In a recent podcast hosted by Lt. Col Stuart Crawford, George Allison, the founder of the UK Defence Journal, shared his background and the journal’s purpose.

Lt. Col. Stuart Crawford is a leading Defence Analyst, author, writer and broadcaster with a media profile which includes CNN, Channel 5 News, GB News, BBC, Five Live, LBC, and BBC Radio 4. Crawford produces a weekly podcast available across all major platforms, you can find it here.

With a special focus on shipbuilding and cybersecurity, Allison and his team aim to explain the complexities of defence in plain English. The journal has grown substantially since its inception in 2014, boasting 160,000 followers on Facebook and 110,000 on Twitter.

Allison explained the journal’s aim: “We set up the UK Defence Journal with the aim to explain defence in this country in plain English.” He emphasised the importance of accessible information, stating, “We aim our content at the casual reader but our content… is read by everyone from the casual reader all the way up to relatively senior people in defence and government.”

But enough about us. You know us and why we are here.

Stuart Crawford

Echo Chambers and Disinformation

During the podcast, Allison touched upon the role of echo chambers and disinformation in online discussions. He noted that he has encountered fake or bot accounts spreading misleading information about UK defence matters. Despite the launch of HMS Glasgow, misinformation surrounding the UK’s naval shipbuilding and aircraft carriers persists.

You can’t block a frigate – A Scottish echo chamber

Allison believes that some individuals are resistant to acknowledging their mistakes and may simply block information that contradicts their beliefs, perpetuating echo chambers. He commented, “I think a lot of people enter their own online echo chamber, so they will block information that’s contrary to what they believe or what they want to believe.”

Misinformation on Naval Shipbuilding and Aircraft Carriers

Allison shared his thoughts on the persistence of misinformation surrounding UK’s naval shipbuilding and aircraft carriers. He stated, “I think there are a lot of reasons for that perception and public misunderstanding, first of all, of course, being… inaccurate tabloid headlines.” He also mentioned that poor defence reporting elsewhere contributes to the problem.

He explained his frustration when dealing with those who spread false information, saying, “It’s very, very rare that someone will acknowledge the fact that they have made a mistake. We all make mistakes… But it takes a certain mindset to make something up over something as daft as a frigate.”

Get listening!

Stuart Crawford’s insightful interview with George Allison is a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of defence journalism and the importance of combating misinformation.

Crawford expertly navigates the conversation, shedding light on the challenges faced by the UK Defence Journal and the role of echo chambers in perpetuating misconceptions. Don’t miss this fascinating discussion – be sure to tune in to the podcast and gain a deeper appreciation for the world of defence reporting.

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Lisa has a degree in Media & Communication from Glasgow Caledonian University and works with industry news, sifting through press releases in addition to moderating website comments.
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NorthernAlly (@guest_720104)
1 year ago

I would say a big issue is yes people are spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories online, however I would say a bigger issue is when newspapers (calling them newspapers is a big stretch) like the daily mail and telegraph repeat the lies and claims. This then validates everything what people have been posting as a national newspaper has said the same thing.

Bob (@guest_720108)
1 year ago
Reply to  NorthernAlly

Don’t read them then.

Spyinthesky (@guest_720165)
1 year ago
Reply to  Bob

Right yeah that’s one person accounted for, only another 25m to go eh, are you going to have a word with every one of them? Let us know your progress hopefully we might be around for the first few thousand or so. Meanwhile while we wait for the good news on your part, I will go seek out all those worried about knife crime so that I can tell them equally poignantly ‘don’t get knifed then’ That should solve the problem as I’m sure the Home Secretary will insightfully agree.

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_720144)
1 year ago
Reply to  NorthernAlly

Newspapers, BBC, Sky etc. are all trying to survive in a world where old fashioned editors believe that nobody will read a story unless it is a disaster!

The reality is that people really want truth, balance & explanation. The BBC, for example, need to distance themselves from sensationalism & remind themseves that if they they don’t focus on the important issues & report them reliably & properly the license fee will be taken from them and given to someone else who might.

Spyinthesky (@guest_720166)
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark B

Don’t worry give it ten years and the news will all be decided by AI. Probably won’t be much different to the Daily Mail thinking about it.

Mark B
Mark B (@guest_720186)
1 year ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

😂Ah AI – best bit of marketing i’ve seen in decades. Computer programs were boring and a mystery to most people whilst AI could solve problems you didn’t know you had. Now the result is in and the answer is 42. What was the question again?

Robert Billington
Robert Billington (@guest_720195)
1 year ago
Reply to  Spyinthesky

Mate the most commonly read paper is the Mail. Wtf

Robert Billington
Robert Billington (@guest_720194)
1 year ago
Reply to  NorthernAlly

Omg and you have not included the greatest liars of them all, the Grauniad and Indy? Wow. Talk about echo chambers!

NorthernAlly (@guest_720209)
1 year ago

I don’t read the guardian it’s a bit to pretentious for me. However both the guardian and the independent have both been reported by this very website to be some of the most trustworthy news sites in the UK.

Link provided:

NorthernAlly (@guest_720210)
1 year ago

I don’t read the guardian it’s a bit to pretentious for me. However both the guardian and the independent have both been reported by this very website to be some of the most trustworthy news sites in the UK.

I did post a link but it is still requiring apoval.

Bruce Palmer
Bruce Palmer (@guest_720113)
1 year ago

Shipbuilding? What shipbuilding? All frigates are now to be built in Poland.

Louis (@guest_720146)
1 year ago
Reply to  Bruce Palmer


Spyinthesky (@guest_720167)
1 year ago
Reply to  Bruce Palmer

But who is going to build the ship that’s going to be needed to ship them back to the Clyde I wonder.

David Lloyd
David Lloyd (@guest_720121)
1 year ago

First class mugshot George, complete with a tasteful pair of cans!

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_720149)
1 year ago

So that’s what UKDJ HQ looks like!

Gorgo (@guest_720174)
1 year ago

This site is excellent, well written and intelligent. A good read.
I wish we had a Canadian Defence Journal, but then maybe not. It would be very limited and kind of embarrassing to be honest.
Of course the submarines are getting kinda old but we will keep them going for years yet and I think we still have a frigate, maybe 2?

Monkey spanker
Monkey spanker (@guest_720185)
1 year ago

Thank you very much for setting up U.K. defence journal and keeping it going. It’s a great place to put news and somewhere anyone can contribute to the comments or submit articles.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_720219)
1 year ago
Reply to  Monkey spanker

Seconded. I don’t know what I’d do or where I’d go without it!

Airborne (@guest_720323)
1 year ago

Most of us would be pretty clueless on ORBATS, updates, kit, locations, procurement and other such nitty gritty stuff if the UKDJ was not here, as you would have nowhere to enlighten us mate! Many of us appreciate UKDJ team but the real gold dust here is the likes of you, GB, deep32 (weirdo), DaveyB, Farouk, Graham, Barry and the rest of the SMEs, interested geeks and top dit tellers! It’s always a pleasure to read, learn and laugh my ass off 👍

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_720339)
1 year ago
Reply to  Airborne

You’re too kind mate. Respect.

Steve Salt
Steve Salt (@guest_720368)
1 year ago
Reply to  Airborne

You forgot to mention JohnMK, Esteban and a couple of others who`s entertainment value is pure comedy gold… most cases.

Airborne (@guest_720387)
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Salt

Agreed, they are called the muppet show 👍😂😂

Steve Salt
Steve Salt (@guest_720390)
1 year ago
Reply to  Airborne


Quentin D63
Quentin D63 (@guest_720197)
1 year ago

Morning George, all, like many here I read this site everyday. So thank you for your work from here in 🇦🇺. I like the rolling topics and mix of peoples experiences, speculations, banter and even sharp differences.
Is there any update on the CAMM-Aster upgrades to the T45s now that the PIPs are progressing?

John Stevens
John Stevens (@guest_720298)
1 year ago
Reply to  Quentin D63

I think that was going to happen from 2026 through to 2032. Could be wrong though..

Watcherzero (@guest_720205)
1 year ago
Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_720302)
1 year ago

George you are a hero. You have put your head above the parapet so many times. Thanks.