The British Army is currently exploring various options to update its short-range air defence arsenal, following the transfer of Stormer vehicles to Ukraine in 2022 as part of a Granting in Kind.

Discussions regarding potential replacements are underway, but no definitive decisions have been announced. Details on the deliberations remain undisclosed, attributed to commercial sensitivities.

The information came to light in the following response to a Parliamentary Written Question.

James Cartlidge, Minister of State for the Ministry of Defence, stated:

“The Army is considering multiple platforms to replenish its short-range air defence following the Granting in Kind of Stormer vehicles to Ukraine in 2022. While discussions are ongoing, no decision has been made and further information cannot be disclosed due to commercial sensitivities.”

What is Stormer?

The Stormer vehicle acts as a mobile platform for the Starstreak High Velocity Missile (HVM) system, enhancing its deployment flexibility with rapid mobility and defensive capabilities. It carries eight missiles ready for immediate launch and an additional nine stored inside. The HVM system is designed for low-level Close Air Defence, specifically to swiftly counter helicopter threats.

It is notable for its adaptability, allowing for deployment from various platforms, including a lightweight multiple launcher or directly from the shoulder. Utilising a unique approach, the missile releases three dart-like projectiles, each equipped with an explosive warhead, to increase the likelihood of hitting and neutralising the target effectively.

The vehicle is equipped with a roof-mounted air defence alerting device for efficient target detection and prioritisation, and it features a panoramic weapon sight at the front, enhancing the operator’s targeting capabilities.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Spyinthesky (@guest_790472)
5 months ago

Shouldn’t this process have been initiated soon after the Stormer was ‘granted in kind’ .

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_790481)
5 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Better late than never. 😀

George (@guest_791462)
5 months ago
Reply to  Mark B

No, I’m afraid not. Our former USAF friend has the right attitude.

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_791549)
5 months ago
Reply to  George

That suggests better never than late. The UK has been on a peacetime footing for decades. It is not surprising we are not on a war footing although from some of the comments on here lately it suggests we should have been on a war footing all arong!

George (@guest_791649)
5 months ago
Reply to  Mark B

On reading it again, yes it sounds like that. My bad. I’ve expanded the intended message Please read on. Have we really been on a peacetime footing for decades. I recall 2003 invading and toppling an utterly evil Iraqi dictator and also fighting another loosing battle in Afghanistan. Admittedly the fighting was not against peer opponents but the western allies still gave up. While continuing to disarm at uncalled for rates. This has not gone unnoticed by would be enemies. Incidentally, enemies by their own admission. Do I need to qualify that statement. But both Russia and the ChiComs have… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by George
George (@guest_792160)
5 months ago
Reply to  George

Ha ha ha did I really type detergents. Deterrents – should have gone to spec savers!

S crossland
S crossland (@guest_792171)
5 months ago
Reply to  George

Well George you could be right on all those scenarios. Iran, China, Russia seem to love throwing the pebble in the pond and unlike the West seem unconcerned about the unforeseeable consequences that may arise. Worrying indeed, especially when you see our little value the Kremlin puts on its own soldiers lives.

George (@guest_798853)
4 months ago
Reply to  S crossland

It’s the attitude inherited from the USSR. Shared by Ukraine too.

FormerUSAF (@guest_790592)
5 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Or, ideally, before? 🤔

George (@guest_791463)
5 months ago
Reply to  FormerUSAF

Well said my American cousin. It’s simple common sense. But we are talking about HM Gov.

Expat (@guest_790793)
5 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

On the face of it yes, but when you think the NATO would not consider commiting ground troops until the skies were secure the calculous for SHORAD volumes was probably considered to be much lower. However what we’re seeing now with drones is demostrating that traditional thinking was fighting the last war not the next. The way things have developed in Ukraine short range air defence is key but not so much against traditional threats like aircraft or attack helo’s but drones of various types. So it begs a further question if we had gone ahead and replaced like for… Read more »

George (@guest_791465)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

That is an interesting argument. However, the traditional threat still exists and therefore the need for air defence against fast and slow moving aircraft remains. The drone threat will require a new and much cheaper countermeasure package. As things stand, we are lacking both and will need to find money for both.

It is apparent that the poorly thought out, angry knee jerk reaction by BoJo. Has left us woefully equipped for what seems to be a rapidly approaching war. Seemingly, he persuaded Ukraine to withdraw from a peace agreement they had negotiated with Russia!

Expat (@guest_791775)
5 months ago
Reply to  George

I’ve not seen any evidence that Bojo did that, but please share a link if you have it. However say we’d had a Labour government elected back in 2019.That would have been JC led, I doubt we’d be in any better position on defence possibly far worse. all very well kicking the Tories, they deserve it, but Labour as opposition owe the electorate credible opposition. The reason we had Bojo was cause and effect, crappie opposition = crap government as the electorate are forced to vote for the least worst option. I have zero confidence in both Labour and… Read more »

Expat (@guest_799510)
4 months ago
Reply to  George

Thanks they took a while. Interesting…

George (@guest_799839)
4 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Interesting indeed. UKDJ is not as independent as one would hope.

George (@guest_791908)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

The links are awaiting approval.

Expat (@guest_792510)
5 months ago
Reply to  George


Jonno (@guest_793635)
5 months ago
Reply to  George

George (@guest_793662)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jonno

Are you Ukrainian?

George (@guest_799850)
4 months ago
Reply to  Jonno

No, reuters.

George (@guest_791972)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

The problem with the two parties is politically there is very little difference between them. The Conservatives are identical to Tony Blair’s labour of 2003. They ignored the peoples wish to leave the corrupt EU for as long as possible. They also turned down the chance to leave the ECHR sinking ship. Doubling down on unrestricted illegal immigration.
As for Trots Corbyn and his violent revolution. We really dodged a bullet. GB should never have a PM who travels abroad to celebrate the memories of international terrorists.

TR (@guest_792140)
5 months ago
Reply to  George

Absolute nonsense, Russia wanted Ukraine to roll over and surrender which they would have had to do without US and UK support. The fact that they didn’t have to and are still able to fight for their freedom (which they clearly choose to do) is a source of pride.

George (@guest_792167)
5 months ago
Reply to  TR

There were several ethnic groups within the borders of what we knew as Ukraine. Not all of them were happy with the direction things were moving after the coupe of 2014. The country was broadly polarised. Hatreds and prejudices kept underground by fear of the communist state, were resurfacing. See the reports by Amnesty International etc. Obviously the road to recovery from communism is not straight. Chaos, corruption, intimidation, coercion and civil war have to be avoided. I agree that fighting for freedom and what one believes in is highly commendable and a source of pride. You are preaching to… Read more »

Jonno (@guest_793634)
5 months ago
Reply to  George

Probably Putin propaganda.

George (@guest_793648)
5 months ago
Reply to  Jonno

No, unless he persuaded groups like Amnesty to repeat his propaganda. Which is near impossible! Have you met them?

I ask again ,are you Ukrainian?
I ask because both sides in this war are excellent at the propaganda game. Both learned the game from the same directorate.

Jonno (@guest_800164)
4 months ago
Reply to  George

No I’m not Ukrainian. I’m a Martian.
I do have East connections though and have read stuff and I know the background and want to see Russian Imperialism kicked into touch.

George (@guest_800180)
4 months ago
Reply to  Jonno

You’re a long way from home my little green friend. Welcome to earth! I mostly agree with that sentiment except what Col Vladimir Vladimirovich is enacting is not imperialism, it’s true unadulterated oligarchism. A process whereby the most ruthless corrupt scum float to the top when the pretence of soviet socialism is removed. We earthlings have not seen this before because the USSR is the first communist state to devolve to the next level. The unavoidable consequence of the transition from marxism to failed state. As natural a process as decomposition following the death of a sick animal. Others will… Read more »

George (@guest_791461)
5 months ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

That goes without saying. In my opinion giving them away (note – not selling at top list price) was stupid. However, it could have been partly justified by having upgraded replacements ready and waiting for immediate issue to British forces. Tax payers are quickly realising that the defence of Ukraine is more important to the MOD and HMGOV than defence of the realm. A failure of government to honour it’s primary duty. Leaving us with our backsides hanging out, awaiting an enemy to swing the boot. What was BoJo thinking about when he persuaded the Ukrainians to refuse the peace… Read more »

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_791564)
5 months ago
Reply to  George

Not sure what peace deal you are talking about George. I’m sure Putin was looking for capitulation however the UK gave military aid (along with other countries) to avoid that. That was and still is the right thing to do.

George (@guest_791582)
5 months ago
Reply to  Mark B

I do recall and have just confirmed that Boris was quoted by Reuters as saying: “He said it was vital that President Zelenskiy was not pressured into accepting a bad peace, noting that bad peace deals do not last. He said the world must avoid any outcome where Putin’s unwarranted aggression appears to have paid off,” So that peace deal/negotiation. Mark, I’m still not convinced giving weapons to and pouring fuel on a fire was the right thing to do. Taking sides between two founding members of the USSR was not something I would have done. Even if the Ukrainian… Read more »

Coll (@guest_790480)
5 months ago

I’m assuming it will just be an AJAX variant or a SupaCat? Well, if they decide to give a damn.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_790482)
5 months ago
Reply to  Coll

No VAMTAC Rapid Ranger as an “interim” I understand. Seen several Tweets on it including CGS being shown around the factory with them being made.

Ben (@guest_790640)
5 months ago

The rapid ranger would be great if the powers that be bought the armoured variant instead of the standard soft skin. That way when they drag heals on bringing in the future replacement vehicle (which we all know will happen ) there will be a deployable vehicle that won’t be a death trap.

a british tom
a british tom (@guest_790608)
5 months ago
Reply to  Coll

Boxer would make a good platform.

Darren (@guest_790630)
5 months ago
Reply to  a british tom

Way to big, stormers are designed to hide in small spaces, the boxer is huge, although would be ideal for road moves and be much more reliable.

Ben (@guest_790637)
5 months ago
Reply to  a british tom

Definitely not boxer is too big for Vshorad,

A British tom
A British tom (@guest_799352)
4 months ago
Reply to  Ben

The rear pod/ troop section is detachable they could fit it with a smaller AA pod

George (@guest_791477)
5 months ago
Reply to  a british tom

If they opt for the “universal” Starstreak launcher (Not sure of it’s official title – could be Rapid Ranger – nod to Danielle M). It can be up or downscaled to mount on almost everything. Boxer, Ajax, Warrior, flatbed trucks, Hum Vee, Land Rover, Pinzgau, river barges etc. It could even be bolted to the old Bedford four ton derived Saxon if any remain. I’m sure things can be found to act as carriers.

A British tom
A British tom (@guest_791750)
5 months ago
Reply to  George

I envisioned a British boxer version of the American striker M SHORAD, it would be cheaper than an ajax variant and more survivable than a supacat while having the mobility to keep up with our maneuver brigades.

George (@guest_793659)
5 months ago
Reply to  A British tom

It would keep up with everything except the MBTs over very muddy ground. They need good air defence too.

A British tom
A British tom (@guest_793836)
5 months ago
Reply to  George

I just can’t see the MOD forking out for an air defence version of ajax and they is nothing tracked in the works to fit the bill.

George (@guest_793886)
5 months ago
Reply to  A British tom

They could buy the tracked version of Boxer. (yes, it exists google it.) Then any air defence module for one would fit the other. It would cut down on training and logistical support required. Problem solved.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_790483)
5 months ago

Seen Tweets last week that, as part of the Britsh Army “trippling” SHORAD, an interim buy will be for the VAMTAC Rapid Ranger, with 4 Starstreak ready to fire.
Rumoured Boxer Starstreak to follow.
The VAMTAC can be quickly acquired.
I’m a bit concerned it’s not tracked, armoured like Stormer, and has only 4 ready to fire as opposed to Stormers 8. And unsure on reloads carried.
Assume going forward Boxer variant will go into the Batteries that support the Armoured Brigades and the VAMTAC gets issued to lighter forces as part of thr expansion.

Rusty O'Toole
Rusty O'Toole (@guest_790861)
5 months ago

Only 4 reloads.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_799366)
4 months ago
Reply to  Rusty O'Toole

Thanks. Not great. But if it’s cheap, OTS, and part of a tripling of SHORAD with a buy of a Boxer or other variant it’s still surely a plus.

Joe16 (@guest_790970)
5 months ago

Had a quick Google, looks quite good- although the idealist in me wishes we could have done the same with Foxhound and made it in the UK! I’m guessing that the apparent success of the SupaCat ASRAAM is giving them some confidence in wheeled, unarmoured platforms? Boxer Starstreak sounds good, will get a good number of reloads in one of them and I’d like to think that the launcher boxes could be made modular to take different missiles. If your SHORAD module can also be your indirect precision fires module, or at least share a lot of the same parts,… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_790991)
5 months ago
Reply to  Joe16

Yes, I agree, why are we buying Spanish again? What is the politics behind it?

monkey spanker
monkey spanker (@guest_791378)
5 months ago

Just another type to have in service with a different supplier, spares, maintenance training etc. the army need a proper Land Rover replacement. Even if it’s new landrovers. It needs to be able to carry people, load, radios and all the other stuff the current fleet does. The army does seem to have difficulty centring around a common platform. There are U.K. firms that can make whatever the army desires. Could be a jackal type vehicle but with doors, roof etc, supacat, foxhound. They need something with armour which looks to be boxer. Something lighter but still armoured and something… Read more »

George (@guest_791481)
5 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

Have you seen the British designed and built INEOS Grenadier. It’s a upgraded ready and waiting Land Rover 110 replacement. The MOD could do much worse if they want a rear area run-around.

Jonno (@guest_793637)
5 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

The Army needs to get its head straight. I’d go for a lightweight Foxhound if such a thing can be worked out. Properly mass produced and reworked they would save lives. They are already going to use them as command vehicles. I’d have a cab for 4 or 2 and an open truck back. Not cheap but what is that’s rugged enough.

Nigel Collins
Nigel Collins (@guest_790485)
5 months ago

A possible contender? “Unlike its predecessor, this new model is based on the 8×8 wheeled chassis of the Tigon, which was initially revealed at the DX Korea defense exhibition in September 2018. The hull of the vehicle is made of fully welded steel armour but can be reinforced with appliqué armour to improve its resistance against ballistic and mine threats. Under the hood, the Biho II is equipped with a power pack developed by Caterpillar. It includes a turbocharged and inter-cooled 6-cylinder inline diesel engine that generates 525 horsepower. The engine is coupled to a 4500SP electronically controlled automatic transmission… Read more »

Tommo (@guest_790489)
5 months ago

Slightly of tread here Get the MOD to send Starstreak, 11 out to the Richmond range 4.35 miles Ceiling height 22,000 feet would back up her lacking of CIWs it can’t be jammed how long does it take to train up on a manpad? Just suggesting George

ChrisLondon (@guest_790542)
5 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

The French have a lightweight mounting for their Mistral manpad which they fit to their equivalents to our RFAs and other Amphibs (ie their Mistral ships).

I think it cannot hurt but if the targets are missiles and drones getting a laser lock might be difficult.

Tommo (@guest_790546)
5 months ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon

It was just a suggestion Chris , the powers that be have put a Frigate which is under armed into an area where the adversaries will have a field day if they hit it and would show the world our short comings in defence savings

Rusty O'Toole
Rusty O'Toole (@guest_790865)
5 months ago
Reply to  ChrisLondon
Rowan (@guest_790543)
5 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

There was a naval launcher offered for Star Streak years ago, I’m unsure on the specifics of it but I believe it was similar to the Sadral launcher the French navy uses for their CIWS. It is definitely possible to use these missiles as a CIWS when linked in with the combat management system however, I’d be sceptical as to whether an independent shoulder launched MANPADS would cope head on against even a subsonic cruise missile or drone.

Tommo (@guest_790549)
5 months ago
Reply to  Rowan

Cheers Rowan it was just a suggestion the Richmond is short in the CIWs I think the last line of defence is the Galley Sink

Rowan (@guest_790568)
5 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

Due to cuts, the gally sink modernization program was cancelled and all where subsequently removed in quiet following their out of service date by the MoD.

Tommo (@guest_790572)
5 months ago
Reply to  Rowan

Damn those best before dates

Jonno (@guest_793639)
5 months ago
Reply to  Rowan

Now FFBNW kitchen sink.😂

James Hogan
James Hogan (@guest_792439)
5 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

Errr fitted for not with galley sink. Might even be an Army bloke

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_790616)
5 months ago
Reply to  Rowan


Bambo (@guest_790619)
5 months ago
Reply to  Rowan

FFS folks, think about the down range profile of the hittiles – drones and incoming anti ship missiles have far too small a x-section to be a good target for these things.

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_790832)
5 months ago
Reply to  Rowan

They could revive a more modern and lighter RAM like SeaStreak platform?

Paul T
Paul T (@guest_790562)
5 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

Would make perfect sense to me – Starstreak for Drones only giving more reach than the Ships Guns,leave any Missiles to Sea Ceptor in Richmonds case 👍

Tommo (@guest_790574)
5 months ago
Reply to  Paul T

I do hope that someone from Whitehall enjoys UKDJ and has read this thread Paul

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_790615)
5 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

The issue with naval weapons is always the dynamics of the launch platform. This is particularly important if you need to train a laser on the target. It is one thing trying to track a fast moving target from terra firma quite another on the uneven sea. Yiu can take some good land system down to the range and test them on the foreshore – fine, on a fixed barge in still water – fine, mild chop – hmmme, reasonable sea state – useless. The sea is a very dynamic environment and a lot can be going on in a… Read more »

Expat (@guest_790796)
5 months ago

But its problem that need to be solved on land and air too, you don’t want to have to stop your tank to be able to fire you’re anti air laser, that’ll just make you an easier target. Like wise on a fight jet you’re not going to want to fly straight and level whilst fingers crossed your anti missile laser hits its target, you’s want to start turning away from the missile for a start.

Spray is going to be big issue at sea, but then smoke and dust on land will also decrease a lasers power.

Tommo (@guest_790799)
5 months ago

The old 901 radar for Seaslug was a bolts out so it was like a gryo Bolts in and static lads who felt seasick would stand on the platform Dragon Fire would also have too have that type of mounting if it needs time on target ,too counter the ships movement

Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_790860)
5 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

Indeed it was mounted on a gimbal system. I think there was a gyro stabiliser under it as well – but memory is hazy on that.

It is a bit different with current electro servo systems as the servos can operate fast enough to stabilise something. Ships motion is quite predictable…. With modern radar gimbal it isn’t really necessary as the correction can be totally in the digital domain.

Tommo (@guest_790882)
5 months ago

Yeah the servo’s for the 30mm see what you mean cheers SB

Rusty O'Toole
Rusty O'Toole (@guest_790878)
5 months ago

They had attached the The 7-barrelled MSI-DS Seahawk SIGMA system 13 years ago but as usual…

Tom (@guest_790575)
5 months ago

So bolt on some stingers or whatever, to Ajax (snort) or the 8 wheeled thing. that we might get eventually.

Right that’s sorted…. next?

DeeBee (@guest_790581)
5 months ago

Just get a phalanx, bolt it on a snatch land rover & Bobs your uncle!!

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_790835)
5 months ago
Reply to  DeeBee

DB, and then bolt on some 2-3*2 Starstreak’onto Phalanx’s…sorted… Lol 😁

Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_790838)
5 months ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

Plus add some extra range to the Starstreak and don’t tell anybody.

Mark Murray
Mark Murray (@guest_790585)
5 months ago

Apologies for the digression but I read this inspirational story of a 19 year old no-hoper, who then joined the army and turned their life around.

monkey spanker
monkey spanker (@guest_790588)
5 months ago

I didn’t think all the stormers were given away? I actually though it was a low number around 7 and there was 60+ for the army.
I’m still a fan of the stormer, modernised CVRT. Easy to transport etc. new builds would be cheap and useful.

Ben (@guest_790644)
5 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

100% disagree, great weapon system But Stormer is a terrible vehicle. Not enough power at all it struggles with the weight of the launcher. constantly breaks down and the crew pretty much gets carbon monoxide poisoning every time they use it from the amount of fumes it gives off.

60+ vehicles try 20 and you’d be closer to true count and that’s not taking into consideration the amount of broken vehicles

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_790647)
5 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

They haven’t. The RA Batteries that support the Armoured Brigades still use them.

Peter S
Peter S (@guest_790654)
5 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

Absolutely. Should we really acquire a completely new platform with no commonality with anything else?

Sam (@guest_790666)
5 months ago
Reply to  Peter S

They’ll end up adding Starstreak to Boxer. This will just be a short term replacement whilst it’s being built/trialed.

Expat (@guest_790797)
5 months ago
Reply to  Peter S

Is the current platform right for the evolving threats we’re seeing in Ukraine, drones of varying sizes are now the number one threat. I don’t know the answer but would seem logical to get something that can fight the next war not the last.

Peter S
Peter S (@guest_790829)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Vamtac is just a Humvee type vehicle so not heavily protected. If we are looking at something with more armour, haven’t we still got a good number of Warriors, due to be replaced by Boxer?

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_790957)
5 months ago
Reply to  Peter S

Move HVM from one old AFV to another? I doubt that will work out.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_790954)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Some are talking about an Ajax variant as a new platform or Boxer. Are they really drone-proof? They are certainly much bigger and easier targets (than Stormer) for those pesky drone operators.

Expat (@guest_790967)
5 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

There’s a really good article on The Warzone website just 2 days ago about how cheap drones will become fully autonomous and will be able to identify and strike targets with no human in the loop. We’re talking about drones in £1000 range. This will happen within months not years and is a huge threat to military vehicles of all types. So I don’t think the platform is relevant to some degree. Whatever platform you need it be able to knock out drones cheaply and in reasonable volumes, perhaps 30-40 drones per day maybe more. As well as take on… Read more »

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_791349)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

I agree that drones will continue to proliferate and become even more deadly and affordable. They clearly pose a massive threat to all military vehicles, whether armoured or softskinned – and to other targets such as dismounted soldiers and strongpoints. However, in the past the army has not provided strong defences or counter-measures against every possible threat on every vehicle. It remains to be seen if that approach changes specifically due to the drone threat. A SAM launcher such as HVM/Stormer or successor is different, given its role. I agree with you that it makes sense for it to be… Read more »

Expat (@guest_791768)
5 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

We really need the cost curve to come down. I foresee within a year cheap autonomous drones will be deployed in Ukraine. These platforms are 100% using commercial tech, so that means they will also be available for no state actors and proxies. We need to be able take out drones for less than or equal to their cost.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_792075)
5 months ago
Reply to  Expat

Yep, that all makes sense. I wonder if anyone is looking at an anti-drone drone!

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_790952)
5 months ago
Reply to  monkey spanker

The army had 64 Stormers but they were in a variety of roles. A major user was RE with VLSMS Shielder, until SM was banned by Treaty. Not sure how many the Gunners had with HVM. But we gifted just Qty 6 to UKR so must have a good number left.

A shame there is felt to be a need to change the platform, presumably because the shorter (standard length) CVR(T)s are all going/gone – I doubt anything else will be as good – and will cost big £ in acquisition costs.

Mark Murray
Mark Murray (@guest_790602)
5 months ago

Apologies for digression.
Inspirational story from The Telegraph about a Derby teenager with no hope joined the army and turned their life around.

if you don’t have a subscription you can copy and paste link into archive[.]ph

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_790785)
5 months ago

He’s hoping the Army get what they want ,would think Boxer preferred platform .Not sure how many stormer Vehicles we still have. ?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_790825)
5 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

Enough to furnish the Batteries that exist for it, though numbers have dropped off a cliff over the years, courtesy of both Labour and Tory governments.
We used to have many many more Stormer, in 2 Regiments. Indeed, in the 90s, early 2000s they were two of the largest armoured units in the army, given the liberal allocation of Stormer per Troop, Battery, and BattleGroup.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_791570)
5 months ago

Cheers DM 🍺

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_792076)
5 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

Boxer is a huge and mega-expensive platform.

harryb (@guest_790786)
5 months ago

If the new design follows the current principle of simply lightweight missiles then there’s no requirement for an expensive AFV platform like AJAX or Boxer a simple wheeled platform based on either Supercat or Foxhound. If they do decide to use either Ajax of Boxer then please, at least give it a gun.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_790960)
5 months ago
Reply to  harryb

This is about a platform change not a replacement missile system.

Joe16 (@guest_790975)
5 months ago
Reply to  harryb

Am I reading you right, that you’re proposing a Boxer-based Pantsir equivalent, with a gun and Starstreak?
I’ve never considered that before, but the Geopards and other gun systems in Ukraine have been very successful, so we should probably be considering a mix of guns and missiles for SHORAD. I guess the question comes down to whether it all goes on the same vehicle or not.

Harry Bulpit
Harry Bulpit (@guest_791410)
5 months ago
Reply to  Joe16

That’s exactly what I would propose. Gun based systems are very much coming back into favour. Especially when dealing with small, nimble but unprotected drones. Computer images of cockerills RWS shows systems with Mk44 Bushmasters and generic missile tubes on the side. So a usable system must already be developed if not then not far from it.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_791405)
5 months ago
Reply to  harryb

A pity the army wants to phase out the Stormer – it is a low signature, armoured, tracked, vehicle which can take a lot of HVM missiles on launchers and as reloads inside.

Whatever HVM goes onto in the future, there will be a long and expensive process to integrate it with its new platform.

Many AFV variants do not have a gun as the specialist role equipment would not be able to operate due to space and interference considerations. Why would a HVM carrier need a gun?

Harry Bulpit
Harry Bulpit (@guest_791412)
5 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

If one uses a ready designed comersial RWS. Then so long as the vehicle platform could take the water. Which Boxer and Ajax easily could, then integration would be minimal. And in the modern battlefield a medium calliber gun with a airburst capable munitions would be incredibly useful for dealing with drones and other very light aviation threats.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_791522)
5 months ago
Reply to  Harry Bulpit

Harry, integration of a weapon system onto an AFV is a bit more complicated than just checking the platform can bear the weight. You have to do a feasibility study, design work, prototyping, update build standard, drawing pack. If you are using a RWS, you have to integrate the launchers onto the RWS, physically and with electrical (and possibly data) connections. Then physically integrate the RWS with the vehicle which might include machining work, stud and spigot placement – and data and electrical connections including possibly a rotary base junction if your launcher pack requires to rotate. Then there are… Read more »

Harry Bulpit
Harry Bulpit (@guest_791531)
5 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

Obviously it’s not as easy as just dropping it on. But buy using a commercial system and a popular weapon system like the mk44 one would dramatically cut down on R&D. Better still if we can use a Konigsburg system which is what we are already implementing on Boxer. A number of does delays however, are based on piece time bureaucracy and could be excellrated if need be. Unfortunately it would need to be a cannon as it would really require airburst ammunition to be effective. However, this wouldn’t necessarily require a turret or at least in the traditional sense.… Read more »

Gunbuster (@guest_793042)
5 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

Exactly the same sort of stuff you need to consider and work through when putting kit on ships.

It amuses me immensely when people say ” Plug and Play”…Nothing is ever plug and play!

EdG (@guest_790997)
5 months ago

It would make most sense to design this as a swappable payload for existing and upcoming platforms. Logically LTMP would be a good call, if optionally robotised.
In my opinion while AJAX or Boxer look reasonable on paper, they are far, faaaaar to expensive to be used as air defence assets which certainly will be actively targeted by FPV drones.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_791406)
5 months ago
Reply to  EdG

Most people making comments here think that everything will be targetted by drones.

EdG (@guest_791424)
5 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

Given current observations, I would say that is correct. The number of available drones is at least 2 or 3 orders of magnitude more at a cost similarly less. Unless someone can come up with a genuine counter for these, this is the current reality.
I have long argued that personnel have the highest value on the battlefield and the cost of equipment is excessively high for the capabilities fielded. This also is now being proven via drones.
Smaller, cheaper, more distributed capability has to be inevitable.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_791530)
5 months ago
Reply to  EdG

You suggest that there is no genuine counter for drones. I find that surprising. Ukraine has had major success in shooting down Russian fired drones aimed at cities and towns. Google search: 19/10/22 – The Guardian reported that 223 Iran-made Shahed-136 drones had been shot down since 13/9/22. 12/7/23 – BBC reported that 20 Iranian-made drones had been shot down the previous night in and around Kyiv. 21/12/23 Reuters reported that 34 out of 35 Shahed drones had been shot down the previous day across 12 regions of Ukraine. Details were not given as to which weapon systems had engaged… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Graham Moore
Rob N
Rob N (@guest_791194)
5 months ago

Starstreak Is a great missile but the weak spot is the non-automatic aiming. The is an automatic system available but the UK has not bought it. We need to buy a fully automatic system. The automatic system has almost a 100% hit rate. We also need more Sky Sabre units to guard key UK infrastructure. Plus a long range system for national defence against cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles. We would need a system like ASTER 30 block 1 and block 2.

The lack of such a system was noted by the recent defence committee.

Bambo (@guest_791336)
5 months ago
Reply to  Rob N

If the T45s can be made reliable enough to justify the hassle, then upgrade the main radar (30 year old design) and deploy the current systems around the country, networked and with physically separate Astor 30 launchers and you you are well on the way to a solution.

Martin (@guest_792638)
5 months ago

So we are thinking about it, that takes the MOD ten years, etc so nothing will be in service this side of 2030. By which time we will just do with out as we always do.

SteveM (@guest_793689)
5 months ago

With the volume of drones that can be expected surely vehicle mounted version of 40mm Gun with 3P ammo would be better? this is only for close range defence for drones/helo? you have sky sabre for jets /big missiles. surely that would be lot more cost effective

Last edited 5 months ago by SteveM