The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment (HCMR) has announced that Life Guards soldiers and five Military Working Horses (MWH) injured in London on 24th April 2024 are making remarkable progress in their recovery, according to a press release.

Three of the horses injured in the incident are now back on duty and are expected to participate in the King’s Birthday Parade on 15th June.

The remaining two horses are recuperating in the countryside but are set to return to work in due course. Three of the injured soldiers have returned to duty, while two continue to convalesce and are expected to make a full recovery.

For the horses, this recovery is largely attributed to the care provided by the Army’s dedicated veterinary surgeons and the specialist support from The Horse Trust. According to the press release, the Life Guards were on their daily morning exercise ride when their horses were spooked by construction rubble being dropped through a plastic tunnel nearby. Media images of two of the horses, Cavalry Black Trojan and Cavalry Grey Vida, running loose and covered in blood through the streets of London, were broadcast worldwide.

Immediately following the incident, all the injured soldiers and horses received expert emergency medical care. The horses were then put under constant supervision by the Army’s expert veterinary surgeons. Once MWHs Trojan, Tennyson, and Vanquish were well enough to travel, they were sent for respite at The Horse Trust on 10th and 14th May.

Jeanette Allen, Chief Executive Officer at The Horse Trust, said, “It has been a privilege to provide these wonderful horses with the space and time needed to fully recover. It’s been so lovely to see Trojan, Tennyson and Vanquish enjoying such a relaxing break and now we have Vida and Quaker already loving their time here. All five horses are much younger than our regular Service residents and seeing them running, rolling and generally having fun after such a challenging experience is a real joy.”

On 29th May, the three horses returned to duty after their stay at The Horse Trust. On the same day, Vida and Quaker, the two most severely injured horses, were pronounced fit to travel and arrived at The Horse Trust for their respite care, having been discharged from veterinary care in London. Vida and Quaker have made a remarkable physical recovery and showed great enthusiasm upon their arrival at The Horse Trust.

Lieutenant Colonel Mathew Woodward, Commanding Officer of HCMR, stated, “All five of the horses injured during the incident on 24th April are recovering with remarkable speed and it is very likely that Trojan, Tennyson and Vanquish will participate in the King’s Birthday Parade later this month. The remaining two, Vida and Quaker, are enjoying a summer holiday in the Chilterns thanks to The Horse Trust. They are expected to make a full recovery and we look forward to seeing them back on duty in due course. Of the two most seriously injured soldiers, one is continuing his recovery at home and the other at the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Stanford Hall. They are both considered likely to return to military service in the fullness of time.”

The Horse Trust provides a serene environment for the horses’ recovery, ensuring they receive personalised and attentive care. This cooperation between the Army and The Horse Trust exemplifies the commitment to the welfare of Military Working Horses.

In the press release, both the Army and The Horse Trust expressed their gratitude for the public’s concern and best wishes for the recovery of the soldiers and horses affected by the incident. The long-standing relationship between The Horse Trust and HCMR continues to provide essential support as the horses recuperate.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Rob Richardson
Rob Richardson (@guest_824627)
3 months ago

Good to see.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_824639)
3 months ago

Wonderful! ❤

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_824640)
3 months ago

And what a photo that is.

Frank62 (@guest_824652)
3 months ago

That’s good, but I’m rather shocked to find out some of our soldiers were also injured. With all the attention on the horses I’d missed that!

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_824701)
3 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

I think the cameras focussed on the bolting horses rather than the unseated riders.

Simon (@guest_824708)
3 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

it was on the BBC news about the riders being injured, both at the time and last night

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_824716)
3 months ago
Reply to  Graham Moore

Yes, horses galloping the streets in fear and running into buses with blood all over them makes a better film than injured soldiers on the deck. And as they ran more would be filming that strange sight than people next to the initial incident.

Alan (@guest_824743)
3 months ago

I hope the builders didn’t do it knowing the reaction they might get…

Gunbuster (@guest_824757)
3 months ago

Armed Forces +Ve news story from MOD Corporate media. Good to see and it makes a change!