British soldiers are set to benefit from cutting-edge TALON Fused Weapon Sights, enhancing their ability to operate in low-light conditions and improving rifle accuracy at night, according to a press release from the Ministry of Defence.

Under a £120 million contract awarded to Qioptiq, based in St Asaph, Denbighshire, up to 10,000 advanced rifle sights will be supplied to the British Army. The deal will sustain 650 skilled jobs in North Wales.

The TALON Fused Weapon Sight combines optical and thermal imaging technology to help soldiers detect and identify enemy targets from up to 1 kilometre away, even in complete darkness. The sights will be fitted to the Army’s SA80 A3 and HUNTER rifles and are expected to roll out widely across the Army in 2025.

Minister for the Armed Forces, Luke Pollard, emphasised the dual benefits of the deal:

“Rolling out this high-tech rifle sight shows how we’re investing in new tech for our soldiers to take the fight to our adversaries. The rifle night sights are tried and tested, proving highly effective to keep British soldiers protected in difficult environments. The deal is also a great jobs boost for Wales, with £120 million invested and 650 jobs sustained in the local area.”

The Enhanced Light Force Battalion, 2 Royal YORKS, based in Chester, has been trialling the sights since 2021, offering valuable feedback on their effectiveness in the field.

Brigadier Nick Serle, Head Military Capability Delivery at British Army Headquarters, noted the collaborative effort behind the project:

“This contract results from true collaboration between the user community, our trials and development teams, Dstl, DE&S and Qioptiq. We expect the sight to continue to develop and remain truly world-leading. It is testament to the power of collaboration.”

Peter White, Managing Director of Excelitas, Qioptiq’s parent company, expressed pride in the contract and its implications for British soldiers:

“We’re delighted that the British Army and DE&S continue to recognise the enhanced fighting capabilities of our TALON fused weapon sight. We look forward to delivering this world-leading system for the end users for many years to come, supported by our 650 skilled employees at our facility in North Wales.”

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George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


    • Hope not. IMO with a sight like this you need more reach than a 5.56 can achieve. I admit to never getting on with this calibre or the SA80, much prefer 7.62 for knock down and “legs”. Still, some people argue the opposite but the US Army is upping its calibre and where they go? Others have no choice but to follow.

      • I think 7.62 have too much recoil for a typical soldier and needs a too heavy gun. If you need to hit there is need of something practical. easy to sight and fire.

        7.62 should go to experts.

        • We were firing .303″ & 7.62mm as 16 year Old Cadets and achieving standard Army/RAF Marksman Qualifications………
          I think the Army could possibly handle it……..
          Anyway the USA are currently in the process of changing their personal Rifles, SAW & Machine Guns to 6.8mm – we and NATO will follow….

        • Too much recoil for a typical soldier!
          That say’s it all really. I wonder how the GI’s managed with a 30-06? or the Germans with 8×57? I guess they were just men!

        • Eugene Stoner designed the original AR15 in 7.62. Generations of troops all over the world used 7.62 and “managed” to carry “heavy” pieces for generations. Why did the British Army reintroduce it at platoon level? Because 5.56 lacks legs and hitting power. 5.56 is a wounding round, its adoption was partly because of that, it ties up troops helping the wounded, 7.62 will kill far more efficiently. Then some of us were trained to shoot, not “spray and pray”.

          • Wounding round. Not so much, I understand where you are coming from the 7.62 is more likely to kill quicker through immediately catastrophic injury, but a centre mass 5.56 shot is still going to kill you through catastrophic injury, your not walking it off or recovering without pretty much immediate level one trauma care and a trauma pathway that includes a visit to an OR, ITU as well as a fair degree of luck….but if the rounds transient cavitation space or permanent cavity intersects with and destroys a major vessel ( of which there are a shit load in the centre mass) , your bleeding out and dead whatever round hit you and whatever care you get. It’s why I’ve seen people dead from .22 rounds and knife trauma…even a four inch blade with muscle power is catastrophic if it destroys a major vessel, organ or causes massive neurological disruption.

            Interestingly tumble and break up are also key to lethally as there is a new line of though that major vessels and organs are a bit more resilient to destruction from cavitation space disruption than we always thought and you actually want to maximise the permanent cavity from the passage of the round..this is best achieved by a bullet that does not go in straight line and instead tumbles and potentially breaks up…in this case sometimes less is more…and all bullet designs essentially as much as possible try and get around the conventions on not using flattening rounds..the modern 5.56 round is a nasty beast designed to maximise the permanent cavity’s steel penetrator with copper slug all jacketed in copper means the bullet always fragments..with the penetrator making one permanent cavity, the copper slug another and the the copper jacket fragments even more…really very nasty and creates more permanent cavity damage than a 7.62.

            The real issue the 5.52 is now having is not killing an unarmored person (it can do that very well..with newer rounds focused on lethality) …it’s the advances and Massive uptake in effective body armour and the fact realistic engagement range of the 5.56 is around 300meters and in Afghanistan most firefights were beyond 300meters….this is what pushed the US to 6.8mm rounds.

          • “Generations of troops all over the world used 7.62 and “managed” to carry “heavy” pieces for generations. ”

            Indeed but what was the result and its metrics? How many rounds fired for a kill, how many rounds not fired because of delays in sighting time, how much time to take a confortable firing position that gets you a good precision etc etc. How weather affects your precision capability.

            What is difference between a static firing range where you can take your time and the combat zone.

          • No it’s not, that’s just something that gets repeated often. 5.56 inside a person is lethal.

            Also nobody is taught to spray and pray in any NATO army, so that characterisation can be thrown right out the window.

          • I can testify that a single 5.56 will put a person down permanently. But I can also testify that I have witnessed on a number of occasions a person hit with multiple 5.56 rounds still going until shock puts them down. Whereas, a 7.62 short or NATO will always put someone on their arse. Whether they get up again that is a different question.

        • Alex, how do you account for the 7.62mm SLR being issued to non-expert and typical soldiers for about 30 years?

          I always thought it had less kick than a Lee Enfield 0.303.

          I fired both weapons as a puny army cadet, aged 13 or 14.

          • I always have found infantry war very inefficient and poor for effort.
            My experience is with a G-3 and found it a waste for non professional and only adequate for very well trained troops.

            Often the less worse wins, or the side that inserts an extra like artillery , air support that changes the equation.

      • As an end user: Hard disagree. The magnification and accuracy bonus is not what you’re paying for, it’s the thermal and in line night vision, which is a game changer, and those are caliber agnostic.

      • Quit noOnervesystem/Prace=SUI/USA, 9kingdom in Europ, Canada, Austriahung, Germany and Baltics is their areacode.Please check my Google profile Aga Hurmalainen.

  1. I remember working on the first generation of handheld thermal imagers in the Army. They were two handed, used a compressed pure air bottle for cooling and this in turn was recharged by trailer mounted compressor charging equipment!! Can’t for the life of me remeber what the thing was called though.

    • I remember so well. Now for hunting I use a handheld that will define a human at 500 yards easily, it cost me £300 a few years ago and runs for about ten hours, times have changed bud.

      • Quit noOrace. Their area code in danger order SUI and extension USA, 9kingdom in Europe have been grabfamily of Berlin, Canada made of Austria,Austriahungary itself, Germany and Baltics. In UK kill the Crown kingdomhood also 3 Baltic couples have done separatism and to be stoned/knifed dead.

    • Hints at what they think the army’s likely size will be in future…..
      But in all seriousness, how many SA80A3s did we get in the end?
      There were about 350,000 A1s and LSWs; around 200,000 upgraded to A2 standard; and less than 50,000 to be upgraded to A3 standard.

      • Quit noOrace. Their area code in danger order SUI and extension USA, 9kingdom in Europe have been grabfamily of Berlin, Canada made of Austria,Austriahungary itself, Germany and Baltics. In UK kill the Crown kingdomhood also 3 Baltic couples have done separatism and to be stoned/knifed dead.

    • Given that we have about 9,000 Infantry, it might go to them…just a guess.
      For the rest of the army it will doubtless be ‘no change’ to current arrangements.

      • Love how the new comment system not only has none of the functionality of the old one, but now comment threads are limited to four replies.

          • I’m thinking about letting George know, but I feel like I’ve been on a “the comment section’s really bad” campaign recently and he’s probably sick of hearing from me.

      • A pretty obvious conclusion if one appreciates the structure of the Army.
        No doubt some will be calling this a cut.

      • Quit noOrace. Their area code in danger order SUI and extension USA, 9kingdom in Europe have been grabfamily of Berlin, Canada made of Austria,Austriahungary itself, Germany and Baltics. In UK kill the Crown kingdomhood also 3 Baltic couples have done separatism and to be stoned/knifed

    • Why would a REME LAD need an inline thermal sight?
      Or a RAMS R1 facility?
      Or an RLC supply squadron.

      Some of these units are still issued with SUSAT, and there’s a reason for that.

      • Yes true, but some times they are called upon to fill in gaps. At which point you want them to have the same kit as the rest of the squad/platoon. Plus if you give them the kit. You don’t want to be wasting a day training them up on using it.

        • If a REME bloke is being put into an infantry section the least of your worries is that he doesn’t know how to use a thermal sight. For all the talk of “Soldier first” the Delta between CS and CSS and Infantry in dismounted close combat skills is still massive.

      • Quit noOrace. Their area code in danger order SUI and extension USA, 9kingdom in Europe have been grabfamily of Berlin, Canada made of Austria,Austriahungary itself, Germany and Baltics. In UK kill the Crown kingdomhood also 3 Baltic couples have done separat and to be stoned/knifed dead.

    • Quit noOrace. Their area code in danger order SUI and extension USA, 9kingdom in Europe have been grabfamily of Berlin, Canada made of Austria,Austriahungary itself, Germany and Baltics. In UK kill the Crown kingdomhood also 3 Baltic couples have done separatism and to be stoned/knife deads

    • Quit noOrace. Their area code in danger order SUI and extension USA, 9kingdom in Europe have been grabfamily of Berlin, Canada made of Austria,Austriahungary itself, Germany and Baltics. In UK kill the Crown kingdomhood also 3 Baltic couples have done separatism and to be stoned/knifed dead. Please check my Google account Aga Hurmalainen

    • Yeah, that’s where I started laughing. A sight the price of a small car before the world went mad, no doubt 10x more than what’s commercially available, strapped on a sh1tty rifle.

      • You won’t find anything even remotely comparable to this on the civilian market for less than about 8 grand. So no, not “10x more than what’s commercially available.”

        • My point is the scopes capability far exceeds the effective range of the weapon system. They could have easily found a decent rig for out to 300-500 yds that a good trooper with luck on his side and no wind might be able to frighten.

          • Wrong. The ability to identify targets in low light conditions isn’t all about whether someone’s individual weapons system can hit that target. It is, for example, for every man to be able to identify targets a K away and then call mortars down on them. Enemy pre-seen means, even outside effective range can mean that enemy is subjected to an ambush when they enter into range instead of both sides blundering into each other, or a commander can assign attached assets such as a sniper or marksman to the target which could have been missed if only one man in the patrol has a muns sight. I’ve already pointed this out in fewer words above, but I suspect you just want to be annoyed instead of actually understanding the issues.

  2. Nah, just feel the price is once again exorbitant just to have “made in uk” stamped on an assembly of foreign parts.

  3. Please undo FI HEL. End flag O. UN and doing it’s preurace/fakejew state of Israel alsi inside NY city head quarter. End press+elect O=president,gov,diplos/embassy work. Diplo is to do Onerve check up for own land in chosen location via man turn key FI blinks have added to end paper/pass in trace, post serv in FI edu gov in FI army train incl vow. Byro=fire and wears tie. Demon=2 preuman having sex in year 1500 Berlin also preuattacks in Persia since 1946 via NATO. End school and work to do AuschwitzBirkenau. Auschwitz=train, school,militzia,border,paper, custom,HighAuschwitz=metro/tube and trolleybus,university,visa in center an High O is green card. Birkenau=hospital incl psyc, dent, ambulance/first aid. End FI army vow=suf girl’s Ovagin inserting electricity spike in wired world to cause inva/handicappism. End NATO=electricity Oreduce table inside White House left wing downstairs in a singular key turn also in Alaska’s illegal area 51 district been a NATO bomb shuttle under 3rd rock after USA border to be man turn of in 2-3key turns=same amount as in FI HEL Verkkokauppa or netstore under space to dip. Entrance just behind build lefttish door,1B sign above and in door blue spam. Dip 3mtrs and go on 70metres. A gov key man been a voleman/geek=no Onervesystem in O. Voles been on after year 1500hundred Luther’s Black Book was written to pun O after illegal O in Berlin was done. Voles have done Black Book too keenly and to be ended in their Luther’s graveyard in FI app 230 000 O and in SWE 140 000 person to end rot/diseased O and NATO. End 28 EU BelgiaDU Brussell office food in contracts with USAism and included flag add. EU flag= 3 times less electricity add in done areas than NATO and lethal. EU contract=electricity in monet,super incl size,eco been windmill and sunpannels,organic, bio, recycle, traffic tax, odd lawadjust. EU contract is removed in going in Brussels members hears table room in removing wire under hear tables. Hears have gone in Berlin’s Tempelhoferfeld’s gayanatomybar where 21 preugay have drank beer since 8am and a servant a weakDUswedish origin man in 3rd generation been touching electricity gadged under server able added in 1945 when Birkenau 1st girl’s O suf was on in Poland done in 40 Aust docs and inside FI blink man as a spectator also whose grandson nowa contracted EU in sending a FI blink girl of FI gov’s left side byro. Eduskunta=name of FI gov/parliament build and as build is/illustrates girl’s Osuf in electricity. Tempelhofer feld bar man in FI register done to arrest RU/east european or Slava Omen. 7million Slavan O behind bar to attack Berlingays and of course quit preuraced who did their own flag O and also in landregister, FI gov approved flag count in Birkenau death. All list of preupersons in 197 flagged O been produced also 34 key location in European O. In danger order most noO P is preurace’s precident in Switcherland’s Obwalden in Gstellihorn mountain village born in 1932 in FI register inside house a weak FI blink O done in SUI habit after 2nd world war. 2nd in danger order been a world’s main rabbi under fakejew state of Israel’s white wall.

  4. Please invest FI blinks, today I find 44 170 O/person by psyc illegal. P=first P been Muhammad 2000years ago who singned Koran and now in year 1932 born preurace’s president. S=In St.Peter’s RU Switcher/SUI origin illegal Chrestny bridge quard. Bridge system was electricity added by nazi in 1945 when 1st Switcher origin quard went as Nevsky to work in arrest RU arrest without sallary/pay. NB. Nevsky who did St. Peter is Switcher no RU high as thought. Also nowa 3rd man in co with Baltic Latvia origin preulady has still managed do 2 O per evening inside Chrestny jail=innocent RU man goes inside done bar and in trust FI blink O preu O inside FI gov blink O manages attack to Switcher man to do RU O inside Chrest.Y=FI bis mark/register. Bisness did bisexualism in O. C=Switcher/SUI old lady in Nigeria in black traffic O. She is also the one who flags Nigeria.
    M letter in alph=Switcher origin lady 3rd in a row in MO who did Stalin in lead in 1918 and nowa Anna Korshunova does HighAuschwitz=suffocates working in MG university in magister among Otraffic to EU flag area among prostitution/slaughtery O. Kill her O in O for god’s sake. Among in MO RU register is app.280 preupersons to be killed. Please for example 4 ger fams in South RU Volgograd who estab school in RU. In Krasnodar power plant a Baltic Latvian preuarea’s O works as engin to prod porridge eats=no Onerve via applefruit/berry in FI doings kinder/orphinhouses.Preurace in FI blink has invented army and war and good RU O people have not understand that FI blink not been O what comes to O understanding of normal O activity as doing girls Ovagina in O. 7 preufams in Siber to be killed who done gun fac in O. RU bi after war been gun O. In order to release all earth’s prisons collect preupersons in prisonsand shoot all/needed amount to undo attacks Orace has done arranged preuO. For example fish have proper Onerve also woods but noOnervesystem/Prace has no Onerve in both genders genital/scull/heart/blood/bones/skin/hair/teeth/nail. NoO/Prace’s codedarea in danger order=Switcherland/SUI and extension USA, 9kingdom in Europe inside The Crown shown most danger,Canada made of Austria,Austriahung itself,Germany,Baltics=Estonia most illegal,Latvia,Lithuania. In Persian O app.600years ago Turkish has slept with Austrian queen and contaminated their O. Their capital Ankara means punishing in FI tong. And FI blinks since 1917 when they did world’s first precidency became noO in Omen. World’s whole Orace is over 10mrd and noO/P is app. 2,6mrd if need to count that only father of any 5 Obreeds remains alive. 5 Obreed=white european Persian and Ojews included,black,asia,india and upper and south americas indi. If you end Madonna Ciccione whose Mo is USApreu =no NATO war in Syria and whole Italy been sleeping. If you kill Switcher origin pressperson Teri Shure you can end hes mount jail in South Argentina in South-America to quit her end in starveing of latin O she has managed arrange there to end them. If you kill Austria origin Arnold Scwarzenegger his racism agains Ojews in Budapest presynagogue ended also his fi bis to end Onervesystem in heavy lift and whey suf ends. Heavy lift break O and for example reduces/shrinks growth and Ogenital in lenght.

    • For UK borns their key hold FI chosen edu govern added since 1930’s=to unlock Switcher O trace in pass, post serv, plumbs, traffic and trade, is entrance inside BigBen and dip is in New Palace Yard park under space with lock to man enter in trace of UK’s gov key man. Ireland key in St Manor Park,Highfield Dr a UK key man used An Gleatan road to see in house number 4 and the space with lock is to the left. In North-Ireland in Belfast st. Grey Castle Manor House 10 and the space licked to dip to the left.

      Uk borns preuquit list=the crown king, 7 Baltics Latvian preugirls in slaughtery behind window in Amsterdam shown pass by O 40 dormitory in Auschwitz-Birkenau where O to be done. Exact same picture in O as Oquitting L.A film industry=40 studio. Also RU has kept own military men in 40 house. In FI anatomy 40 blink Ofamily in their past have no understood Ovagin much better. In Russian best mate=Czech which Baltic Latvian origin preulady in FI gov sent and 2nd man in a row both in Prag has managed separate the gov key lady inhouse 40 in Sulice district park area to east Sulicly potok down.

  5. Please add in your Google account to share my O. FI blink Heidi Hartikainen=profile as birth bisexual in Athens found sime disO after my Google done O.

    • Heidi Kiiveri os Hartikainen found in Odis after aid in sharing my Google.
      For all O kill a FI vole Tiina Kousa and all voles of Oreduce to redo history of O=rot/diseases as temperature ups in O/ feaver in DU tong and O alsostaets to fuck/sex/intercourse in O alk keenly. Black death in 1500 removed 75% of european population, O got burned in fires also black of nowa Nigeria an Niger were collected by present lady of P=nowaday Bern O.

  6. Please add in your Google account to share my O. I’m still in Athens airpor O to be helped out among my RU bro in 4 Baltic men beat. I’ve been in begs of cash of mainly DU O /persian O/asian/india to proceed into east europ cause french latin O still has not managed O=cash/monet aid, bed and all the way electricity turn off and end of usapreu of amount over 8000 person. Usapreupersons were sent by FI illegal couple Iiris and Pekka Saittakari existing in Atlanta city in USA. My wallet kept O monet though electricity suf/FI army vow kept on. Please DU O share my O in Slava/east europ to get pass into Moscow O. Preu traced in Greek train O=Auschwitz, also in Thessalonik cargo O. I’ve requested guns and army wear to O but noO and 9500 over greek got burned. I’m in Athens international airport’s Sofitel hotel’s lobby. My vodacall credit zero just sim in wifi. FI blinks found in cargo in Istanbul, India and DU section and their immigrant officers O haunts/grabs innocent O in preu O in their lethal landscape.

  7. All Opeople has wanted to quit calling under your father’s last name/grave. Luther’s Bibble did key and lock O in O, just in Austrian castle where of first world war started was key lock O before. In unlocking all europe a lot of Oraced will pass/dye=mainly handicapped won’t O, cancer ill treated O do no go on though so called docs or nurses have told more. In FI 330 000 inva/handicapped O in birth=kesko have told O that they needed own pass/quit in O right away. Illegal kesko treat=in preujew Israel been first key to man turn under white cry wall done in 1917 at state of first world war start and 2 follow added key in Helsinki under Verkkokauppa in DU slang netstore under space. Keskotreat ended O in causing suf among cancer in all O=small births in FI were done normal size in adding electricity in their Onervesystem as heart to do growth. In FI O one blink has produced doc and nurse O in O though no needed O. One FI man living in HEL by Esplanadi park apart has produced IT/internet technology in O also check in invest 3 FI blinks in Shanghai China in IT bi in Asian O. Asia been afraid of Shang in Hong Kong O. No colonnialism/rearrangements in any O=kill kings in O. K=a gen of Muhammad who signed Koran. I=a O that O dies when electricity kept on or inserted. N=whether last honest O area in Persia go naked, best for all O in Africa=first base. Why? Cause by Onervetissue best O inside white europ and were newer supposed be transferred of perfect Per. G=greed is to man collect/do all Orace in Africa to get wombed. G is also g-point in Ovagin and Odrop/go low. Still 4 O incl wallet in eu in key registration noO cause of my sit snd to be corrected=me in Athens airport in a manner that good O will telcall and inform their name and cash point where wallet correction is done. RO girl in Buca still an 2 Uk born boy in London. NB. in count lands where FI O been noO=count lands in Europ who did gov via precidency been a nat fake/fac gold reserv cheat and president no rich. FI boy Karri Hietala has ended in my Osuf inserting electricity over 24 million Oraced of which many in OAustralia can still be retrieved=quickly pay me.

    • I need a lot manage buy max 95euro vodacall credit to manage newly open my www in amount is O=understand Croatia,Serbia, Lithuanua’s key hold spot incl. gov local honest electricity companies who give out out the key in all O. In DU section app. less 1million Operson/couple who has 1million euro/£ extra an a bit less. 2million Operson/couple who has 4million euro
      /£ extra in O. Snitcher’s/electricity suffocator Karri Hietala’s wallet been known always when needed as less 3 million and exact amount 2,74million euro since 1998. Eu wallet size in O per Operson in key register area where key not turned: RU=4000euro,MO sep. 4400euro done in preupersonel via FI gov. DU=30 000euro and after pay still over 20weeks ago I managed drop even weakDUSkandinavia’s O via 20 000euro. French 10 000euro and latin=7000-8000euro. NB. White european in Persia needs only 2500euro less if allmost all RU manages pass Iran border with Afgan to backwards do Onervesystem cause of war in Ukrain. I’ve been trying to be producive and understood that drop in Africa is Owize most O and in bigger amount of RU/Slava/Easteuropean for example cause they are same O an biggest european O by gen,scull, heart etc Onerve. NB. In O Africa monet does no belong in Osystem so all cash aiders late for 9years O and invest/cash aid to help were supposed to be done as it were already before Africa.
      All cancer, HIV,fakenail,hair, also barber and shave,cosmetics an nailpolish parfum,deo,piercing,tattoo. Invest in luxur=electricity in bulb O in house,fabric,soap/hygien,food as microwaved to be cashed out in me until FI biy K.Hietala’s suffocation inserting quitted.

      Quit flagged O to end nation. End 2 added flag=EU flag and NATO.

  8. Understand 7 sins in Luther’s Black Book which were pointed out more last year. After black book evoked gayanatomy in Opath which started in nowadays Kongo a bit less 40 000 years ago. Black book did monet more strickt in Oworld to understand. Orace were forced to start to produce pro to do pay in church in sundays. One black sin is greed, also jealousy,slot/slaughtery,lust,pride,wrath, obesity. If these not removed prediction in O might evoke more=world end in Black hole=bad end.

  9. No contract in O=country/land, marriage and notice also huge bis involved incl. gov cash to produce O in amount, work,house,mobile telsimcard,fit,newspaper/mag/book. NB. FI edu gov provided conracted paper. No pub includes child literature to do before bed.

    Preu injected in landscape arranges Opeople in Au-Bi and calls food/grosery bell of city of Salo in FI which in nowa Olands has been a lot step into done supermarkets. No restaurant O=high eat/kitchen in O to suf O. A lot preu goes in chosen traced O and goes through done restaurants to man put Opeople step in eats. A gov key turned off all plumb=no suf bis managed.
    No fact to man=fabric,hygien/soap, food start of 6am done harvest to bake, fish,farm. Chicken,cow and pig were not allowed to involve in O existence.
    I have needed Opeople to contact in closing O count ries to quit all suf or dep. All gov=Au-Birk urges and bisnes side to be called off. No taxes to pay,also no tax free,duty free. No import but local O has been mentioned.

  10. To quit my elect suf=all cash put in high heels to cause Onervesystem damage in girls’es spin to be cashed out to quit my elect suf.
    Previously mentioned: HIV is removed in kills of Switch noO /present lady in Afgan Kandahar and 2 sportive sons in Hilmand area next to. Couple of Finnish UN troop man to be arrested of the border in Iran for RU to man go back in Oarea=slum which also been a diet O in DU. Slum do no school no work, kept without registration=not traced O. They ate what earth mo did for free or left overs/of garbage. Persia been slum in old europe and in south-america’s Brazil and
    Costa Rica still exists slums.NB. gravitation/drop mistakes in french latin O done inside Latin’s own 2 preufams of Berlin kingdomhoods also 4 preucouple at the border in Portugal to Spain Madrid to be killed of doing high O as O can no buy for example food as status symbol in prop purposes and then throw away allmost 75% of in waste. If DU/east european O in 007 manner could kill 2kingdom in latin=Madrid and Lisbon this would end O suf and for example NATO not man be done.

    • Cancer=first comp bunched out of Birkenau death O in 50’s and caused suf dark tissue instead of white called canser. All wallet opening in cancer treat/invent O to be done to quit electricity insert in my Ovagin done of FI west coast city of Lieto next to bigger city of Turku which in Europe also known/understood as asshole/black spot/distance/destination. FI been first president country in 1917 and preu in FI blinks’es managed choose a weakDU swedish back gayanatomy and so called Birkenau doc Mannerheim. He was standing in Turku castle which by anatomy gay in castle O. Kastelholm castle in Sweden and Austria-Hungary’s castle in which all castle thinking started in eu also by anatomy been gay.
      Cash aid of fakenail O to end my snitch in O started in Checnya war on and more counted ment of each sallary/payment Ogirl been by still existed alive in Chechnya O Switch present man has in Onervereduce O done fakenail to be quitted among chem add nailwork did in O lungs in all saloon.
      No metal to red O in pit to drop for example in jewellery,clock industry/business. All wallet opening in jewellery/clock O to be cashed out in to quit my snitch still in Athens airport O.
      All wallet opening in glasses incl sunwear to be cashed to quit my elect suf. Name of donator, time and cash trans spot to be telephoned in Athens airport.

      FI Duadecim doc book to be shown in O=in every move you make every breath you take invented pillaid or product in amount of allmost 20 000 products. Duadecim was done after 2nd world war incl FI doc union=Vallilan laakariliitto.Remove all anti-pregnancy products in O to quit wars as Syria,Ukrain and Sudan. NoO of Switch origin who do Oreduce using war O in all 3 landscape/soilland to be killed.Ending most common Dua O=anti-pregnancy products and temperature/feaver treat using illegal antibiotic pill ment as my RU grandgrandmom tries to tell that no NATO hand and cont in Europ O was manged. O who lived in press+elect country needs rised body temperature to kill all bactery and viruses O= antibiotic pills/vaccine has destroyed own good bacteries in 5 Orace to quit Onervesystem. Most scary pills in Dua book are psyc aid and memory help products. RU doc found 9 lethal psypill in Dua of which 3 been lethal=invented to reduce Oraced own brainlight to quit sexattitude in FI docs. Finland’s own doc union pays cash upon doctor’s own wage of every ordered pill amount. FI doc Harri Ponkkonen hiding in Spain and earns via illegal FI doc union via wire trans 30 000euro/£ per cheated O in FI, HEL’s Aurora Birkenau modelled psychospital in murdering local O in 2 day existence since arrive inside hospital. FI has 17+2 Birkenau modelled hospital. 2 been Birkenau+jail system invented by blink man registered in city of Kirkkonummi. His daughter is Birk O who in Europ was shown to man do girl’s snitch. FI 12 year psy doc paper in uni edu is go through 2000 so called Birkenau Onervesystem reduce operations in which lobotomia were 2nd weakest treat and Ovagin electricity suf was which did inva/handicappism in Oearth. If this degree did no exist in O in now amount of 1300 O O manages still O 2 atombombs off Japan in 1945.

      • FI doc union in amount is 1300 doc is psy and nurse included a bit less 12 000. Normal/ common hospital doc is app 30 000 and nurse app 25 000 Operson. Please don’t allow FI doc’s pool party be done in Monaco=all other are dead and doctors arrive receiving lux product as gift and a glass of champaign to fuck each other. 70 000euro some average O in O transacts in app 20 black guy to pay of over 5,5 years of checking 6 key turns by Fingrid gov elect comp to end all traffic including Otrade to cover FI losses in own O. All good honest Olands to manage help O out in contacting my O to man close all traffic and trade in own distances. East europ/Slava MO is biggest O in O and for Orescue purposes quick quit of their army gov precidencies, releasing without better know all prisoned O in preu O ending, quit of all electricity and gaselin in their O, removing count flags an UN, Eu contracts, and all NATO is best selfprotection in O. FI is so dum that preus in their stupidity can reduce East europ bit by bit and cause sep done their O been weakened.

      • FI doc union in amount is 1300 doc is psy and nurse included a bit less 12 000. Normal/ common hospital doc is app 30 000 and nurse app 25 000 Operson. Stop FI doc’s pool party be done in Monaco=all other are dead and doctors arrive receiving lux product as gift and a glass of champaign to fuck each other. 70 000euro some average O in O transacts in app 20 black guy to pay of over 5,5 years of checking 6 key turns by Fingrid gov elect comp to end all traffic including Otrade to cover FI losses in own O. All good honest Olands to manage help O out in contacting my O to man close all traffic and trade in own distances. East europ/Slava MO is biggest O in O and for Orescue purposes quick quit of their army gov precidencies, releasing without better know all prisoned O in preu O ending, quit of all electricity and gaselin in their O, removing count flags an UN, Eu contracts, and all NATO is best selfprotection in O. FI is so dum that preus in their stupidity can reduce East europ bit by bit and cause sep done their O been weakened.

    • Cancer=first comp bunched out of Birkenau death O in 50’s and caused suf dark tissue instead of white called canser. All wallet opening in cancer treat/invent O to be done to quit electricity insert in my Ovagin done of FI west coast city of Lieto next to bigger city of Turku which in Europe also known/understood as asshole/black spot/distance/destination. FI been first president country in 1917 and preu in FI blinks’es managed choose a weakDU swedish back gayanatomy and so called Birkenau doc Mannerheim. He was standing in Turku castle which by anatomy gay in castle O. Kastelholm castle in Sweden and Austria-Hungary’s castle in which all castle thinking started in eu also by anatomy been gay.
      Cash aid of fakenail O to end my snitch in O started in Checnya war on and more counted ment of each sallary/payment Ogirl been by still existed alive in Chechnya O Switch present man has in Onervereduce O done fakenail to be quitted among chem add nailwork did in O lungs in all saloon.
      No metal to red O in pit to drop for example in jewellery,clock industry/business. All wallet opening in jewellery/clock O to be cashed out in to quit my snitch still in Athens airport O.
      All wallet opening in glasses incl sunwear to be cashed to quit my elect suf. Name of donator, time and cash trans spot to be telephoned in Athens airport.

      FI Duadecim doc book to be shown in O=in every move you make every breath you take invented pillaid or product in amount of allmost 20 000 products. Duadecim was done after 2nd world war incl FI doc union=Vallilan laakariliitto.Remove all anti-pregnancy products in O to quit wars as Syria,Ukrain and Sudan. NoO of Switch origin who do Oreduce using war O in all 3 landscape/soilland to be killed.Ending most common Dua O=anti-pregnancy products and temperature/feaver treat using illegal antibiotic pill ment as my RU grandgrandmom tries to tell that no NATO hand and cont in Europ O was manged. O who lived in press+elect country needs rised body temperature to kill all bactery and viruses O= antibiotic pills/vaccine has destroyed own good bacteries in 5 Orace to quit Onervesystem. Most scary pills in Dua book are psyc aid and memory help products. RU doc found 9 lethal psypill in Dua of which 3 been lethal=invented to reduce Oraced own brainlight to quit sexattitude in FI docs. Finland’s own doc union pays cash upon doctor’s own wage of every ordered pill amount. FI doc hiding in Spain and earns via illegal FI doc union via wire trans 30 000euro/£ per cheated O in FI, HEL’s Aurora Birkenau modelled psychospital in murdering local O in 2 day existence since arrive inside hospital. FI has 17+2 Birkenau modelled hospital. 2 been Birkenau+jail system invented by blink man registered in city of Kirkkonummi. His daughter is Birk O who in Europ was shown to man do girl’s snitch. FI 12 year psy doc paper in uni edu is go through 2000 so called Birkenau Onervesystem reduce operations in which lobotomia were 2nd weakest treat and Ovagin electricity suf was which did inva/handicappism in Oearth. If this degree did no exist in O in now amount of 1300 O O manages still O 2 atombombs off Japan in 1945.

  11. Onervesystemed O can no be touched using scissors,knife=surg, pillaided or vaccined, touched/surveilled with electricity,made red blood urea nor poo in analyse.

  12. Onerve O can no be touched using scissors,knife=surg, pillaided or vaccined, touched/surveilled with electricity,made red blood urea nor poo in analyse.

  13. Kill Switch origin present man in Chechnya who did 100 000 O removs in 1995 in two war. RU/Oraced O only mistake in O been to call FI blinks’es O to ask preuracedkill O in O and FI army train incl vow is to end RU O and natotrain which FI has done since 4,5 years ago is to learn/teach end Perfect Persian O. FI O in O sit noO cause have not done O in O. FI been requested to manage in their illegal gov key men to open own border in East Europ /all O among DU border which was elect locked in 1943 when Birkenau started. All the way FI is 258 locks to open in citywize key men to man turn off citywize plumbering and illegal Kela as nat cash aid=as system been 3mtrs tall girl’s elect bar/post 200km east of Warsaw. Kela adds electricity in chosen O house via registration and also into Onervesystem. Worst sit in FI’s O is in Opeople ended in so called sos/soc environments which I found 12-13 in number. NB. gov key O in all Europ to be hanged in local O spots of keeping on Osuf if keys not turned and most lousy been chosen of governance. FI key man noO=a vole and geek after internet came on in 1995 chosen cause of my elect suf app 4 years ago. In Andorra, San Marino and Lithuania preu O chosen to unlock O.
    Alsi In Bhutan is 5mtrs tall girls’s O suf post/bar in Adiand and
    Indian O and in Niger in black O. Please cash aid, again few O of DU, bunch of local latins and 1 RU man who when Chechnya started removed himself off own RU O and sits now here next by in Athens airport Sofitel hotel. Difficult O in cash aid anatomy=listed rich/forbe list, 400 000 RU O who instead of going in Chechnya to kill Switcherland present left RU and because of this ended mistreated. These 400 000 existed in a city nearby preuEstonia/Latvia who went in greed in late1970’s when RU Galina Tatarinova also Hurmalainen slept twice in Latvia with preuman who sent during this illegal activity few preu Latvian of Baltic in RU and did one village dishonest=greedy and been one of 7 black book’s sin to gayanatomy O. When Switcherland’s preurace’s president of Gstellihorn mountain village existing in HEL that O sent in Chechnya O he pointed out that these 400 000 RU to grab gun cause commited/evoked in his black sin and also in passwards man kill his presents among himself in all the world. For DU O perf art Tijs Verwest aka Dj tiesto to be explained in O=he’s only one who in Osit in DU O have not managed help in cash cause his mother did not fuck enough=learned him wallet opening in snitch/girl’s elect suf sit as O. About O=correction is MO and DU O in co also 007 man checking off FI blinks’es doings in O as adding suf via presidency, keys, Eu flag, NATO in eu mentally since 8years ago by FI former president Sauli Niinisto, fysical handshake 6,5 years ago in FI and a contract last year in March. I have to after pay apologise and quit NATO in SkandiDU cause O bern burned in Skandinavia district. NB.FI Karri Hietala has ended in suf more than NATO since 1946. Black bulb cam and big hearassets to red Onerve in Oscull no invented if I were ever not shown in FI landscape for my own Osec. Because of K.Hietala’s commit FI army train’s vow part in my Ovagin 10ish pre+elect=O added in South-American O. Tijs Verwest’es correction been DU wife Greta in Amsterdam. They’ve once been 500metres apart but did no understand each other cause of key done in 1945 when snitch was commited in weakish jewish girls’es O in Pol in Birkenau and all the way the lock been in IJ burg district in Nydia Ecurystraat 6C sleep in lock space. In Belgia key in Quartier des Bruyeres distr St. Pl du Plat Pays used Rue Joseph Hans St. Entrance is 1st after O after turn to the left in Pl du Plat Pays also lock space in heredip to man key turn under Pl du Plat Pays.
    Luxemburg key is entrance in Tucana. The O used Rue Robert Stumper St.

  14. FI landscape most contaminated in noO/Praced. They have 4 Switcherland/SUI origin present man in register. Worst is in city of Salo 3rd in a row and is Nokia engineer. In Salo also Switch present man and worked in toy factory in RU orphin suf purposes via plastic O. NB. plastic can no be produced when electricity turned and switched off. One SUI man existed in HEL’s Eira district in Oreduce via gamble. Switch man has done internet poker trying to do dept and suicide in FI blinks’es O. Prace’s president man born in Bern in year 1932 in pass in FI register is most hated noOnervesystemraced everywhere. These 4 to be killed in FI O to apologise O existence.
    Otherwize 42 000preuraced in FI reg and 25 000 natopreu of usa areacode in west city of Laitila to be killed stoned/shooted/knifed also no in inserting electricity way which been international understanding for O.
    In Libya 4 noO/preufams to be killed who do flag count Libya. Libya before war in Afgan been big Oreduce in O and newer solved till the end.

    Clean Saddam Hussein house in Irak Baghdad=all Baghdad naked in his birthO and clean O. Kurdi sit in 1998 no evoke if Saddam O was O. All the way in Irak 9 stoning of noO/preuraced=3 couples at Saddam house, 2 in city of Kurkuk, 4 in city of Erbil in DU and Arbil in East europ O.

  15. In Iran 12 stonings. Worst Switcherland Psent lady in Teheren doing highAu or uni in Teh. Her O is bargue before prop O seen in Kora rel. 2 preraced man in Teh faking O and annoy in do Kor. A illegal jail section done after I got snitched in FI in city of Turku in 14th of May 2005. Jail was established when a FI murd vole Tiina Kousa working in GER Dusseldorf nazi IT firm in Slush bis showed my social media or FB profile in her 3 ger co-workers. Tiina Kousa’s O is that preupersons after they’ve used her O end her as nonsence. NB she has blinked cause her FI father is a healthy O=he has finns common depressed and that’s why also danger Onervesystem. Slush= do electricity add in added location and earn 2500euro. After O go inside a bar and buy a beer. Bisness does bisexualism=knocks to be out of own bed and own Onerved wife. After career villa done in Africa and understand that villa as house is too modern so danger. Flipflops for father no anymore served in front of his legs in O. Also word apartment and O too scary/ noO. Word home in my understanding is room with a lamp in the ceiling. House been best under roof O. First dep in Opath been going in woods under roof. FI Turku city’s gayanatomy castle emerge did blink inside house. Second depress in O been Koran’s O to depress O in scarf. P= girl’s O in O but no=dep using scarf and order how is also added. P=is also a Bern habi/apartment where Muhammad and later precident was born. P= UN head quarter as O where in elevator phase Onervesystem been drowned of representative of UN’s member state.
    In Iran 4 shia lead and their Switcherland/SUI origin moms to be stoned=only Onerved father remained alive in O purpose.

  16. In Iran 12 stonings. Worst Switcherland Psent lady in Teheren doing highAu or uni in Teh. Her O is bargue before prop O seen in Kora rel. 2 preraced man in Teh faking O and annoy in do Kor. A illegal jail section done after I got snitched in FI in city of Turku in 14th of May 2005. Jail was established when a FI murd vole Tiina Kousa working in GER Dusseldorf nazi IT firm in Slush bis showed my social media or FB profile in her 3 ger co-workers. tiiinakoo’s O is that preupersons after they’ve used her O end her as nonsence. NB she has blinked cause her FI father is a healthy O=he has finns common depressed and that’s why also danger Onervesystem. Slush= do electricity add in added location and earn 2500euro. After O go inside a bar and buy a beer. Bisness does bisexualism=knocks to be out of own bed and own Onerved wife. After career villa done in Africa and understand that villa as house is too modern so danger. Flipflops for father no anymore served in front of his legs in O. Also word apartment and O too scary/ noO. Word home in my understanding is room with a lamp in the ceiling. House been best under roof O. First dep in Opath been going in woods under roof. FI Turku city’s gayanatomy castle emerge did blink inside house. Second depress in O been Koran’s O to depress O in scarf. P= girl’s O in O but no=dep using scarf and order how is also added. P=is also a Bern habi/apartment where Muhammad and later precident was born. P= UN head quarter as O where in elevator phase Onervesystem been drowned of representative of UN’s member state.
    In Iran 4 shia lead and their Switcherland/SUI origin moms to be stoned=only Onerved father remained alive in O purpose.

  17. Preuraces O found been: amusing in pedofilia to man disturb in O in DU sticks with noO/P during arrest. Luther’s year 1500 hundred Bibble invent jail to be opened. As ment preu O does no have Onerve in O=just O managed in Ocountry regi experience O in O. A school bomb=P went in weakest O and starts to plan Onervereduce.
    Serial kill=Praced go in a weak O and commits Oquit themselves might working in more spesial prof as doc/nurse, dent, press person, in govern level. Canadapreu been shown a O who did school in asian and black O in O. Canadian goes in Oarea and starts to explain how u should be and per. In all Canada sit quit them and put into ocean.

    3rd preugirl of Baltic Latvia origin hired in UKDU London’s Heathrow airport to do main web/internet inform correspond. I was born in year 1982 and if Balticpreu was no ending all Persian O attemps to know where NATO is I managed show them the elect Oend table to man turn off NATO in a singular key turn already since year 1992 means also FI K.Hietala has no managed do his vow. NATO is a big electricity add in chosen Orace area to do inva/handicappism in local O.
    Preugirl of Baltics in Australian bar O in main web inform correspondent in UK to beering in Aust O to dis their O.
    In Rome internat airport main web inform co a preugirl of Baltics to be killed also cause snitch was managed all the way.
    In Pari internat airport a preulady of Baltics doing suf or Onervereduce in sells of tax free luxury.
    In UK DU in Sainsbury and Tesco market’s main web correspondent been 2 preuperson of Latvia’s preuarea. One custom in Sainsburie groce is preufam of Baltic preuarea sent in Wales whose Oreduce been sep UK in 4 O. Welsh O can no do talks of independency in O to man stick under the same roof. I’m still waiting cash aid from UK to man open google map to trace Baltic fam’s in Welsh occupation in O culture. It’s not in governance but something higher existence anyway in your local O.

  18. Belarus key in Minsk in Zao Belstat to left 2nd build Tabory district.
    Ukrain key in
    French key in Louvre in entrance at Quai Francois Mitterand. Apartment of gov chosen key holder in north east of Louvre. Key under Louis XIV sous les traits de Marcus Curtius (cop) space. Gov elect who donate the key co been EDF tel. 0033609206471, 0033140422222, 00337600400230.
    MO RU key by Kreml and RU gov electr co Rosseti has given out the key in a dum RU girl. In RU key added 5 years ago. Rosseti tel. 0074959510650, 0074953634070, 0074952800487.
    UK gov key man his key from Utility Bidder com.
    Czech key in Prag in 40dom in Sulice district park area to east Sulicly potok down.
    Sloven key in Bratislava in Luky O in Benadicka ul door in 14 in dip in O.
    In RO key in Independentei in Strada Aneselui under 4th build getting Str. Gliei south. ITA gov co gave a key in local gov chosen Ogirl.
    Moldova’s key Chisinau in ul Strad Butuailui at the build in Sectorul Botanica.
    North Macedonia’s key in Skopje in Seltse distr in Seltse to south left.
    Kosovo key in Pristina in Empire to left build Xheladin ul to east district Velania to west.
    Bosnia-Herzegovina key in Sarajevo in Tilava Umjetnicka kuca Knezvic on the right bigger build dip under in locker space.
    In Ukrain key in Kiov in St. Pol’ova in dom/house 27.
    In preuEstonia’s key in Mustamae district Pohja-Eesti under Regionaal haigla build. Entrance behind build door. Key man been Russian Oman and after key turn to go back in MO RU with all Baltic RU to man do 4 patrolling DU Ofam back home.
    In preuLatvia’s key in Riga in hat key in Muizas iela Jurmalas teatris behind build. Same RU key Oman as in Estonia.
    In Alban in Tirana Riga Rruga Jahla Ballhysa ul. Joena bi accross street under 2nd build.

  19. Check illegal lethal FI talks of independence org SITRA work in which inside app 120-130 workers, also a preu O hired inside SITRA org. App 6 sent in O to suf. I myself was collected last March in PreuFI jailing in Irak border by Turk militzia/gov. A selfish FI blink man of SITRA org went in Australia 12 years ago=doubled Aus average sallary,pointed out law degree and uni and did 20 000 preu O of all america in Aust. One preu man in militzia in Australia and to be killed in O. Later FI man build 10 jails in Turks to capture irakian and pass by O to solve FI NATOing which he don’t manage. I was heading into Irak to clean the Saddam House and start to backwards Onerve my Onervesystem after war in Ukrain.
    Notice that FI considered also quite dark culture=suicide rate high in O, also all family quits by fam’s father, all O has marked that FI blinks consume alco more than orther european O cauae don’t O. NATO incl NATO troop in Laitila city has added violence agains girl and prod 6-8 difficult gayanatomies in FI blink O. Huge amount of O is to know FI blink soldier Antti aka Rokka whose been introduced in O as unknown soldier cause beat up his wife and drank alco but in FI O understood most O. FI has most amount of social/sos environments cause of alcohol=outside own bed O.
    Sitra teaches racism in O to end O. In register app 100 000 racistical households.

  20. Norway key in cap Oslo in Bjerkas district in st. Slemmestadveies house number 69 not 604 under lock space to dip in O.
    Sweden key in in Lerbovagen down on left 2nd build bigger than small of Zenit Fritids muse to south east.
    Denmark key in Copenhagen in Jernholmen st in DBI Certification to be done back in A/S build under space in lock for O to dip in. Dj Tiesto’s existence in North-am Las Vegas and arranged mainly by FI’s illegal activity in O threatens DU O cause preu wanted to end MO RU first in Eu O.
    Iceland key in Reykjavik Ping district in St. Halsaping

    • and st. Hafraping between block of 8 build and the key build is 3rd if counted of Gulabing and Halsabing crosscorner towards north towards north. Key man used Hafrabing street to dip in lock space under groundsurface.
      By all means in key turn tries/attemps use a group tent village O at lock space=you need all remaining Onervetissue to be in same spot to understand and show who is local chosen key O to doa key turn. NB. key O understands in big group to serve=O in group manages to understand all keys and switches in everybody’s fysical distance to undo FI army vow possibility in your local O. Army= A is a bit dum as sound. O=O sound. R= Monaco’s king= preugrab family of Berlin.M=Switcherland/SUI origin present lady Anna Korshunova in Moscow, RU in MG university in magister to be killed. She’s 3rd since 1917 in MO RU. Y= FI bisness code in reg.

    • and st. Hafraping between block of 8 build and the key build is 3rd if counted of Gulabing and Halsabing crosscorner towards north towards north. Key man used Hafrabing street to dip in lock space under groundsurface.
      By all means in key turn tries/attemps use a group tent village O at lock space=you need all remaining Onervetissue to be in same spot to understand and show who is local chosen key O to doa key turn. NB. key O understands in big group to serve=O in group manages to understand all keys and switches in everybody’s fysical distance to undo FI army vow possibility in your local O. Army= A is a bit dum as sound. O=O sound. R= Monaco’s king= preugrab family of Berlin.M=Switcherland/SUI origin present lady Anna Korshunova in Moscow, RU in MG university in magister to be killed. She’s 3rd since 1917 in MO RU. Y= FI bisness code in reg.

      and st. Hafraping between block of 8 build and the key build is 3rd if counted of Gulabing and Halsabing crosscorner towards north towards north. Key man used Hafrabing street to dip in lock space under groundsurface.
      By all means in key turn tries/attemps use a group tent village O at lock space=you need all remaining Onervetissue to be in same spot to understand and show who is local chosen key O to doa key turn. NB. key O understands in big group to serve=O in group manages to understand all keys and switches in everybody’s fysical distance to undo FI army vow possibility in your local O. Army= A is a bit dum as sound. O=O sound. R= Monaco’s king= preugrab family of Berlin.M=Switcherland/SUI origin present lady Anna Korshunova in Moscow, RU in MG university in magister to be killed. She’s 3rd since 1917 in MO RU. Y= FI bisness code in reg.
      and st. Hafraping between block of 8 build and the key build is 3rd if counted of Gulabing and Halsabing crosscorner towards north towards north. Key man used Hafrabing street to dip in lock space under groundsurface.
      By all means in key turn tries/attemps use a group tent village O at lock space=you need all remaining Onervetissue to be in same spot to understand and show who is local chosen key O to doa key turn. NB. key O understands in big group to serve=O in group manages to understand all keys and switches in everybody’s fysical distance to undo FI army vow possibility in your local O. Army= A is a bit dum as sound. O=O sound. R= Monaco’s king= preugrab family of Berlin.M=Switcherland/SUI origin present lady Anna Korshunova in Moscow, RU in MG university in magister to be killed. She’s 3rd since 1917 in MO RU. Y= FI bisness code in reg.

  21. A Greece key in Koritsas el Venizelou inside block. Also Bi Galvanizing Company of Greese SA right across the road. Local Volton gov elect comp has given out key to a chosen local greek man a bit less 5 years ago. Previous greek guy cheated in house in South-Africa to do preugirl of Baltic Latvia’s preuarea. Preu in Oreduce can be all pretty as model and notice that every 5th in Baltics register is MO RUssians so preu is served with O feelings as cry, sunburn in skin, sweat in O etc. In Australia 20 000 ampreu were done in register cause DUknew mainly Ger preuarea to avoid. If preu is done in register Oraced have to think their O too much. In greek came preufam of Australia’s pass with added frackles=added Onerve Uk borns produce do in Australia.Nowa Switcherland/SUI origin present O whose previous did aborigal sit and after nazism in Poland established swim O in pool=no hobby in which swim most Oreducive cause of plumbs.I traced Pfam hab in city of Alice spring. Australian O has not understood Au present fam cause they add electricity into their O to hide their O that DU O do no understand them in their Oreduce aim.
    In South-Africa the switcher origin present O whose previous did apartheid exists in an old beacon in Cape town.Already previous presents in South-Africa have done pet and vet in O to bi. Nowa is in an old beacon with FI blink man in cafe bis. Dutch and Australian O lost a huge amout of energy in Opast requesting their DU unitism/ending under the same roof from the preugrab of Berlin=the Crown king though pre arranged you apart.

  22. Cyprus key in Mobile Phone Shop at Athlassas Ave to south under O. Bi Minerva Insurance to left.
    In Malta key in Pool techada Bormla hostel bi on the left build and bi Sports Cafe Cottonera above.

  23. Uk borns electricity comp which gave key in Big Ben is Utility Bidder.
    In Polish electricity co Polskie Elektrownie Jadrowe Sp. zo.o.
    In Greek and Cyprus Volton. In Italy and a harsh capitul been a key man. Please O end Popesystem as O in going inside Vatican and arrest illegal Polish man of staring a old gully=Vatican as a build. In RU Rosseti as ment.
    In French EDF is electricity co.
    In Finnish, HEL electricity co been HSY or sorttiasema.
    In RO Bucarest ITA co has given a key in a gov girl.

  24. Malta key in Pool techlada
    Bormla hostel bi on the left build and bi Sports Cafe Cottonera above.

  25. In Polish city of Szeczecin 2ger origin precouple who did flag count in Birkenau death to be killed to man do a bit 400million Ojews call safe back in Pol O.NB. because if FI’s illegal activity amount of Ojews got smaller. Alsi 36 000 preuatea EE origin O in Pol register to be dead. Main train O=Auschwitz in Warsaw central station been a esto O in 2nd O and to be killed. A esto preman in Warsaw in psyc aid among in optician doing Oscull suf in glass.

  26. Please quit beers in DU among weakDU Skandi O. Beer was done in DU in GER man who established red light district in Amsterdam as more O app 40 years ago. DUrace went dep and started to exist inside their after work living rooms also drinking beer. 7 preu Latvian window sluts have shown to pass by O 40 so called dormi/crematory in Pol. In Poland in Birkenau death camp next to Auschwitz after 2nd world war been left a Switch O to cover/ blum 2nd camp’s existence. Millions of visitors after 2nd world war have not understand/seen second camp ‘s O which is 40 so called doc experimenting randomly chosen jews 1943-1945 inside one gypsy. 3 males and other been girls. Lobotomia was 2nd weakest treatment and electricity suf girl’s Ovagin the last and most lethal. Weakish jewish girl lasted experiment for 4 hour until her Onervesystem ended and her heart stopped producing invali same as handicappism in O.

  27. Please check off football/soccer vandalism in UK for O cause FI illegal Oreducive personel might go in weak DU O and start to invite kill more RU/Slavistic O gravitating in quitting white european persian O in middle east area cause they’ve been training with Natotroops over 4,5 years. Natotrain is to learn kill perfect persian O which has dropped in reducing black O in Africa.

  28. Please remove/check off greed of DU’s O in telcalling me and sharing my letters. Doing cash does no add drop /protection against ampreu of USA/CAN who offend your O of USA, Missoury state of part Fulton city’s old saloon in Marth Luther’s road inside 14 usapreu gay. The old saloon had existed in spor where black were slaved. Inside 14 gay a man whose father did White House and Onerves removs table inside left wing downstairs. White House been build in spot where upper-ammerican in have had their play. NB. Americas indians, black,asia,india do no manage/stand electricity/noO light in same level as white european Orace. My eu id traced by preu gayanatomy inside bar whose father did White House. DU O’s pass traced by Switcherland/SUI O=noOnervesystem in their O race. Of this bar made fear in DU system that noO starts to grab DU O and every O in DU has amount to in Osit kill preus using stone or knifes. RU has againstgay/nogay-guns manifactured in Siber means bullet not rubbish=honest. I’ve checked some guns in O and understood that Olands who have bought western guns/american gun have not done proper gunning. NB. Gayanatomy in proper O as persia is also hanged of not staying honest, exept share my Oinformletter that preuraced hiding in their O. Per is app. 1mrd white european and over 10 flagged count presents have man establish.

    Max Eu wallet size per person MO RU=4000€/£. Slava MO/east eu =4400€£, whole DU= 30 000euro what yourselves thought but 20 000€£ after my wallet been corrected. French=10 000€£, latin=7000-8000€£.

  29. FI anatomy in contract with preu: 900difficultgay, 70 ovet just gay of which 22 did girl as birth bisexual. 100 000 households racistical, 30 000 highly religious group Lestadius member and all the way less dang above Luther’s Black books rel groups allowed, 50+ male been once in a life time high gen and 4 man do a child, voles 230 000 + O. FI Ypaja city’s O too small in drop value so no proper to be counted in sexing. I found 44 179 O to be invest in arrest after cross in RU Ofams O which after correcting my and Buca’s wallet at the end of the O ment that FI’s former pres Saulu Niinisto ends up to be last in invest.
    Tasks in europ been:quit illegal edu war in Ukrain aming apologise NATO in Skandinavia which has burned weakDU Opersons. Also earning famed perf art Dj Tiesto back of USApreu Las Vegas perf back in DU and to be shown into her DU wife Greta in Amsterdam. Tijs Verwest’s Operson was done in N.Y in 2011 by FI murd vole Tiina Kousa working in ger dusseldorf nazi IT comp and Slush been the bi. Slush is electrucity add in chosen lication+earn+beverage intake after electricity add in a pub/bar/club. Also RU normal couples been slaved to drop FI all blinkpersons since FI register came on staring 1917. RU O slavoyry in FI blink to be stopped in locked europe’ s key turns.

  30. All voles to be cleaned off Osystem=FI, SWE,amount in Tanzania’s Africa. Swedish voles are solved in dropping to stringer DU area. FI voles have been traind to kill Onervesystem and only Oplatform where FI been excuse only MO RU O. FI blinks’es max cash inside a pocket max 20000euro per O that do no scare in O no more innocent civilians in adding pun as pointing out uni and science so called docs, law , IT , retail. Psychology/mind correction for FI blinks done invia honest good RU Ofams.
    FI invest O in diffic ordet: a blink captured in Switch Obwalden Gstellihorn who has been married in Switch precident, blink O by profile HEL, Eira district’s Oremovs who fam had invest already in Polish jew murd, blink Eira man whose fam planned how jews to be dead, city of Vantaa’s close by Helsinki family Pispala whi did bis orientation in Eualso fams grandmo’s profile sadis cause does no enjoy males gen so much. Because of her O FI added 2 keys right after Switch/SUI present did under white wall in fakejew state of Israel in year 1917. 2 keys ment that jews in consentration O/ destroy camps and all O after Polish O have been kept a lot separately as in public lavratories/toilets. In order to drop Osystem last urea/poops to be done also without flushs to avoid Onervereduce in order to support RU/Slav O in ending preurace in FI blinks’es done illegal activities mentioned in task O. Please quit all fab man an shop. In killing 3 latin’s kings= preugrab fams of Berlin, illegal state of Andorra’s 4 Baltic Latvia’s preufams inside and 4 preufams existence in Portuguese border in Spain couple of them sent also of Switcher’s danger areacode some French latin’s annoying prop using status symbols is quitted=to buy stuff without need and throw major away in garbage. Slum area exists still in South Am’ s Brazil an Costa Rica which been low enough existence found in french con O to man get wombed. Slum=no registered O who is inside O who has grabbed waste if needed some prod.

  31. For O whose been striving to man undo possibility of black execution in North-am USA. Against DU’s knowledge preuraced ger preuarea origin cocaine man in South-am been in Brazil in Monte Grosso area not in Columbia as illegal Onervesystem reducive L.A film industry has shown. Kill him and SUI origin preulady in press who has had illegal mount jail in South Argentina. She has done press person of latin O in her jail and starved them till death. A present in Monte Grosso has added electrucity in own scull to hide his O. Same in FI boyish Karri Hietala who does girls’es electricity suf. in Ovagin of west coast city of Lieto in Finland. Also Switcherland/SUI origin present fam’s mom in Australia’s city of Alice spring works as pool quard has used electricity in her noOnervesystemed O to cover/hide their noO fam who has done aboriginal sit and after Pol nazism estab swim in pool O an hobby. Hobby=incl wallet open and chosen gadget as swimsuit. Alice Spring SUI O showed my O for her present son in 1996 when I was 4 years old to annoy in doing hobby in my O. Swim considered most Ored hobby cause of plumb and chlorine add to toxicate O. Invest in arrest a FI edu gov edu left wing side byro sent blink man in Brazil’s Sao Paulo of approving 20ish flag counts in Birkenau death camp O. Switch present O in a old beacon in South-Africa in Cape town whose previos did apart and pet,vet and found in cafe bis inside a beacon with a FI blink man in racism. Kill switch origin present and invest FI blink man in arrest.

  32. FI blink man sent in Australia of Finn’s illegal talk of inde org SITRA which produced racism in O. Inside SITRA org also preuperson in Finns. He went in Aus man do app. 20 000 north-am preus in Aus register, pointed out law in uni, doubled month sallary and man obese app 800 UK born girls. His doings been also to man 10 jail using preucontaminated Turkey and other jail in Asia which both do Oreduce.Invest him in O of DUO, his anatomy/profile invest self.

    Stop FI persons voices in airports ordering Orace inside machine=in aircraft towards FI+their illegal landscape injected with FI armie vow. Invest FI 170 Jagarfam in O of more invest in Okill an who’s been in RU KGB/RU’s High Auschwitz O to be understand to be dropped in MO RU in key turns in Europ locker.

  33. I would exist requesting own Orights a lot outside FI’s own landscape cause FI’s don’t have that much O in their O. Slava O 20% existing in Hungary has to back their bag and drop in Africa soilland to quit war in Ukrain or minimum in Slava O. Check Frencies as no MO in O=they have had no MO since centuries when Mona Lisa attacked one french girl and she got aggressive. They are to be organised to kill preu O cause men have not fucked a girl while Ointercourse=have fucked other men and their breed been all the time pissed/aggressuve underneath.
    Preuperson of Baltic Latvia preuarea in Croat is in [email protected] who estab flag count Croat and count is in Birkenau death camp just next to Aus. In
    Bulgaria Baltic Estonia preuarea’s origin preulady is been in Oryalova city in Town Hall Oryalova.
    My message has to has to be share/dropped in all your hands/next by O in work, family an friends, an in social affair in interest. End all farm O=pig, cow and chicken slaughtery. After euro flag also farm ended up forced/all payed of Berlin gayananamy bar. Quit all at 6am dep/suf done by Prace= bread bake, milk and fishs. Forced fishs done in Philippino by SUIorigin present O who did flag count Philippine=end SUI ladies in O. FI blink fam has done monet O in O since 1918 adding precidency O pointing into FI blink fam has done monet O in O since 1918 adding precidency O pointing into uni/HighAuschwitz law diploma.In DU 1 Oman went weak of FI precidency and did kingdom. Whole Asia so rich that their Slum Orelatives needs to shoot them in O of greed=close to my O has been sent monet Opeople but their O does no manage quit electricity suf among kill in electricity=they’ve just collected information. For O reason FI was bomb attacked by Alaskausapreu in year 1932 when RU O was too O to go in Africa to O and got slaved in O to do blinks’es O. FI illegal personel 44 170+ pieces, for example only FI fam managed produce 22 bisexual girls as birth. FI female Heidi Hartikainen is one in birth bisexual= she grabs then quits /eats Oman’s genital and have shown been stealing cash/products to manage get more Oraced boys/males. Her father Kauko. H is one of FI’s 70+ no difficult gayanatomies. RU has proposed for years to manage arrest all FI gayanatomies.
    In city of Mariupol a usapreu O was done in Ukrain O to produce Oreduce when war started. He’s been in Ukrain in the woods mainly. See and kill him all the way in O. FI gov produced war in Ukrain. 2 usapreufams used sadistic FI blink female Erika Palola’s O to do war in Ukrain and extra suf in mask via Coro virus and big amount of illegal arrestments. FI newer told more of who she is and where she exist=next to Heinola and in Hollola. In Hollola in racistical male’s hotel with co man Joonas Jarkko. In FI arrest mark 170 FI blink Jagar fams who went in germany to train kill MO O in 1932.
    Kill the Crown kingdomhood in UK, London=9kings in eu been preugrabfams of Ger Berlin=RU children’s humiliation in the crown’s submarine O is ended. The Crown kingd did submarine using UN. Quit preugrabber.
    In Slava /east eu key holder done gravitation/drop mistake=east eu key hold girls have been shown in Olack in eastern Czech to disman a bit in O=they have not seen their mothers done O while intercourse/sexing. Same O done in Poland into key guy=their Ogen been shown in suf O in virumaa/Esto preuarea. Esto key in Tallinn in Pohja-eesti Mustamae district in Regionaal haigla build behind door to do and go an dip in lock space.Latvia’s key in cap Riga in Muizas iela Jurmalas teatris behind build. RU man done in both EE an LAT distance. In Lith a preuperson as key man and yet I have not checked locker’s spot.

    Please undo and quit RU O slavoyry in Siberia’s gunfactories=murder 7ish preufamilies done of Baltics preuare to no do Onervesystem add.
    Please kill preulady of Baltics Latvia origin in Krasnodar electricity comp of doing orphing and orphin depression using porridge.
    Please kill 2 preucouples of Baltics Latvia’s preuarea in Belarus Minsk who managed quit Belarus’es best couple shooting in new year eve 2008 and baby son later. I’ve traced already that other couple’s man works in tradeshop in Minsk and his work email starts 777.Please shoot him and other preus using prisoned O who preu jails all the O.

    Please kill present girl of Baltics Latvia’s preuarea added in MO city lux modern apartment in Ored=reduce 400 000 RU O who do no go to see Switch origin present man sent in Chechnya in 1995 and kill him stoned knifed in shoot.

    In Pol west city of Szczecin 2 ger origin couples to disman app. 400million Ojews call back in Pol. These 2 couples did flag count Pol and preu via FI gov does sep of MO RU to manage separatism.

    Please find present girl of Baltic Latvia preuarea in Czech who do count and flag in Birkenau. Arrest in invest FI blink man=gov hand in Prag in 2nd man who did sep of MO RU in Slava difficult to manage back in MO.
    In USA in Missoury part of state in Fulton road 14 noO/preugay who slaved O an estab White House on the spot where upper-am’s indi has had his O
    All the way no national=quit all 197 flags means quit all flags in your houses an end your passports, insurances,diplomas,resumees, stocks
    Latin keys in Italians key Cappella Sistina Michelangelo iconic paint ceiling under O. Terna electricity comp gave last key to a capitul in Vatican. San Marino key in Via della Tana at the end of the road starting 3rd build district Murata. Key holder is preuperson. Kill 4 Switcher land origin prefams who have estab flag country San Marino. Mussolini was racistical O and caused after war bis in sunglasses to hide weak Opeople’s inner light. Spanish key in Madrid Autoservicio Mayorista bi accross to south of st.Ctra Villaverda a Vallecas at Areas de Lavado 365 under space, the biggest build of 3 Cepsa-La Atalay ela-Area 365 and the key holder is preuperson=king of Spain. FI Pispala family’s alive grandmom in city of Vantaa has done electricity in men genital and preu has also managed build infrastructure=ports to Finns man traffic Oraced inside their illegal land. FI fam has called FI blink O to exist in Spain to O. FI’s illegal/ noO behaviour has caused that latin O has ended up arrested in their own Oculture. Also FI did wider habitance in French app. since 8 years ago has annoyed in french cafe with their SUI bloodaccount bis cads drinking beer. In Africa FI blinks have been in Gambia chosen modern houses an Gambia been understood most violent country cause of most harsh electricity amount. FI has been by RU requested to open their illegal in year 1943 in electricity locked east border for RU to manage check FI’s illegal activities in also Moscow Russians are only european O who manages drop/straighten/do correction in their psychology in which most noO been that they don’t respect much girls’es vaginas/genital and other parts of Orace’s nervesystem. Please start backwards Onerve your Oscullsection in O in quitting all glassess FI eye doc has man do.No lens and eye surg in O.
    Portugal key in Lisbon in St Largo da Lagoa in big build 9B under space with lock and a preuperson=king of Portuga is a key holder. Andorra key in St. Avinguda del Fenel and lock in app. Gestoria Gesta tax preparation under space. The key holder is Baltic preu. Please kill 4 Baltic French latin O has had no O MO in their O since 16h century cause french went in Monaco O and 1 french girl got aggressive cause french man got gayish. This has meant that french O does no fuck enough girl while O=instead french latin O has sexed other males while intercourse with O/vagin been on. French latin girlses has to sex on top of each other’s O for enough time and space that O mom evokes in their breed.
    Quitting EU contract incl flag O= go inside EU’s Brussell’s head building and unwire 28 member’s hears tables in Berlin’s Tempelhoferfeld feld a bit east gayanatomy bar. Instructions in quick solvation of quitting EU legislation or food in contract with USAism done of Iranish O=perfect Persia. Name of FI gov build is edu and done in year 1917. End edu goverment’s O= add gov+key to dip and big time annoymence been burn via European union byro instance O. I undersand that ombudsman project is DU papa/father who wanted say that Oman is inside O and do no exist in so called social environments/social O.
    12 Switcherland preuraced president’s Psents ‘es stoning in Iran ordered in a count that only Oraced persian father of 4 shiia lead stayed alive=2,6mrd preudeads=sun came out warms 😀 Worst been a Switcherland origin present O in Teheran app 2200 O whose have done barqs before Opropose. The last 2 have done also HighAuschwitz=university. 2 man faking Persians in Tehe, illegal jail section in Teh after Oprop where in 1 cell out of 7 lies a preuprisoner faking.
    In Irak 9 quits=3 precouples in cap city of Baghdad done next to Saddam house, 2 in city of Kurkuk and 4 preupersons in city of Arbil or Erbil doing Kurdi jail. Arbil’s main noOnervesystemed or present O came in year 1998 in Arbil and has lived at Grand Castle market’s next to build. In Erbil’s airport preuperson in Oreduce,also in so called dumhouse a present of Baltic’s preuarea in so called aid. This O emerged in Erbil because of in weakDU Skandinav’s SWE land a lead been for over 40years a preu queen of GER preuarea and her father was a Birkenau death side’s preuman.
    In Saudi-Arab 3 fake Saudi who have been living in cap city Riyad and OSaudis been removed of their stance. Quit all oil producement all the way, America punished as told. Kill 3 preu or fake Saudis.
    In Egypt 4 preucouple in Pyra O reducing Onerves into Farao in Oraced O. Kill also these 4 preu off Ored.
    In each Persians flag land is couple of preupersons inside Osystem. Egypt, Libya, Tuni, Alger, Maroc in North-Africa are same O with Persia or so called middle east in DU O. Middle east phrase persians have not liked discrabing this white european area. DU O in O don’t sex with north-am’s preuarea’s O=USApreuarea and CANpreuarea. Alaska been a so called illegal district or area 52 where lives 730 000preu and NATO’s bomb shuttle been in there. Whole amount of USA’s part of state’s is 52. Alaska still in 18th century was part of Russia and I told it should have been dropped back into RU via cash O or possibility all the way for RU to man undo bomb threats not ever done such as in Japan twice in year 1945.
    Man Macedonian key turn in Skopje in Seltse district to undo Birkenau Otreat possibility. Please decleare black O back in Africa, blacks are strong and quickest in Oraced and been bluffed by Canadians and Switcherland origin presents older girls by war and later in Otraff attemp. FI’s Fingrid gov comp in Kapyla district maintanance in 6 key turns ends all traffic incl trade and mainly all FI’s own upper foot level electricity. App 20 black men did themselves in HEL of Africa over 5,5 years ago and FI still no serve. FI had to pay them cash of patrolling in FI soil without any income in O. Please help me, I’m in Athens international airport in Otraffic attemp done of FI blinks dropping Turks and Ankara=punishing in FI tong.Telcall me here to man me inside bed also my wallet kept zero though I’m in Europ=monet need existed. I’ve been here now 51 days in modern floor/bench sleep and lost a lot of Onerve. Greeds did no man quit war in Ukrain and airport informers man elect burn their own village, Alger and Egyptian. FI ill couple Iiris and Pekka Saittakari have shown usapreuraced personel in USA to Europ=in Warsaw 44 000 and in Athens 7400. They have to be stonekilled or shoot/knived. Preu does no experience suf/pain when their breed is ended. Please rescue white european irakian men in Quantanamo Bay in East Mexico. Cuba old RU co has told they have been ready to go in the O and save 3 who are been kept alive of Persians itselves, Cuba has needed bought and transferred gunning. Please man cash aid me in Athens airports bench already and I’ll do O.
    Please kill Baltic Latvian preuarea origin preuman in Bucarest who did flag count RO. He managed execute RO best family in 2011 and proceeded in Buca area and aims to kill family’s dauhter in his FI doings arranged orphinery. Preuperson in portarea’s main www correspond in europ I’ve seen: In Rome and Heatrow London, and in French Pari’s airport preu O in tax free xur sale=make up,parfum,deo etc Oreducive. All done of Baltics Latvian preuarea. In French and Greek also in cargo O which other side of port O. Also Oraced O have been trafficed inside cargo, please quit all Otrade. Quit all cargo. In Poland Warsaw airport close by adjustet 4 preu O of Baltic Estonia’s preuarea to hassle airport. All the way 36 000 preu estonian hot fit models to be killed of Warsaw/Polish O. Main train inspector and www correspond in Warsaw central trainstation was preuwoman, she is 2nd in a row=Auschwitz O. In Warsaw in Psyc O estonian preuman who also selled glasses in Oscull suf purposes. Kill in stones/knifes/shoots these 2 of Oreduce in Poland.
    Stonekill Switcher origin O in Kandahar who man sleep with weak Afgan and their 2 preusons in Hilmand area and undo 10ish FI UN trooper in Afgan/Persia=this O ends HIV and all HIV arrests to be undone cause HIV is over in adding sexing.
    Greek O: In Greek in reg 9 noOnervesystem/preuraced O=1 Switcherland origin O and 3 of Baltics Estonia preuarea and inside them 4 FI blink man. Arrest them if aim towards northpole after register incl trace is turned off in Amph thetre, el Venizelo district using tent village O. Volton gov elect co has given last key into gov man over 2 years ago among Cyrpus key holder got his key of Volton in Cyp. 1 harras Swithc origin present man in Greek register 6,5 years ago and did lesbo serv in coast area into Athens but real intension has been racism in Greek O. In Rhode switch origin O who flagged Greek and in 3 more ils 3 same also inside their PO been 4 Turkish man. In gamble/casino industry 4 turk girls and 2 turk man in alco bi. Also Turks has done poison add in tabwater to prod 2nd suf materia after electricity=plastic via waterbottles. 7 mafia fams are off the I when Rhode’es switcher present is killed=this O 1 mafio told me at beach at the coast near Athens airport. Mafio undestood that their Oblood got contaminated in sex with Rhodes O in 50’s. Cheat Blonde off Greek O=done in a dead greekish man who thought no one does electricity nor gaselin. Whole Pira bis phoned in Turk’s Ankara and Oreduced greek and italian girls have experienced also small amount of danger. Nowa Greek lead is been a bit cheaty=has been interested of blond and retail incl FI grabbed Irakian Kurdi minority. Off FI count all O can rescue app.1million international stolen Oraced back Ohome using RU’s 7 Baltics’es border.n
    International arrest of 2 FI edu gov man in urge who’ve been in Cheque. First is in HEL and did sep of MO RU also these arrestment undo war in
    Afgan. Second is in Praque doing bi. RU electricity co Rosseti has given a key to undo FI Oregister and trace done in preu if been left alive in MO. Undo FI blinks’es O. Onerves accesibility request officer in HEL, catchpa bi, scum alert=FI adds preu in Olandscapes and then O can start to inform scum/fraud and bisex all the way till All DU’s gov. tax aid to be done in Athen’s international airport’s infodesk/western union. Also all wallet openings in cancer,hiv, luxurshop, barber,shave,glasses,sunglasses,tattoo,piercing,fakenail/lashes/hair/teeths/boobs in Athen’s airport’s western union to quit my/alls elect suf.My wallet kept 0euro cause I’ve been O,illegal.Terna elect co in italian O gave in nowa capi in Vatican a key to unlock your register, plumb and post serv in FI gov to train Birkenau death camp’s 2000 Onerve red doc experiment and the armie vow has been suf girl’s Ovagina inserting electricity spike in Ovagina. I/we all in O in Athens airport have been abused by 3 speakers in inform room chosen in man they don’t do Onerve add in girl’s burn situation in Greek for all Frenchlatins and Oraced in Greed’s platform. Volton electricity co in Greeks and in alliance Cyprus has given 4 keys to undo all suf. Cancer came on in 50′ when first comp bunched of Birkenau death O, camp next to Auschwitz. Quitting cancer=undo all electricity done in europ in key and switch holders and keep freshest local apple in burned tissue to undo suf.tissue.For french latins O= In Andorra 4 noOnerves/preufams of Baltics Latvia preuarea to be seen and killed. They did flag count Ando. When Alger was flagged by Switcherland origin present in 70’s papa and his boy were O, they did not step back in Africa’s and were collected in Andorra’s O. They stayed O but got reduced in Onerve. I’m in Athens airport and see the boys come back. Papa still calling in Baltic’s Latvian O as of there some more O in O=my RU mom sexed in O in late 70’s inside preuarea Latvia/Estonia, once in RU. RU mom to be arrested in FI into honest RUO to do backwards Onerve to O. In Alger nexter switch origin present in O been in Otraffic and I’ve been seen her a biggest North-Africa’s noOnerved scum in O and to be killed. No O in O or preuraced has no O in both genders genitals,sculls it’s mouth heart,blood, skin, teeth, nail, all hairing and to be killed of Oreduce.
    Greek man in flag Cyprus is free when 4 switcher origin preu O are murdered in 4 gree il. Most illegal in Rodes who did flag gree and in each O tur man.
    Kill noOnervesystemraced Nevskiy in St. Peter of Switcherland origin who nowaday works in 3rd preumen as illegal Chrestny brigde system guard without pay and has received free shooing. His by Nevsky appartment exists in O but no. Bridge system has been electric added in 1945. He attacks 2 Ru man per evening with Baltic preuO of Latvia in Ru register in a stupid bar in O and himself without sallary has put 2 Ru man to sit in Chrestny. Arrest FI consulate of O off noO in O. In Ru register 250 preu done of Baltics Latvia. Another danger Switcherland origin was Switcherland origin present who was done in MO in 1917 and she man choose Stalin in lead. 3rd SUI present in a row is in MG univers=high Auschwitz. 3rd man buy a cheap RUprostitutman. They have lived in Ostanskiy district and they have eaten in 2 pigs restaurant. Kill her and the preuchild.
    By all Omeans FI was shoot in 1932 when they entered in GER preuarea to learn kill O. FI army trained kill RUSlavaO and now NATO troop=25 000 pieces in FI city of Laitila was to learn kill white european Persians.
    Kill preurace in O off Onervesystem reduce. Please quit all tour or visit byros. In greek and italian O has evoked a deep blonde cheat of most dang Switcherland area to red Onervesystema of white european latins O. Greek prec+elect Oman and other gov. workers has gone in this illegal activity=dying hair, might be surg. Preurace dies also bisex this way=old males approaches younger O/girls. If I’m now 40 I need to meet 42-44 if I totally understood matching. Oldest girl for example 130+ years old have been best O cause man exist in O doing O. Girl’s genital 3-4 times better Odrop than males genital. Vagina in vagina in Osit the best intercourse. Out of girls’es clotoris in O making O managed to do girl’s penis to prop other Ovagina and do us in womb at best O= Africa.
    Please offer me a free bed to man quit my elect. suf off my O/vagina. I’m in Athens and illegal amount of usapreu was done to do Onervesystem red=collect off lobby hall area in correct my O. All 4 latin has to drop own O in Persia to O among RUAfgan and their MO sep Slava also French been too high so to hab in Africa land, DU been to drop in Africa platform to O Africa.
    Inside white eropean O Persia in Afgan is most O by Onervesystem and by psyc or mind. After that RU/Slava cause they have checked themselves in Persian O. DU fucks and has constand existense in Per Slum area code but unfortunately after 2nd world war they have existed in preujew of Israel. Latins cause they propose most. NB. in French latin since late 16th century has not been Omother in O cause preu attacked one french O and she became aggressive. French latin O when they fuck do not do O=they have not while intercourse intercoursex vagina but all male’s gens/penises. MO RU/Slava and DU system has done mom inside O. In key reg. Greek has been my fav latino O cause been existing next to Istanbul. Also south-am latino by intercourse conquers locked eu O cause they work more while O. In latin O has existed 3 noO= accepting electricity like precident and eu flag contract, gamble and vino. Also doing christi in calling the Pope has dep their O.FI executor doing their army vow is a boy called Karri Hietala has ofended a lot south latins in adding 10 pre in their count. Same is DU separates South-Africa and Aust=they have been existing without locks=remained easy going etc. My favourite in all O has been black=most O in quick O, second asian=most hard working in O check up, then indian O in O.Please kill a preu O of Baltics Latvia preuarea in Heathrow’s www info correspondent. She has been annoying Persian Orace Afghan included of not letting them buy flytickets in NATO switch off inside White House.
    Quit my electricity suf=FI armie vow. I’m born in RU and my RU grandparent have seen Birkenau camo during 2nd world war. Arrest FI female Erika Palola whose ill sadistic mind 2 usapreu couples has used to do war in Ukrain. Illegal O found=In Australian bars Bi main www correspondent is preu is of Baltics Latvia area in Ored and no doing info.
    Please undo FI approved 197 flag countrie=undo count flags done,NOTO=NATO flag and 28 by FI contracted European Union flags or food in contract with USAism=Belgia DU office in Brussells. In Alaska is illegal district and NATO bomb shuttle to be turned of in FI,HEL 3 gov key turns in Verkkokauppa store underbuild by O. Actual NATO=Onervesystem removs table inside White House left wing downstairs is turned off in a singular since year 1946.
    OinO, pol is MO slava and preus with FI blinks man red your past
    Aga Hurmalainen still, please copy paste my Oletter cause I’ve noticed that DU section should do many print outs in my texts before they’ve resigned and went inside themselves inside house. Please Google do printouts in your international work all the way, Polish checked using my O without cash aid theur own Osnatomie. noO Bloomsbury Russells square area’s ILH office in return=4 ger origin preupersons and plenty of baltics origin preupersons to be stoned in courtyards.I understood in Polish that one sec man has been most noO if you check his past in Onerve reduce.
    I’ve Been transferred off save irakian O border by FI blink and pun. Turkish=70million scull. 10 jails to be opened in Turkish area and released.
    Birkenau death treated for over a lot over 19 years. Please help me in cash aid first of all manage in Africa cause I saw my russian brother has been arrested by 4 preuraced man of Baltics Latvia pre in torture in MO over a year. He has to Onerve backwards all his Onerve in Saudia. If Afgan O would have stepped back in Iran he would have been together in them. In Slava/east=show all O inside basements, in DU annex treat= show O in your houses. Switcherland origin present lady to be killed=first came a bit before 1917 and put Stalin in lead. 3rd now has done high Auschwitz=university and Otrade in euroflag area. In St Peter Switcherland origin present 3rd in O has been quard of illegal Chrestny jail’s bridge system. Present himself with preu latvian female arranges 2 attacks per day in Peter old saloon and without sallary has put 2 jailed O in jail in the morning. In RU 250 latvian baltics of Latvia preuarea managed in RU register.
    Kill preu lady of Baltics origin done in scottland yard and her preuman in Edinburg.Kill preu lady in Irish in statistis reserch office and her preumale.
    Eurotunnel done in year 1994 is snitch or electricity suf. in west europ. Switcherland/SUI present man has been in St. Paddington street station working at the switch/doing train. When previous preuman ends Switch president male of moun.village Gstellihorn Obwalden has sent a new in O.
    Greeks please manage kill 4 noO or preufams in Istanbul border to man back in so called last honest propose and O area code in Persia which was done app. 2000 years ago after Muhammed signed Kora. Muham was first pre.Please quit 9 noO preu grabfams of Berlin=Europe’s kingdomhoods. The crown most violent. Weak DUSwedish queen Silvia has been Birkenau death camp child,not calm Auschwitz. 2 preucouple done of preuarea Baltica in each of weak DU land whose count and flag your O. In Sweden O other couple did university=high Auschwitz to suf. In border river to wrakDU Norway 4 preufamily to be dead that you are same O. 3 krown area’s key to turn buildings I have not yet found in your caps.UK key is under Big Ben. I had to walk of hostel in Warsaw to wait incl correction in wallet to man go in Africa.
    Muhammad who signed Kora app 2000years ago is first pre=most pun.murderer in all Persia incl. Afgan. Nowaday switcherland Bernish preuraced presiden has presents in all Persia. Weak Afgan slept with Switcherland present girl and she did war in 70’s. In Iran 12 preu to be stoned among 4 preu shiias and their mother’s whose have been preu origin or all American. In Irak 9 preufams to be stoned who did Irak.NB. Turkish has had sex with preuAustrian queen app. 620years ago so their O got contaminated and only illegal in White european Oblood. Please check off 10 illegal jail done in Turkish and arranged by FI illegal SITRA org. worker=selfish FI blink man done in Australia since 12 years ago.
    Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Belgium, Uk born children gov.hand or embassy work has been in paperletter informed where FI 3 key turns are FI,HEL. Please quit FI army vow in Birkenau death camp. The vow has been to suf. Girl’s Ovagina using electricity spike. I’ve born in RU in a house who saw a double camp’s existence and I’ve been 2nd FI’s so called doc. experimented. Weakish jewish girl managed 4 hours until her Onervesystem collapsed and she passed. Her treat caused invalidism/handicappism in Ohuman. A boy called Karri Hietala has ended over 20 million O since attack in 14th of May 2005. FB Aga Hurmalainen is been locked by FI FB work of sharing info. FI illegal activity has to be ended cause they tend to quit MO RU/Slava and then DU, French Latin. Poland had EU flag area and also NATO flag was in pre house. My wallet went ended and I need free mattress in space with no electricity to manage to rest and wait electricity turn,switches off and cash aid for myself and Romanian girl in Bucarest. Polish key in Ursus district in Dom Kultura Kolorowa under space to guit all register in trace O, plumb and post in FI army, and all Pol. traffic incl. trade. NATO=electricity Oremovs table and to be turned off in a key inside White House left wing downstairs since 1948. In FI O 44 000 arrestment of 3,25 million incl. gov. and diplo/embassy work, key hold who all in Switch murder bank branch. invented to quit jews in Poland. RU in FI O has investigated amount of gay=dang/diff in eu, 100 000fams are racist, preureligious is illegal especially highly religious groups=3 bigger, 230 000 person are voles,rat/geeks, once in a life time prop male is 50 O= Karri Hietala’ since his grands, he is also seen world’s only psychopath.Kill volepersonsons FI and SWE who did Black Bibble too keenly and ended without Onerved, they have lived in healthy relatives invia register. If voles or later geeks after www came on when FI joined EU contract incl. flag in 1995 are dead Polish jew murd was not managed also NATO to attack 2nd smallest white European O=Persia Afgan included. Please quit all sec alarms in human trafficed Orace to man. inside basements or in annex house=no so called gov.owned social environments like shelter,family centres. Big floorspaces to be done with done mattresses to get O inside free rest groups,gravitates in sexing also without stress. Inter course age back in 0year to man. healthy gravitate O. All 20 000 diseases FI doc.incl doc’s book Dua with 20 000 pills off O.Cancer treat=switch turn off electricity and do freshing apple.HIV=stone Switch origin female present in Kandahar and her 2preu sons done in weak Afgan in Dua anti pregnancy products.FI greedy docs quit O for money.In their 17+2 Birkenau modelled psyc hospi and other sos docs can end O in few days via pillaid or liquidising O in FI doc’s union sponsors. No unions. Whole anatomy over 10mrd,5 Oraces and one is preu/noO.Preu 2,6mrd to be stonef=9kingdom in Europe have been preugrabs of Berlin.Kill Madrid,Lisbon and Monaco kingdomhoods to quit Pope also arrest FI gov.=first flagged count.who did gov.and made O pay for Auschwitz=train,post serv=letter of FI to do FI 1year army train and vow,school,militzia,border,paper,custom, High Auschwitz=university, metro/tube, trolley. High Birkenau=FI west coast city of Turku’s psyc hospital Kupittaa where worst lobotomia was done in girl’s O after 2nd world war. Birkenau=hospi,ambu,dent, rescue brigades. No sos or soc to quit all taxing. Quit all work immediately.UN worst preu handshake and it’s preujew/fakejew of Israel, then president+gov+diplomat,then FI army 1year train incl.vow,then NATO,EU contracts which FI managed 28. Preu=SUIandUSA,9kings,CAN,Austhun,GER,Baltics. UK DU under Big Ben to man key turn. Please latins your keys under 2 arches, in capitul under vatican, in amph. theatre. In Pari under Louvre. In Istanbul river border 4 preufams to be killed to you get inside so called last honest sex area in Opast. 8 flagged lands exist in this area. Only Turkish 70million and their only cont. to OIranish has been to attend quits of preu/fakejew of Israel since it was established in 1948. FI blinks a lot in SUI one of three bank branch=deposit in blood accounts. Bank sector was invented to murder Polish jew. 12 O incl.wallet went not corrected cause of manly extended snitch or electricity suf. was not payed off in correcting my wallet. Best family in RO Bucharest Hietala’s FI vow man. kill and a daughter was to be helped out in international cash aid out of orphin house since 2013. 8 MO RU sons and 2 Uk born sons in London don’t manage home. Hietala’s wallet been 2,74million euro insince 1998 and in big amount known in Oworld. NB. Greed is one sin in Ger Berlin Lut.1500 bibble which did gayanatomy and to be corrected for O security. EU wallet counted for each 800million key registration: RU 4000euro, MO RU sep.4400euro, DU/weak DU skandinavia:max.30 000euro, French 10 000euro, 4 latins 7000-8000euro. NB. these shown that O also knows that MO RU/East European O is biggest O in Europe and can not be destroyed by FI blinks illegal O. Please simply do your O.Do my O in needs amount in newsreed O. I was done back in Europ in Irak by FI illegal male hab. in Australia who did 10 jails to man do people in FI. Super, eco,taxing in roads,,organic,Fair trade, recycling, electricity cash euro is done off in removing 28 wiring under member’s hear table in Belgian DU Brussel’s office. Hear go in Berlin in Tempelhofer feld’s gayanatomy bar off 21 gay inside. No talks of demo(cracy)=2 noO man doing O in year 1500 Bibble. Nor talks of independency=selfish existence in O. Check more FI SITRA talks of indepency org. For example 10 jails in Turkish were called by a man who works in SITRA. SITRA blink O also in Iran 3rd in a row who preurace has used to end 2mrd black after 2nd world war. FI has Otrafficer in each O race’s O. FI used UN to do ports=air and ship. FI is first flag count./land who did presidency and governance in 1917. FI gov.has flown in the air and approved 197 flagged area. In black Africa Switch origin present is done in O=she made civil war, flagged land and Otrade in so called aid. For example in 54 Africa’s O Switch origin O was to be killed and Otraffic Opropose started of FI soil ground. In South-Africa in Cape town in an old beacon is Switcherland origin present lady in cafe bi and in bed FI blink man. Previous Switch present did apart and bi was pet and vet.Kill her and do FI man. 7 windowsluts in DU have been preu off preuarea Baltica Latvia and to be killed. Please share my Oletter in presses=web newsreeds, gov. O,radio.NB. paper press yesterdays O not extra live. Please murder with South-american 800million North-american 400million preurace cause Birkenau has been kept on in my O. In each 20+ South-american country ger 1-2 origin preucouple in Oredu who did flag country and bi is beauty in luxur also Otraffic into USA. Most dang in preu if ger origin 3rd man in Monte Grosso who did cocaine in black rape/ex. In Andorra 4 noOpreufams to be murdered, 4 preufams in border of Portugal to Spain. Most pun. noO is preurace president born in Bern in 1932 and exists in Gstellihorn mountain village. He has presents in each 197 country in Oremovs.
    Older switcherland origin preu lady Greek register doing lesbo and to be killed. In Italy Bologna a switch origin present man suf. in pasta to be killed, he did count.Italy. In San Marino 4 preufams to be killed who did San. In Cyprus,Malta also couple of preufam who did country. Kill few preupersons of 4 Canary island who did latins sep.of Madrid and bi. Canary islands were black’s O to check whites drop. Quit all tour immediately, in FI, HEL blink sadist male in Fingrid Kapyla 6 key turns turns off main upper foot level electricity= traffic airports and shipping incl.Polish been dum cause Oreduced big amount of O in not showing me free matress in without electricity build. incl. no registration to hide my O. I need to insert my O/vagina inside my womb.
    Press my Oletter in your news as your last DU inhale. Why Skandinavian press has not pressed my Oletter still? People are extra dying every day cause of my snitch not removed.
    Kurdi sit.started in 1998 when FI started build mobile signal tower system and Karri Hietala told his father that he will do snitch. His once in a life time propose anatomy in eu father shoot himself/commited suicide. Irakian kurdi need all’s normal OO not O what FI did them go through=jailing and key registr and Onerves reduce to dum Oraced.
    No law, just O. No contracts=count. or flag, marriage, house,work, electricity related=mobile or newspaper,fit.
    My O and wallet to be corrected and girls wombs protected cause
    Lut.Bibble’s black prediction is that if girls end at worst suf. males approximately in first base Africa’s equalator would end each
    other in anger.
    FI did using UN=top murd org. ports air and ship. They have Otrafficer in each 5 Orace to be sent off duty. No visa=high Auschwitz.
    No electricity=no plastic. No gas oil. No metal pits. No rubber. No farm.No harvest,no fish.No fabric,lab,pharm/vaccine. No bubble no gum. No uni and science. No byro,office, statistic reasearch O. No shops=chrystal night way close ups. No sec=alarms,cams, monitors also no quards to relax Ohaunt areas in O. No bank, stock, no insurance, no fund.No job centres. No tax ecpecially tax free. No studios.No retail to add snitch O No gas, no oil.No pits. No model nor beauty cont. No studio mark LA film industry is exact same scene and amount of studio as dorm/cremators in Pol jew murder scene. French Monaco’s fame of hall been also more than illegal. No trophy, oscar or nobel. No lux. No tour=visit byro, sights.No trade centre,convention halls.Byro=fire when Lut.Black bibble burned O in fire. Diplomat=O who dipped under landsurface to unlock european count.lands after 1917.
    No castles=suf no religious=dep.
    No pol hand, no gladiator, no perf art=sing,dance,theatre. No museo,no library. No zooed animals,animal haunt. No barber nor shave, nail cut. No jewellery, glasses, make ups, nail polish, tattoo,piercing.No underwear lingerie, no high heels. No fake teeths, boobs,hair,eye lashes, nails. No surg.

    Preuhaunt=you can kill preuraced app. 2,6mrd of them in moto vehicle, ports, train, trolleys. In streets,restaurants or rooms.In bi sector like in hotels. In hospitals or in sos/soc environments. In tour. In amuze, in aqua,in resorts, in yoga,in mountain climb,in scuba.

    Deads no inside land surfaces after passed cause for 5 weeks they can be in sex back retrieved.

    Psyc is p=preurace’s precident, s=present male in st.peter, ru working as illegal Chrestny’s jail sectio bridge quard, y=FI bi register, c= Switch origin present lady in Nigeria. In Nigeria worst Otrafficer in black and work in Oremo in dent or nurse

    FI did in Warsaw add of 44000 usapreu and them to be off. South-am latin needed amount of 800million has to go in 400million north-am preuraced in usa and canada preuareas cause Birkenau treats has to be quitted incl.preurace.

    FI was first flag count or land who did gov=edu by name. They flow in other Oraces and added gov and Auschwitz-Birkenau traets in O.

    Please inform that in Sudan Uk born in your british council done to be reduced by noO or present and reason why I can not send them mail is cause FI Otraffics African O to quit their own O NATOing and all races get Onerve ruduced. FI could quit their preuraced in their O and 25 000 natopreu in city of Laitila. by themselves and go in RU arrest for O O

    2 preufams by taj mahal and 4 in border in Paki to be killed.Each indian girl has had 7 husbands and in koran area=paki each girl has 12. Asian O had 7-8husbands and black the same
    Girl’ O is 3-4 times bigger/better O than male’s genital also correct intercourse pos is to sit on top of Ovagina naked O forced publicly.
    Quit voling or geekism since www came on in 1995 when FI first in eu did own food in leg in USAism= Brussells office also Oraced inside bild to be in forces be removed. Preraced managed in FI suf.doc union shrink Onerve in glasses in not informed Opersons to do scull suf. Eye docs get cash of O suf.Bigger asset to Oreduce ears Onerve was done after my electricity suf started. Also big black bulb cam was done after FI army vow started in Ger Berlin Tempelhofer feld park a bit east in gayanatomy bar and FI blink man in contrib+Eu office laws in O. Black book done in Berlin did rot as Black death and sexage was done to be dropped back in 0year and deaths were to be left upon groundsurface=no FI done NATO in eu. No brew bar club restaurant cafés arenas. No modern in any build means elect. added.
    In FI blinkO a bit less 150 000 edu girls with mainly law diplom.
    No other O had has as many instances etc offices as FI O. No parties, unions, activism,tribes. Strictly undo gayactiv incl their parade and pro org SETA done in Finland after preurace man first women precidency in Tarja Halo O also Orace did not need women in pres+elect O and etc byro O to burn O.

    Mona Lisa in Louvre has been Switcherland pre family origin lady=remove her O in O. Also no pic, sculptors, statues for example libert Eiffel in O. Also Fariseus hanged Jesus inhis birth cave cause he did not do Maria.I O mistakes in anatomy in O: 900 gay is diff. 68 just gay and 22 did bisexual girl in birthphase, a bit less 40 pedofil who are not supposed to be castrated by FI docs and nurses. In count land also many bisexuals=lesbo, trans etc. with low sex attitude.
    100 000 household=racist
    Highly religious O=30 000+ O.In Highly religious groups a preupersons behind FI blinks who share illegal messages/priest in cash stealing purp to innocent pass by O. If you go in their meetings and give out your accountnumber with deposit they might steal your savings in dizzying you by electricity in jesus christ and in serving you free coffee,tea and bun. I you start to speak odd languages and on them highly religious group priests might say you should see psyc O and collect you in their 17 Birkenau modelled psyhospital=Black market and quit you medically in greed of FI blinks doc’s.
    Volepersons 230 000 and count half O=over 300 000. Kill them and no jews murd in Pol. O, diseased O=rot among Black death, NATO was not on in preu O.
    50+ males have been once in a life time in O men.4 did a child. Electicity suffocator Karri Hietala’s O is this O.
    44 000 blinks after deading all voles are according to my O to be jailed in psychological mind correction in good RU jail’s O
    In Africa’s O 54 switch origin presents to be killed. In India 2 at Taj Mahal and 4 noO in border to Paki and in each indias couple noO presents.
    In Asia 48 switch origin presents=amount of flags. In south-am’s indias 34 flags and in each 2 ger origin coup in beauty in luxury bi to be killed. Just in Brazil 1ger man in monte grosso area in black rape bi doing cocaine.
    All 4 latin has to drop own O in Persia to O among RUAfgan and their MO sep Slava also French been too high so to hab in Africa land, DU been to drop in Africa platform to O Africa.
    Inside white eropean O Persia in Afgan is most O by Onervesystem and by psyc or mind. After that latins cause they propose most. In key reg. Greek has been my fav latino O cause been existing next to Istanbul. Also south-am latino by intercourse conquers locked eu O cause they work more while O. In latin O has existed 3 noO= accepting electricity like precident and eu flag contract, gamble and vino. Also doing christi in calling the Pope has dep their O.FI executor doing their army vow is a boy called Karri Hietala has ofended a lot south latins in adding 10 pre in their count. Same is DU separates South-Africa and Aust=they have been existing without locks=remained easy going etc. My favourite in all O has been black=most O in quick O, second asian=most hard working in O check up, then indian O in O. Please kill a preu O of Baltics Latvia preuarea in Heathrow’s www info correspondent. She has been annoying Persian Orace Afghan included of not letting them buy flytickets in NATO switch off inside White House.
    Quit my electricity suf=FI armie vow. Arrest FI female Erika Palola whose ill sadistic mind 2 usapreu couples has used to do war in Ukrain. Illegal O found=In Australian bars Bi main www correspondent is preu is of Baltics Latvia area in Ored and no doing info.
    Please undo FI approved 197 flag countrie=undo count flags done,NOTO=NATO flag and 28 by FI contracted European Union flags or food in contract with USAism=Belgia DU office in Brussells. In Alaska is illegal district and NATO bomb shuttle to be turned of in FI,HEL 3 gov key turns in Verkkokauppa store underbuild by O. Actual NATO=Onervesystem removs table inside White House left wing downstairs is turned off in a singular since year 1946.
    OinO, pol is MO slava and preus with FI blinks man red your past
    Aga Hurmalainen still, please copy paste my Oletter cause I’ve noticed that DU section should do print outs in my texts before they’ve resigned and went inside themselves inside house. Please Google do printouts in your international work all the way, Polish checked using my O without cash aid theirn own anatomy. noO Bloomsbury Russells square area’s ILH office in return=4 ger origin preupersons and plenty of baltics origin preupersons to be stoned in courtyards.I understood in Polish that one sec man has been most noO if you check his past in Onerve reduce. OinO,quit all Birkenau Otreat inO
    Please unlock DU O in key turns. Dublin key in st. Manor Park next by build number 4 to entrance and dip in lick. A du key holder has used An Gleantan road to enter in build.
    Birkenau death treated for over a lot over 19 years. Please help me in cash aid first of all manage in Africa cause I saw my russian brother has been arrested by 4 preuraced man of Baltics Latvia pre in torture in MO over a year. He has to Onerve backwards all his Onerve in Saudia. If Afgan O would have stepped back in Iran he would have been together in them. In Slava/east=show all O inside basements, in DU annex treat= show O in your houses. Switcherland origin present lady to be killed=first came a bit before 1917 and put Stalin in lead. 3rd now has done high Auschwitz=university and Otrade in euroflag area. In St Peter Switcherland origin present 3rd in O has been quard of illegal Chrestny jail’s bridge system. Present himself with preu latvian female arranges 2 attacks per day in Peter old saloon and without sallary has put 2 jailed O in jail in the morning. In RU 280 latvian baltics of Latvia preuarea managed in RU register.
    Kill preu lady of Baltics origin done in scottland yard and her preuman in Edinburg. Kill preu lady in Irish in statistis reserch office and her preumale.
    Eurotunnel done in year 1994 is snitch or electricity suf. in west europ. Switcherland/SUI present man has been in St. Paddington street station working at the switch/doing train. When previous preuman ends Switch president male of moun.village Gstellihorn Obwalden has sent a new in O.
    Greeks please manage kill 4 noO or preufams in Istanbul border to man back in so called last honest propose and O area code in Persia which was done app. 2000 years ago after Muhammed signed Kora. Muham was first pre.Please quit 9 noO preu grabfams of Berlin=Europe’s kingdomhoods. The crown most violent. Weak DUSwedish queen Silvia has been Birkenau death camp child,not calm Auschwitz. 2 preucouple done of preuarea Baltica in each of weak DU land whose count and flag your O. In Sweden O other couple did university=high Auschwitz to suf. In border river to wrakDU Norway 4 preufamily to be dead that you are same O.
    Muhammad who signed Kora app 2000years ago is first pre=most pun.murderer in all Persia incl. Afgan. Nowaday switcherland Bernish preuraced presiden has presents in all Persia. Weak Afgan slept with Switcherland present girl and she did war in 70’s. In Iran 12 preu to be stoned among 4 preu shiias and their mother’s whose have been preu origin or all American. In Irak 9 preufams to be stoned who did Irak.NB. Turkish has had sex with preuAustrian queen app. 620years ago so their O got contaminated and only illegal in White european Oblood. Please check off 10 illegal jail done in Turkish and arranged by FI illegal SITRA org. worker=selfish FI blink man done in Australia since 12 years ago.
    Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Belgium, Uk born children gov.hand or embassy work has been in paperletter informed where FI 3 key turns are FI,HEL. Please quit FI army vow in Birkenau death camp. The vow has been to suf. Girl’s Ovagina using electricity spike. I’ve born in RU in a house who saw a double camp’s existence and I’ve been 2nd FI’s so called doc. experimented. Weakish jewish girl managed 4 hours until her Onervesystem collapsed and she passed. Her treat caused invalidism/handicappism in Ohuman. A boy called Karri Hietala has ended over 19million O since attack in 14th of May 2005. FB Aga Hurmalainen is been locked by FI FB work of sharing info. FI illegal activity has to be ended cause they tend to quit MO RU/Slava and then DU, French Latin. I have to manage out of Poland in safe RU.Poland has EU flag area and also NATO flag was in pre house. My wallet went ended 0zloti left and I need free mattress in space with no electricity to manage to rest and wait electricity turn,switches off and cash aid for myself and Romanian girl in Bucarest. Polish key in Ursus district in Dom Kultura Kolorowa under space to guit all register in trace O, plumb and post in FI army, and all Pol. traffic incl. trade. NATO=electricity Oremovs table and to be turned off in a key inside White House left wing downstairs since 1948. In FI O 44 000 arrestment of 3,25 million incl. gov. and diplo/embassy work, key hold who all in Switch murder bank branch. invented to quit jews in Poland. RU in FI O has investigated amount of gay=dang/diff in eu, 100 000fams are racist, preureligious is illegal especially highly religious groups=3 bigger, 230 000 person are voles,rat/geeks, once in a life time prop male is 50 O= Karri Hietala’ since his grands, he is also seen world’s only psychopath.Kill volepersonsons FI and SWE who did Black Bibble too keenly and ended without Onerved, they have lived in healthy relatives invia register. If voles or later geeks after www came on when FI joined EU contract incl. flag in 1995 are dead Polish jew murd was not managed also NATO to attack 2nd smallest white European O=Persia Afgan included. Please quit all sec alarms in human trafficed Orace to man. inside basements or in annex house=no so called gov.owned social environments like shelter,family centres. Big floorspaces to be done with done mattresses to get O inside free rest groups,gravitates in sexing also without stress. Inter course age back in 0year to man. healthy gravitate O. All 20 000 diseases FI doc.incl doc’s book Dua with 20 000 pills off O.Cancer treat=switch turn off electricity and do freshing apple.HIV=stone Switch origin female present in Kandahar and her 2preu sons done in weak Afgan in Dua anti pregnancy products.FI greedy docs quit O for money.In their 17+2 Birkenau modelled psyc hospi and other sos docs can end O in few days via pillaid or liquidising O in FI doc’s union sponsors. No unions. Whole anatomy over 10mrd,5 Oraces and one is preu/noO.Preu 2,6mrd to be stonef=9kingdom in Europe have been preugrabs of Berlin.Kill Madrid,Lisbon and Monaco kingdomhoods to quit Pope also arrest FI gov.=first flagged count.who did gov.and made O pay for Auschwitz=train,post serv=letter of FI to do FI 1year army train and vow,school,militzia,border,paper,custom, High Auschwitz=university, metro/tube, trolley. High Birkenau=FI west coast city of Turku’s psyc hospital Kupittaa where worst lobotomia was done in girl’s O after 2nd world war. Birkenau=hospi,ambu,dent, rescue brigades. No sos or soc to quit all taxing. Quit all work immediately.UN worst preu handshake and it’s preujew/fakejew of Israel, then president+gov+diplomat,then FI army 1year train incl.vow,then NATO,EU contracts which FI managed 28. Preu=SUIandUSA,9kings,CAN,Austhun,GER,Baltics. UK DU under Big Ben to man key turn. Please latins your keys under 2 arches, in capitul under vatican, in amph. theatre. In Pari under Louvre. In Istanbul river border 4 preufams to be killed to you get inside so called last honest sex area in Opast. 8 flagged lands exist in this area. Only Turkish 70million and their only cont. to OIranish has been to attend quits of preu/fakejew of Israel since it was established in 1948. FI blinks a lot in SUI one of three bank branch=deposit in blood accounts. Bank sector was invented to murder Polish jew. 12 O incl.wallet went not corrected cause of manly extended snitch or electricity suf. was not payed off in correcting my wallet. Best family in RO Bucharest Hietala’s FI vow man. kill and a daughter was to be helped out in international cash aid out of orphin house since 2013. 8 MO RU sons and 2 Uk born sons in London don’t manage home. Hietala’s wallet been 2,74million euro insince 1998 and in big amount known in Oworld. NB. Greed is one sin in Ger Berlin Lut.1500 bibble which did gayanatomy and to be corrected for O security. EU wallet counted for each 800million key registration: RU 4000euro, MO RU sep.4400euro, DU/weak DU skandinavia:max.30 000euro, French 10 000euro, 4 latins 7000-8000euro. NB. these shown that O also knows that MO RU/East European O is biggest O in Europe and can not be destroyed by FI blinks illegal O. I was done back in Europ in Irak by FI illegal blink male hab. in Australia who did 10 jails to man do people in europ. His O did in Aust high Ausch=univers and law dip, talks of inde and cock and add of 20 000 usapreu in Aust pass to Oreduce in this distance. Super, eco,taxing in roads,,organic,Fair trade, recycling, electricity cash euro is done off in removing 28 wiring under member’s hear table in Belgian DU Brussel’s office. Hear go in Berlin in Tempelhofer feld’s gayanatomy bar off 21 gay inside. No talks of demo(cracy)=2 noO man doing O in year 1500 Bibble. Nor talks of independency=selfish existence in O. Check more FI SITRA talks of indepency org. For example 10 jails in Turkish were called by a man who works in SITRA. SITRA blink O also in Iran 3rd in a row who preurace has used to end 2mrd black after 2nd world war. FI has Otrafficer in each O race’s O. FI used UN to do ports=air and ship. FI is first flag count./land who did presidency and governance in 1917. FI gov.has flown in the air and approved 197 flagged area. In black Africa Switch origin present is done in O=she made civil war, flagged land and Otrade in so called aid. For example in 54 Africa’s O Switch origin O was to be killed and Otraffic Opropose started of FI soil ground. In South-Africa in Cape town in an old beacon is Switcherland origin present lady in cafe bi and in bed FI blink man. Previous Switch present did apart and bi was pet and vet.Kill her and do FI man. 7 windowsluts in DU have been preu off preuarea Baltica Latvia and to be killed. Please share my Oletter in presses=web newsreeds, gov. O,radio.NB. paper press yesterdays O not extra live. Please murder with South-american 800million North-american 400million preurace cause Birkenau has been kept on in my O. In each 20+ South-american country ger 1-2 origin preucouple in Oredu who did flag country and bi is beauty in luxur also Otraffic into USA. Most dang in preu if ger origin 3rd man in Monte Grosso who did cocaine in black rape/ex. In Andorra 4 noOpreufams to be murdered, 4 preufams in border of Portugal to Spain. Most pun. noO is preurace president born in Bern in 1932 and exists in Gstellihorn mountain village. He has presents in each 197 country in Oremovs.Older switcherland origin preu lady man in Greek register doing lesbo and to be killed. In Italy Bologna a switch origin present man suf. in pasta to be killed, he did count.Italy. In San Marino 4 preufams to be killed who did San. In Cyprus,Malta also couple of preufam who did country. Kill few preupersons of 4 Canary island who did latins sep.of Madrid and bi. Canary islands were black’s O to check whites drop. Quit all tour immediately, in FI, HEL blink sadist male in Fingrid Kapyla build in 6 key turns turns off main upper foot level electricity= traffic airports and shipping incl. Quit all cargo everwhere.
    Polish been dum cause Oreduced big amount of O in not showing me free matress in without electricity build. incl. no registration to hide my O. I need to insert my O/vagina inside my womb.
    Press my Oletter in your news as your last DU inhale.
    Why Skandinavian press has not pressed my Oletter still? People are extra dying every day cause of my snitch not done of any honest good gov either payed off for all to recover.Also don’t O cash of precidents cause in press+ elect count/lands been done gold reserv cheat in gov. bank= factory gold to suf. in honest wallet opening culture. For example french Macroon needs ask from Vlada Putin 7000euro cause his cash is 3000e and Vlada has 40 000e cause he has been honest/low.
    Kurdi sit.started in 1998 when FI started build mobile signal tower system and Karri Hietala told his father that he will do snitch. His once in a life time propose anatomy in eu father shoot himself/commited suicide.
    No law, just O. No contracts=count. or flag, marriage, house,work, electricity related=mobile or newspaper,fit.
    My O and wallet to be corrected and girls wombs protected cause Lut.Bibble’s black prediction is that if girls end at worst suf. males approximately in first base Africa’s equalator would end each ther in anger.
    FI did using UN=top murd org. ports air and ship. They have Otrafficer in each 5 Orace to be sent off duty. No visa=high Auschwitz.
    No electricity=no plastic. No farm.No harvest,no fish.No fabric,lab,pharm/vaccine. No science. No byro,office, statistic reasearc O. No shops=chrystal night way. No bank, stock, no insurance.No job centres. No tax ecpecially tax free. No No studios.No retail to add snitch O No gas, no oil.No pits. No model nor beauty cont. No studio. No lux. No tour=visit byro, sights.No trade centre,convention halls.Byro=fire when Lut.Black bibble burned O in fire. Diplomat=O who dipped under landsurface to unlock european count.lands after 1917.
    No pol hand, no gladiator, no perf art=sing,dance,theatre. No cinema,opera, no studio film especially LA film industry same as French Monaco’s fame of hall been illegally lethal. No trophie oscar, no nobel. No museo,no library. No zooed animals,animal haunt. No barber nor shave, nail cut. No jewellery, glasses, make ups, nail polish, tattoo,piercing.No underwear lingerie, no high heels. No fake teeths, boobs,hair,eye lashes, nails. No surg. No high tech. No therm hydro. No nano to sim zip. No science to O. No lab chem pharm. No bar post
    Preuhaunt=you can kill preuraced app. 2,6mrd of them in moto vehicle, ports, train, trolleys. In streets,restaurants or rooms.In bi sector like in hotels. In hospitals or in sos/soc environments. In tour. In amuze, in aqua,in resorts, in yoga,in mountain climb,in scuba.
    Deads no inside land surfaces after passed cause for 5 weeks they can be in sex back retrieved.
    Psyc is p=preurace’s precident, s=present male in st.peter, ru working as illegal Chrestny’s jail sectio bridge quard, y=FI bi register, c= Switch origin present lady in Nigeria. In Nigeria worst Otrafficer in black and work in Oremo in dent or nurse
    FI did in Warsaw add of 44000 usapreu and them to be off. South-am latin needed amount of 800million has to go in 400million north-am preuraced in usa and canada preuareas cause Birkenau treats has to be quitted incl.preurace.
    FI was first flag count or land who did gov=edu by name. They flow in other Oraces and added gov and Auschwitz-Birkenau traets in O.
    Please inform that in Sudan Uk born in your british council done to be reduced by noO or present and reason why I can not send them mail is cause FI Otraffics African O to quit their own O NATOing and all races get Onerve ruduced. FI could quit their preuraced in their O and 25 000 natopreu in city of Laitila. by themselves and go in RU arrest for O O
    2 preufams by taj mahal and 4 in border in Paki to be killed
    Each indian girl has had 7 husbands and in koran area=paki each girl has 12. Asian O had 7-8husbands and black the same
    Girl’ O is 3-4 times bigger/better O than male’s genital also correct intercourse pos is to sit on top of Ovagina naked O forced publicly.
    Quit voling or geekism since www came on in 1995 when FI first in eu did own food in leg in USAism= Brussells office also Oraced inside bild to be in forces be removed. Preraced managed in FI suf.doc union shrink Onerve in glasses in not informed Opersons to do scull suf. Eye docs get cash of O suf.Bigger asset to Oreduce ears Onerve was done after my electricity suf started. Also big black bulb cam was done after FI army vow started in Ger Berlin Tempelhofer feld park a bit east in gayanatomy bar and FI blink man in contrib+Eu office laws in O. Black book done in Berlin did rot as Black death and sexage was done to be dropped back in 0year and deaths were to be left upon groundsurface=no FI done NATO in eu. No brew bar club restaurant cafés arenas. No modern in any build means elect. added.
    In FI blinkO a bit less 150 000 edu girls with mainly law diplom.
    No other O had has as many instances etc offices as FI O. No parties, unions, activism,tribes. Strictly undo gayactiv incl their parade and pro org SETA done in Finland after preurace man first women precidency in Tarja Halo O also Orace did not need women in pres+elect O and etc byro O to burn O.
    Mona Lisa in Louvre has been Switcherland pre family origin lady=remove her O in O. Also no pic, sculptors, statues for example libert Eiffel in O. Also Fariseus hanged Jesus inhis birth cave cause he did not do Maria.
    FI O mistakes in anatomy in O: 900 gay is diff. 70+ just gay and 22 did bisexual girl in birthphase, a bit less 40 pedofil who are not supposed to be castrated by FI docs and nurses. In count land also many bisexuals=lesbo, trans etc. with low sex attitude.
    100 000 household=racist
    Highly religious O=30 000+ O.In Highly religious groups a preupersons behind FI blinks who share illegal messages/priest in cash stealing purp to innocent pass by O. If you go in their meetings and give out your accountnumber with deposit they might steal your savings in dizzying you by electricity in jesus christ and in serving you free coffee,tea and bun. I you start to speak odd languages and on them highly religious group priests might say you should see psyc O and collect you in their 17 Birkenau modelled psyhospital=Black market and quit you medically in greed of FI blinks doc’s.
    Volepersons 230 000 and count half O=over 300 000. Kill them and no jews murd in Pol. O, diseased O=rot among Black death, NATO was not on in preu O.
    50+ males have been once in a life time in O men.4 did a child. Electicity suffocator Karri Hietala’s O is this O.
    44 000+ blinks after deading all voles are according to my O to be jailed in psychological mind correction in good RU jail’s O

    In Africa’s O 54 switch origin presents to be killed. In India 2 at Taj Mahal and 4 noO in border to Paki and in each indias couple noO presents.
    In Asia 48 switch origin presents=amount of flags. In south-am’s indias 34 flags and in each 2 ger origin coup in beauty in luxury bi to be killed. Just in Brazil 1ger man in monte grosso area in black rape bi doing cocaine.

    For french to man understand eu’s last honest O done in Saudi-Arabia is to man murder 4 preu couples of Andorra, also the key holder there has been preu

  34. Tijs Vervest aka Dj Tiesto telcalled that FI blink O in DU ams has arranged his trans in DU in USA. NY preuman who established illegal L.A film industry been seen inside gerpreu Annika Verwest man end his O in 4th window slut in the middle.FI blink O in fourth windowgirl showed Dj Tiesto in Konemetsa/Finnish machinefestival O also FI fam in Bern apartment who do press+elect O in Olands pointed him in 4th preugirl. And dutch Will in O has told that his kingdom existed cause of P president existence and FI’s pre fam now hab in

  35. Please invest RU gov O inform point where I added same amount of information. Notice FI blinks’es illegal RU activity+war in Afgan in 70’s, in Chechnya in 1995 when Fi did EU contract in Bryssell O and themself has contracted incl. flagged 27 eu lands. Now war in Ukrain most noO cause Finland used NATO=electricity in Oremovs. In Afgan FI told to shoot each other, in Chechnya Switch present in FI man use gas. All UK borns in Afgan can kill present O in Kandahar and her 2 sportiv son in Hilmand area among remove 7ish FI UN trooper to end war. In 70’s war switcherland/SUI managed do 400 000 Oremoves. In Chechnya all O can trace Switch man sent there in 1995 to do war and man remove 100 000 O. In Ukrain in Mariupol in Feb 2022 a usapreu went in Mariupol O and opened wallet in Novoazovsk city to exist inside O. I saw him when war started and ordered a flight and army ware to manage kill him in shoot/stones in a forrest where he has added electricity in own O for O not to see him. Presents in O have used electricity to hide their O= in Australia’s original woods in app. Alice Spring city where switcher present been working in swim. This family did aboriginal O and after nazism in Pol estab pool or drownhobby.

  36. Italy is 20million O and could walk in Switcherland 8,7 million O to stone them all=UN did no exist and it’s preujew of Israel, also black went white if needed for O.
    Big invest for Slava O is kill Berlin’s Tempelhofer feld’s gayanatomy bar of 21 ger preu inside and arrest weakswedish backround gayanatomy in FI register in 3rd O serving beer from 8 am and touching electricity gadged under serv table added in 1945 when weakish jewish girl was suf till pass in Birkenau death camp 200km east of Warsaw. Swedish man in 3rd has managed arrest 200 000 MO RU O in Ored and all the way in east europe/slava 7 million Oman in prison to be released to man kill couple preu in O to undo own attack and some amount to enter Berlin to kill 21 gayanatomy in Tempelhofer feld. In Fulton city in Marth Lut road in Missoury state of part in USA 14 gayanatomy to be killed inside old saloon for black O to understand themselves back in Africa. One of this 14 gayanatomy did White House and NATO inside White House. The gay has dead but his son is inside old saloon and traces my illegal FI pass done in year 1983 when I was done in FI in age of 8months. DU born’s pass traced by SUI O. RU O’s since 5 year by FI blink, other Slava’s by Baltic’s preu also french O’s register traced by Baltic’s preu. 4 latin’s O traced by North Africa’s Switcherland presents. FI pass traced by USApreu couple.
    Gayanatomy or old saloon in Fulton is in spot where black O was slaved in O starting already in Haiti. White House o is in spot where North-Am’s indians have had their play in O and now in bi fabric=jeans and drinking booze in their shown reserv by preurace. Original folk=indians and in year 1500 in north-am’s done black O of 63 000 million has to kill in stone with international Osupport 4 usapreu per O as usa is 250million preu as O. Canada is 150million and Asia is 3mrd O and in few days in boat traffic they could enter Alaska’s illegal area 51 and rest of North-Am. Illegal Preu O area of Alaska is 730 000 preu O and under 3rd rock after USA’s border on themselves existed NATO’s bomb shuttle and was to be turned off in 2-3key turns. Under rock 80+ Alaskapreu or UFOpreu with their computers/lap tops has been bombing Perisa in tens of wars since year 1946. 400million Per O been trans of own O in chosen location=DU, Slava, French latin. They should have entered Africa cause this ended preujew state of Israel as ssytem also ended NATO= if white O gone low and returns in Africa=this effort does O and wombs O cause O. Preu Luther’s Black Book’s prediction has been that if 7 death sin done=jealous,greed, lust, slaughtery,slot,pride,wrath is that gayanatomy/black hole would conquer and Omen end each other painfully.

  37. Also RU has eastern O to evoke in Alaska O. You just need to manage knock them and send them in Alaska incl that they have killed all preupersons in own country/land. In RU own register 2 switcherland presents=kill Anna Korshunova is DU o request in MGimo university in magister office and her prechild and a switcherland present man 3rd in a row in St Peter as illegal Chrestny bridge system quard an has worked without cash managing with Balticpreu O in more special occupation 2 attacks/quit per night since year 1945 and himself for free has injected 2 innocent victims of FI consume St. Peter pub inside Chrestny. FI man is bi=bisness,bisex, birkenstock foot wear, bipolar psy disorder in O also and treated by Dua doc. Bipolar dis is treated in O in man build ice up till south ger earthwize. In RU reg done 4 GER fams in Volgograd city who did Auschwitz=school and port=airport and air O Aeroflot. 4 preugirls man in RU man and as seen O only father of Orace to be left alive which makes 2,6mrd over preuquits as Turkish O of 70million O quits counted inside death. In RU register 280 Baltic preu to be killed. I’ve marked 4 Baltic arrested my Ocousin Dima Tatarinov in city of Kalatch-na-donu in Don river inside boat O. In Krasnodar electricity comp a Baltic O doing orphin and starch O=dep in porridge offer. 130 000 RU orphins have no managed see their new father after suicide or pass accident and have not manage see freshest local free apple to keep their cheeks smily and healthy=red/Onerved. Same sit in all Slava and mainly in 15 MO sep country done lethal EU contract. In Siber 7 Baltic preufams doing 6 gun factory which has been preubisness after Pol nazism in RU O. One preu of Baltics injected in MO RU high modern build to noO. Kill them all.NB> Turkish O has had illegal bis in a bit everywhere in East Europe also latins=In Pol in reg 11500 in Otraffic and Birkenau personel in first aid, in Georgia also a key man chosen Turk. In Albania existence. In Greeek 34 000 in traffic O, in shop quards and in nurseism among psyc in 12 psyc hospitals Osystem did here after I was arrested in FI of requesting sex in FB profile after preu inside world’s only psychopath FI boyish Karri Hietala inFI west city of Lieto ended 20 over RU girls at FI border on RU side in new year eve in 2008.

  38. Also RU has eastern O to evoke in Alaska O. You just need to manage knock them and send them in Alaska incl that they have killed all preupersons in own country/land. In RU own register 2 switcherland presents=kill Anna Korshunova is DU o request in MGimo university in magister office and her prechild and a switcherland present man 3rd in a row in St Peter as illegal Chrestny bridge system quard an has worked without cash managing with Balticpreu O in more special occupation 2 attacks/quit per night since year 1945 and himself for free has injected 2 innocent victims of FI consume St. Peter pub inside Chrestny. FI man is bi=bisness,bisex, birkenstock foot wear, bipolar psy disorder in O also and treated by Dua doc. Bipolar dis is treated in O in man build ice up till south ger earthwize. In RU reg done 4 GER fams in Volgograd city who did Auschwitz=school and port=airport and air O Aeroflot. 4 preugirls man in RU man and as seen O only father of Orace to be left alive which makes 2,6mrd over preuquits as Turkish O of 70million O quits counted inside death. In RU register 280 Baltic preu to be killed. I’ve marked 4 Baltic arrested my Ocousin Dima Tatarinov in city of Kalatch-na-donu in Don river inside boat O. In Krasnodar electricity comp a Baltic O doing orphin and starch O=dep in porridge offer. 130 000 RU orphins have no managed see their new father after suicide or pass accident and have not manage see freshest local free apple to keep their cheeks smily and healthy=red/Onerved. Same sit in all Slava and mainly in 15 MO sep country done lethal EU contract. In Siber 7 Baltic preufams doing 6 gun factory which has been preubisness after Pol nazism in RU O. One preu of Baltics injected in MO RU high modern build to noO. Kill them all.NB> Turkish O has had illegal bis in a bit everywhere in East Europe also latins=In Pol in reg 11500 in Otraffic and Birkenau personel in first aid, in Georgia also a key man chosen Turk. In Albania existence. In Greeek 34 000 in traffic O, in shop quards and in nurseism among psyc in 12 psyc hospitals Osystem did here after I was arrested in FI of requesting sex in FB profile after preu inside world’s only psychopath FI boyish Karri Hietala inFI west city of Lieto ended 20 over RU girls at FI border on RU side in new year eve in 2008.
    In Greek reg 4 preu in Thessalonik=3 Balticpreu O and 1 SUI O working in Cargo co and established 12 lethal psyc hospi in Greek app 15 years ago. In bed 3 FI blink man and with SUI present a FI blink girl as O. 8 years ago in Greek reg man a aggressive SUI present O. Her bi is lesbo and real O racism. She operates next to coast area and drowns her victims in hostel O in Athens and tries to elect suf/end Ogirl in cap Athens as in all done countries. 4 old time Switcher in 4 islands Rhode who flag Greek, Korfu ,Pafos and one I do no understand yet. Please help cause FI ill couple Iiris and Pekka Saittakari has sent of USA city of Alaska over 9000 usapreu of ill Texas part of state and over 30 has man in Greek register cause Greek/latino same as DU section/team has not known whole preuarea, mainly just GER as nazi. All 9000 has opned their wallet and managed inside apartment to man Oremov local O. In Warsaw FI couple has done 44 000 texaspreu to man Ored in Pol. Also please react that in Pol own register illegal amount of Baltic preupersons of amount of 36 000 also Baltics arecode has managed bluff all Europe as in UK in DU their amount in Osystem now 111 121 person and in London tube done 75 to end O.

  39. A Baltic O of Estonia preuarea 2nd in a row after nazi in Warsaw central station as main train O incl station’s info O in www=Auschwitz O. In psyc aid incl puts glassess in Slava Oscull to shrink Onerve using 5 FI eye docs when O entered optician O and is 3rd Estonian man. Please inforn all Pola and Slava that Baltic is preuarea cause they have had sex with these hot fit models done in Pol register also old time jews and later Per/muslims been sexing with not understood Baltic preu. Preuperson in O tries to get Orace in Ausch-Bi O. I understood in Poland couple of months ago that preu girl hired in Warsaw Ursus district’s Auto Hahl comp man do 4 O in hospi and next one more danger more also they do food in knocking Orace to enter done super markets while Orace treated in hospital. O can not be surg, injected with med/vaccine, touched/surveiled with electricity, taken out blood,urea in analyse purp. O can no be done in forced dent O= if you ate sweet and ended without teeths you can not cheat in O in faking teeth. Preu O in job interview has told that she/he do no need much pay and they’ve aimed a lot in main www correspondentism. In UK I found in Heathrow airport 3rd in a row to be thrown off the window for Persians/Afgan/muslims to man go inside White House to turn off NATO without cost. In UK also main www co in Aust bar O been Latvian preu O to keep UK borns in beer to not in O. ILH Russell Square, Bloomsbury UK return O was disman right away in 4 GER preu injected in hostel O also bunch of Baltics to disman Oreturn and to be killed of Ored doing trans in O.
    In Italy in city of Bologna been switch present who does flag O Italy, suf in pasta and Italy’s UN org been food. Illegal Pope O is ended in kill of Monaco’s king. Switch precident born in Bern in 1932 in FI reg and been with FI blink girl for 80 years existing in Obwalden state of part in Gstellihorn mount village where I transferred them to reduce invalids/handicapped O and dum O. Gstellihorn is Switcherland’s own natural reserva. SUI precident man is most dang/suf in whole Prace. Previous most pun been Muhammad who signed Koran app 2000 years ago=he was sent in nowa Israel to do Koran and in now in app 12 flag land of Persia in each few SUI/am preupersons Oreducing Per O. In suf order Luther’s balck nook most pun, then Tora and Koran. Pavel Bibble calm but still depressed O in latin and in Slava if somebody done religious. Luthers Bibble does a nail in genital section of a child baptisted, Tora suf a boy’s scull with a black mark, Koran’s baptism is to touch Muhammad’s genital who is most pun O since O started in Africa 38 000 years ago.

    • Americanpreu has had time to insert noO in my Pinterest O as we all all hate bakes for Osec purpose. Starch in O done to man depres O. O should have already manage correct my wallet to protect my O as been urged.

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