By the end of 2024, the UK will have acquired 37 of the first 48 F-35B aircraft batch.

In a recent parliamentary exchange, Labour MP Luke Akehurst sought details on the progress of the UK’s F-35B procurement. His question to the Ministry of Defence, dated 12th September 2024, asked:

“To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many F-35B aircraft he expects his Department to have taken delivery of by the end of 2024.”

Responding on 8th October 2024, Luke Pollard, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence, provided the following update:

“Against the current schedule, it is projected that by end of calendar year 2024, the UK will have taken ownership of 37 F-35B aircraft.”

We recently reported the arrival of more F-35B jets, which means the UK, as of today, has 34 stealth jets. With one aircraft lost in an accident and four test jets in the US, there are now 30 of the type in operational service in the UK.

There is an expectation that all of the 47 in the first batch will be delivered by the end of 2025. Note that it would have been 48 if one didn’t crash.

After that, the Ministry of Defence expressed the intention to purchase another tranche of jets. Funding has been delegated for an additional tranche of F-35B jets for Britain beyond the 48 already ordered.

Jeremy Quin, then Minister of State at the Ministry of Defence, stated last year:

“Funding for a second tranche of F-35 Lightning has been delegated to Air Command as part of our recent annual budget cycle. Funding for Atlas A400M which not yet been delegated. A decision on future tranches of F-35B will be made in due course.”

For more on the planned additional A400M purchase see here, now, on to the F-35B.

“As you know, we are going to acquire 48. We have made it absolutely clear that we will be acquiring more. We have committed to have 48 in service by 2025, and we will be acquiring more. We have set that out in the IR. We will set out the exact numbers in 2025.

The 138 number is still there. That is a defined number and we are looking at keeping these aircraft carriers in operation for a very long period of time. I am not dismissing that number either. We know that we have 48 to which we are committed, and we know that we will buy more beyond that.”

How many are expected?

According to the Defence Command Paper titled ‘Defence in a Competitive Age’, the UK intends to increase the fleet size beyond the 48 F-35 aircraft it has already ordered.

“The Royal Air Force will continue to grow its Combat Air capacity over the next few years as we fully establish all seven operational Typhoon Squadrons and grow the Lightning II Force, increasing the fleet size beyond the 48 aircraft that we have already ordered. Together they will provide a formidable capability, which will be continually upgraded to meet the threat, exploit multi domain integration and expand utility.

The Royal Air Force will spiral develop Typhoon capability, integrate new weapons such as the UK developed ‘SPEAR Cap 3’ precision air launched weapon and invest in the Radar 2 programme to give it a powerful electronically scanned array radar. We will integrate more UK weapons onto Lightning II and invest to ensure that its software and capability are updated alongside the rest of the global F 35 fleet.”

UK appears to recommit to full order of 138 F-35Bs


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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Ian M
Ian M (@guest_861479)
8 hours ago

We’ll see.
No chickens being counted here.

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_861483)
7 hours ago

Hmmm so no change to policy on F35 thus far. What does that imply for Tempest I wonder.

James (@guest_861487)
7 hours ago
Reply to  Mark B

Defence review has not been published yet, lets see what changes.

Saccharine (@guest_861529)
6 hours ago
Reply to  James

As a Labøür voter, I was optimistic.

But with the government’s rhetoric, my gut says this will be all the F35s we end up having. No increase.

Rowan Maguire
Rowan Maguire (@guest_861581)
4 hours ago
Reply to  Saccharine

48 was the initial order, Lockheed releases the orders in waves. We can’t order a huge block all at once because they won’t take it. The money for the next 24 is already allocated and sat waiting for Lockheed to come round and fill the next tranche. After those it’s dependant on the operational needs and the economic situation, both current and previous governments have stated 138 will be the maximum* number over the lifetime of the program – how long that is we don’t know. I’d imagine we will go in for another tranche after the 72 are fully… Read more »

FormerUSAF (@guest_861708)
23 minutes ago
Reply to  Rowan Maguire

Presumably the decision re the acquisition of a Tranche 2 of F-35Bs (1–24 a/c) is dependent upon guidance provided by next SDR. Will the decision also be dependent upon certain F-35 Programme milestones (e.g., a SWAG for implementation of Block 4 software)? If so, envision the decision to be held in abeyance for an indefinite time period…🤔😳😱

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_861669)
2 hours ago
Reply to  Saccharine

The statement said that funding for the second tranche had been passed to Air Command.

Dave Wolfy
Dave Wolfy (@guest_861488)
7 hours ago

A rather dire headline, poor.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_861671)
2 hours ago
Reply to  Dave Wolfy

Three more F-35B to be delivered over the next 10 weeks. What’s not to like?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_861499)
7 hours ago

Tempest or Tranche 2 F35B?

Maybe Tranche 2 is trimmed so we get 60, not 72, and Tempest goes ahead.

I’d take that.

Meirion X
Meirion X (@guest_861536)
6 hours ago

12 extra F-35b, is Not a full air combat squadron. At least 18 is required to meet reserve requirements, like standby and war reserve. This issue was discussed here sometime ago by a former RAF guy.
I don’t know where the idea of 60 total F-35B’s, is coming from?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_861544)
6 hours ago
Reply to  Meirion X

No, but there is rarely enough of anything.
The 60 is coming from me.
I’m looking for middle ground.
I’d read suggestions HMT is saying it’s F35 or Tempest.
So, if we cannot choose one or the other, if go for a reduced 2nd tranche if it secures Tempest.

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_861573)
4 hours ago

3 small x 9 aircraft operational Squadrons =27
8, OCU
3, OTU
10 in use reserve
48 airframes, with 12 in the reserve/ maintenance fleet.

That’s just about doable, that way a sustainable airgroup of 18 would be carrier deployed, surging up to 36 with reserves for short periods.

So a carrot and stick approach, an order for 13 additional machines, off set by only one Carrier operational, with the other in refit/ reserve, alternating every 3 years…

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_861587)
4 hours ago
Reply to  John Clark

1 operational, 1 reserve was actually the original plan, alongside 1 LPD active, 1 reserve.
Both Carriers are crewed since Cameron’s 2015 announcement.
I want to see both AND the LPDs crewed but we must be realistic with the current recruitment issue.
Just looking for an acceptable compromise.

Paul.P (@guest_861640)
3 hours ago
Reply to  John Clark

Thx. That’s an analysis which can presented as a capability option to policy makers.

John Clark
John Clark (@guest_861647)
2 hours ago
Reply to  Paul.P

Cheers Paul, it’s not ideal, but as Daniele said, we need more than the funded 48.

60 ‘just about’ squeaks in as a viable force that would allow a surged 36 carrier strike capability on a single Carrier when required, and a viable 18 aircraft strike force for normal deployments.

My preference would be an order for 90, that would allow four 12 aircraft Squdrons and two operational carriers.

But, we need Tempest too, so its a balanced approach within the limited funding available…

Paul.P (@guest_861698)
1 hour ago
Reply to  John Clark

Recruitment is urgent and important. T26 is urgent and important. More than 48 F-35s is important but probably not urgent. Ditto replacing the LPDs. MRSS may be important but is it urgent if Norway is willing to help us out? If Putin is the most important and urgent threat that tilts funding towards fast jets, the army and long range V1 type drones.

FormerUSAF (@guest_861699)
1 hour ago
Reply to  John Clark

Sorry, but won’t there inevitably be periods where at least one QE class will be in deep maintenance/refit every (5?) years per Lloyd’s mandate? And other periods when both would theoretically be available?

Meirion X
Meirion X (@guest_861589)
4 hours ago

Didn’t the MoD promise a Tempest demonstrator by 2025? So it seems Tempest is running behind by at least 2 years or so. In that case I would prefer one more full F-35b Sq. for FAA ordered. 609 Sq. can be converted to a Tempest Sq. in 2038, it’s F-35b’s handed over to FAA to form a 3rd FAA Sq.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Meirion X
Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_861599)
4 hours ago
Reply to  Meirion X

I don’t know the timescale for a Tempest demonstrator.
I only know it’s underway at Warton and some journalists have had a peek.

Spyinthesky (@guest_861658)
2 hours ago
Reply to  Meirion X

We read only a few weeks back that a Tempest demonstrator is expected within 2 years, (can’t remember the exact timescale but can be searched if required) so seems decidedly impressive to me considering the negotiations with Japan and Italy that had been going on past few years. Yes it will be fundamentally a UK design rather than truly representative of the combined effort but surely it will reflect as much of its Characteristics including aerodynamically as possible in the timescale or at least some flexibility to increasingly developed to reflect the final design. Sensors are already being or will… Read more »

Patrick (@guest_861577)
4 hours ago

The Armed Forces have been hurt a good few times on cuts now and jam tomorrow promises. If there had to be a choice, I’d slow down Tempest for more F35s. F35s aren’t a concept on a computer, or a plastic model.

Rob Young
Rob Young (@guest_861672)
1 hour ago
Reply to  Patrick

Tempest isn’t just a UK decision though – a slow down may not be acceptable to Japan with their ongoing concerns about China.

Rst2001 (@guest_861661)
2 hours ago

I would take that too

ABCRodney (@guest_861502)
7 hours ago

Talk about a closed answer to a closed question. We will have taken delivery of 37 F35B aircraft by EOY. Which of course includes the 4 test aircraft and 1 which crashed. So 32 operational aircraft with 10 still to go.
In May it was reported that we had 34 Aircraft of which 30 were operational, so 7 months we have added just 2 Aircraft.
I actually feel sorry for George and his Team it can’t be easy writing a quality article with poor material.

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers (@guest_861557)
5 hours ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

That’s where their skill lays, reading around the statements and judging mood and intent. What the government doesn’t say is where the truth is, George and Co. have to make guesstimates on which side of the statement the answer will land. That’s what I pay for.

Steven B
Steven B (@guest_861645)
2 hours ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

I have read elsewhere and not sure of their source, that the 3 oldest test aircraft are due to have their orange wiring removed and sent over to the UK.

FormerUSAF (@guest_861702)
1 hour ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

“…w/ 10 (or 11?) still to go.” 🤔

Bringer of facts
Bringer of facts (@guest_861503)
7 hours ago

“Britain set to receive 37 F-35 stealth jets by end of 2024”
See, the headline needs to be worded better, because this sounds like we are getting an extra 37 by the end of the year, which is highly unlikely.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_861593)
4 hours ago

It’s funny how people interpret in different ways. I didn’t see it like that at all, it just updates the existing schedule.

Meirion X
Meirion X (@guest_861598)
4 hours ago

HMG has £20bn spare for carbon capture projects, I read?

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_861674)
1 hour ago

I would never have interpreted the headline that way. Who could believe it was 37 extra jets built and delivered in little over 2 months?

grizzler (@guest_861701)
1 hour ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

I read it as an increase in current numbers up to 37 because I know the history of slow procurement.
However if you didn’t know then tbh it is incorrect, as it implies we will be getting an additional 37 .
As for 60 as a total , I wasn’t happy with the 70 so nope it doesn’t do it for me.
I don’t think it provides the 4 front line squadrons which is a minimum.
There is no guarantee Tempest will be going ahead so “A bird in the hand an all that”.

Spartan (@guest_861513)
7 hours ago

Made it sound like we would be getting ANOTHER 37 by end of year. I thought WOW. But it is in fact 3.Not quite so wow.

Last edited 7 hours ago by Spartan
Crabfat (@guest_861548)
5 hours ago
Reply to  Spartan

I read that exactly as you did, BoF.
Not the first time we’ve had misleading headlines George!

PhilWestMids (@guest_861561)
5 hours ago
Reply to  George Allison

Hi George, I’m not sure if people are just having a bit of fun here, I think the headline is clear and knowing the delivery rate of the F35B to the UK it is would be difficult to interpret it a different way.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_861591)
4 hours ago
Reply to  PhilWestMids

“Britain set to have” is not “Britain set to have another”
The article updates the current, well-known delivery schedule and is in no way whatsoever misleading.

Crabfat (@guest_861629)
3 hours ago
Reply to  George Allison

Thanks George –
“Britain set to receive 37 F-35 stealth jets by end of 2024”
OK, It mislead me, BoF and Spartan to immediately conclude that we were going to take delivery of another 35 F35s by the end of 2024. So I’m not alone in thinking that. I see you have altered it now.

I’m sorry if my remark offended you, George – that’s absolutely that last thing I would want to do. The veracity of your (and other contributors) reporting is world class – I’m sure all your readers would agree with that. Keep up the excellent work!

Crabfat (@guest_861694)
1 hour ago
Reply to  George Allison

Thanks George, hang loose mate…

Spyinthesky (@guest_861662)
2 hours ago
Reply to  George Allison

I agree only those who don’t know we have around 30 already would presumes we are getting 37. Never crossed my mind to take it that way until the discussion over it here. I’m just wondering how many people come here with very little existing knowledge not for me to answer really, up to George.

Robert Blay
Robert Blay (@guest_861523)
6 hours ago

Hopefully, the SDR will provide clarity on future F35 numbers and Tempest. Personally, I think Tempest will continue. And after Labours comments about hollowed out Armed Force’s, they shouldn’t delay T2 F35B. Especially if the funding has already been allocated for those 27 jets.

Last edited 6 hours ago by Robert Blay
Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_861612)
3 hours ago
Reply to  Robert Blay

The thing is a mountain of money has been spent to create the F35B training pipeline and basing facilities as well as on the CSG concept.

F35B is central to RAF air power right now and is the cheapest and fastest way to grow it as it is already in five planning assumptions and budgets.

Cancelling Tempest or delaying it means a make work project is needed for Warton.

Robert Blay
Robert Blay (@guest_861641)
3 hours ago

Exactly. Tempest has always been sold as a Typhoon replacement. So it shouldn’t come at the expense of F35 and limiting carrier strike capability.

Lonpfrb (@guest_861687)
1 hour ago
Reply to  Robert Blay

Indeed, and it would be wildly inconsistent with the UK national interest for the SDR and Industrial Strategy not to fully support Tempest. Sovereign capabilities matter.
Factor in UK international relations with Italy and Japan specifically but also general credibility and export opportunities to further justify a solid, focused effort.
It’s got to be done..

BigH1979 (@guest_861709)
20 minutes ago
Reply to  Robert Blay

And F35 was sold as a Harrier and Tonka replacement. Hate to be the pessimist etc…..

Robert Blay
Robert Blay (@guest_861712)
12 minutes ago
Reply to  BigH1979

Harrier yes. Tornado no. Integrating StormShadow and Brimstone onto Typhoon was the official line of transferring Tornado GR4 capability to Typhoon. But F35 can do way more than any Tornado good ever do.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_861676)
1 hour ago

F-35B is pretty central to the FAA’s air power too!

Jason Hartley
Jason Hartley (@guest_861530)
6 hours ago

What really boils my urine is we can give away billions but not afford to replace a lost asset like the F35b ..if we need 48 then why hasn’t it been replaced ? When we throw away tens of billions on vanity what is an extra £100 m for a new fighter ..nothing !

Ex-RoyalMarine (@guest_861542)
6 hours ago
Reply to  Jason Hartley

Jason, here’s a cigar and a shot for hitting that nail on the head. It is beyond annoying HMG can spaff £22bn on other countries where, if that money went on our military, it would deliver some excellent capabilities.

Paul T
Paul T (@guest_861552)
5 hours ago
Reply to  Jason Hartley

The lost F35b has been allocated a slot in future orders.

Robert Blay
Robert Blay (@guest_861648)
2 hours ago
Reply to  Jason Hartley

The T2 order (should it happen) includes a replacement aircraft. The planned order is for 27 aircraft. Originally, it was for 26.

Chris Gooding
Chris Gooding (@guest_861675)
1 hour ago
Reply to  Robert Blay

This is correct and has money set aside for this but wasnt released due to general election. This now in the hands of the new government. Speaking to many military personel over the years we would need 4 operational squadrons as a minimum requirement plus an operational conversion squadron. So far 617 and 809 are operational and 207 being the OCU. You can fit 3 squadrons on each carrier so full operational squadrons would be 6 which on paper would make sence. That will probably never happen. If the conflict in the middle east continues to esculate or Putin in… Read more »

JohnG (@guest_861571)
4 hours ago

This isn’t a “bash Britain” post. Recently I’ve been looking into the Israel armed forces (for obvious reasons) and one of the things I noted was that they have significantly more combat aircraft than us. I understand that they do not have anywhere near as large a navy nor a nuclear deterrent, but this still really stuck me and I found it quite odd. Our defense spending (in dollars) is nearly three times theirs. Is there some obvious mitigating factor that I am missing with this? Or is it a big case of trident, pensions et al being included in… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_861594)
4 hours ago
Reply to  JohnG

Ukraine money.
Large infrastructure estate.
R&D budget.
Government and MoD incompetence over decades pushing up costs.
And that Israel gets a nice chunk of dollars from the USA, we don’t.
I have not studied their military in any real detail but I suspect they have a small supporting tail and more front end, essential in their predicament with enemies all around.
The MoD is considerable and more than just the 3 services.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_861679)
1 hour ago

Yep, and much of that infrastructure estate is overseas bases that Israel doesn’t have.

Lonpfrb (@guest_861710)
16 minutes ago

Don’t the Royal Air Force have the advantage over IDF of clear water between the territory defended and a possible enemy? So far as I can tell the IDF have state enemies on their border or within ballistic missile range such that QRA is skipped and live engagement is expected.. That suggests 24/7/365 cover is their need and focus, with maintenance and attrition reserve as usual matters not a hypothetical. Since they’ve been in a shooting war for more than a year, you’d expect IDF to be at the front of the F-35 queue. So no impact on Ukraine who… Read more »

ABCRodney (@guest_861602)
4 hours ago
Reply to  JohnG

They don’t have a Nuclear deterrent ? It’s been widely known that Israel has a very large stockpile of Tactical and Strategic Nuclear weapons and the delivery systems as well. It was leaked to the Times in 1986 by Moredechai Vanunu, it didn’t do him much good as Mossad nabbed him and jailed him for Treason. According to FAS Israel is estimated to have on excess of 400 Nuclear weapons. What everyone fails to understand about Israel’s budget is it’s not really a level playing field. A small peacetime force, with compulsory conscription plus a huge reserve so Staffing costs… Read more »

Exroyal. (@guest_861626)
3 hours ago
Reply to  JohnG

Israel has been nuclear capable since the seventies. They steadily built a nuclear arsenal since then. The factor about Israel you must take into account is they have constantly effectively been at war. Only the level changes. They have never had the luxury of having gaps in capability. Everything they buy has to work from day one. They also have a good home defence industry. As more countries like ourselves, the Dutch and French refuse export licenses or suspend deliveries, the more self sufficient they become. The US is by far and away their biggest supplier and backer. As a… Read more »

Robert Blay
Robert Blay (@guest_861651)
2 hours ago
Reply to  JohnG

Pensions are included in pretty much all western Armed forces budgets. Wages will definitely be higher in the UK. And the IDF users a large amount of reserve forces. Israeli forces are set up to defend Israel and strike In the region. They are not a globally deployed force like ours are.

Spyinthesky (@guest_861667)
2 hours ago
Reply to  JohnG

Well they do have some form of a nuclear deterrent. But in all honesty they would collapse without US support and wide ranging beneficial support and offsets. They get a massive amount of support from the Jewish disapora too in all manner of ways.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_861677)
1 hour ago
Reply to  JohnG

I think Israel, a country almost permanently at war, can justify a large air force. Anyway, surely they get their fighters for a bargain price from the USA.

AlexS (@guest_861707)
25 minutes ago
Reply to  JohnG

Israel is constantly at war. While that don’t prevent wastage and failure it makes them a much less chance of occurring because they would not survive with it

Compared to UK note that Israel for example has a very large and complete land based air defence and much more drones and armored vehicles.

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_861611)
4 hours ago

Assuming pilots are avaiable there is no earthly reason why we can’t have three operational squadrons of ten ( just my preference) by the end of 2026, not 2030 something which is where we are now from what I remember.

Robert Blay
Robert Blay (@guest_861653)
2 hours ago
Reply to  Geoff Roach

The fleet is pooled. So aircraft are assigned to a sqn depending on the operational requirement/deployment. You have aircraft assigned to the operational fleet. And aircraft assigned to the sustainment fleet. That’s aircraft in deep maintenance and upgrade. The maintenance contract guarantees X number of aircraft available to the frontline at anyone time. These numbers dictate the number of sqns we can have. To be honest. Sqn numbers are a little irrelevant. If aircraft are deployed overseas, they form part of a expeditionary air wing. Which is a number of units made into one fighting force. But the RAF need… Read more »

Jon (@guest_861642)
2 hours ago

Any appetite in buying some A model? Buy 72 B’s for the carriers mainly and then additional A frames which would be a better buy for purely for the RAF?

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_861681)
1 hour ago
Reply to  Jon

I think that if the RAF got a sizable number of A models, some militarily naiive politicians might think they didn’t need Tempest so much.

Robert Blay
Robert Blay (@guest_861714)
8 minutes ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

I think the only reason we would buy F35A is if Tempest is cancelled.

Rob Young
Rob Young (@guest_861670)
2 hours ago

as we fully establish all seven operational Typhoon Squadrons ‘ So how many Typhoons ade we expecting to buy in the near(ish) future?

Robert Blay
Robert Blay (@guest_861717)
8 seconds ago
Reply to  Rob Young

None. But we are spending £2.5bn upgrading the T2/3 fleet. We can maintain 7 frontline sqns from 107 aircraft. The fleet is pooled. So aircraft are moved around to meet the requirements. The Typhoon engineering and maintenance contract (Typhoon Total Avilabilty Enterprise Contract) with BAE Systems guarantees X number of aircraft are available on any given day. With surge capacity available incase of urgent operational requirements.