Thales Optronics’ production facility in Glasgow has filed for repair works following the significant damage caused by pro-Palestine activists last year.

As an optronics manufacturer and a division of the global defence giant, Thales Group, the Glasgow-based factory has been pivotal in designing and producing infra-red cameras, laser range-finders, and advanced reconnaissance systems.

The facility, which employs around 630 individuals, has been a cornerstone of the city’s defence industry landscape. However, its significance did not shield it from the ire of activist group PAS in July 2022.

Allegations of Thales’ involvement in the surveillance of Palestinians via drones led the group to target and extensively damage the facility. This resulted in the temporary suspension of operations and staff evacuation last year.

A planning application, dated 8th September 2023, highlights the scope of the damages and the extent of the repair work required. The document cites the need to over clad various parts of the factory, including the main roof and the large diamond north lights, as well as to install new safety measures.

This repair initiative follows two significant disruptions caused by the activists: a June incident where equipment on the factory roof was damaged, and the more widespread damage internally which occurred during the July protest.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


    • Half these factories are just in industrial estates. I still would have expected a 12 ft fence and 24/7 security though so someone must have been asleep on the job.

      • Bit different when it was Royal Ordnance and there were armed guards.

        The difference was that most of these companies were on very big defence industrial sites. Now as you say they are scattered around into industrial units.

        It is a shame that MOD didn’t have the foresight to create defence campuses on old MOD estate that could be patrolled as the companies were grouped.

        Now it is so scattered that it would be hard. But it would be possible to offer space on MOD land on soft terms.

        • Maybe the counter to that is they would easily we whipped out in a targeted attack, although I’m sure Russia knows full well we’re all of the key defense manufacturing sights are.
          The Thales factory in Belfast where star strek, lmm and nlaw is produced is in the middle of a regular industrial estate surrounded by houses.

    • Good question. Who in the UK government will contemplate the possible answers?

      For an entertaining glimpse of alternative security methods look at some burning man road block videos. That incident gives one hope.

  1. Protesters should go to Israel and protest there or at the Israeli embassy.
    This company is not the enemy.
    Time for glitter stink bombs for if the protesters break the law. Trying hiding when a glitter trail follows them everywhere and the smell won’t leave them for weeks.
    I actually hope they caught who ever did this.
    Right to protest is fine. Wave a big sign outside all day if they want. Overstepping the law and causing damage is not.

    • Does seem excessive behavior for your average protester. Still, it’s an ill wind as they say, in as much as Iran & Co could well have viewed it as something of a result. Always a Siver Lining somewhere, they could not possibly comment😔

    • Why would they be Celtic fans? I’m certain the mrs spanker wasn’t there, nor rod Stewart or billy connelly

  2. They also “protested” at Thales buildings elsewhere in the UK. According to one report, they claim Watchkeeper is being used to spy on Palestinians.

      • It’s based on an Israeli drone, yes, and there is the connection, but Israel doesn’t operate Watchkeeper. We do.

        The accusation is nonsense, blown up in a activist echo chamber, with a spurious connection used to justify ridiculous claims.

  3. A very disturbing trend is how outside causes feel they have the right to target anybody they feel is against their cause, based on rumour and rife and nothing else.

    In the Uk there’s UAV Tactical System (U-TacS) in Leicester which builds the watchkeeper for the British army (and no doubt provides servicing and spare parts) they are on record of stating they do not provide any equipment to the IDF or any servicing and yet it is targeted on a regular basis by the pro-Palestinian crowd the latest been in July 2023 when they decided to block the sewage pipes to the factory with concrete
    In Wales the pro-Palestinian lot set upon the Teledyne Labtech factory in Presteigne which builds circuit boards for MRI machines, armed with sledge hammers they caused £1 million pounds worth of damage, because they believed that the factory provided circuit boards to a third party who passed them onto…Israel.

    In Cheshire Pro Palestinian protesters targeted APPH in Runcorn, which they claim makes landing gear for Elbit drones They make landing gear for aircar and helicopters such as:
    Airbus H175
    British Aerospace Jetstream 31/32
    British Aerospace Jetstream 41
    Saab 340
    Saab 2000
    Saab JAS 39 Gripen
    Saab Gripen NG
    BAE Systems Hawk
    Alenia Aeronautica C-27J
    AgustaWestland AW101 (Merlin)
    AgustaWestland AW159 (Wildcat)
    Britten-Norman Islander
    Britten-Norman Trislander
    If I can find that what these factories make in minutes, then you would have thought that these violent protesters could have as well , in a lot more time and yet?
    There are many others, and yet they are often freed by our liberal judges because they subscribe to the notion that protesting is a basic human right with Israel a genuine cause for concern  and if these social justice warriors target the wrong people, company then it was a genuine mistake.

  4. They stop being protestors once they start damaging equipment and illegally enter the premises. They must be fans of Hamas.

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