A top civil servant has suggested troops patrolling Britain’s borders would be a ‘last resort’ if the UK left the EU with no deal on immigration.

Chair of the Commons Home Affairs Committee, Mr Rutnam said when speaking to Labour MP Yvette Cooper:

“I think it would be unwise to rule anything out. It seems clear to me that any use of the military would be an absolute last resort. Our preference – strong preference – is to deal with the border and security needed at the border, through border force and that is the basis in which our planning is proceeding.”

Mr Rutnam however reportedly reassured the committee, adding that they had started recruiting an additional 300 immigration officers to ensure all possible outcomes were catered for.

This kind of deployment would not be without precedent. Earlier in the year, Operation Temperer was put into place. It was a plan to deploy troops to support police officers in key locations following a major terrorist attack. It was put into effect for the first time following the Manchester Arena bombing.

The plan provided for up to 5,100 soldiers to be deployed to “augment armed police officers engaged in protective security duties” at key sites in major UK cities. All troops will be working under the command of police officers.

Prime Minister Theresa May said at the time:

“The change in the threat level means that there will be additional resources and support made available to the police as they work to keep us all safe. This request is part of a well-established plan known as Operation Temperer in which both the armed forces and the police officers involved are well-trained and well-prepared to work in this kind of environment.”

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Ben P
Ben P (@guest_387394)
6 years ago

This sounds like complete bs. Never going to happen. We still have a borderforce. Why would the military need to get involved in a civilian matter regardless of a deal?

clive (@guest_387399)
6 years ago
Reply to  Ben P

Agreed. Just a very worst case scenario, but very unlikely to happen.

Steven (@guest_387455)
6 years ago
Reply to  Ben P

Almost certainly a response to loaded question asked by an anti-BREXIT MP.

clive (@guest_387459)
6 years ago
Reply to  Steven

Just what I was thinking. A question asked to elicit a headline response.

Tim62 (@guest_387523)
6 years ago
Reply to  Steven

@Steven perhaps – although there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with being anti-Brexit…. 😉

farouk (@guest_387420)
6 years ago

Actually, doesn’t matter how many people you have patrolling the border, if the Government is unwilling to deport those caught trying to sneak in , reduce the huge backlog of failed asylum seekers within the country, then you still have a huge magnet drawing people in.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_387423)
6 years ago
Reply to  farouk


dadsarmy (@guest_387478)
6 years ago

“The plan provided for up to 5,100 soldiers to be deployed to “augment armed police officers engaged in protective security duties” at key sites in major UK cities. ”

Not in Scotland.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_387594)
6 years ago

I see that chip on your shoulder, typical of many an unpatriotic lefty, is sizzling away nicely. The only people with the days of empire on their minds are the likes if you hurt and offended by it. No one else.

marc (@guest_388146)
6 years ago

You are like a stuck record.

Dan01 (@guest_388994)
6 years ago

So who will protect British merchant shipping in the straits of Malacca, the horn of Africa, the Red Sea, etc?