The F-35 Joint Program Office say they have completed all F-35 weapons separation and weapons delivery accuracy testing as part of the System Development and Demonstration phase.
“Completion of these weapons tests represent a critical step for the entire F-35 team as we demonstrate the game-changing performance of the F-35,” said Jeff Babione, Lockheed Martin Executive Vice President and General Manager for the F-35 programme.
“The joint government-industry team overcame challenges and showcased outstanding collaboration throughout weapons testing, and the results have given our customer great confidence in the F-35’s weapons capability.”
Since 2012, the F-35 Integrated Test Force has successfully completed 183 separation tests to verify each weapon’s ability to be released and launched from the F-35, both internally and externally, across the range of the aircraft’s operational speed, maneuverability and altitude. An F-35C conducted the final test in November with a successful AIM-9X separation say the company.
According to Lockheed, the team completed 46 weapons delivery accuracy tests to verify that all weapons launched from the F-35 aircraft can effectively strike intended targets with required precision.
“An F-35A completed the final WDA on Nov. 30, 2017, with internal gun testing.
The 183 weapons separation tests comprised air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, to include the AIM-9X, AIM-120, AIM-132, GBU-12, JDAM, JSOW, SDB-I and the Paveway IV.
The Weapons Delivery Accuracy tests comprised the same weapon set, as well as the internal gun and gun pod.”
Good this represents IOC for F35B. Time to get them on the QE and ramp up the ordering. FAA/ RAF needs at least another 48 active aircraft.
They aren’t remping up purchases though.
3 were ordered in Lot-10 & just 1 solitary aircraft was ordered as part of Lot-11!
This might be a good thing though as Block-4 is where the UK’s units will come into their own…. so I wouldn’t go crazy ordering a lot seeing as they will all have to be upgraded at a cost to the MoD.
It makes sense to buy the bulk of Airframes from Block 4 on, that way we won’t have to spend money adding features or rectifying issues.
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