1st Battalion Scots Guards have hosted the 1 Armoured Infantry Brigade sniper competition held over five days on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire.
The British Army say here that the competition was split into separate phases, it had a highly competitive marksmanship target shoot, there was an additional element – the Sniper ‘Strike’ competition.
“This had been designed to imbue the ethos of the recently established Strike Brigade as well as test the sniper teams across the full gamut of skills demanded of a top-class British Army sniper. These attributes included; armoured fighting vehicle recognition, fitness and stamina, operating as a mortar fire controller as well as others.
There were eleven teams competing, drawn from across the brigade’s six battalions. Each sniper team consists of two soldiers; the sniper, who takes aim and fires the shot and their number two or spotter.
They identify the target, establishes the range, wind direction and velocity, makes the calculations and feeds this data to the sniper to make the necessary adjustments to the telescopic sight. The targets for this competition were set at a range of extreme distances with the highest marks given for a first time hit on the target with a ‘cold’ barrel.”
He looks something like a sharpshooter…..I’ll get me coat.
“The brigades 6 battalions”
6??? AI Bdes have 2 AI and 1 HPM battalion so assume they are including the paired Battalions from the army reserve too?
Dont they just have 2x AI in WR? plus AR?
Hi Rog.
They’re moving to that ORBAT, yes, as part of the now defunct Strike Brigade shambles that had battalion numbers fall from 9 in 3 brigades to 8 in 4!
Whether they have completed that transition I don’t know so I gave the original older format. They might indeed now only be 2 battalions strong on WR.
Whatever, the 6 battalions “in the brigade” still puzzled me as I wasn’t aware that their paired AR formations were part of the brigade. AFAIA they form part of Regional Command administratively and operationally and join the brigade in war.
I see on youtube that Sig has released a video on its new 6.8mm rifle & machinegun that is being developed with input from US troops.
A very useful looking bit of kit with added stopping power.
I wonder if we’ll eventually move in this direction?
The Ukrainians could do with a hand, with this kit, to take out the GRU snipers!
Hopefully, we’ll show our full support, even if it’s in an indirect way!
Sig is producing some excellent weapons, their P226 MK25 is another very good example of this. Used by USSF I believe?
The last compact personal defence pistol, I got to shoot was a Glock 26. Surprisingly accurate for a ten shot 9×19, the size of a Walther PPK, but a lot thicker. Americans tell me that the Sig P365XL is the new choice. 12 rd mag, controllable, but much slimmer than the Glock.
I’ve not seen anything published thus far that finds fault with it. Sig Sauer Would be a good choice for future consideration?
Sig is better gun but needs lot more skill. Glock is far easier for non pistol shooters to pick up
Task&Purpose on youtube has a one day old video on the latest torture testing of the 6.8mm prototypes. It is fronted by a former US soldier. He also has a video on the L85, but his attempt at a British accent is at Dick van Dyke levels.
lol, many thanks for letting me know!
Not at sig sauer prices. MOD would cry. Think two other makes are in running, textron Sig and a third.
Usa will never go bullpup!
We can only dream!