HMS Argyll is monitoring Russian vessels passing through the English Channel. This is a routine activity for both navies.
Russian Frigate Admiral Gorshkov in addition to support vessels Nikolay Chiker, Elbrus and Kama are currently moving through the English Channel.
?? Frigate Admiral Gorshkov, support vessels Nikolay Chiker, Elbrus and Kama currently moving through the channel.
Been monitored by @hms_argyll and FS Cormoran. @NavyLookout @UKDefJournal
— The Brit (@TheBrit96) July 17, 2019
The Royal Navy say:
“Trained and equipped for a wide range of missions in the vanguard of maritime operations, HMS Argyll is ready for any contingency that may occur.”
From the 23rd–25th of December 2017 Admiral Gorshkov conducted sea trials near UK waters in the North Sea where she was shadowed by HMS St Albans.
In 28 July 2018, the Admiral Gorshkov was officially accepted into the service with the Russian Navy, the day before its debut at the Main Naval Day parade in St. Petersburg.
>in addition to support vessels Nikolay Chiker
Literally a tug. The other two “support” ships look like they have no business even floating
What puzzles me is, how do we respond when a bunch of ships split into two smaller groups and head off in different locations? Or while escorting a Russian group, a Chinese task group arrives that need escorting too?
Presumably because of “Freedom of navigation” passage doesn’t need to be declared?
The frigate tails the Chinese and several thousand sun bathers mark the position of the Russian fleet by watching the trail of black smoke……….
We just track the tug………..the rest of the Russian fleet can be located by following the tow rope from the stern of the tug…….
Haha nice – And if it’s the Spanish, we’ll hear their national anthem being broadcast
It’s quite simple Matt, the Government merely asks the Navy to open another box of frigates. When eventually, actually quite quickly, the Navy runs out of ships the politicos will then resort to name calling and finger pointing to blame everyone except themselves. The ships and personnel are then run on until they wear out and drop dead respectively. In the meantime our potential opponents carry on building at a steady rate. Compare and contrast how long it takes the Chinese to build a frigate, or for that matter the US build a DDG 51, and then look at the T26 programme, eight years for the first ship, and nearly thirty from the first staff requirement.
If you want to get really cross with how we do things I recommend Sir John Parker’s report on the state of shipbuilding, it a couple of years old now but still very relevant.
A couple years old, don’t worry you can guarantee they will be commisioning another report well before another frigate is built to keep their ‘mates’ in a retirement to which they have become accustomed.
Sadly you could be right. In all the total BS coming out of Westminster, once you get/if you get Brexit (sorry to mention the B word Daniele) we will then get a general election, and then another bout of navel gazing while they all work out what not to do. Penny Mordaunt seems to have gripped the Defence portfolio reasonably well so far, which means that she will undoubtedly be moved to some non job if her team get back in, or she might lose her seat if they don’t.
The other 2 are a tanker and a logistics support ship that literally got commissioned this year I believe, so I am not sure what you mean they have no business floating.
Nice looking ship, I see Russia don’t skimp on his armament compared to ours.
Just this minute thinking the same thing Davey. Their Naval Architects have a good eye for beautiful lines as well as functionality
If you pull the top deck off, is there a smaller version inside?
I see it is armed with the new Paket-NK anti-torpedo torpedo. What are people’s thoughts on this type of direct anti-torpedo systems?. I read recently that Germany are developing such a torpedo.
The Dutch have released last month a request for information. I believe the US Navy were trialling a version earlier this year, but they’ve not released any info like it worked or not.
The system does make sense and with computer power constantly improving, therefore it can be fitted into a smaller package. So I guess it was only a matter of time before the anti-torpedo torpedo got off the drawing board.
German anti Torpedo torpedo
Indeed – their ship designers seem to know how to get a lot af bang for their Ruble for sure.
The first thing that came to mind when i looked at the image, the second thought was why don’t we have our ships stuffed with weapons? Even our new designs are still under armed unless all “options” are added.
Just compare the armament of Russian and Chinese Frigates to the Type 31. RN vessels cannot adequately defend themselves against Iranian speedboats never mind the next generation of Brahmos. Ok the MOD is franitically trying to activate the Martel system but even the refitted Type 23 do not have a single CIWS.
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