British Army and German Bundeswehr Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) trained together at Kazlu Ruda training ranges in Lithuania on Exercise FURIOUS WOLF, alongside Typhoon aircraft from No. 6 Squadron Royal Air Force.
The British and German troops have been training alongside other NATO JTAC partners across the Baltic States to hone their skills in accordance with NATO standardised practices.
All NATO JTACs use the same procedure when working with alliance aircraft say the British Army.
According to NATO, JTACs from Estonia, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Norway, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the United States all worked together with air crews from the Estonian Air Force, the Royal Air Force as well as the Spanish Air Force.
“JTACs work together with fighter aircraft to support troops on the ground with precision aerial fire support. This capability requires a high degree of training and professionalism. Exercise Furious Wolf was another perfect opportunity for NATO Allies to further increase their interoperability and mutual understanding of tactics and procedures. Developing and maintaining highly trained ready forces that can integrate seamlessly is the keystone of NATO’s collective deterrence and defence.”
Soldiers from the NATO enhanced Forward Battlegroup Lithuania also participated.
JTAC, loved it, best job in the job!!!!!
Totally agree.
I never got chance to do it. Out of interest why did you both love it so much?
Mate, are JTACs the same as the people in TACPs, which were allocated to Brigades? I’ve always assumed the role was the same.
Also, are the TACPs still around? From memory 16AA had 2 or 3, all numbered 610 or something like that.
Yes mate they are a Brigade asset, but there’s been some evolution in the role. The TACP works be assigned to the COs party at Coy level, used to be an officer and SNCO, as FACs with a couple of lads to act as flaggies. However the role as an FAC, since around 2006 has been given to more SNCOs as there was never enough to go around when Officers got priority. Afghan saw the need for the FOO and MFC and OS support assets to operate closer and the FST name was decided on in order to get all… Read more »
Not at all mate. Thank you.
I see the French are pulling their weight.
Hugely responsible job, that can be massive life savers, or life takers, depending on who is on the receiving end. Huge respect, top lads. ?
Not a dig, but do the RAF do close air support? Usually USAF planes wasn’t it in Afghanistan and Iraq?
I’d say so, in the Harrier they had the perfect Platform to carry out CAS, but now you just have to use whatever is available be it Reaper, Protector or Typhoon. The Army can obviously chip in with Apache, and now the F35b can also be used, Gold Plated as it may be.
Thanks, i did wonder as it tended to always be USAF on station but then they have assets we can only dream of (Apache aside of course)
Any and all NATO assets on station mate. Yes mainly yanks but RAF Harriers, then Tornadoes, all top lads when things were very kinetic. But also used French Mirages, Dutch F16s, plus a few more. Even had the odd B52 on station with a full load, on a few patrols. However their was never enough assets to go around and you may be allocated 2 x Airframes, but guaranteed there would be a TIC elsewhere and they would be called away to deal! As for Apache, bloody hell yaaaaaaaawn! Would always opt for 105mm or 81mm from the FOB before… Read more »
Cheers pal. Thanks for answering
Damo , a little more info:
Sorry if my question was a little vague. I meant to ask RAF aircraft carried out close air support as it tended to be in USAF. Some little nuggets in that link though. Cheers
Germany seems to be investing in some really useful new kit, lets hope we do the same!
MBDA, Lockheed Martin submit final proposal for German TLVS requirement
The only land based missile defence system we are investing in is Sky Sabre unfortunately. In a lot of respects Medium Extended Air Defence System (MEADS) is a step up from Sky Sabre, due it increased range. It uses the latest block of Patriot missiles and even includes IRIS-T for short range stuff. The system really requires 2 radars to work properly, one for searching and another for tracking, although it can use just the X-band tracking radar for both roles if required. It could almost be called a European clone of Patriot. Sky Sabre is more a local air… Read more »
Perhaps we are planning for something else rather than Sky Sabre a bit further down the pipeline?
See my post in this link
rather than jusy Sky Sabre sorry.