The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is seeking to boost British cyber warfare capabilities through expanded recruitment and training programmes.
During a Written Question session in the UK Parliament on Monday, 3 February 2025, David Reed (Conservative – Exmouth and Exeter East) asked the Secretary of State for Defence, “what percentage of the Ministry of Defence’s demand for personnel with cyber warfare skills is being met; and how many personnel have been trained to date to meet this demand.”
Luke Pollard, Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, responded with an emphasis on the government’s ongoing efforts to remedy a shortfall in skilled personnel:
“This Government inherited a retention and recruitment crisis with every part of our Armed Forces not meeting their recruitment targets. Cyber is a key area for the military and we are seeking to expand the number of people working in cyber. The Defence Secretary announced a new direct entry route into cyber last year and this will be rolled out this year.”
Though no specific percentages or exact figures were provided in Pollard’s response, the MoD has reiterated its commitment to strengthening the Armed Forces’ cyber warfare capacity.
The announcement of a “new direct entry route into cyber” is intended to streamline pathways for specialists, reflecting broader efforts to meet evolving defence and security challenges.
I’m really glad we are boosting our cyber warfare capabilities. This is a real self licking lollipop that can help the MOD look like it’s doing something to stay relevant while spending no money and probably doing nothing other than filling in endless requirement documents.
Totally agree, it’s seen as a cheap option to show the government are doing something, until it’s not cheap as hours of consultants aren’t that cheap after all
Yes, some how I can’t imagine anyone that’s passed through sandhurst being a coding wizz so no doubt this will involve some very expensive consultants.
[ 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬]
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agree – and those civilian day rate contractors can milk it too
I was frustrated and disturbed when I suspected that my partner was cheating on me. I couldn’t confront him because he’ll always lie about it. I went for counselling and a very good friend of mine told me about William Peterson. I never buy the idea initially after a while I contacted him, he did a data dive into my partner mobile and he did it, he provided me with all the evidence i needed, starting from the emails, calls, whatApps chat and lot more, it was a shocking moment, I was not happy about what I saw. it wasn’t… Read more »
You need to be very smart while trying to deal with a suspected cheating partner by using the assistance of a genuine tech expert to access their phone to monitor their activities. In my own case I looked up (( fredwhitehacker@gmail. com )) who assisted me in getting my spouse hidden files to catch her in the sneaky acts. He’s the real deal and hope for all battling with a cheating spouse
Using mspy I’d say was good but not satisfactory despite deducting my money twice in a month I couldn’t bear more . I reach out through a friend at work to reach out to spy so i contacted him via SPYWARELEGITIMATEHACKSS@GMAIL. COM and he was fantastic with few hours .. it’s a goal
They helped me through by providing me with proof that my husband was cheating on me, making my divorce case a success, and also helped my niece change her school grade thereby preventing her from leaving school, indeed they are professional hackers and are capable of anything, they are one of the best hackers and software developers with improved Algorithm penetrating software, the money wasn’t a big issue cause it was worth it, i have referred most of my friends to them and they where all satisfied, am sharing this post as a favour for what they did for me,… Read more »
Are you having troubles spying your suspected cheating spouse phone or you having troubles recovering your stolen bitcoins assets? Kindly send a detailed mail to [ MIKEDENNISHACK@GMAIL. COM ] for best help
Hacking your spouse is not exactly fair nor is it legal. This is why you have to get yourself an experienced hacker like I did when I could not take my wife’s infidelity no more. Now we are seperated due to all i found out, could not stomach it all. The hacker was so discreet, calm and collected,no leaks. Reach him via [email protected] Thanks
I always like to appreciate something good when I see one, excellent
work speak any day any time, I’ve seen and contacted all sorts but
there’s one that’s outstanding, true and reliable.
They helped me spy on my girlfriend whom I suspected has been cheating.
[email protected] is indeed a top notch
I highly commend this team for their smart work and professionalism
They helped me through by providing me with proof that my husband was cheating on me,making my divorce case a success,and also helped my niece change her school grade thereby preventing her from leaving school,indeed they are professional hackers and are capable of anything,they are one of the best hackers and software developers with improved Algorithm penetrating software,the money wasn’t a big issue cause it was worth it,i have referred most of my friends to them and they where all satisfied,am sharing this post as a favour for what they did for me,to those in need of hacking services, please… Read more »
Getting the neurodiverse people with an aptitude for this work into uniform (other than Star Wárs jump suits?) might be a bit of an ask. The technology giants and intelligence agencies seem, according to anecdotal accounts, able to manage this challenge. Liaison officers who aren’t easily offended by cyber dudes?
Neurodiverse is used to mean people such as those on the Autistic spectrum. It is not a term for intelligence even if leaver types like to abuse it as such. I am surprised by such a comment from you.
Hi Chris. I think you have misunderstood Barry’s meaning. I understand it is quite common that SOME people with “Special Needs” or SEND “Special Educational Needs and Disabilities” turn out, in their own closed autistic world, to be really gifted at certain things, including computer tech. I have such a chap at my own job, he has Asperger’s, and is brilliant with tech. My wife also works with such people. I took Barry’s comment to be suggesting that a life in uniform with its rigidity might not suit such “hacking geniuses” and that the Intelligence Agencies ( so SIS, SS,… Read more »
I never thought he was questioning their intelligence.
I thought he was disparaging bright people generally as ‘neurodiverse’. This is something I have come across quite a lot clashing with leaver/MAGA types.
They want to feel better about being what they are by insulting brighter people and abuse the term ‘neurodiverse’ as a cover for this.
Even in fields like IT the neurodiverse make up a small minority of the people working there.
I found such a comment from Barry surprising.
Ok. I didn’t take his comment like that at all. I think with text it’s easy to misinterpret meaning.
Rent free Chris. Get over it, it’s been 9 years since Brexit and Trump won in a democratic vote. Trump is the best president the US have ever had also. And not only was Brexit a good thing, we’re never going back. Next, we’re leaving the ECHR in 2029 when Reform win.
Well seeing as we turned those capabilities on our own population to spread lies about COVID and vaccines while blocking people trying to dispute the narrative, ‘d rather we didn’t
Ah we we have a conspiracy fantasist in the house… You’re wrong, most of the people being blocked on social media for pushing Russian propaganda (eg 5G caused Corvid, the vaccines were a bio-weapon, etc), were blocked because ordinary science-literate citizens like myself spent time reporting you to the fact-checkers. It was hilarious watching you lot use a mIxTuRe of upper/lower case thinking this would confuse non-existant AI tools. Or you using misspellings or obvious metaphors for vaccines and jabs. It wasn’t 77 Brigade or AI that got you lot banned, it was the 90% of the public who aren’t… Read more »
Why is he for telling truth? 77’s own whistle blower confirmed it. The Army denied “we were used against the civilian population”. Always a pointer to a big fat porky. You need to wise up dude, and stop taking government propaganda as a fact. Funny how the “conspiracy theorists” are being proved right on a host of issues eh? Bet you have multiple jib jabs to your credit too lol
Not a single conspiracy theory has been proven on a single issue, let alone a “host”. You seriously think the 77 Brigade could police the social media of 70million people on their own? Not to mention the all the more important stuff they had to do. Even if 77 have subsumed the entire British Army they wouldn’t have had the manpower. The 77 were used against the Russian sources of antivaccine propaganda, which the conspiracy-theorists (or “useful idiots” in Russian parlance then happily regurgitated). For the ordinary foot-soldier conspiracy fantasists, your posts, pages, and groups, they were all infiltrated and… Read more »
Amusing that thanks. A total state loving flag shagger,
Lol, I don’t call all of those conspiracies, but add Porton Down dropping bacteria spores on British Towns using the RAF and releasing Anthrax spores into the London Underground and Q Whitehall ( a government tunnel system/ Telephone exchange, see Craigs Court ) to test how far the trains carried them.😉
What issues are those then, eh? Name some conspiracy theories that have been proven true and not BS by losers in tinfoil hats.
Flat Earth? Jewish space lasers? Alien abduction?
Well one for you? The “vaccines” yeah? See, they have killed people. Or do you live in a bubble like Mr Spock?
You’re right, not a single one of their conspiracy theories have come to pass.
Conspiracy “theories” proven true: Bohemian Grove (rich and powerful including ex presidents worshipping the owl god ‘Moloch’ and burning effigies of children) Operation Northwoods (CIA planning false flag terrorist attacks, including hijacking planes, for public support to invade Cuba…reminds me of a certain date in 2001…?) Operation Mockingbird (major CIA propaganda operation involving large major news media outlets) CIA assassinations (they assassinated Mossadegh in Iran, Allende in Chile, and other leaders, making the killings appear like heart attacks, with the declassified HEART ATTACK GUN, cancers, suicides and car crashes) MK Ultra (just google this…insane. CIA human experimentation program to try… Read more »
John, I am sorry, but the government does not have enough time to waste trying to tell you whatever conspiracy theory is real/unreal. At present, the different apparatus has got over three times the amount of work for the people we have. What we do have is Russians claiming to be British or Americans spreading a wide range of propaganda and lies. Useful idiots then repeat them with sufficient gusto.
People can make as many videos or SM posts on Moon landings, Flat Earth, Vaccines and the Great Replacement theory, it doesn’t matter. They are repeated in the echo chamber.
Joh which flag do you shag? This site is now officially containing some sad troll dip sticks who resort to abuse within moments. Grow up, just because other posters have a different of opinion, and post that opinion in a reasonable way in which you may find your own opinion challenged does not warrant stupid comments! Just confirms your lack of ability to debate and a lack of evidence to confirm your opinion.
NAFO doing its job 😉
We could train some of the 30,000 Afghans in cyber bollox after we teach them to read and write.
I’m sure we could blag a few thousand brand new Englishmen to take the kings shilling and play on computers for a living.
Reading the comments. People don’t seem to get how important this area of defence is becoming.
Very much so.
I gave a detailed account the other day on its importance but it didn’t generate much conversation.
I feel many are on my interested in:
How many.
Does it go bang.
Blasted auto correct.
“Only Interested in”
UKDJ, where is the edit function!
The more that anyone connects to the internet, the more cyber comes into play. People forget how many things are actually connected. Water, sewage, electricity, communications, traffic lights, police, ambulance, fire, numerous cctv systems, alarm systems, solar power systems, the gps in your car or boat, aircraft systems, your local gp & hospital etc etc. You don’t actually have to hack into a system to disable it (something many don’t understand). If 5,000 people you don’t know knock at your door, how likely is it you would notice that one of them is someone you do know? Basically you stop… Read more »
Unless you can hack things to make them go bang, I’m frankly not interested 😉
Sometimes they can. They can also hack things to shut down completely and irreversibly, which can be nearly as destructive. And our adversaries can do the same to us. Hence the importance of this area of work.
Offensive Cyber.
The exact capabilities of which will be kept for a rainy day.
The Israelis don’t seem to have much trouble negating Syrian air defence networks or shutting down Iranian systems.
They absolutely can do this.
See: STUXNET. Israeli malware which caused huge damage to Iran’s nuclear program by infecting their computers and forcing the gas centrifuges which separated nuclear material to spin too fast and explode.
Hmm. Wait till someone’s remotely turns off your electricity or water. Someone once told me the quickest way to bring a city to its knees is to turn off the sewage pumps. Soon you will be up to your neck in shit (literally).
I don’t think we doubt how important it is we just doubt that the military are the right people to do this. These constant announcements of cyber capability coming from the MOD are just used to cover up cuts in hard capabilities.
Did anyone say ‘the military’ in the sense of people in Khaki? The requirement is for people who are suitably cleared, qualified and prepared to do the work. They would not typically be classed as ‘serving’ armed forces though, which is interesting given that the equivalent roles in the US would for legal reasons.
Yes the article specifically says the MoD which is the military, take note GCHQ who are better placed for this are not part of the MOD.
And yet, as I explained in an earlier post, the two sides work seamlessly together in Cyber, and the MoD,Military and GCHQ on the other work jointly in other areas too. Would you remove the military side then?
Yes, I would have it as a complete separate force structure like GCHQ that can work with the military but is not part of it and I would have it under the home office much like Mi5.
@ Jim. OK, sure.
And what if the actual physical location of these assets is the same, and the teams are joint?
I suppose you could still separate them, but it seems very inefficient if they share the same office space, or roon in the same building!?
Would you have the set up you propose in other areas where the military directly support GCHQ tasking?
“Yes the article specifically says the MoD which is the military”
Hi Jim. One needs to be careful with generalisations like that. The MoD have plenty of non uniformed, non pen pushing personnel!
A fact I have tried to point out many times when some here want to disband the MoD En masse because Abbey Wood has supposedly screwed up a procurement.
Just one example – DI – Defence Intelligence , the old Defence Intelligence Staff, comprise both tri service military and civilian staff. “MoD” does not mean just military.
@Ian. Yes, I believe there are both serving, Tri Service, uniformed personnel and MoD civil servant types involved in this area.
Unfortunately many here live in the past and expect the next war will be a rerun of WW2, with D Day style mass beach landings with battleship’s bombarding the shore. In short, they fall for the old maxim levelled at generals of preparing to fight the last war… There’s another maxim, that amateurs talk tactics while professionals talk about logistics. Well the Russians/ Chinese could wreck a country’s logistics and infrastructure through cyber attacks alone far more effectively than a squadron of bombers. But bombers are flashier, easier to get excited about.. Fact is, we’re under a limited cyber attack… Read more »
But the Russians precisely haven’t done this to Ukraine, and has devolved into an artillery slugging match.
I don’t doubt that cyber capability is important, but the sharp end of the spear needs to be there, too. Cyber is no substitute for the stuff that goes bang.
The Russians did. Or don’t you remember the NotPetya cyberattack in 2017, the collateral damage resulted in the world’s largest cyber attack that almost, for example, put Maersk out of business?
The Russians did. Or don’t you remember the NotPetya cyberattack in 2017, the collateral damage resulted in the world’s largest cyber attack that almost, for example, put Maersk out of business?
Since 2014 when the original invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by a massive cyberattack, Ukraine had been fighting a relentless onslaught from Russia.
I wasn’t aware of that.
But my point still stands. How much effect on the current war in Ukraine has cyber really had? Not a great deal, really.
I’m not denying it has value, but not compared to the infantry, artillery, tanks, air power, etc and (most of all) logistics.
Agreed. Both are needed.
The MOD needs to recruit Britain’s own hackers a untapped resource no matter how much certification you have in cyber security there’s always a hacker ahead of you .. Haha
Regards Fifth Column
To think that the Soviets went to great lengths to destroy the UK from within…and now we can do it without their help
The Reform Party will do a good enough job of destroying the U.K. from within if they ever get a whiff of power.
Spock, you either work for GCHQ, 77 Bde, or NSOIT.
I work in Cyber for the NHS and i often see the vacancies advertised by the MOD and i have to say the salaries are so far below the private sector. I remember laughing with several colleagues about a head of Cyber for the MOD being around £40k. I can’t recruit an experienced cyber vulnerability analyst for less that.
That couldn’t have been for a very senior role. £40k is HEO/SEO.
It was a senior role, i wish i kept the screenshot. Cyber is incredibly competitive salaries need to reflect that which is why RRP is widely used within the private sector to help recruitment and retention. I can see those landing in Cyber specific roles doing 5 years and bailing for better paid jobs.
Tapping the reserves plus tech recruitment drives is an option. I’m reserve (work in big tech), and going this route has come up a few times in “water cooler chats.”
We’ll be expensive to tap although far cheaper than using consultants (who tend be useless anyway). You need tech talent who are committed to actually maintaining/using the thing, rather than just shipping some crap over as long a timeframe as possible then heading off to the beach with what they were paid.
My wife’s friend works in MoD cyber security in Corsham and she’s in crap pay – she says around £23K plus £9K bonus – although they’re losing their bonuses from this year.
I’ve read the average cyber security salary is around £54K. Tempted to retrain!
Check out TechVets Steve (if youre ex forces)
Unfortunately not. Always wanted to join but failed the medical due to hip problems – and then had a hip replacement at age 27.
Still my biggest regret to this day, not being able to join up.
Yup it is important, but sadly like the rest of “defence” of the UK it is low on the list of priorities. Government will do nothing but blow fairy dust until something major happens. I almost get the feeling we need a war, God forbid, to wake these idiots up. And I prefer stuff that goes bang.
You’re right on HMG mate.
I know, most do!
I’m one of those weirdos who prefers the supporting cast.
Lol. I would prefer a five year period of benevolent autocracy. Sort out a proper Constitution and enshrine a military ethos…then we can dream.
I’d like to nominate myself for the position of benevolent autocrat!
I think you prefer to start wars here then retreat until it’s safe to return. You berate me all the time here, I’m done with your crap now.
I’m currently studying Cyber-security in OpenUniversity and was looking at getting into the industry asap. This is great news for the nation and me! 😀
Go into private sector rather than MoD; you’ll earn far more money!
OpenUniversity won’t get you a job I’m afraid mate. Get certificates.
CompTIA Sec+/PenTest+, CyberMillion, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Ethical Hacker etc.
I have been dealing with cyber issues since the beginning of the internet! Its about time the MOD took on people like myself.
The NHS has out dated cyber security, perhaps they should fix that first.
I scan the NHS all the time there networks are shocking for vulnerabilities but hey it’s the past governments that haven’t invested
This government have had nearly 8 months. Can’t keep using the “past governments” excuse!
Look what Trump’s got done in 2 weeks. Phenomenal work.
What? Started trade wars with his allies and generally pissed everyone off? Yeah, great work!
I was frustrated and disturbed when I suspected that my partner was cheating on me. I couldn’t confront him because he’ll always lie about it. I went for counselling and a very good friend of mine told me about William Peterson. I never buy the idea initially after a while I contacted him, he did a data dive into my partner mobile and he did it, he provided me with all the evidence i needed, starting from the emails, calls, whatApps chat and lot more, it was a shocking moment, I was not happy about what I saw. it wasn’t… Read more »
No matter what government is in power they are all corrupt that is why I have never voted in my life there is no worthy political party sad truth and the economy is collapsing a slow death .. all cyber security certification is useless my advice to the guy on the open university course is target a isp a d hack them that’s the old school way because most cyber security certification is toilet paper believe me ethical hacking crap sounds cool but there are no famous cyber security people but there are famous hackers ie Kevin mitnick and I… Read more »
Well said, I have no toilet paper here, i hacked an Isp in 1996, now i am head of security there \o/
Does make you laugh though all the money gone in to cyber security and what to show for it GCHQ cloudflare servers in the USA … Terrible must be the special relationship we have with the USA … Not sure if they have any based in the UK hahaha the benefits system the government digital services are still on old systems with vulnerabilities and most servers are un patched … Russia could push us over but I suppose there’s so much Russian money going through London it wouldn’t pay to push us over haha
I was unable to apply for loan due to my low credit score and i needed the loan so much to fix lots of problems. i was depressed of everything not until i got recommended by a friend to hire a hacker which he introduced me to [ Arpanethack @ gmail . c om ]. Within couple of hours he increased my Credit Score got the opportunity to apply for loan. Right now i have payed all my bills . This won’t have been possible without this hacker. Thank you. I’m also impressed he does phone hack, wallet recovery and many more..
In need of a ETHICAL HACKER ? Yes everyone actually need a hacker to help resolve some issues we face in different ways like in need of a phone hack, delete records, upgrade grades, recover wallet and many more. I was also in need of one to help me track my Wife GPRS location so i can know her whereabout and this was possible with the help of [ Arpanethack@ gmail . c om ]
Cyber space is an ethical hacker that helps in hacking email accounts, change school grades, hack whatsapp , Facebook , remove unwanted links from google, hack company emails or profiles, hack mobile phones remotely at a very affordable price. He has so many years of experience dealing with any type of issues concerning hacking . This is his contact: ( cyberspacehacker911 (at) g mail com)
Hacked my husband phone yesterday with the help of spyexpert0 @ gmail. com And I found this on my husband text message saying “ I am at the apartment naked waiting for you” men!! Anyways thank you spyexpert0 @ gmail. com for helping me unveil my lying and cheating husband. This is so real!! Thank you once again.
I got a lot of gifts for my girlfriend on valentines day and we were supposed to spend the night with each other but she gave some sort of excuses which i considered her. Called her that night to know if she was ok but her phone was switched off which was not normal so I called her sister just know if my girlfriend was ok but her sister told me that she said she was going to spend the night at my place, I got more suspicious because she told me she would be at her place helping out,… Read more »
I was frustrated and disturbed when I suspected that my partner was cheating on me. I couldn’t confront him because he’ll always lie about it. I went for counselling and a very good friend of mine told me about William Peterson. I never buy the idea initially after a while I contacted him, he did a data dive into my partner mobile and he did it, he provided me with all the evidence i needed, starting from the emails, calls, whatApps chat and lot more, it was a shocking moment, I was not happy about what I saw. it wasn’t… Read more »
You need to be very smart while trying to deal with a suspected cheating partner by using the assistance of a genuine tech expert to access their phone to monitor their activities. In my own case I looked up (( fredwhitehacker@gmail. com )) who assisted me in getting my spouse hidden files to catch her in the sneaky acts. He’s the real deal and hope for all battling with a cheating spouse
Using mspy I’d say was good but not satisfactory despite deducting my money twice in a month I couldn’t bear more . I reach out through a friend at work to reach out to spy so i contacted him via SPYWARELEGITIMATEHACKSS@GMAIL. COM and he was fantastic with few hours .. it’s a goal
They helped me through by providing me with proof that my husband was cheating on me, making my divorce case a success, and also helped my niece change her school grade thereby preventing her from leaving school, indeed they are professional hackers and are capable of anything, they are one of the best hackers and software developers with improved Algorithm penetrating software, the money wasn’t a big issue cause it was worth it, i have referred most of my friends to them and they where all satisfied, am sharing this post as a favour for what they did for me,… Read more »
Are you having troubles spying your suspected cheating spouse phone or you having troubles recovering your stolen bitcoins assets? Kindly send a detailed mail to [ [email protected] ] for best help
Hacking your spouse is not exactly fair nor is it legal. This is why you have to get yourself an experienced hacker like I did when I could not take my wife’s infidelity no more. Now we are seperated due to all i found out, could not stomach it all. The hacker was so discreet, calm and collected,no leaks. Reach him via [email protected] Thanks
I always like to appreciate something good when I see one, excellent
work speak any day any time, I’ve seen and contacted all sorts but
there’s one that’s outstanding, true and reliable.
They helped me spy on my girlfriend whom I suspected has been cheating.
JAMESSCOTTHACKER@GMAIL. COM is indeed a top notch
I highly commend this team for their smart work and professionalism
They helped me through by providing me with proof that my husband was cheating on me,making my divorce case a success,and also helped my niece change her school grade thereby preventing her from leaving school,indeed they are professional hackers and are capable of anything,they are one of the best hackers and software developers with improved Algorithm penetrating software,the money wasn’t a big issue cause it was worth it,i have referred most of my friends to them and they where all satisfied,am sharing this post as a favour for what they did for me,to those in need of hacking services, please… Read more »
I’m not sure if the plethora of ghost profiles comme ting on bolox…or the plethora of (I believe ) rel profile vetting caught up in tb3 general BS of this thread is truly meant as irony in response to the cyber Securit article but either way Jesus Christ please delete this comments section…oh and sort your cyber security out ….as this is becoming fkin annoying.