US and British soldiers have been testing vehicles controlled by Xbox-style controller, driverless trucks in convoy and Hoverbike drones for delivering supplies.
Defence Minister Harriett Baldwin said:
“One hundred years ago we pioneered tank warfare with our US allies, and today we remain right at the forefront of military technology together. This exercise has proven the success of our ongoing investment in science and technology as we see concepts becoming reality.
This particular project is spearheading solutions to the notoriously dangerous operation of supplying our frontline on the battlefield. Delivering crucial food, fuel and ammo remotely will help save soldiers’ lives.”
Pete Stockel, innovation autonomy challenge lead for Dstl, said:
“Following the communique signature between the two nations in 2014, we have been working closely with our American counterparts to develop effective demonstrations and assessments of important new autonomy technologies, which could one day reduce the burden on and risk to the military user, while improving logistics efficiencies and interoperability.
This is the first time that we have created a UK-US coalition semi-autonomous leader-follower convoy to bring to life concepts which will provide solutions to de-risk the Last Mile of logistics support to the front line.
We are enormously excited to be working with our US colleagues on this project, delivering on the commitment announced at the Farnborough Airshow in 2016. It has been an exciting challenge to drive this forward at pace. This could be a step-change in how operational risk might be managed, costs could be reduced and – ultimately – lives can be saved, as a result of harnessing this rapidly-evolving technology.”
According to a press release:
“This is a new way of coordinating and delivering vital supplies to front-line operations, aiming to reduce risk to those troops and provide on-demand delivery of food, fuel or ammunition to the front line. The Coalition Assured Autonomous Resupply (CAAR) demonstration, the first in a three-year project to bring concepts to life, marked initial demonstration of unmanned tactical resupply technologies in the three areas.
The line-haul convoy is the first time ever that a UK-US collaboration has joined together in this format, with a British Army MAN SV 6-tonne truck as a ‘leader’ vehicle in the convoy, followed by two US Light Medium Tactical Vehicles (LMTV) trucks. Travelling at speeds of up to 25mph, the vehicles used integrated robotics to make decisions about speed, steering and other driving functions.
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) demonstrated included the British-developed Malloy Aeronautics Hoverbike. An advanced prototype quadcopter drone, it can deliver more than 100kg of supplies, using a simple tablet controller. Unveiled for the first time, this version of the Hoverbike could also potentially be used for humanitarian aid and disaster relief missions.“
Colonel John McCrann, from Army Headquarters, said:
“The British Army is keen to work with its US counterparts through Dstl to identify where autonomous technologies can benefit UK military capability.”
Jeffrey Ratowski, TARDEC’s project leader for the Coalition Assured Autonomous Resupply (CAAR) effort, said:
“We’re using US and UK Soldiers to control multiple robotic assets including the convoy, the autonomous last mile- ground piece, and there’s also an autonomous last mile- air piece.”
The MoD say it spends 1.2% of its £36 billion defence budget on science and technology. In September Defence Minister Harriett Baldwin announced the 25 winners of the Last Mile Challenge, up-and-coming tech startups and entrepreneurs hoping to bring innovative solutions to resupply the frontline.
So what if there are IED’s along your say 100 mile route as yet undiscovered.
You still need people on site to remove them and people with the xbox controller to re route the vehicles.
Isn’t a human better for this?
Maybe I’m wrong just initial thoughts.
I would like to see our infantry get Polaris vehicles – small light and nimble they offer some protection and are fairly cheap. 4 men to a vehicle with a GPMG on top and happy days.
Not for every situation but I do think not everything has to be a tank or tank like and you only really want to be on foot when you need to as the equipment is so heavy.
I see these as a force multiplier if I am honest – especially given our numbers, once they run out of fuel dump them and push on..
Whatever happened to shankes’ pony?
Wonder when the army will get Terminator series robots? Phased plasma pulse rifles or photon torpedoes.
please at a time of record capability gaps and inadequate numbers across the board please stop wasting defence budget money on daft ideas. If we have money to mess about like this then we have enough money to up the pay for rank and file. Then maybe the armed forces would not have a recruitment crises.
Robotics and AI are literally the future of warfare. Stop been so sort sighted. If we dont try and stay on level with our enemy then we risk going to war with RC cars while the enemy have terminators.
I agree Mr Bell. We wasted £0.5bn on loitering munition demonstrator project not too long ago, and loads more on other future stuff we just shouldn’t have gone near.
I didn’t like the F35 at first because and only because of the price. Now it is cheaper than a Typhoon. I use it as an example because I’m quite happy to wait for the US to develop a plane that is invisible to radar (sounds futuristic!) then build it in numbers and make it established technology. I wish we would also leave these lazer weapons well alone as well until (or if) it becomes better than a current system.
Would we for example prefer to have a tiny handful of terminator robots in 30 years time for a project cost of £30bn or a 100,000 well trained soldiers NOW with decent kit including say the Raytheon 40mm Pike missile? At 0.77kg with a 2km guided range it is really good and it is already in service.
Might win then,Ben P.