The Defence Equipment Sales Authority say they are inviting expressions of interest from companies interested in being considered for receiving an Invitation to Tender for the proposed sale of the former HMS Atherstone for further use or recycling.
“Further use” interest, say the Defence Equipment Sales Authority, should be based on the use of the hull and super structure, as it has the potential to be used as “a unique houseboat, a stylish restaurant, a floating bar, or even an office-space”.
The vessel is currently moored at HM Naval Base Portsmouth and will be offered for sale from there.
According to a notice advising of the sale:
“Any parties interested in viewing the vessel will need to complete and submit the form within the following link and send it via e-mail to [email protected] no later than 5pm (GMT) Monday 27 July 2020. Defence Equipment Sales Authority (DESA) will confirm the viewing date and time once we have received your completed application form, which it is hoped to be late August/September 2020. (Dates may change due to COVID 19 and restrictions imposed on the Naval Base).
The issue of this notice is not a commitment by the Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (acting through the Defence Equipment Sales Authority of the UK Ministry of Defence) (the “Authority”) to commit to a sale as a result of this notice and this process may be discontinued at any time should a government to government (G2G) sale option be forthcoming.”
The vessel is sound for towing but is no longer in running condition and since decommissioning in December 2017 this vessel has been extensively stripped to support the remaining fleet including engine removal.
HMS Quorn, decommissioned on the same day as Atherstone has already been sold to a foreign navy. It’s likely we’ll see Atherstone follow (I can’t imagine the MOD will want the hurdles involved with scrapping her), but with Walney still alongside in Pompey after 10 years or so, one does wonder.
Imagine the hurdles putting atherstone back together and buying new engines and god knows what else has been stripped to keep the fleet going!. Right can of worms.
Are they actually having a laugh…. house boat ffs…’s a 200 foot long warship with a 7 foot draft and 32 foot beam. Good luck on finding a house boat berth for that one…
Warships slightly of the Mark mate, but it would make a great house boat.
Way to big for a house boat, even the big ones are generally shy of 100 feet,draft would be a big issue for a house boat birth as well.. Try popping that in a house boat mooring at somewhere like shoreham by sea. Even a Old MTB just scraps in….the harbour masters office/port authority would shit bricks if you turned up with something that size.
I still believe this is all premature in light of the UK leaving the EU. There is a likelihood there will be confrontation around the UK’s fishing zones, with or without a trade agreement. The Spanish and French fleets will still go where there is fish. These boats would be good for patrolling and policing our waters. What will most likely happen now is the UK Government leasing foreign vessels at an excruitaing high price?
We do have lots of boats in uk waters to chose from literally thousands and thousnds. And border forces cutters and home based opvs, and home tasked frigates.
“Likelihood there will be confrontation around the UK’s fishing zones” – crikey where have we got to, an absurd and totally unnecessary state of affairs if this ever happens
Julian1, It has already happened, last year between EU fishing boats.
Tell us more Maurice 10 (by the way, Maurice is a French name…it means swarthy) 🙂
Anyone want to open a Navy themed bar with me? I wonder how much it will cost
So our tiny minehunting force is whittling away. Where & when will new minehunters come along?
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