BCTs?
That’s a very good question. I think maybe not. It might be that the Ranger Batt is HQ’d there but it is expected to spend some/most of time deployed in various places in Mid East. Does anyone know of any more detail out there or has it not been announced ?
Kenya and the Uk have had close military and other ties since independence in 1964 and this is Britain’s premier training ground in Africa. Her Armed Forces as with many Commonwealth countries, are largely structured along the British model including ceremonial red coats. A beautiful country that desperately needs a Family Planning policy to control a runaway population growth. She could learn one good thing there from China!
Kenya is irrelevant, the most strategic country location wise is Somalia in Africa with Africa longest coastline, and if China gets a foot in there you can forget that entire region and influence in Africa to country China. Russia has been flirting with to build a base in Somalia which has over 110 billion barrels of oil, gas , gold , one of the largest uranium reserves in the world and has rare earth minerals used in tech manufacturing.
Turkey wants to build a spaceport there . The Russians consider it during Soviet era and trained there ,so did France , and the US used it for project Star Wars training and it was an emergency landing spot for NASA space shuttle with Africa longest runway there .
So perhaps we should be supporting Somaliland?
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